Main RP [RP happens here]

Before he had time to react, Kai made a two quick nominees for his don't-do-that-again list. One is to use prediction and the second is to think that you are safe, always. His left hand was cut by a razor-sharp blade that suddenly came below the island. He groaned in pain and forced himself to drop the dagger. At that same time, he felt a paralyzing shock in his back, he felt so much pain he wanted to lie down and pass out. He fell down, but still not passed out. He couldn't move anything in his body except his right arm and head. He pointed the camcorder at person who attacked Kai from behind and Kai finally passed out.



(Gonna sleep now. I'll reply in 5 hours or less)
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Samuel Khan | Esther Khan

Samuel snatched the camcorder out of Kai's hand and set it on the table. "He's unconscious. He might choke on his own saliva and die." He didn't mind at this point, but a taser shock was pretty bad. Samuel could only hope that Esther didn't...

Esther lifted up Kai's unconscious body. Even though he was 6'10, he was only 91 pounds. That was unhealthily light. "Jake, you got a basement or something? I need a metal chair, some duct tape, and dim lighting." Her eyes flashed with excitement as she tilted her head towards Kai's body. It was really hard to tell whether she was joking or not.

@ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke
Akira continued to watch Nemo, but she also called Chi so she could give Chi instructions in case Nemo moved. "What's going on out there?" Akira asked to Searan, who had his ear pressed against the door.

"I heard some kind of scuffle... but now they're too quiet for me to hear," Searan informed her, then tried to press his ear closer to the door to hear anything at all.

"Well, if it was only one intruder, he was outnumbered. And if it really was Kai, like I suspect, I think he'd be easy to take down. He didn't look very physically fit to me."

"Well, that's good at least. How are things on your end?"

"Haven't lost her yet. Just need Chi to pick up so I can give her directions in case Nemo moves."

@Hanah Solo @JPax @ThatOneLunatic
Jake  after cutting his wrist caught the knife as it fell. He seen sam grab the cam corder and heard what Esther had said. He thought it was rather creepy that she wanted to tie him up in the basement but he nodded "Yes we have a basement but its fully furnished and more of a game room. It also has a theater." He said a bit embarrassed by his own wealth "Not a big one but maybe 15 seats. And a pretty big tv screen." He said with a smile "We can put him in there. With the lights dimmed."

@JPax @CrossedInLyke

Samuel Khan | Esther Khan

"Oh no..." Sam muttered and walked to the basement movie theater or whatever. He began to tinker with the lights until it looked pretty dim and scary. Esther, meanwhile, walked in with Kai in her arms. It was still awkward, seeing as Kai was almost two feet taller than she was. "Let's put him on the third seat." She set him down and fired a TME grapple. The rope wrapped around Kai about twenty times, and it couldn't be torn or broken so easily. Even wire cutters wouldn't work. Esther leaned forward and glared into his eyes. "Wakey wakey...eggs and bakey..." Her soothing voice now had a creepy vibe to it. When Kai would come to, he would be greeted by two purple eyes and a smile.

Searan still couldn't hear anything, and he was getting worried. "I'm going to go check," he said, though turning towards his bag, and pulling out a small black case. "I'll lock the door behind me, and just pick the lock to get back in when I come back, so you'll be safe."

Akira didn't look away from Nemo on the screen, but she nodded in response to Searan. "Fine, don't do anything stupid," she says in a somewhat harsh tone, though Searan knew that was just her way of telling him to be careful. Searan moved the chair he had placed in font of the door out of the way, unlocked the door, opened it, and locked it again before shutting it. He'd make sure the door shut properly before cautiously making his way downstairs. He searched through a few rooms before he found Jake. Searan paused at the door and looked around, seeing it was only Jake.

"What's going on?" Searan says in a low voice as he comes close to Jake. "Is the guy still here?"

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Jake was cooking in the kitchen "Yup, it was Kai. Same guy who stabbed me in the back and helped a man control my mind." He said in a almost cheerful tone, he then added "If you want to pay him a visit he's downstairs  in the movie room." He smiled as he  motioned to the door to the furnished basement, he then flipped a piece of chicken over on the pan.

