Main RP [RP happens here]


"Sai's Kitchen? They have good chicken right?" H thought about places he could go and well he did say something about wanting some damn fine chicken. His life experiences taught him that good chicken always solves problems and relieves stress so he felt it would be a great idea. Then after that he would have to begin his investigation on Gamma with the help of the higher-ups. 


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Searan waited in his car parked in front of Jake's mansion, slouched in the driver's seat. He pulled out his wallet, and counted the cash inside. Set aside the money Akira needed for rent, and they had enough to go out to eat tonight. 

Akira was upstairs, gathering all the things she had brought with her when she moved in. All of it fit into one large duffel bag. After everything was packed, she threw the bag over her shoulder and headed out. Akira puts her bag in the back of her van, and then walks over to Searan's car, tapping the window so he'd roll it down.

"Hey, can I borrow your phone?" she asks.

"Sure," he grabs his phone out of the glove box, unlocks it, then hands it to her. "What for?"

Akira starts typing on the phone as she speaks. "Need to tell Jake I'm leaving so he's not surprised."

"Oh," Searan responds in a flat tone, then suddenly becomes more cheerful when he asks "Hey, you want to go get some chicken for dinner?"

Akira pauses and looks up at him with her eyebrow raised. "Sure. Why chicken?"

Searan cringes. Maybe he should have left the option open. "Ah, we can go somewhere else if you want. The investigator who was helping me find you shouted something about going out for chicken once we rescued you, so that was the-"

Akira laughs. "Alright, alright. I'm fine with chicken, I was just curious. We can leave my van at the apartment and take your car." After she says this, she finishes up with the text, and sends it to Jake.


Jake would get a text from an unfamiliar number. "Hey, it's Akira. I have enough money to pay the rent on my apartment, so I'm going to move back in there. Thanks for all your help the past couple days."

Jake's phone went off in his pocket and he looked down and he frowned. He hoenstly was going to be bored without her there. The past few days were very eventful and he rather enjoyed her company. He then sighed and texted back "Alright. If you need anything you know where to find me. And umm. Can we talk about something soon? Not right now but maybe later?" He hit send and put his phone back to his pocket

@Crystal Cali
Akira and Searan would both drive to Akira's apartment, and unload her things. Searan takes out his phone, and sees the text from Jake. He unlocks it, and hands it to Akira. "Here. Your friend is asking to talk."

Akira takes the phone, and reads the message. She replies, "Yeah, we should talk. Let me know when you have time. Sending an email might get the message to me faster, since this is Searan's phone." She hits send and says, "Hey, can I use this to check my email and stuff while we're going? If we're lucky, I may have a job waiting for me."

Searan chuckles. "Since when have you and I ever had good luck?" 

Akira takes that as a "yes" and keeps the phone as they go back down to Searan's car. She checks her email, and sees the message from Chi. She sends a response: "What do you need me to do?"

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
Akira read the message, and looked troubled. "Hey, Searan, can we go to this bar instead?"

Searan had starts the car and was driving away from the parking lot. He gives her a curious look. "Want to forget today that badly?" he teased.

"No... Well, yes, but that's not the point. My last client wants to meet up. She needs help for something."

"For what?" 

"She didn't say."

Searan now looks troubled, but shrugs. "Sure. Tell me where to go." Akira gave Searan directions, and they soon arrived at the bar where Akira fist met Chi. Both of them head inside, and Akira starts looking for Chi.

@Hanah Solo
Akira read the message, and looked troubled. "Hey, Searan, can we go to this bar instead?"

Searan had starts the car and was driving away from the parking lot. He gives her a curious look. "Want to forget today that badly?" he teased.

"No... Well, yes, but that's not the point. My last client wants to meet up. She needs help for something."

"For what?" 

"She didn't say."

Searan now looks troubled, but shrugs. "Sure. Tell me where to go." Akira gave Searan directions, and they soon arrived at the bar where Akira fist met Chi. Both of them head inside, and Akira starts looking for Chi.

@Hanah Solo

Chi was sitting at courner table, not wearing her suit.
Akira spots Chi, then looks to Searan and points her out. "Don't know if she'll want someone else here. Just wait somewhere close."

Searan nods. "Sure," he says, then takes a seat at the bar.

Akira heads over and sits in the spot across from Chi. "So," she says, not wanting to waste time on small talk, "what's the problem?"

@Hanah Solo
"I have sister, who shouldn't know that i am here. She somehow is now here and did this to my target."

Chi shows picture of man who was her target and text behind him.
Akira glances at the picture, cringes a bit, then looks back to Chi. "I take it you two don't have the most loving relationship. So, what do you need me to do? Find her? That will be hard without a phone number or some online signiture I can trace, and I don't have all my tech right now due to unforeseen circumstances. What do you think your sister wants , anyway?"

@Hanah Solo

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Esther's eyes narrowed in confusion when she realized that Jake was doing something on his phone. She didn't really bother looking into the conversation, before Sam interrupted her by grabbing her finger. "Let's go with him then." 

For now, the two would follow Jake until they got to his house or wherever he'd lead them; both were far too tired to think, especially after the explosion that Esther had to outrun. 

Jake smiled and emailed her "Anytime. Im gonna be out if work for at least a couple days. Having a entire window of glass shards inside you doesnt help. Especially when you also got shot." He puts a laughing face after and he looks to the other two as they got ready to follow him and he began walking in the direction of his mansion "So are you two dating?" He asked to make small talk 

((i edited this))

@JPax @Crystal Cali
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"Fight, she says lot of to killing me, what i don't believe she would. But she would kill lot of innocent people to find me."

