Main RP [RP happens here]

@JPax (isn't their sibling relationship great? Yes your character has called woman who has breasts (bigger than her sister's) as child)

(I'm sorry, you made me a little irritated. Who cares about breasts? Why would Sam even look at her breasts? You don't define a woman by her boobs. Sam only called Chi a kid because she was short. Then Chi acted like an 8 year old. So Sam called her a kid again.)
(I'm sorry, you made me a little irritated. Who cares about breasts? Why would Sam even look at her breasts? You don't define a woman by her boobs. Sam only called Chi a kid because she was short. Then Chi acted like an 8 year old. So Sam called her a kid again.)

(It would be funny when Sam calls Nemo kid, as Nemo wouldn't warn not to do that and throw dagger. Chi was also stressed about this suprice sibling visit)
Across town, in a motor repair shop named Diamond Motors, Joseph Carson rests underneath a car. With a torch in hand and a screwdriver in the other, the mechanic tries to identify the fault. A sudden squirt of oil onto his shirt gives him a small hint. "So that's where that leak is coming from, well at least I know where you are now," he says as wheels out from under the car on his mechanic creeper, terrible name but it saves getting a bad back. Getting up to get so more tools from inside the shop, Joseph decides to get a quick drink. Going over to the fridge upstairs, which contained the mechanics living quarters, with a few martial arts and racing awards. Sometimes he wondered whether it would be better to of pursued a career with those in mind. Maybe it might have been more lucrative, then again would he enjoy life as much as he does now? Owning his own store didn't put anything put a smile on Joseph's face, well expect when then bills come in. Plus he still does keep up with his fighting and driving, be it in a... unexpected way. Finishing his drink, he went back to work.  Grabbing his tool kit and going back to the car, Joseph sets to work fixing said leak.All in all, things had been fairly quiet today, no mad bombers with their threat or supervillain coming to destroy the city. Well, yet that is. Still even if they did come, Joseph had a few tricks for them, but for now, he would just be content with fixing his car. (Open for Interaction)
Searan swore as he saw the attack on his screen. In a flash, he was on his feet, making sure he had his gun on his waist, and running out the door. "Akira, Chi needs backup!" he shouted as he ran down the stairs.

Akira quickly rose from the table and made her way to the door without a second thought. She also double checks that she has her gun on her. "What's going on?" she asks.

"Nemo has the upper hand on the weapon front, and Chi's bike is disabled." He then holds the phone up to his ear and says, "Hey, try to keep the fight about where you were last so we can find you. It would take too long to get one of the devices into the car." At that point, Akira and Searan were already running out to Searan's car.

( @Hanah Solo @JPax @ThatOneLunatic


A cold wind swept over the area. Cold enough, that, if anyone had their mouth open, their gums would sting and their teeth would chatter. "You two are seriously enjoying yourselves, aren't you?" Gamma's location couldn't be tracked in the darkness. Suddenly, the street lamps around the two girls would shatter spontaneously, sending glass shards flying in all directions. 

"You two have also walked into a location I'd rather you two not be. I'd prefer that you left." Then, out of the darkness, showed a metal mask with a chilling presence. The mask couldn't smile, but it was there, and it was close. That was the only thing visible in the newfound pitch black darkness.

@Hanah Solo (@Crystal Cali)
"Stay away!"

Cold wasn't problem to both of women, they both had lived in Lapland, as Shadow's headquarters where there.

"It's rude to interrupt."

Nemo thrown dagger to masked figure. Chi tried to stop it, but failed. 



The figure mumbled something and the dagger froze in mid-air. Or so it appeared. The figure had actually caught the dagger just inches from its stomach. "Careful what you wish for. This dagger could very well be the representation of the dreams of a little child who desires nothing but violence, and suffering. You kids have no place on the street. None at all."

