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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

Kevin smiled. He pumped his fist and shrugged. "Cool." Cole chuckled.

//See ya bro
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Tasia went to lunch got a luch tray and looked around,'Shit!' Tasia thought.There was no one to sit with.She did see that guy from chemistry but she didn't think sitting with him was a good idea,and Tasia didn't know anyone else in the lunchroom so she went to a empty table and sat down by herself.
Damion Rushed into the cafeteria, bit frazzled and concerned looking. His sister texted during Physics. That was not really a problem but she asked to tell him something important and never answered. He came to find Lina, with Ava and the guys. Taking a seat, he swept a hand over his face nd threw on a smile.

"H-hey sorry it took me a little bit.. The um, teacher. She needed me to validate an answer and.."

"Oh hey guys. Who died?" He asked, noticing some less than happy company.
Ava smiled softly, just able to tell things weren't exactly the same, but that didn't mean they couldn't be great again. Hearing Lina's question, she sighed and shook her head. "He's wanting to get with me but he's trying too hard. He's way too aggressive and he's pushing me further away. I just don't like it," she said with a small sigh as she looked at her friend. "Not to mention, I don't want weed and parties going on in my life."


Michael Kordell

There was literally nobody that was inviting him to sit with them. Seems like people had their own shit to deal with. He walked up to one of the free tables, and sat down. All he could do was stare at his food and eat. He checked his phone, literally nobody has his phone number here. Damn, it sucked being a new student. At least for him it did. That Cole guy was doing just fine. He was a bit jealous how he got suited in this quickly, since Michael still had about 0 real friends at this place. He felt pretty isolated and alone, nothing that felt good. He just kept eating his food, and waited.​
Cole blinked as an almond was thrown at him. He looked at the source of it and smiled a little. He waved.

"Some weed everyday~" Kevin joked and rolled his eyes. "I don't know why people would take things that only hurt them."

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Tasia looked around and saw that almost everyone in the cafeteria had someone to sit with except for her and Michael.He looked pretty lonely especially since he was the most popular guy in school and he didn't really have any real friends.Tasia thought to herself and got up.Michael didn't have any real friends but Tasia could try to be a real one.Tasia sat down across from Michael,"Hey" Tasia said



Michael Kordell

Tasia had come over and sat next to him. That was pretty cool and nice of her. "Hey Tasia what's up?" By now he was almost fully done with his meal, and his backpack was beside his legs. This was turning out to be one of the worst days, but if was gradually getting a bit better.​
"Guys are dumb," she shrugged at Ava, disregarding the other three guys at the table. "He'll figure it out eventually. I don't know what guy would think coming on so strong is a good idea."

When Damion showed up, she saw straight through his sad attempt at a smile but didn't say anything just yet. Instead, she gave his knee a caring squeeze beneath the table before putting on a bright smile. "That settles it! We're all meating for pizza at Sal's tonight, right after clubs. Then we'll go back to my dorm for a little friendly competition... Mario Party." An evil smirk crossed her lips, knowing that the game was a hated one in most social circles. It was the friend killer of the video game world - basically Monopoly.

Skylar Goode


Skylar waved back at Cole and noticed Lina was standing next to him, they had been friends for a few years now and Skylar didn't know what she would do without the girl. It wasn't long before Deshawn was in front of her, he greeted her with a contagious smile that spread to her own lips, he seemed like a lovely human, she would have to hear him out, "I don't believe we've had the pleasure," She held her hand out for him to shake, "I'm Skylar, it's nice to meet you. "

solicitude said:

Riddler said:

DraeDC said:

"Sick!" Kevin shouted happily as Cole rolled his eyes. "don't worry bud i'll teach you" Kevin whispered to Cole. Cole smirked sarcastically.
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Jethro moved towards the cafeteria, the way he walked reminded some of the way those with authority, back straight, carefully measured swing of the arms. People had yet to see him smile, he continued to keep his face set in a scowl.

Jethro stopped as he came into the cafeteria, his eyes scanning the tables quickly for a seat where he could sit alone. Moving to that seat, he sat, pulling a book out of the side pockets of his pants. The book was entitled, "The Ranger's Apprentice."

