Main RP [RP happens here]

Searan pulls up a new window in this screen. "Alright then, I'll get searching for her. The window showed lines of code as Searan typed in commands. He was looking for that name attached to a credit card or a bank that was in the city. If Nemo had used a credit card with her name, made a withdrawal from the bank in her name, or rented any kind of anything using her name, Searan was sure to find it. Akira silently continued to watch the street cams.

@Hanah Solo 

Esther Khan

"Nemo Dark." Esther calmly repeated the name to herself, not exactly having a reason to question it or anything else. "Well, if you and your client are busy, I'm going to expl-" She realized she explored all of the house in record time, and had nothing to do. Esther flipped out a small spherical device, pointed it to her face, and it made a small crackling sound which blasted an unhealthy amount of light into her eyes. It illuminated the purple of her eyes, as well as showing a network of blood vessels and a red glowing tube in the center of the eyeball. She closed her eyes before anyone could possibly look and put the device away. 

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali


Samuel Khan

Sam shook his head. "No, no, I'm no good at cooking. Esther is, she can make anything. Though, not as fancy as this stuff." He stepped aside and looked to the table. "Need help setting that up or what?"


Alison Eckener | Corporal Chef Ivan (NPC)

Alison was about to say something when a familiar man in a chef suit stepped up. "Konichi wa." Suddenly, Alison went silent. She reached for the water glass and took a slow drink from it. "Ivan..." 

"Corporal- I mean Chef Ivan, if you please. What would you two lovelies like today?" 

Once again, Alison went silent. She couldn't say anything to Ivan at work, but this was ridiculous.



"Yeah I'll have some chicken. Well-done chicken." H looked to both Alison and the Chef. Something seems awkward but he decided to just play along with this. What was it the Chef said? Corporal? Had he heard of a Corporal Ivan before? 


'Wait... wasn't the old Police Captain called Ivan or something? I don't really remember. Anyways...' H would stop thinking about it and would wait for Alison to order.


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Alison Eckener | Corporal Chef Ivan (NPC)

"No, this is the corporal. And I'll take a raw fish." Alison looked up at Ivan again, now meeting his gaze. Despite what she said earlier, Ivan didn't say anything, and began to make fish and chicken, impressively. He dumped oil over and over, to make a massive flame, and smiled warmly as he began to cook...

Alison glared along the line of the dark outline of the room, knowing she couldn't move an inch unless she wanted to set off all the customers. "You didn't set the scene this time, corporal." Alison spoke, but didn't speak. "I found no need. I'll even let you two go with a clean meal." Ivan's figure reached forwards, and lifted Alison's chin to meet his gaze...

Alison raised her head slightly as Ivan cooked the food, their eye contact never breaking until suddenly...


Ivan hit the bell, and two plates were set on the table. One with the well done chicken and another with a barely cooked fish. "Enjoy your meals!" The chef bowed and walked away. His manly scent lingered in front of the two for about twenty seconds. "Impressive cooking."

Ivan leaned towards Alison, smirking. "Next time, they won't let you off so easily, captain." And just like that, Ivan walked off.


(Mindfuck meets mental manipulation. Dark blue is Alison's vision, black is real time. However, lines are mildly blurred. Either could be reality.)


"You ok? You seemed.... out of it. Were the flames that intense?" H wondered if the flames really were mesmerizing or maybe it's the Chef that has Alison out of it. It seems that the she knew him but unless it was really important then he wouldn't push the subject. For now he would give thanks for the meal and began to eat. 


"Well I think a nice meal will fix things don't you think? Food always helps relieve tension. Unless it's an eating contest of course."


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Nemo was walking at alley when suspicious man walked behind her.

"What cutie like you does at here?"

"I kill people."

Man hadn't even chance to react when Nemo turned around and slashed his throat open. 

"Don't worry, your friend joins to you."

Nemo then thrown dagger to man's throat, who had been waiting neardly to join his friend. 

"Good night"
"Why are there... lights in Jake's house?" Kai said confusingly as he inspected the house from his car. His Prius' alerted him that he was driving in a whopping 130 km/h, which means if he didn't brake now he would slam his car to the house and kill himself. Without a doubt, he hit the brake so hard that his tires screeched really loud and left wheel marks. He prayed no one was home. He parked behind the trees  where his car can blend itself in the surroundings. Before he get out of the car, he brought a camcorder to record stuff around him and he also brought his dagger. He got out of the Prius and walked towards the house while he started to record.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali @YoungX @JPax @Hanah Solo
Akira flinches as she witnesses the murder on one of the he street cameras. "Found her," she says, bringing up the feed of Nemo in the alley onto the TV. Searan looks up, and sighs at the scene.

"You sure it's her? That picture is pretty dark," he asked.

"Well, either way, we should probably alert the police," Akira turns back and looks to Chi. "Did you want to take her on yourself, or can I hand this over to the authorities?" Akira then perks up as she hears the faint sound of tires screeching. "What was that?"

@Hanah Solo @JPax
Chi heard tires and take her rifle when heading to window that was towards front law.

"There's man heading towards us."

Chi aimed whit her rifle. 

"It's Jake's friend, but he has knife."
Kai pointed his camcorder to the girl, who was also pointing a rifle at him. He would've probably retreat and go to another area, but he knew the girl wouldn't shoot him for trespassing and photography. He continued to walk to the house and take her out if he have the chance.

@Hanah Solo
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Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Esther didn't waste any time. The knife seemed dangerous and she wanted to hurt the man on instinct alone. She sprinted out the door of the house. Sam walked back to witness Esther sprint out. She was the warrior anyways, Sam was the wits and backup. "The hell? I heard tires screeching." He turned to Jake and then began setting up the table.