Gamma looked at both girls without moving his head. He made out Nemo to be the stronger of the two, even though her intelligence was seemingly sub par. The strength modifications may not work on her after all. Still, Gamma figured he could control her just for the sake of stopping her from mindlessly killing his potential subjects. "The most dangerous part about children's dreams is that they act upon their impulses. They're made vulnerable to a point their minds are open to change. Change isn't necessarily bad, but it isn't good either. That throw was not calculated." Suddenly, the dagger would be thrown at Chi's side at twice the speed Nemo threw it. Gamma only needed to have her hurt, not dead.

@Hanah Solo
Jake heard it all. He had been lost in thoight as he stared at the kife in his hand when Searan came down and he followed the two outside. And he left the knifeback on the table. As they got outside he shut the door and he ran after them "What weapons does the girl have?"

@Crystal Cali
Chi was caught of suprice when she had waited that Nemo would throw second dagger, but one come from Gamma instead and hit right next to another one. Chi falled to her knees and then to ground when bleeding get worsen.

"Big boob!"

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"Knives," Searan answered, then quickly added, "and if you're coming, you have to drive yourself. My car only fits three people, and we'll need to get Chi out of there as well."

"Two cars would be better anyway. We might have a chance to block Nemo from Chi somehow," Akira added. 

Searan looked at the phone, and frowned. "Damn it. I don't know when, but I lost the call with Chi. Nemo might have broken her phone or something. We need to hurry! If the fight moves, Chi can't tell us where it's gone. Last I saw they were on Fourth Street." 

Jake sighed.  He then turned and ran past the destroyed car to his own car. Getting into it he started the car and immediately began driving towards the street they had said. He was driving slightly faster than the speed limit. He would be there in a few minutes so long as he kept his pace

@Crystal Cali 
"What? No!" Kai said quickly, then he sighed. He knew he can't get out of the seat he is tied into. He had no choice but to follow her. He made a big mistake of entering Jake's house. "I just wanted to take out the girl who was aiming the rifle at me. She looked like he wanted to kill me." He continued. "Also, my purpose of going to Jake's house was to get anything I need. Stealing, to be specific."

Akira and Searan jumped into Searan's car, and Searan drove off as fast as he could, dangerously and narrowly avoiding other cars as he weaved his way through traffic. He hit his brakes hard when he arrived at the place he last saw Chi on the cameras, cursing when he saw how dark it was.

"How the hell did all the lights go out?" he grumbled.

"I don't know, that's strange," Akira responded, her voice sounding concerned. They drove slower until the arrived at the scene, just behind Chi and Nemo. Searan's headlights illuminated the street, and both Searan and Akira stared wide-eyed at the masked figure who was standing a short distance away.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @JPax
Jake arriving at the scene immediately hopped out of his car, his eyes switching to night vision as he darted forward positioning himself between chi and the other two with his wrist blade extended and his wrist pistols at the ready. "Well this doesnt look to fair now does it? Picking on little girls?" He smirked as he readied himself for an attack from the man and he whispered to Chi. "As soon as he moves for a weapon I want you to run to Akira's car okay?" He said in a more commanding tone rather than asking.

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo @JPax


Gamma didn't bother addressing the man or the woman. If he wanted it, they'd both be dead and lying at the bottom of a pool of molten lead. The mask grabbed ahold of Nemo and then...

He simply vanished without a trace. It was far too dark to see which way he went, and even with enhancements he would just be...gone with Nemo.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo 

The two would end up in a nice warm location, cozy and designed for comfort. In reality it was just the building adjacent to the darkness, but it was impossible to detect the entrance. The walls were soundproofed, and the entire room was in fact, an elevator. "Nemo Dark." 

@Hanah Solo

Esther Khan

"Shh..." Esther ran her finger down the man's mouth and fixed the device around the tip of his pinkie. "You are going to talk to Jake when he gets back, and leave 5,000 dollars for the sniper girl. You know, the tip of your finger grows back. I have all the time in the world. Would you like to watch them grow back?" She applied gentle pressure to the device, which was primed to detach the tip of his pinkie. It would, at the most, make a small cut.

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Chi lost her conscious before answering to Jake or seeing that mysterious man had vanished with Nemo.

Nemo was confused where they where and where was her sister.

