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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

"I-I'm fine, D... If you don't want me talking to Ava, I won't. I-I've been fine all day and it's not like I'm hitting on her..." He mumbled. He hoped he would be beaten to a pulp. Kevin was a week fighter and he was just going to be honest. He knew his place and all but he didn't stay there. Now he had himself stuck in a shit ton of drama. Kevin saw Ava had left. "I-" He frowned and got up. "I'm sorry. This is my fault for thinking I can talk to you guys." That's when it hit him. Cole was going to become popular someday. He could feel it. Cole was really his first close friend and... He shook his head. He wasn't going to get caught up in anxiety. He turned away and walked to where Cole was sitting. "Sorry for abandoning you, Coley."
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Dani's shoulders sagged when Ava abruptly got up and walked toward D and Kevin. She shrugged and then remembered she was supposed to be with Drake,shit! She jumped up and took off down the hall way to Drakes locker.

When she arrived she saw Drake handing her the roses she had given him. She stopped abruptly her shoes squeaking on the floor. Willow turned and looked at her,"Sorry ummm...continue." Willow shook her head and turned back around, Dani shot Drake a smile and a thumbs up.
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Deshawn Gallo

Ava had left storming out to the cool grass outside. Deshawn really shouldn't have said that, and he immediatly regretted it after. He jogged outside, trying to catch up to Ava. He found her laying down in the grass, and he decided to still next to her. Criss cross applesauce style. "Hey Ava. I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean what I said, I was just in the moment. I'm not sure why I was so protective. Maybe jealousy? Anyways, I'm sorry and I assure you it won't happen again." He smiled at her, and laughed. "Can we put this all behind us?"

"...So now I've concluded I won't talk to anyone besides you!" "That's stupid." "You're stupid." "Just be who you want to be. I quite honestly am not part of any of those popularity circles. And I never will be. Don't chase after Ava. Treat her like you'd treat anyone else. Just don't be rude." "Thanks Coley!" He hugged him. "This is why you're the best!"
Lina hopped up from her desk and basically skipped out the door. Lunch was her favorite part of the day. She grabbed a burger and a bottle of water before heading to her usual table to wait for Damion. As usual, she had a short conversation with her brother before he headed towards the lunch line, deciding to mention the new student in her chem class. He looked pretty athletic, and like the perfect overly serious friend for her brother.

Once he was gone, she texted Damion to hurry up and get to lunch. She needed someone to talk to and aside from Ava, who was surrounded by guys, she had no one to talk to.
Kevin saw Lina. He took Cole and sat by her with Cole. "Hey. I decided to avoid this shitty drama for a little. It's starting to get on my nerves. What's up?" Kevin grinned.
Willow felt her hands sweat when she got the roses and added in Dani too. "I'll think about it. Thank you for the flowers... I might tell you how I feel tommorow..." She started to back up with a strained smile before quickly walking to the lunch room.
Devin's conversations with his sister were always interesting. He took a few minutes each day to check in on her before continuing on his way.

Once he had grabbed his food, he look around the cafeteria for the person Lina had mentioned. Spotting who he assumed was the right person, he walked over and sat down across from him.

"Hey, I'm Devin. My sister is in your chemistry class, said you looked like you might be interested in basketball." He wasn't sure if she had actually spoken to the guy or was assuming that because he obviously wasn't new to physical activity. Regardless, he patiently awaited a response.
Willow ran into Dani as she backed away. Dani looked at her worryingly as she continued walking away. She turned back to her best friend,"Well...she didn't tell you she didn't like you so I guess there's still that..." Dani trailed off, twice in one day you've tried helping your guy friends all have failed,Dani shook her head. Maybe she should stop getting involved in things.
Lina laughed at Kevin as he sat down. "What happened to your motto about beautiful people? I told you I was the only one who would never hurt you." She out a hand on his, the other over her heart in a dramatic pose, before bursting out laughing. Returning to her food, she looked at Cole.

"So how are you liking the school? And America? Are we all as terrible as the rest of the world thinks?" The bright smile never left her face. There was virtually nothing that could erase it.
"Yeah...Maybe things could end good..." He said before he turned around and once again saw the freakin Swan Statue. "Stop looking at me Swan!" He said. "Let's go to lunch room.." He said and sighed.Sometimes he wondered if only he saw the statue.
Dani creased her eyebrows when he yelled at the statue. She decided he needed a hug. So that's what she did she hugged her best friend,"It's alright bro. You know what? Let's not go back. Let's go to my dorm and play some video games, how bout that?" She offered.
Cole chuckled. "Well, you're not as bad as I intended. And the school has been fine. I didn't expect to be this popular." He said with a shrug. Kevin laughed. This was better than the drama. He was going to try Cole's advice later but now was not the time.

