Main RP [RP happens here]

Searan sat down at the table, looked at his computers, then to the TV across from him, then to Sam. "Sure, here," he reaches inside his bag and pulls out an AV cord, holds it out to Sam, and says, "Plug this into the TV." He glances to Chi as she speaks, but makes no comment about her hostile attitude. "She's Akira's client. That's all I can say about that." Searan pauses, going back to typing on his computer, before he says "Speaking of Akira. You, and the woman you're going around with.... you guys were the ones who saved her, right?"

@JPax @Hanah Solo
"I dont dwell on the fact that you remind me of someone." He said almost annoyed. She was getting upset over nothing and he could easily see she was insulted "That wasnt meant as a insult. And if you think Im comparing you to someone your wrong. You just reminded me of them. And what do you mean I dont know yet? What is there that i dont know that will shock me? I'm a damn doctor for christs sake I hear crazy shit all the time. I doubt any secret you could have would surprise me or scare me." He said the last bit in a comforting tone although at first he was annoyed at her assumptions and mildly insted about the comments she made referring to his actions

@Crystal Cali 

"Oh so it's like a Hibachi grill. And yeah... I'll pass on the drunk chicken." H was focused on chicken... and having a conversation with someone else. "I'll just have some regular chicken."


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Akira sighs. Though she was irritated, she would force herself to explain in the calmest way possible. "You've only seen one side of me, Jake. You don't know what I am like when I'm not under pressure. What are my likes? My dislikes? My habits? My flaws? I've shown you nothing of who I am outside of my 'work' mentality. And even then, we both have different goals, and morals. When we met, you said you wanted to help me stop Searan because of your pledge to help people, of something like that, and I thought that was the most naive reason anyone could give. I don't hold that kind of belief. Clearly, as I put off your request for help with the bomb threat in favor of making a weapon sale in a back alley."



Gracelyn squinted and pressed her back against the wall, waiting in silence for the doctor to turn the corner. When he did, she acted quickly and efficiently, dispatching him with a quick touch to the pressure point between his neck and shoulder. His body dropped like dead weight and she lowered him to the floor, swiping his lab coat and key card. She was already wearing some scrubs she swiped from some blonde nurse on the first floor. She slipped the coat on, and headed down the hall. When she reached narcotics, she swiped the card and slipped inside, quickly pulling a bag from her pocket. It was small, about the size of a purse. She didn't need much, after all. Just enough to relax her mind; she was still recovering from three years of Jaune's mind control.


She rummaged through the cabinets. being watchful of the door. She collected what she needed, placing it in the bag with what she'd already stolen, and left the room. As she was walking down the hall, an open doorway caught her eye. Inside, on the bed, lay a girl who looked like she had before Jaune had kidnapped her. Viper slipped into the room, noticing she was sedated and handcuffed. She reached into her bag, pulling out one of the drugs she'd taken, one she knew woke you up like nothing else. She injected the girl, before using a bobby pin from her hair to free the handcuffs. Then she waited for her to wake up.


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Jake laughed "And you didnt think I could have lied? Perhaps I am not the naive one. But yes that is one it the reasons why I helped. That isn't important. No matter what way you think of me It doesnt matter. Yes of course you guys are using me for shelter food and money. But does it keep you guys safe? Yes. Does it put my mind to rest? Well yes it does." He said as he then turned to a more serious look "I dont blindly beleive everything anyone says. " he look d around himself and he said in a quiet tone "I have my reasons for wanting to stop criminals. More than one." He was serious and he truly did. None of them knew of his dark past and why he did thing, simply because he chose not to tell. He never said anything to anyone about it but if enough research were put into it they could most likely figure it out. Although Jake did destroy the official police reports of the incident there may be a trace of it hidden deep on the internet.

@Crystal Cali
Akira huffs, and rolls her eyes. "Well, you've proven that reasoning to be true anyway," she says, then turns to walk towards the mansion, glancing at Jake before she does, and adding "All this conversation proves is that we don't know each other that well, and there's no reason to be so affectionate. I'm not opposed to being friends, Jake, but let's start with friends before you try to move onto something else."

"Thats what i wanted." He said as he followed "Friends care for and protect eachother." He said as it shoudl have been obvious. "You are a friend and I hugged you because thats what friends do when they are happy to see eachother."

@Crystal Cali

Samuel Khan

Sam paid no mind to Chi's comment, especially because he thought she was a little girl. "I had no idea Akira's profession tended to children. That's really nice of her." It was hard to tell at this point if she was even joking, but the girl's outburst certainly made her look like a kid. 

"I wouldn't say I saved...that should go to my sister. She carried both of us out." Sam frowned slightly as he plugged in the TV for Searan. "I hope she's alright. She said how close you two were. I'm sorry." 

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali

He chuckled "Well those people should learn to like them." He smirked as he walked inside

@Crystal Cali

(The cringe went from 0 to 100 faster than Jake's car...)
Akira snorts, rolls her eyes, and starts heading upstairs. 