"How you know my name? Where's Big boob?"
After fixing up the car, Joseph decided to shut up the shop for the night. After all, he did have to go on patrol, or rather The Emerald had to go on patrol. Going to a wall in the shop, the vigilante press a hidden switch revealing a hidden room. Inside was an armoured car and a green suit with matching the hat. The equipment of Joseph's alter ego, The Emerald.  Changing into his costume and grabbing his weapons, an electron gun and a few sleep darts, he gets into his car. A hidden garage door opens, which he drives out into the city, ready to stop those who threaten the innocent. (Open for Interaction)
The sudden disappearance of the strange man had both Akira and Searan stunned, but they quickly came to when Akira noticed Chi had passed out. Akira rushed out of the car first, coming over to Chi, and kneeling beside her. Akira visibly flinches when she sees Chi's wounds, and she looks to Jake. "We need to get her to the hospital," she says in a mostly calm, though irritated voice. 

Searan steps out in front of the car, squinting as he looks down the dark street as he tries to see if there were any clues as to what just happened. "That was strange. I think we should probably let the police know about this." Before anyone could respond, Searan had his phone out. He pauses, wondering if he should just call the station, or if it would be faster to call H. He was some kind of special investigator after all. Yeah, H seemed like the better option, so Searan dialed the number he had used to communicate with H before.

( @Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX
The sudden disappearance of the strange man had both Akira and Searan stunned, but they quickly came to when Akira noticed Chi had passed out. Akira rushed out of the car first, coming over to Chi, and kneeling beside her. Akira visibly flinches when she sees Chi's wounds, and she looks to Jake. "We need to get her to the hospital," she says in a mostly calm, though irritated voice. 

Searan steps out in front of the car, squinting as he looks down the dark street as he tries to see if there were any clues as to what just happened. "That was strange. I think we should probably let the police know about this." Before anyone could respond, Searan had his phone out. He pauses, wondering if he should just call the station, or if it would be faster to call H. He was some kind of special investigator after all. Yeah, H seemed like the better option, so Searan dialed the number he had used to communicate with H before.

( @Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX


As H asked Alison if she was alright, H would receive an unexpected call. The call was from Searan which made him wonder why he would call but decided to answer to find out.

"Hold on Alison I got a call from Searan Kim." He picked up the phone and answered, "This is H. Searan what's the mishap?" 

Searan was still staring at the spot where the man had vanished with Nemo. He talks in a slow, confused voice. "I'm on Fourth Street. There was some kind of fight. Don't know all the details, but a man in a mask seems to have literally disappeared before my eyes, taking one of the women he was fighting with him."

( @Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX
Kai felt terrified from the torture device that devilish girl is holding. It was placed on his pinkie. He felt a small rise of pain in his pinkie, it felt like he's been cut by a sharp thin metal. "There's no way I'm giving the girl money!" Kai exclaimed and at the same time he shook the chair just a bit from its original position.

Jake turned around and he looked over Chi his blade abd pistols retracting as he looked over her wounds. He then ran back to his car popping the trunk. After about 20 seconds of searching he found it, a first aid kit. He then rushed back over to Chi and Akira kneeling down he opened the kit. It was stocked with babdages, tape, A tournekit and a number of other items. He took out some bandages and tape applying it to the wound. Circling them around the knife and usibg the tape to hold then in place. He then looked to Akira  "Load her in your car and take her to the hospital. I'll follow right behind.

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo
Akira frowned and shot Jake a dirty look. "Do I look like I can lift her myself? And like Searan said before, it's a two-door car! We can only fit three people assuming everyone has the ability to sit up in their seat!" Akira snapped at Jake, more so because she wasn't good with handling stressful situations up close than anything else.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
Jake was making sure the bandages around her two wounds were secure and in place when Akira began to yell at him, he sighed and he nodded "Forget I asked" He said apologetically as he lifted Chi up and walked her to his car "Can you get the back door for me?" He asked as he waited outside the car with chi in his hands. He wasnt going to argue with Akira right now, not while a persons life was at stake.

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo

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