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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School


Deshawn Gallo

"Dance buddies you say? I'm a great dancer, or atleast I'm said to be. I really enjoy it, are you a dancer as well?" This girl was pretty interesting and Deshawn couldn't get a smile off of his face. He must look like a creep by now, but he wasn't sure what was going through Skylar's head. Maybe she found it cute. Whatever, he continued to smile as he waited for an answer.

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Dani jumped when her phone buzzed, it couldn't be Snow, could it? She looked down at her text and smiled,umm..I'm in the cafeteria and I just saw someone that I haven't seen in a long time. You can find me if you want. ~Dani. She shoved her phone in her pocket and looked back up at the pale headed girl sitting alone in the cafeteria,it is Snow. Fuck.

Skylar Goode


The beautiful teen was enchanted by charismatic Deshawn, "I'm a dancer born and raised, I'm classically trained in ballet but throughout my dance history I've taken many different varieties of dance. I'd like to think I'm a great dancer, my opinion isn't the one that matters though." Talking about dance was just about as thrilling to her as doing to activity itself, using her body to make art was what kept her sane in this stressful world.



Deshawn Gallo

"I'm sure that my opinion could matter, based on the person you asked." He smiles at her, enjoying a nice conversation for once. "It's been a long time since I've had a conversation like this. I can never find beauty and my favorite interests at the same place. You're special, Skylar." He laughed, making a joke. She was pretty special though.

//Going to bed atm. See y'all tomorrow

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//this is good.

Cole rolled his eyes at Kevin's mindless text messaging.
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(It really is)

Tasia was dissipointed,"Well I guess I have to ask a teacher.You can come if you want.Tasia said standing up.She was wandering if Michael would follow her or not.Either way she was fine.After all she would be playing a piano and that's all Tasia wanted at the moment.


Skylar Goode


"I'd love to hear your opinion, as well as the opinion of the person I need to ask to verify that your opinion is valid. " Skylar smiled in return, her cheeks were beginning to become sore from how much she smiled, "Of course I'm special, I'm the only person like me. " She knew he was flirting with her now, her face burned and she swear everyone was staring at her, waiting for her to screw up. "I doubt that though, most dancers are beautiful. I don't know how many other dancers you've come across. Surely not the right ones, if that is the case. " She felt like she was vomiting her words up, why was she so nervous?

Kevin looked over at Ava. "So...Now that we finally have some peace...Wanna talk?" Kevin asked awkwardly. He wasn't that good when it came to girls like Ava, but he'd try.
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Deshawn Gallo

"Surely not the right ones, if that is the case. " Deshawn laughed, it was funny she seemed pretty nervous. "Loosen up babe, I'm not the feds." He laughed at his own joke this time. To be honest it was a pretty good joke. "I'm sure I haven't met the right ones before, but it seems like I met the right one now." He smiled at her, and looked at her sky blue eyes.​


Skylar Goode


"Loosen up babe, I'm not the Feds." She shook her head, "Thank goodness for that, but evidently, I'm not your babe. You can call me Sky if you'd like. " She smiled and checked her watch, "You're quite the wordsmith, I enjoy talking to you. " Another look at her wrist and Skylar remember how hungry she was, " Would you like to join me for lunch?" She hoped he accepted her invitation, she wouldnt know how to respond if he rejected her, probably would just get lunch by herself honestly. besides the granola bar she hadn't eaten since before dance class.

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Smiling at Kevin, Ava nodded quickly and smiled. "I really am sorry about earlier. It's just that was the second time he interrupted out conversation and it began annoying me. "But thank you for understanding."

Kevin shrugged. "It's not a big deal. I'm just glad you said how you felt and are happy now. Because that's all that matters." Kevin smiled. He appreciated Ava's company. He still found it odd how she would talk to him. He was a loser. He didn't really deserve anything he had.
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Deshawn Gallo

" Would you like to join me for lunch?" Deshawn smiled, he was happy that atleast he was getting appreciated by one girl at this school. " I'd love to eat lunch with you. Time is running up in lunch, so we'll better do it quick." He laughed and walked with her to get her food. Once she got her food, they walked together to one of the free tables. "Also, the babe was just a term I'm use too saying." He smiled at her.​


Jethro stopped reading quite suddenly as he felt his phone start vibrating. He closed his book with an audible


before grabbing his phone from his pocket. Looking at the caller I.D, he realized it was his police sergeant.

"Go for Hudson." Jethro spoke into the phone

"Hudson, are you up for a ride along tonight?" His sergeant asked him.

"Sir yes sir." Jethro replied.

"Good, meet at the Sheriff's department at 4:30pm. As usual, come in uniform with your duty belt." The Sergeant instructed.

"Sir yes sir." Jethro responded as he had been trained.

"Very good Hudson. Goodbye." His Sergeant ended the conversation.

"Goodbye Sir." Jethro said before the line went dead. He put his phone back in his pocket. He could have gone back to reading his book but he did not feel like it at the time.

Skylar Goode


He accepted, the insides of Skylar did a touchdown dance and she skipped happily with Deshawn to the cafeteria, they went through the line together, talking and laughing all the while, Skylar ended up with an odd variety of fruits and vegetables and a scoop of ice cream for desert.

She practically pranced to the table, if it weren't for a "jumping table" she would have sat down and enjoyed this lunch. With a painful sounding metallic clink Skylars leg caught onto a leg of the table. Her lunch escaped her hands as she fell into the lap of Jethro, who she had seen just barely putting away his phone. Dazed the blonde looked up to the male with a certain horror and embarrassment on her face. Her gaze leapt to Deshawn as she was filled with shame. "Crap," she thought looking back up to the male she had landed on.​


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Jethro would be lying if he said he wasn't caught by surprise by the girl that had quite suddenly falling into his lap. He could tell by the girl's face that she was embarrassed. Placing a hand on her back, Jethro stood, lifting her to her feet as he did so with extreme ease. This due in part to the girl's light weight and due in a larger part to the level of fitness he had acquired with all of his after school activities.

"Are you alright?" He asked her, his voice did not betray any surprise. In fact, the tone of his voice was very matter of fact. As if the girl falling onto his lap was not out of the ordinary in the slightest.

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Angel stuffed her entire head in her locker, looking for her Chemistry textbook. She finally found it, but it was on the top shelf of her locker. Although she's 5'7, the top lockers were made near the roof, which made it difficult, especially for shorter students. She jumped and jumped but still couldn't recieve her textbook.

@anyone. preferable a guy.
Cole went to go get something and walked out of the lunch room. He was just tall enough to reach the book and he saw the girl struggling so he grabbed the textbook and handed it to her with a smile. "There you go."
solicitude said:
Cole went to go get something and walked out of the lunch room. He was just tall enough to reach the book and he saw the girl struggling so he grabbed the textbook and handed it to her with a smile. "There you go."
Angel's face started to turn red. "Th-Thanks..."

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