Opening the book, he gave one last glance around the room before letting his eyes flick down to the book, which he began reading.
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Dani felt she had made the right decision inviting Drake to play video games with her. She smiled to herself as they left the school building. She loved her friends, everyone of them. She frowned again though when she entered her mind,stop it, Dani, she's gone, stop. She thought angrily at herself. I miss her though. Dani sighed.
Snow sat alone in the cafeteria. In front of her sat a tray of untouched food. Next to the tray was her left arm, resting on her notebook with its sleeve rolled up. On the arm was a drawing of a row of piano keys which appeared to be drawn in permanent black marker. Snow's right hand was was drifting along the arm's keys, finger pushing down on certain keys. Though no sound was audible, a melody played in her head.



Deshawn Gallo

"I'm Skylar, it's nice to meet you. " Deshawn put his hand on her's as they shook hands. Her hands were soft as hell, and super warm. "It's great to meet you. So, where have you been? I mean, why haven't I met you before?" He smiled again at her. He loved to smile, and spread joy to others. It was just one Deshawn things. He also decided that he would quit weed and drugs for the time being. After all that Ava said, maybe she was right. Maybe those things were holding him back.​
Matilda continued working through the break until she was thoroughly exhausted and could no longer understand the words she was reading. She noticed what time it was and rubbed her forehead to relieve the tension. She needed some human interaction. She checked her phone. No messages. She thought of how important the set up between Willow and Drake was to Dani and figured she would initiate conversation.

~Had to skip out on lunch. Did things work out? are you a match maker? :) ~

"Nothing" Tasia said starting to eat the rest of her food which was really just a ripe apple and banana.Tasia was opening the banana when she remembered something,"Oh yeah can you tell me where the band room is I haven't played anything since I got here" Tasia said hoping Michael would tell her how to get there if he knew.


Skylar Goode


The blonde watched the group of smiling teenagers motion for her to join them, but it would be rude to leave during the middle of a conversation, however she was considering it. "I'm usually wandering the hallways during this class period, only stay long enough to keep my grade up. You know how it is. " She let out a short laugh, "Or maybe you don't as to how I've never seen you skipping class. " She ran a hand through her hair and eyed the clock. Thank god this class was almost over.


Jethro closed the book, his eye brows coming together in thought. He sniffed the air, there was something familiar in it. Something the Police trained him to always be on the look out for, especially these days. Jethro's eyes scanned the cafeteria again. Somebody in here was a stoner, they hadn't smoked it recently enough for it to be obvious but somebody still had the smell on their clothes. It would have to be somebody close enough to him that he'd be able to identify it even with all of the smells of the cafeteria. Then his eyes came upon the guy standing talking to the girl...that had to be it. That guy was the only one close enough to him to allow the smell to be recognizable by him. His eyes narrowed on the teen, people like him disgusted him. Rolling his eyes after a few moments, Jethro went back to reading his book. The guy was just lucky he didn't have a deputy with him. When he had a deputy with him, he was allowed to make arrests.

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Deshawn Gallo

"Or maybe you don't as to how I've never seen you skipping class. " Deshawn smiled at her as she ran her hand through her hair. "I'm sure I'm not the first person to tell you that you have beautiful hair. It's like a river of gold. Anyways, I'm not about the skipping school life. I enjoy to keep my grades up and party every night. Except, I've recently decided to stop using drugs, stop smoking weed, and stop drinking. Trying some of that life change stuff, you know." He laughed as he continue talking to Skylar.​
Dani looked down at her phone and texted Matilda back,no not even close. She then remembered she'd left her wallet in the cafeteria,"Wait right here I'll be back I left my wallet." She told Drake as she took off.

When she entered the cafeteria she spotted a girl sitting alone. She creases her eyebrows,no...it can't be...she thought. The girl looked up and she was hit with a wave of recognition,"Snow..."
Matilda looked down again and texted back, ~I am sorry. Will you tell me about it?~ She honestly didnt have a clue as to how to help. Things have gotten so hectic lately she removed herself entirely to focus on what was more important.. but it was still important to be there for Dani.

~Or I can find you, and get you something sweet?~

Skylar Goode


Skylar continued to run her fingers through her hair and pulled it all back into a tight bun on the back of her head, "A river of gold? Thank you, I recently just started putting avocado oil in it after I shower, it's made it so much smoother now. " She paused, "Congratulations and good luck to you on that, Ive never been invited to any high school parties before but my dance buddies and I do some pretty crazy shit when we go to out of state competitions. "



Michael Kordell

"I'm not even sure myself." Michael laughed as he gave her an incomplete answer. "I wish I knew my way around here better, but so far I don't." He smiled at her, and continued to eat.​

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