Skylar Goode


Skylar stood at the vending machine waiting for a granola bar to finish its trip to the bottom of the machine, the hall pass tucked in the back pocket of her dark blue skinny jeans. Wasting time in Biology was the easiest way she found to overcome the dull class. She was 15 minutes in to a drink break and was debating if it was time to go back to class. She decided she was really thirsty and had walked the entire building. She was sure to from every drinking fountain she passed on the way.

Back in class Skylar returned the hall pass before sat returning to her seat. She caught up on the notes before eating the necessary brain food she had retrieved on her adventure. She pulled an almond from the oats and playfully tossed it towards Cole and his friends.

"Sure,I'd like that..Thanks Dani.." He said and smiled at her.He appreciated this.He did love his friends.He really did.They were always there for him.
Ava almost immediately heard footsteps though she figured who it was. "I need time and space." Was all she said before getting up and walking back inside. She wasn't about to let all that drama get in the way of her makig a genuine friend. Looking around the cafeteria, she finally spotted Kevin along with Lina and one guy she didn't recognize. Walking up behind Lina, she caught the end of her sentence and wrapped her arms around her neck gently. "Hey now, that's not fair. I could never hurt such a sweetheart such as him," she laughed softly and sat down beside her friend. Looking to Kevin, she gave an apologetic look and mouthed sorry to him. She then turned her attention to Cole and introduced herself before looking to Lina. "I never talk to you anymore," she said with a frown, playfully wrapping an arm around the girl's neck.

@solicitude @DraeDC


Deshawn Gallo

Deshawn stood there thinking. How about a date? Was that a good idea? What ever, fuck it he was going to take his chances. "Hey Ava, I'll make it up to you. How about a date? I know this cool Italian restaurant around here." He smiled. He was flat out honest this time, no funny ways in. He told her exactly what he wanted, and he waited for her to answer him.

Dani nodded,"Course, dude. I'm kinda tired of all this drama anyway." She looked curiously at the swan statue again before taking Drakes arm,"Let's go."
Kevin shrugged. "It's okay. I'm going to be myself. I mean, we barely met. We can't just start dating already." He laughed. Kevin was cool with the friend zone. He liked having friends. They were all he have. Cole introduced himself as well.
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"Me too,I just need to chill out and relax.Get my mind off things.How's your friend Emma?" He asked.This would be nice.Sometime to cool off and chill.Just what he needed.
Ava spent her time socializing, something she really hadn't done almost all day. Hearing D's suggestion about a date, she nearly lost it. "No, Deshawn. I need time and space. Something you're not giving me right now. I want to spend time with those that haven't been bothering me all day trying to get me to go out with them," she said as nicely as possibly. She really didn't want to hurt his feelings, but se didn't know how else to say it. Glancing over at Kev, she smiled softly, wanting to say something she couldn't say in front of D. Grabbing a napkin and a pen, she scribbled down some words and showed him. Who said you didn't have a chance?
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Michael Kordell

Michael had just got out of Chemistry. The teacher had held him in since he wasn't here for the whole start of the day. That was bullshit. Anyways, Michael calmly walked to the cafeteria and picked up his tray full of food. He was confused where to sit. He saw Lina, but he wasn't sure she would let him sit next to her after she rejected his offer for a date. He didn't see Devin or Deshawn. Wherever the hell they were, they must've already ate lunch. Well, at this moment in time Michael was confused as hell and looked like he didn't know a clue of what to do. It must've been obvious and everyone must've been already looking at him. He just looked so confused as to where to sit.​
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Deshawn Gallo

Deshawn decided what he would do. He'd just leave Ava alone, give her some free time maybe? He was just too much in her business so far. He walked away from her and saw this new blonde girl in the hallways. He approached her, wondering who she was. "Hi, my name is Deshawn. I'm most commonly known as D. I've never seen you around here before. Have we ever met?" He laughed and ended that laugh with a smile. He wanted to be nice, and gentle. Something he wasn't with Ava.

Lina grinned up at her friend and laughed. She watched as Ava introduced herself to Cole before returning the friendly embrace by wrapping an arm around the girl's back.

"That's your own fault. You lovingly serenade a girl once and she suddenly thinks you're in love with her," Lina joked. It was true that they hadn't been as close lately, but that was life, right? At least the could act as if nothing had changed.

"So what's going on with..." She nodded towards D, a curios brow raised. The guy seemed to be trying way too hard and from what she had seen in the past, Ava wasn't into that.

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