Main RP [RP happens here]

(But this is fiction, so who cares how they got purple eyes anyways?)

Note: Yeah who cares if they got purple eyes?

((I know im just saying he wouldnt see that as a reason to not be human

Akira and Searan arrive, stopping by where Chi was, along with the wrecked car. Akira rolls down the window. "Don't worry too much about that. I'm probably going to modify the security system here anyway."

@Hanah Solo

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Esther gigglesnorted as she heard about Akira's specialness. Sam was drinking from a water cup he took from the restaurant, and spit it out all onto the sidewalk. "Well I guess it's one sided then! She shoved you like you were a boiling potato!" Sam then decided to take it a step further and try and hug Esther. "Ew, 'Jake', off!" Esther shoved Sam away, making him fall on his butt. Then the two began to laugh for a few seconds before calming down. "Okay. Is that your house?"

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo

((Omg Jpax was saying that purple eyes were impossible for a human. I was saying they were. FFs))

(Medically impossible via mutations...)
Jake let the do there little joking spectacle and he laughed it off but on the inside he was actually insulted and he said in a quiet monotone voice "Yeah...thats it." He walked over to his destroyed car and looked to the others "Guess someone really didnt like me huh?" He smiled to Akira, he was still swaying in his steps, perhaps from blood loss. Maybe lack of energy, maybe both. Point was that he was not at his best and he was definitely injured. The glass shards in his back remained, as the small amount of nanobots left in his blood worked on them. It didnt work as fast as usual but it was working slowly. The bullet holes in his suit were very noticable and on his left leg he had a hole, his right shoulder and lower back all had holes from where bullets had hit. They dug into his skin and hurt him but the annobots prioritized them and so they were already close to being healed.

@JPax @Hanah Solo 

@Crystal Cali
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Alison Eckener

Alison slowed down on the treadmill, immediately regretting her choice. She accidentally outran it for a second before sliding back on her feet, off the treadmill and falling on her butt. "You know...chicken sounds like a good idea right about now." She got to her feet and tossed both weights onto the rack, earning two loud clangs from the dumbells. "I didn't know police date was a thing, but let's do it anyways."


"To be honest I don't really think it is a thing but hey it's a free country." H would head to the showers and wash up to which afterwards he would wear his regular civilian attire. He didn't really think about dating but maybe it's time to at least try it once in his life. Except of course for that one time in High School but that's a story that'll never be told. Once he was done he would head on near the entrance and waited. Some things in life are just a given and some things in life aren't. 


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(I'm just gonna) 

John finally got a plan. 

- kick in side wall

- burn all the clerk's inside

- go to vault

- Take money and put it in trunk

- ???? 


John went into mech mode and kicked in the bank wall roasting everyone inside, it looked like a crockpot from the window. He then started to crack the safe, this might take a while. His flamer's flame got to about the size of a pinkie and it was white hot. He slowly started to cut out the vault lock.

(This will take about 30 minutes. Also I know that vaults can take alot more heat than this but we are using payday logic here)

Alison Eckener

"Right back." Alison walked into the showers, hosed herself off in thirty seconds, and walked out while simultaneously putting her civilian clothes on. It certainly has been quite a while since she'd worn civilian clothes in the first place. Usually she got from officers that it made her look more human, but that's only if they were here long enough to witness the rare occasion. 

She went right to the door and looked outside. "I'm sure they're tight on service at night, but I don't mind going there." Suddenly, Alison's neutral expression became serious. "We aren't using a car, by the way." The environment needed to be preserved and Alison wouldn't make exceptions unless human life was on the line.


"No car? I don't mind. I could use the exercise." It seemed to be a pretty peaceful night. Often nights like these took him back to his younger years as a student. He often took life for granted; he saw it as something very simple. It was to his extreme chagrin that it was simply not the case. Past life aside he would look to Alison and would follow. He had heard of Sai's Kitchen but hadn't really gotten to try it.


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Akira raised an eyebrow at Chi. "He's not my boyfriend, " she says back in Japanese, leaving Searan confused since he did not know much of the language. Akira was aware of this, and glanced at him. Searan raised an eyebrow, but before he could ask, Jake showed up.

Akira looked over and raised an eyebrow. "You need better security," she said bluntly, and noticing that he was swaying, she added, "and rest."

Searan looked down the street, mostly to keep himself from saying something snide out of jealousy, and noticed the two who were following Jake. He moves towards them, leaving the other three by the car. "Hey," he says in a friendly tone.

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic @JPax
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Jake chuckled and he shook his head as he looked to Akira "I guess I do. Now that my identity is known." He smiled to her aweetly before adding "And I dont meed rest. I'm fine." He said with a charming smile. "I'm guessing whoever destroyed my car is the same person who kidnapped you?" He asked before his eyes widened "Speakin of that are you ok? Do you need anything?"

@Crystal Cali
"Where i can put my stuff."

Chi asked from Jake as same time looking doubtfully to woman and man who had come whit Jake. She opened her bike's hatches to show up large anti-material rifle, katanas, pistols and bag.

"And this time i really need that sake that you FORGOT last time."



@Crystal Cali

Alison Eckener

Alison walked towards Sai's kitchen. Despite being on break, and actually on top of that being off duty, Alison still maintained a professional look. It was definitely pleasant at night, but that could all change quite easily because of criminals, contract killers, and kidnappers. Still, chicken was a priority. "Is this your first time going to this restaurant or what? It's quite the weird place."


