Main RP [RP happens here]

Jake nodded at the question and he looked to the girl who did not seem to be in too good of shape, his needle came out and he walked over to her as he said "You two can spend the night at my place. So long as its still standing." He then took the girls arm into his hand and he smiled "Allow me to help" He pushed the needle into her and the nanobots surged through her body and he smiled, they were there to regulate her body, healing wounds and maintaining homeostasis.

@JPax @Crystal Cali @YoungX
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Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Esther fell to the ground, weakened by the nanobots. The problem was that she was about as far from human as they got; her temperature was much higher, her metabolism moved faster, and her wounds healed differently. Putting human nanobots much. Esther's vision went red and she began to scream. "GET IT OUT! WHAT THE FUGHCK-" She spit out a mouthful of blood, some of which was from the metal in the nanobots. Her body was quite literally frying the nanobot circuitry. 

Sam was now enraged as hell. He grabbed Jake by the neck and pushed him onto the glass shards. "Whatever the fuck you injected into her, reverse it before I reverse your insides..." His red bar-eyes narrowed onto Jake's eyes. He was definitely going to kill if he didn't fix it. Sam was in no mood to take Esther to the hospital.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Akira blushed a bright red, and looked back to Sam with a cringy frown on her face. Searan just laughed, and he held out his hand as Akira came close enough he could reach her. He wraps his arm behind her waist to steady her, then would lead her to his car. They both stopped and turned around as Esther started screaming. "What the hell?" they said in unison. Akira looked worried, but there wasn't anything she could do, besides vouch for Jake if she felt like it. She didn't. 

"Should I call an ambulance?" Searan offered, though he had to get his phone out of the glove box first.

@JPax @ThatOneLunatic
The nanobots would immediately adjust to her bodies natural states, the pain receptors in her body going off would signal that something was wrong and their programming would cause them to adjust what they were doing to fix the problems. He looked up the Sam and his needle retracted and his blade came out.his back now torn by glass and he ignored the pain as he stood up "The nanobots just needed time to adjust to her bodies natural status. I'm not in the mood to be attacked again. Next time you touch me I will kill you." He said as he turned away his back pretty much shredded by glass and he walked out of the store. "I retract my offer. Your sister may stay at my estate. You may not, less you apologize." He said simply and coldly as he stepped outside the store covered in blood. 

@JPax @Crystal Cali

((When everyone hates on Jake for doing nice things))
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Alison Eckener

Alison narrowed her eyes in irritation, but they temporarily had a red shadow before reverting. "Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time." She continued to drive at a normal pace. Almost absentmindedly, she parked in front of the MPPD and got out before opening the door for H. "Might as well meet with the chief."



"You've heard his name before? Well anyways yeah let's meet with the Chief." He get out of the car and thanked Alison for opening the door. From there he would follow Alison to meet with the Chief himself.


Frank himself would hear of the report and wanted to give a stern talk to the two of them. Sure he doesn't best up his fellow officers but he will sure give a talking.


@JPax [Gonna sleep guys. I will change the time to night tomorrow.]
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Searan sighs, and looks down to Akira. "Speaking of staying places, where are you staying?"

"Erm... well, my van is at Jake's house. I was going to stay in his guest room for a while because I don't have the money for rent," she answered.

"Do you have another place?" he asked, not liking the idea of Akira staying the night with Jake, even if hey were in separate rooms. 

"Yeah, an apartment on the outskirts of the city. I ran out of rent money pretty quick since I didn't have time to take clients before you shook things up. I got one afterwards, but then things blew up again... literally."

Searan chuckles. "How much do you need?"

"Seventy-five dollars."

"I can cover that. Let's go get your van, and pay that rent. Then..."

Akira let out a soft chuckle. "Talk it out?"

"If that's even possible at this point." With that, Akira and Searan both got into Searan's car, and drove off. Akira would give Searan directions to Jake's mansion, and have him wait in front of the house while she went inside to get her things and load them into her van that was parked out front.