Esther didn't bother remaining too hidden. In the darkness, the human eye had trouble tracking her in the first place. Kai would hear the sound of footsteps, advancing in a wide circle around him. They were in ordinary intervals, but were changing location too fast to belong to a human. She began relaying information to Sam through a closed network given by Gamma. 

(It'll take me a while to post again, I'm at work, dealing with a lot of stuff to do so I actually can't secretly post like I normally do)

@CrossedInLyke @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali
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Kai heard footsteps. He readied his dagger and looked behind. No one was there. Another sound of footsteps. He looked around him. No one was still there. Kai sighed and thought it was just his mind playing with him. He continued to walk towards the house's front door and and hid in behind the door. He kept his hand in his dagger which is still in his pocket. His senses were on full alert.

@JPax  @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali
Searan pulls two guns out of the equiptment bag, and hands one to Akira, who was still carefully watching Nemo's movements on the screen. Akira takes it, and says "Chi, I'll loose her if I look away. We have two options here: I can give you her location, you can sneak out the back and go to confront her, while Searan guards this room, and I give you updates on her movements, or I can hand this over to the police, and we can all face Kai while they handle Nemo. You have to choose now, because I don't know how far she'll get if we just leave her, and I don't know what she'll do while I'm not watching."

Searan moves over to the door, his gun held ready, though glances back at Akira with an eyebrow raised. "How do you know who it is?" he asks.

Without looking, she replies "Just assumed since that who Jake was with when he went to confront the other guy... who I guess wasn't King? Jake said his name was Edward.... something.... I think. I don't know, that part's kind of hazy."

@Hanah Solo
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"I go after her, she is still my little sister."

Chi lowered her rifle and put it back to table. Then she taked her katanas and head towards door. 

"Don't let anyone touch my stuff."

Chi then started heading towards front doors.
Searan followed Chi to the door of the room, then seeing that Chi had gone out the front door, he faltered. "She went out the front rather than the back."

Akira just sighs. "Whatever. What is Kai... or whoever's here, doing?" Akira asks, not looking away from the computer. Searan moves back to the window, and has to squint in the dim light to see. 

"Erm... I don't see him."

Akira sighs in frustration. "Damn it. Well, lock that window, and the door. I can't help Chi if he comes up here."

"I would assume he's after your friend though, yeah?" Searan asks as he locks the window, then moves over to the door to lock it.

"Probably, but Jake has Sam and Esther down there, and if we're being honest with ourselves, are either of us really good in a fire fight?"

Searan snorts. "Good point. Let's just hope he's only after Jake, and doesn't decide to take a detour."

Akira nods in agreement, and Searan moves one of the chairs from the center table to prop up underneath the locked door's doorknob for good measure.

@Hanah Solo @CrossedInLyke @JPax @ThatOneLunatic
When Kai thought the front door was unlocked, it wasn't. "Ah, shit." He muttered. "They must've known I was here. Stupid car." He shuffled through the bushes and tried to look for a secret entrance. Nothing. When he had run out of ideas, Kai ran around the house to check if the back door is either locked or unlocked. He didn't hide the dagger this time. He held his dagger behind him. Kai continued to run to the back door. 

@Crystal Cali @JPax @ThatOneLunatic 
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The back doors to his house were unlocked due to him having ublocked them earlier in preperations for the pool party they woukd be having. He was in the kitchen when he could have sworn he spotted something outside the window but it was gone now. He dismissed the thought and he continued preparing the food

Kai held his camcorder on his right hand and his dagger on his left hand. He does dagger combat pretty well in both his hands but he is more vulnerable when he fight using his left dagger hand. Even though he was recording, he sneakily entered the house from the back door. The back door is luckily unlocked. He was ready to take out anyone who made Jake's house as their own territory. Kai recorded everything around him. He inspected the furniture that fell down was standing, and some was repaired to its mostly normal state, and made everything habitable again. (Is the kitchen right in front of the back door?)

Jake thought he heard something and he became aware of a definite intruder. The hair on the back of his neck stood up and he acted as if he hadn't noticed anything. He continued to prep the food with spices and marinara's as he readied himself. He had his wrist blade ready to come out.

((The kitchen is next to the living room which has the main back door. But there is also a spa room on the other side of the house that leads to the pool area))

Kai walked around the area to record everything, whether it is important or not. After a few seconds, he decided to go forward, to the kitchen. He used his sixth sense, which he calls prediction. Kai predicted there maybe no persons in the kitchen. He has to move on so he can cover up more ground. The small EMP grenade rested in his pants pocket if some security measures detected him, but still, Kai highly doubted that Jake would be around his house with the recent happenings. He walked to the kitchen and readied himself for anything that might happen.

Jake heard something and he knew there was now definitely someone in the house. He ducked behind the Island that was in the kitchen and his blade extended full length. He waited watching the man and he gritted his teeth. his body was still slightly damaged and so he rushed past sam, he was still fast and precise but not as fast as usual and he cut at the mans knife hand with his wrist blade.

@CrossedInLyke @JPax

Samuel Khan | Esther Khan

Samuel rotated a small dial on the compass in his pocket, also now aware of the intruder. He continued setting up the table like nothing was happening. However, he was dependent on someone else to attack for the only weapon he could use was a kitchen knife. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that particular attacker he was depending on...

Esther had silently followed Kai, though she went over the roof rather than around the house like a normal person. She grabbed onto the doorframe and swung onto the part of the wall between the ceiling and held on. Tactile boots and TME wire helped keep her grip on the roof as she began inching towards Kai like some sort of spider. She pulled out her stun gun, pointed it to Kai's back, and fired at the same time Jake attacked.

@ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke

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