Searan grins at the comment about children, his face was turned away from Chi, so she shouldn't be able to see. Still, he had to make sure he didn't actually laugh, since he didn't want to tick off Akira's client. Searan raises an eyebrow at the comment about what Akira said. "She... mentioned me?" he sounded a bit shocked. "That's...uh... interesting. We haven't really been on the same side of things the last few years," he sighs. "Well, I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to her about that anyway. But, I wanted to thank you, and your sister, for getting her out of there. I tried, and failed, because too many irrational people got involved, which almost got her killed. I'm honestly grateful you were there."

Akira had come up to the door, which was left open, so she heard a good bit of Searan's commentary. She couldn't help but smile as she stood around the corner, most likely out of sight of anyone inside.

@ThatOneLunatic @JPax @Hanah Solo
Jake went to the kitchen and he looked in the fridge and he yelled loudly through the house "Alright! Chicken, steak, or fish?!" He asked as he pulled all three out thinking of whay he could make with them. He wanted everyone to relax and have a good time. It was a time t celebrate

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo @JPax

Samuel Khan | Esther Khan

"Kids do drive motorcycles, it isn't that hard. Well, actually they do drive mopeds. Now shh, the grown ups are talking." Sam raised a hand to Chi as if she was a kid. Now he was joking. He then listened very intently to what Searan had to say. "I don't think that she'd forget though. Girls never forget anything." Sam gave a genuine smile for a second. 

Akira would feel a gust of wind from her side as Esther bounded into the room like a wild cat, pouncing onto Sam's back and tackling him to the ground. "Voilà, I'm here-" Esther got off of Sam as the two listened to Jake's announcement. "Anything is fine!" Esther clutched her stomach and frowned, then felt her pulse and forehead. Hunger was a big deal for her, and she could actually faint if she didn't get enough to eat. Then again, nothing should be unexpected judging by what she did earlier. "Food does sound appealing, how much do I have to pay?" 

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
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"I'm 25 years old, i have daughter and husband and my little sister killed mafiaboss whit whole house full of guards, boy."

Chi get up from table and walked front of Sam, katana at her hand.

"Now think what you are going to say next."

Chi wasn't at mood of joking.

Akira flinched as Esther ran past her, then turned towards the banister as she heard Jake's voice. "Searan and I vote chicken," she calls, figuring that is what Searan would have wnated since he did want to go to a chicken place earlier. 

Inside the room, Searan stiffens as he hears Akira shout. "Akira, how long were you th-" he doesn't finish his sentence as Chi took out her weapon all of a sudden. 

Hearing what is going on inside, Akira rushes back in, and stands between Chi and Sam. "Alright, alright, both of you calm down." She then looks to Chi, and starts speaking in Japanese, assuming no one else in this room could speak the language. "I don't work for people who are needlessly violent. Think before you act."

@Hanah Solo @JPax @ThatOneLunatic
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Alison Eckener

"Good call." The instant Alison walked in, she picked out a table for two, almost as if she knew the place. After all, she worked cases relating to this joint. Alison took a seat and looked to the menu. "So, H, here are some things you don't want to do. Don't make eye contact unless spoken to, and don't move when they're cooking, or they'll cut your head off." Alison pointed to a small scar on her left cheek that was normally only exposed when her hair was tied, such as during missions. "I speak from experience." 




Sam Khan | Esther Khan

"You can't reach me with that katana." Sam smirked, not at all scared of the katana. The black suit he wore could partially deflect the brittle blade of the weapon. Besides, there was something else. Esther was standing between them with her own sword against Chi's, in front of Akira. "How about you get off my brother? You're lucky I'm not upset." Esther spoke in an angered tone. She understood Japanese because of Gamma and work at Sai's kitchen. With little effort, she pushed Chi's sword aside and walked backwards. She saw no need to keep her weapon out as she pushed Sam towards the exit. Sam began to laugh. "Nobody can take a joke. How childish..." 

Esther waited for Sam to leave and turned back. "Well, damn." 

Sam wandered into the kitchen and looked at the food stuff. "Some kid's trying to pick a fight with me, so I'm here. Do you need help cooking?" 

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic


"Alright I won't move so I won't get killed. The Chef must take his cooking seriously for that," H comments despite the fact that he was sure decapitating was illegal. In any case he took a seat and would eye the menu. 


"Yeah I'll just take some chicken. It's great to just take a break and just eat out instead of just eating during my work." He would definitely avoid eye contact with anyone beside Alison unless spoken too.


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Jake heard the commotion and he chuckled "dont worry. I'll talk to everyone when we sit down." He smiled and he looked to the man with a grin "You any good at cooking? I have to make everytype of meal." He chuckled as he seasoned the steak and chicken

Akira let's out a long sigh as the tension goes down. Searan was messing with the TV at this point. He fiddles with the remote, making sure the AV cable was also connected to one of the computers. "There," he says after a minute or so of working. "Now we can use the TV to get a closer look at one camera at a time."

Akira turns and inspects the set up. "Well, it works. Thanks Searan. Now, let's get searching." Akira sits down behind one of the computers, placing the picture of Chi's sister on the table for both of them to reference.

"You know what would be great?" Akira says after a few moments of silence, "facial recognition software."

Searan chuckles, and continues his work.

@Hanah Solo 

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