Esther Khan | Samuel Khan



Two plain responses left the two. The siblings didn't care about Chi nor were they impressed by her weapons collection; it really only mattered situationally. Besides, they were doing no harm and, even though Esther's reflexes were currently dulled to an extent at the moment, she could still react in time should something arise. 

Esther and Samuel made eye contact with Searan before walking past Chi, not saying a word as they made their way to Jake and Akira. "What exactly happened here, Jake?" Esther pointed innocently to the wrecked car. Reality is, Esther and Sam knew exactly what went down. They knew more than most civilians, but wouldn't let that show. The only public information they would've disclosed to the group was that they knew who the King was and they had some revenge ideas related to him.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali
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"Yeah it is. It's weird in what regard?" H wasn't sure what to expect in a place called 'Sai's Kitchen.' Still it couldn't be that bad... could it?


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Akira looked to Chi. "The first room to the left after you get up the stairs. I'll be up in a bit." Then she looks to Searan. "Hey, can you go get the computers set up and start working on getting into the street cams?" she asks.

Searan nods, and takes the bags out of his car which contained the computers and all the extra hardware they bought. He then walks into the mansion, assuming he was to go where Akira told Chi to go. Searan finds the guest room, and starts unloading all of the hardware onto the table inside.

Akira turns back to the car, and to answer Jake's question, she says "I'm fine... fine as one can be after that hell, anyway. I may raid your bar later, once we have Chi's request fulfilled," she says, keeping what Chi's request was vague on purpose, seeing as how Chi was her client, and she won't go spilling client's requests to just anyone. "Anyway, you mentioned needing to talk. Speak your mind. Searan can handle the situation for a while without me."

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic
(Sorry for the late reply ;-;)

"Sure... Edward. See ya." Kai said before Edward entered his car and left the city. The wind blew on his face as if the wind itself was teasing him. "Ah, shit. Too cold." He complained. He entered his Prius and decided where to go. Then, he decided to go to Jake's messed up house, again. He thought he might salvage anything and put it in his apartment. Kai turned on his car and drove to the direction of Jake's house.

The night came in too fast for him. The city lights loomed everywhere around him. Kai knew he was close to his house and he can now see it.

<everyone in Jake's house>
Jake nodded as everyone began working. It was like his own little family. He smiled. Akira then asked him what he wanted to discuss earlier and he became slightly nervous. "Well....I wanted to apologize. For perhaps making you uncomfortable. When I hugged you earlier I didnt mean to frighten you or make you feel weird its remind me a lot about someone who was very special to me.....when I heard you were taken captive the only thing on my mind was finding you and making sure you were safe. I had no regards for anything else." He said with a slight chuckle "Not even my own safety." He said motioning to his many wounds. "Now I'm not trying to make you pity me or anything, I just wanted you to know I'm sorry okay?" There was obviously something deeper to this. His feelings were stronger than he had expressed but that would creep her out and he didnt want to do that.

@Crystal Cali

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Esther and Sam wasted no time finding a guest room. They didn't really have any bags save for Sam's messenger bag. "Split up?" He turned to Esther for an answer, which seemed to be a recurring habit for him. "Split up. Meet back downstairs." 

Sam began to walk towards where Searan and Chi went, crossing the door and turning inside. Since the door was left open, he felt nothing wrong with looking inside since nobody was naked. However, he did feel the need to knock and lightly tapped his knuckles against the door. "Searan?"

Meanwhile, Esther was exploring other areas of the house. She would've run, but after feeling the floorboard in the exploded building crack, as well as the immense pressure on each step after the explosion, she wasn't quite in the swing of things. "Some fight..." She began looking around the place. It was pretty clear a fight took place. Esther then stumbled upon the pool, wondering if there was any blood in there. How rich is this guy? Will he mind if I drink from it? 

It was best not to drink pool water, especially in the house of a "neurosurgeon." She began to walk out of the room, though her steps were pretty frantic. The effects of the nanobots weren't going to go away so easily, but she was definitely getting better. Then, Esther went on to explore the rest of the house, going wherever it took her.

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
Akira sighs when she hears Jake mention that she reminds him of someone. "Fine, you were emotional and irrational, I get it, whatever. But, dwelling on the fact that I remind you of someone is a dangerous train of thought, because once you get to know me," she turns and actually faces him, "because you don't, yet, you'll be disappointed," Akira's voice was stern, yet not angry despite the fact that being compared to someone else did offend her a little.



Searan was moving around, plugging things in, and turning on the computers when he heard the knock. He turned around to face Sam with a calm expression, despite the fact that his concentration was just broken. "Hey. What's up? Need something?"


Samuel Khan

"Uh, yeah. Two questions. One, my sister ran off so I'm lost and bored. Do you need help with those?" Sam immediately regretted asking her to split. It looked like Searan was busy, yet he felt nothing wrong with really bothering him. 

Then, Sam pointed at Chi. "Two, why is there a midget with a pink hair in Jake's house?"

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo

Alison Eckener

Alison walked into the restaurant. "They make the food right in front of you. And also if you want you can get alcohol in the chicken. Officers bet me to try it, you know. I wouldn't recommend it, it tastes like someone took all the drinks in the world and injected it into live poultry." It's been a while since she actually talked this much to someone about non work related things. "But a lot of the other things are good."


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