@Crystal Cali
Searan looked towards the basement door, then looked back to Jake and shrugged. "Well, he's not my problem if he isn't coming after Akira." Searan crossed his arms, and leaned against the side of the door frame. "Sounds like you have a few issues with the guy, though, unless that genuine cheerfulness I hear in your tone, and not sarcasm," Searan grinned, amused.

Jake smirked as he shrugged "Maybe I'm happy about it, or maybe I'm not." He then set the last piece of chicken on the plate along with its sides, he then moved to the table setting the rest down before he flipped it, let it cook for a little and then set it up, there was at least 4 of each type of the meats on the table, chicken, fish, and steak, all specially seasoned and prepared with the proper sides and he yelled "COME GET IT WHILE ITS HOT!"

@Crystal Cali @JPax 
Searan looked up as Jake yelled, then said "Akira's not going to move. She's still monitoring something for Chi." Searan looks towards the table, then towards the stairs. "I'll switch places with her," he says after a moment of thinking, then heads back upstairs. He picks the lock to get into the room.

"Food is ready?" Akira said in a confused tone. "What happened to Kai.... or whoever that was?" 

"He's locked in the basement apparently. I'll switch places with you, so you can go eat. I know you won't do it while watching the cameras."

Akira huffed. "Weren't you the one who mentioned food earlier?" she asked as Searan came up behind her and leaned his head over her shoulder so he could see the monitor.

"I'll wait. Your eyes need a break. Who am I watching now?" 

Akira pointed to Nemo on the screen, and Searan did the same, brushing his hand against hers in the process. They both let out somewhat of an awkward chuckle before Akira got up, and moved to the side so Searan could sit down.

"Chi didn't pick up, but I assume she'd know to call the last number that called her if she needed help," Akira said.

"And you haven't seen her on the nearby cameras?" Searan replied.

"Not yet."

"Alright, well, go get something to eat already," Searan said in a playful tone, making a motion with his hand to shoo Akira out of the room.

Akira rolled her eyes. "Fine, fine. I'm going." She turns around and leaves the room, heads downstairs, and joins Jake at the table. "Looks like you were expecting a big family dinner, or something," she comments.

He nodded as he opened the door to the fridge "Well I was hoping I could get everyone to settle down at the table, but that was ruined." He said almost sadly "What do you want to drink?" He asked as he motioned to the open fridge. "Or would you prefer something stronger to drink from the bar outside?"

@Crystal Cali
Akira sits at the table, and looks towards Jake. "Just a Coke if you have it. This is kind of a bad time for a group dinner. Searan and I are monitoring something for Chi, so we can't both be out of the room at the same time right now." Akira starts eating, then pauses and asks, "So it was Kai who broke in, right? Any idea what he wanted?"

Jake smiled and grabbed her a coke and set it down next to her and he nodded as she spoke about the bad timing "I didnt plan on all of this happening." she then mentioned Kai and Jake appeared hurt, he nodded "Probably to finish the job that he failed to complete." he said grimly as he looked down at his plate not taking a bite, the food was well prepared and seasoned, it would almost melt in the mouth of anyone who ate it, yet it appeared he had no appetite anymore.

@Crystal Cali
Akira frowns as Jake talks about Kai. She takes a drink, then asks, "Just what did he do? I lost contact with you guys before anything went wrong. I think you might have still been driving," she frowns even more now, a look of concentration on her face. "Damn it, even taht's fuzzy," she sighs in frustration, and rubs the side of her head.

Jake looked to her rub the side of her head "Dont worry, your memories should come back shortly. Its how psychological trauma works." He said before he added "As for what happened....Kai lead me into a trap." He said his fists clenching "I...I was outnumbered....they...they eventually overwhelmed me...made me do terrible things..." He said as he gripped a steak knife tightly in his hand his hand beginning to shake

@Crystal Cali
Chi had parked her bike little before alley where her sister should be, to think what she should even do to her. Police was not option as that had been tried already before and then it was only one big massacre. She didn't want kill her as she know that her sister was only jealous and wanted show that she was better, but that was also trouble because she hasn't any remorse how to show it.