@JPax @ThatOneLunatic
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Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Sam wasn't fazed nor impressed by the threat, especially since he knew how predictable others were. Esther turned and coughed up more blood. Unfortunately, technology wasn't able to adapt to her range of operation in time, so her body dealt with it by vomiting out all of the nanobots in her blood. Samuel picked her up and walked to the back of the restaurant. "We'd rather not live with a creep like you." Sam knew that Esther's position would've been revealed as an enhanced human, but at this point he didn't care. If anything, Jake should apologize for spontaneously stuffing a needle without asking into Esther's body. Sam knew he couldn't do anything about retarded self-centered pricks, and this city was full of them anyways. 

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali 

(You know how people can be allergic to medicine, right? Nanobots are the same thing. Esther can run much faster than regular humans. Downside? Her body is different and a weakness, so medication and stuff don't work on her. Nothing is a one size fits all anyways in the real world.)

Alison Eckener

The stern talking to really put Alison in a bad mood. Probably one of the worst moods she had ever been in. A cloud of depression and irritation followed her around as she went to her room, filing paperwork like a machine. Next to her table was hundreds of bottles of alcohol, most of them empty from all the "stern talking to's" she had gotten from past, present and future. "Shh...paperwork, shut up and stop mocking me." The captain picked up a phone book and tore it in half like she was tearing two sheets of paper before tossing it into the wall. And then, she went to sleep right on that pile of papers.


<Open for interaction, if anyone's willing to wake her up for a phone call>
Jake shrugged his comment off "Sorry for trying to stop her pain." He said as he turned back around "The nanobots can adapt to any temperature and should have been able to assist. Its in their programming." He then looked to the woman and he said in a apologetic tone "Sorry miss, I didnt mean to harm you. I am a doctor and it is strictly against the oath I swore to hurt people whom are wounded and I didnt intent for that to happen." He then looked to the boy "Now, if you care for your sister I would suggest you allow me to try again now that my nanobots have the correct adjustments and can actually help her. If they dont I give you full permission to finish me off right here." He said truthfully before he then added "As for your comment about me being a creep, lets just say it comes with the job of being a neurosurgeon, we are weird people." 

(( @JPaxNanobots arent like medicine they adapt to anything and everything, thats the whole point of them. That whole scene shouldn't have happened but i let it slide for the sake of the rp, his nanobots are specially designed to withstand any amount of heat or cold and to heal anyone and etc. They arent just for humans and are specially made to adapt to all species and such within a split second.))

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

"Neurosurgeon my ass." Sam pulled out his gun and put it on the chair next to Esther, who hugged it like a teddy bear. He could really care less about the oath or whatever, yet the extremely condescending way he apologized only annoyed Sam further. "How about you don't put stuff into her body and let it heal naturally, like nature intended it to. Also, I really don't need you telling me how to care about my sister. I care about her and don't need you, who could've probably killed her, to tell me how to do it." At this point, Sam didn't care if the "neurosurgeon" attacked him. After all, the man did make a threat on his life. That was a sign that the surgeon was not to be trusted.

Esther's wounds finally began to show signs of healing. She mumbled and woke up, looking at the man that Sam was arguing with. She didn't really like his tone either, but all the girl wanted was some peace and quiet. "We'll just stay at overnight, I bet you don't want me in your house anyways." Esther coughed again, this time there was no blood or anything volatile. 

@ThatOneLunatic (Not everyone's created equal. Having robots that fix everything is pretty overpowered too, but you know I'll let that slide too since YoungX already approved.)
Jake had spoken in a apologetic tone so there was no reason for either of them to get even more upset and he shook his head "Look I cant let you guys sleep here in a shitty restaurant. Let me make it uo to you and you guys can stay at my house. Theres enough guest rooms for the both of you." He felt terrible. He never wanted to hurt anyone.....he was just trying to help. Too bad he used the last of his bots to helo her and they didnt work. He was still bleeding profusely from his back as he looked at the two 


((ubless you would like to redo the scene then i guess this is how it wilk be...))

