Main RP [RP happens here]


H would freeze up and look to Searan with his gun still pointed at King. "Well why do you think I'm pointing a gun at King? One of them is knocked out and heck the other is still looking up at the rooftop with smoke. And well... I'm not a cop. Long story." From there he would look back to King and decided to take out another gun. So now he would point two guns at King.

"Ok King we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Hand over Akira or... or you get hurt. I'm not joking the Captain will literally rip your arms apart." 


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Searan lets out what sounds like a feral growl. "Akira's not here, you idiot! You wait until you see the hostage before your start shooting up the place! For all we know, all he has to do," Searan roughly jolted his gun to point at King, "is wait say thirty minutes, and one of his other goons will kill Akira on the assumption that he's lost and they need to erase evidence. Then they pack up and go before you get even a hint of the truth out of him! God damn it, you just got her killed!" Searan's face was twisted in an expression of rage as he glared at H.

@YoungX @Broncos @Hanah Solo @JPax
Seeing bow the king didnt defend himself Jake cut his wrist spinning driving a fist into his gut before getting behind him and putting his wrist blade to his neck and he whispered in his ear "If you dont tell me where Akira is I'll make you suffer worse than you could ever imagine." He pistionef himself so any quick moves from the kkng would be easily noticed.


Alison Eckener

Alison calmly walked over to King and clicked the taser into the armed position. "You know, you can always come to jail and fulfill the dark, steamy desires of all the prisoners. Spill it." There was a reason Alison was acting angry. The taser click sent a signal to policemen with Alison's last known coordinates. Yeah...that wasn't going to help much. 

@Broncos @Crystal Cali @YoungX @Hanah Solo
Note: After this King scenario I would like to advance to the main story Arc. First I'd have to make it night time and etc.
Searan was now growing worried on top of angry. The longer this got drug out, the more likely someone was going to kill Akira. "Damn it! Everyone just stop! He's going to kill her! Do you not understand this? He doesn't have to be there to kill her! He'll have someone else do it! Hell he might have already done it! God, you all are hopeless, worthless, moronic, pieces of shit!" Searan looks directly to King, or at least as directly as he can with a bunch of people in the way. "I'll go with you. Willingly, and conscious if you don't mind. I'll do whatever the hell you want, so long as Akira is alive."

@Broncos @JPax @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @YoungX 
Jaune smiled at this. He looked at the man holding him and said "I'd suggest you let me go,". He then shouted "Alright, here is how this will go. One, all of you will put your weapons down. Two, Searen will walk slowly to me. Three, you will leave and none of you will follow me. Screw any of this up and Akira dies, got it?"

@JPax @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @YoungX @Crystal Cali
"ANd what stops me from injecting you and making you suffer to the point of insanity? Until you break and tell me where she is you gutless coward!" He tightened his grip the blad retracting and he turned the man around grabbing him by the neck lifting him up and slamming his back to the ground in anger "TELL ME WHERE SHE IS NOW!"


Esther Khan Samuel Khan

Esther and Sam had actually found their way around and realized that the stupid building had been evacuated. Since nobody could deal with this bullshit anymore, Esther tuned in to the police radio as she pulled her black suit over her body. Samuel perked up from the bed and looked with a glare of dismay. "Esther, we're going for the King, not the sex slave."

"No, shut up. You don't know what they have to go through, okay? I have to get her out." Esther put gloves on and grappled across the street, slamming in through the same windows to look for Akira. "Oi, sex slave. It's me. I'm here to bust your ass out."

@Crystal Cali

Alison Eckener

Alison didn't see the bullet coming, but did step at an inconvenient time. The bullet struck her on the shoulder, causing her arm to go slightly limp, as if she'd been hit with a lot of pain. However, the vest did deflect it off, leaving her with nothing more than a scratch on her face. "Jake, calm the hell down. You'll break his throat." Suddenly, Alison pulled out her high caliber pistol and fired three shots at Snipe. Each bullet was large enough to cause a hell lot of pain. If it hit in the face, consider the face blown off.