Chi's time was cut of when Nemo walked out from alley.

"Hi Big boob!"

"What are you doing at here, little sis.

"Seeking you of course, Big boob. Nice bike, why haven't you buy me same kind?"

"I have sent this week money to you already."

"But it was less than last week."

"You know that i need put money also to my daughter's account."

"Where is my niece even? I would like show her my new tricks."

"We found school where she is."

"Blah, school."

"Was there all? We could have done this whitout you coming here."

"But then i couldn't show my tricks!"

Nemo suddenly throw dagger towards Chi, that Chi dodges. Then Nemo throws second dagger to Chi's bike, piercing it's tire. Chi uses time of second dagger to grab katana.
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Sam Khan

"Hey." Sam took a seat and looked to the two. He wasn't going to eat just yet, so he stared down at the food as if it was a thing. "Esther's downstairs with Kai. I don't want to know what she's doing, but hopefully this doesn't go too badly." He looked a bit worried. Usually those inflicted with Esther's torture had permanent injuries. But just to be on the safe side, Sam was on alert for any screams.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Kai started to gain consciousness. He tried to open his eyes but his vision is blurred. It took him a few seconds to get the blurriness out of his head and then he focused at the girl in front of him. He tried to move his hands but his body was tied shut to the chair. And then he felt his left hand burn with pain. He remembered being attacked secretly back at Jake's house. He scanned around. There were a dozen seats around and a huge television at the direction he is facing at. His dagger wasn't around and the camcorder too. He tried to shake for a desperate chance to escape but he can't. Kai finally spoke up, "Who are you, and where am I?"

Searan relaxed a bit when he saw Chi show up in the street with Nemo, but he didn't take his eyes off the screen. If Nemo somehow got away, Searan or Akira would make sure Chi still had eyes on her.

@Hanah Solo

Akira looked to Sam, biting her lip. "Yeah... You think Kai knows where this...." Akira had a total blank moment as she tried to think of who they were tracking before she started tracking King, and got herself kidnapped. She didn't finish the sentence, and she had stopped eating as it looked like her face had a glazed look to it.

@JPax @ThatOneLunatic
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"Don't say, you used this week money to buy knives? I send you money to pay your bills and food, not to playing with knives."

"Don't be so mean, Big boob. I buy tickets here and rented parachuting plane too. Of course paying him was stupid when i killed him before jumping..." 

"WAIT! You are reason of that plane? You idiot what you thinked!"

"I am not idiot Big boob."

Nemo start throwing daggers towards Chi, who parried them. It was not easy whit one katana, so she make choice to try get back up whit calling to Akira.

@Crystal Cali
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Esther Khan

"Shhh..." Esther gently ran her finger down the man's mouth, and smiled. "You're safe here, okay?" She pried one of the man's hands under the metal wire where she could see it. "Now...why were you attacking Dr. Jake's house? I'll give you like, five seconds to answer." She reached into her bag and pulled out a blood-covered device that looked like it did many bad things. A shear like device. "Or we'll just take it from there, where I detach your fingers. Then toes. Then..." Her eyes traveled down towards the man's groin. "Let's hope it doesn't get that far."

@CrossedInLyke (@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic)
Chi heard Searan's answering. 

"It seems like my little sister has buy all possible knives that she had found. I might need help to get her unconscious and surely i need ride out of here..."

Nemo walked to bike and breaked Chi's phone from holder.

(to clear, Chi talked whit Bluetooth headset)

"It's not nice have call middle of fight, Big boob."


Chi jump towards Nemo, but Nemo had taken out long dagger to parry Chi's attack and serrated dagger that she stabbed to Chi's flank.

"Isn't that you who normally say when we're training; Never lose yourself to anger."

Chi backed up from Nemo, dagger still at her flank.

Good thing that she hasn't still learned to keep holding from weapon after hitting, otherwise would bleeding be much worse.

@Crystal Cali

@JPax (isn't their sibling relationship great? Yes your character has called woman who has breasts (bigger than her sister's) as child)
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