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Samuel was pretty adamant about sleeping in the restaurant. "I'll sleep with both eyes open if I go." He lay down on the hard wooden chairs, head to head with Esther. "Good nigh-" Without warning, the chair snapped and collapsed, dropping Sam and Esther both onto the ground. Stupid restaurant and their shit-tier architecture wasn't particularly helpful to them at all. "Ow...that hurt..." For the sake of company, the two would've gone to Jake's house but then that would only be an uncomfortable night. Now Sam was torn between choosing between a neurosurgeon who could probably kill Esther, but would offer a roof, versus a crappy restaurant that was pretty cold, but at least they could get sleep without being cautious. Sam felt like facepalming as he realized that Akira and Searan had left as well. "Well, do we have any choice?" Sam asked from the ground, not bothering to get up. Esther was rocking Sam back and forth like a delusional little girl. "Wake up Ishmael, we gotta go catch the ice cream truck..."

Jake was about to walk out the doir when he heard the chair snap and he turned and he looke to him concerned "Are you sure you want to stay in a dump like this?"

he asked as he looked at the two of them

The cold wind breezed above the sky.

When he arrived at Edward's location, Kai parked his Prius in front of the house and got inside the house. He had his lethal dagger at the ready if Edward somehow broke their deal. He asked him in a serious manner, "Hey. Did you destroy Jake's house and kidnap Akira? Tell me you didn't, and don't lie to me." He put both his hands on his pockets, one of which is holding his dagger.


((Yo I need you to reply @SirGrey))
The sunset falls and the moon rises. It is night time.




H sighed as he would go to one of the MPPD gyms and workout. The Chief really gave both him and Alison a talking to and it always sucks when a superior gives someone a talking to. He can still remember it as if it just happened a minute ago.


"Alison...Hilbert... you two may have skills but you don't have the experience. What were you going to do if Akira Chino had died? It would've been on your conscious and your jobs could've been lost. You two are similar; you go in buck wild on the scenario and just expect good results. Out of 100 times you'll only succeed about 10 of them if you always go in buck wild. I want you two to think about what you've done. Especially you sonny. Your a State Agent; you have to act like it. Now anything you want to say?"


"Sorry dad." 


"Sorry won't be enough for mistakes, but at least your sorry. Now go reflect."


Hilbert would be on the treadmill running as he thinks about his usual method of handling things. Maybe it was time for a change. If he kept on this reckless behavior then not only would he be replaced but he would also have this weighing on his mind forever. He wonders if Alison is alright as he didn't really see her. In any case he would keep on exercising.
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Hanah had have panic attacks and once she had get herself unbounded, she had attacked to male doctor and guards had to put her down. Now she was drugged and whit handcuffs bounded to bed.


Shadowkiller entered in building where by her intel her target should be when she saw bloodbath. 

"What has happened here?"

Shadowkiller walked in room where her target was, throat open and behind him there was text writed by blood. 


"Oh no."

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

"Well, why not stay here?" Samuel really didn't want to be forced into going; the longer the man stayed the more appealing going to his home seemed, especially since they were forced into this tight spot of going and not going. Esther looked up at the man. "I think we'll have to go anyways so might as well if that offer is still open." It was the first time Esther forgave someone so quickly. It would probably never happen again.


Alison Eckener

Sleep proved impossible. She was far too busy reflecting on what the hell just went down, and in the end she was still a police officer no matter how many labels she put over her uniform to mask the MPPD seal. Alison shoved half the papers off the desk into a pile on the ground; the finished pile, and decided she was done for now. 

Moments later, Alison showed up at the MPPD gym. Seeing that H was there on the treadmill did make her feel more assured that someone was still there. Alison yanked off the white shirt and grabbed two fifty pound weights, carrying it to the treadmill with one hand each. She stepped onto it and turned it on, then began to run with the weights. It wasn't a slow run either, it was definitely something worth taking note of. "H, you come here often?"