Chi looked calm when she said it.

"I might kill people, but i have code that i follow. Here is photo if her."

Chi gived photo of Nemo.

"I can't give number, before i can make sure that my group doesn't sent killer after you."

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

"She's my sister. The eyes usually give it away." Purple eyes were medically impossible, but Sam felt no reason to hide it. "It's okay, I'll be sleeping the whole time. No, I have work. Being caught in an explosion is no excuse. So what do you think of Akira?" 

They could very easily tell Jake's attraction to the woman, but then again very few were good at hiding emotions.

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Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

"She's my sister. The eyes usually give it away." Purple eyes were medically impossible, but Sam felt no reason to hide it. He paid no mind to the comment about glass; after all the man nearly killed Esther so he shouldn't be complaining. "It's okay, I'll be sleeping the whole time. No, I have work too. Being caught in an explosion is no excuse. So what do you think of Akira?" 

They could very easily tell Jake's attraction to the woman, but then again very few were good at hiding emotions.


((The glass comment was a email. And purple eyes are medically possible. Its a mutation. But yeah the comment was a email not actually spoken
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Akira takes the photo and looks at it. "Once I get my computers back, up, and running, Searan and I can watch the street cams for her. That's about all I can do without some kind of electronic signature. I'd suggest finding a different place to stay. If she knows you're in this city, she may know your address. I'd offer you stay with me, but Searan is already taking the futon, and my apartment is small." She did think about Jake's house. It would have the most security, but she was sure he wouldn't want Searan staying there. Still.... That was the best option. "One sec, I though of something," she says, and pulls out Searan's phone from her pocket. She pulls up the text from Jake, and reads his latest response. She types a response back. "Go the hospital then, you idiot! Also, if I were to bring Searan to your place, how likely are you to kill him? We may need a bigger place then my apartment for a while." she hits send.

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic
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Jake checked his phone as he walked with them and he chuckled at the reply she gave him and he typed "Well so long as he doesnt start anything I'm fine with it. And well as long as I am not woken to any nighttime 'disturbances'." He then hit send and the email sent 

Jake hearing what the two said smiled and he nodded "Yes you and your sister have beautiful eyes." He continues walking and when he mentions how he feels towards Akira  he blushes "O-oh uhhhh yeah she is...umm special to me..."

(( @JPax when you fix the post then I will add a reply to this one.))
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Akira chooses to pretend she didn't read that last part. She sends a reply, "Chi would be with us as well. I'm helping her with something, and my apartment is small. It's up to her weather or not we use your place, though." She looks to Chi and says, "We could set up at Jake's house if you need another place to hide. You'd be close to me and Searan so we could better keep you informed, and you'd likely be safer. It's up to you what you want to do, though."

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
"Well i didn't really have address before, but someone watching that nobody mess whit my weapons would be good thing... That's something that my sister has done."

Chi get's up.

"I meet you there, my bike is behind bar."

@Crystal Cali
Akira nods and stands up. "We're going to have to get some working computers, and then we will join you at Jake's." Akira walks over to the bar and fill Searan in on what was going on. 

"Should we also run by the apartment and get some of your things?" he asks as they head out to the car.

"No. Jake has fully stocked closets for guests, and everything," she replies, getting into the car.

"And he is okay with me being there?" 

"Yeah, so long as you don't start trouble."

Searan snorts.

"Don't start anything," Akira says firmly.

"I won't! I'm just worried he might. I don't know much about the guy, but it seems like he's in love with you."

"How did you know that? Were you reading those messages?"

"It was on my phone."

Akira huffs. "Fine, I'll give you that one. Once we've resolved Chi's situation, we can all talk this out. If I'm going to keep living in this city, I don't need either of you causing me grief."

"I'm trying not to," Searan complains, then pauses as they arrive at the computer store. He sighs. "I suppose he's not either."

"Well, that's generous of you to assume."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get your computer working." They both get out of the car. They had to buy new batteries for the computers since Akira damaged the last ones. They also bought a few parts to do some upgrades, but they didn't have the money to get too much fancy hardware. Once they were done, they headed over to Jake's mansion.

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic @JPax
Chi drived to Jake's house stopping to sight of blow up car.

"What has happened here?"

Chi continued to front of house and see front door.

"Suddenly, this doesn't look so good idea."
((The glass comment was a email. And purple eyes are medically possible. Its a mutation. But yeah the comment was a email not actually spoken

(Oh shit sorry. And no purple eyes is not a real mutation. Esther still has periods, and Sam is a man. That mutation is fake. Also I fixed it.)
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(Oh shit sorry. And no purple eyes is not a real mutation. Esther still has periods, and Sam is a man. That mutation is fake. Also I fixed it.)

((No see thats the misunderstanding. Purple eyes are possible its. Its a very slin chance to get them but it is entirely possible.  The only parts about purple eyes that are a myth are the thought that you have fire resistant skin due to it. They eye color can happen just not the extra stuff. Edited the other post.))
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((No see thats the misunderstanding. Purple eyes are possible its. Its a very slin chance to get them but it is entirely possible.  The only parts about purple eyes that are a myth are the thought that you have fire resistant skin due to it. They eye color can happen just not the extra stuff. Edited the other post.))

(But this is fiction, so who cares how they got purple eyes anyways?)

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