John was inside of his suit driving around in the road. He was simply thinking. Then again to most people it would be hard to think with the high heat and noise levels in the car, but John was right at home. He was driving in a empty street, surprising for a city but it was a ghetto. His speeder sat low, and was fast. He was thinking of ways to get money. 

Jewelry store? Nah

Mechanic job? Nah

Bank robbery.... Maybe. 

For now he drives up to a bank. Idling for a good 30 minutes. Drawing up a plan.

(Open for interaction. Also if I remember correctly in my county your not allowed to idle Infront of bank. No joke I almost got arrested.)

John was inside of his suit driving around in the road. He was simply thinking. Then again to most people it would be hard to think with the high heat and noise levels in the car, but John was right at home. He was driving in a empty street, surprising for a city but it was a ghetto. His speeder sat low, and was fast. He was thinking of ways to get money. 

Jewelry store? Nah

Mechanic job? Nah

Bank robbery.... Maybe. 

For now he drives up to a bank. Idling for a good 30 minutes. Drawing up a plan.

(Open for interaction. Also if I remember correctly in my county your not allowed to idle Infront of bank. No joke I almost got arrested.)

Note: I don't know county laws so I guess that law makes sense. People might think your trying to plan something.
(shit my thing malfunctioned, my post got deleted.)

John was inside of his suit driving around in the road. He was simply thinking. Then again to most people it would be hard to think with the high heat and noise levels in the car, but John was right at home. He was driving in a empty street, surprising for a city but it was a ghetto. His speeder sat low, and was fast. He was thinking of ways to get money. 

Jewelry store? Nah

Mechanic job? Nah

Bank robbery.... Maybe. 

For now he drives up to a bank. Idling for a good 30 minutes. Drawing up a plan.

(Open for interaction. Also if I remember correctly in my county your not allowed to idle Infront of bank. No joke I almost got arrested.)

(There, sorry for the repost.)

"Oh hey Capt. No not really but I felt like doing something to fill the time. Honestly I'm just a bit bummed out. Being the son of the Chief puts unwanted pressure to do better. That's why I quit the force a while back to become a State Agent. And... well some other matters. Anyway at least your here; now it won't be so boring. Want to go out some time?" Hillbert wasn't exactly asking Alison out for a date rather just asking her to hang out to relieve some stress from work. Plus he needs a break before working on his investigation on Gamma.


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Jake nodded and he smiled "Yeah you guys are welcome to stay as long as you need. Once again sorrynfor acting so hastily. I didnt expect to need to adjust them." He said apologetically once again and he cracked a weak smile as he turned "Right this way!" He said as he turned back towards the door. The site if his back was gruesome. His back had multiole shards of glads in it and his shirt, suit, and bulletproof vest  had glass sticking init them. The bottoms of his legs were cut up by glass and his lower back where the bulletproof vest didnt cover had glass sticking out of it. Despite the injuries Jake remained standing, only due to the pain releif coming from his nanobots 

Edward was told by one of his security that he had a guest. Kai. Going to the door, with a cane in hand in case this was a trap of some kind. As he went to the door to meet Kai he said "Come in" before explaining "No I didn't do either of those things, they hold no value for me besides there is enough attention on me after that affair at the docks, which is why I am taking a leave of absence, another base of mine far away from here you see" he says showing him the dismantled equipment. "Not much here besides the weapon storage downstairs which you are welcome to," he says handing him the code "Goodbye Kai if we never meet again, well it was a pleasure to know" as he goes towards his car. @CrossedInLyke

Alison Eckener

Alison was slightly surprised about being asked but she obviously thought that would be nice to go with someone. "I don't see any reason why not. Sure, we can. Got any places in mind?" She looked down at the weights, soon having to slow down a little.


(I'll post for the rest soon, gotta focus in school)

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