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic @Broncos @Crystal Cali
Searan drops his weapons, gets down from the top of his car, and groans as he gives Jake an appalled look. "Dear God, there should be a limit to how utterly stupid one human being can be," he said in a disgusted tone as he slowly walked towards the scene. "Would any of you care to step the fuck away from the man before your idiocy gets Akira killed? The longer you drag this out," he gave a sharp glare to Jake, "the more likely Akira dies. The more force you use, the more likely you enrage his followers, and the more likely is is that Akira dies. So grow some fucking brain cells, and think about what you are doing before you kill the man."

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX @Hanah Solo @JPax @Broncos


Gigi was in a room that was still in tact, a short distance away from most of the damage. She had been sleeping, but was awoken by voices calling to her. She gets up, and walks to the door of her room, peeking her head out. "Is my King back? Does he want to know what I know about Searan?" she called out, looking around to see who was there.
"Even if he was about to die I woudlnt let it happen. Yet. Now shut the fuck up before I kill you." He said without taking his eyes off the man he was homding down but he raised his right arm towards him his wrist pistols coming out and he added "I wont save you. You were given a second chance. Screw this up and ill kill you." 

@Crystal Cali @Broncos

H would back away from King and Searan and dropped his weapons. He was definitely going to get an earful from Frank after this and so were Alison and Jake. Still it was too late for regrets but he still retained his cool. Knowing H, he was sure to abuse the power of damn good luck. It saved him before but he knew he shouldn't rely on something as trivial as luck. Still it did help him out so he damn hopes it works out this time or it's gonna suck extremely hard. For now he gave Alison a look. It was just a look but it was just a look. 


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Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Esther raised an eyebrow as Samuel joined her. "She's been headfucked. Uh, I mean horned up. I mean..." 

"Brainwashed. Yes, we are here for whatever information for Searan..." In reality, Esther nor Sam would listen. Esther immediately went to work on the chains while Sam stared at Akira with his red-bar and purple eyes. There was also a certain atmosphere about the two. It wasn't fear, it was just modified human pheromones used in events of escape. "Tell who is with Searan, who is Searan, why is Searan Searan..." 

@Crystal Cali

Alison Eckener

Alison returned the look to Agent H. Thoughts running through her mind involved whether Frank would mess her up or not. Skill didn't equal to experience, and Alison simply had skill. She focused back on Searan and King. No words were exchanged, only her intense glare. Her grip on her swords remained firm as she prepared for anything.

@YoungX @Broncos @Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali
(Akira's not chained up anymore ;)

Gigi looked confused as the strangers came to her. She stood there in the bedroom, half-naked, and looking dazed. "Do you.... also work for my king?" she asks in an airy tone. "Searan is a hacker, like me. He was my lover in college, and my rival after his sister died. He wanted to end the government, but I stopped him. He's in jail.... I think..." a pained look came over Gigi's face as she recalls the events of the last 12 hours or so. "I sent him a message. I don't know if he got it."



Searan stopped only a short distance away from Jake and King. He glared at Jake. "That should be my line," he growls, though he makes no move towards Jake, it's clear through his expression that he'd like to punch the guy in the face.

@YoungX @ThatOneLunatic @Broncos

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

"That's rough, dear. I think we can find him, okay. And you know...the King doesn't really care about you. If he did, he would buy you nice clothes, not take them off. Now..." Sam looked down, then he realized what was wrong with her state of dress. He covered his eyes. "Oh...she is a sex slave for real. Or, was." She sort of blanked out at the thought, before looking down at her own clothes. Not enough. Then Esther tore a curtain off of the old windows and wrapped it around the woman. "C'mon, you're surely more respectable than this. What's your name? Like, what does Searan call you or whatever? Heh, lovebirds."

@Crystal Cali 
Jake spotted the phone and he look f at it quickly memorizing the co-ordinates before he then smirked "I have no use for you anymore." Lifting him up in a fit if rage jakes blade came out and he thrust it mutltiplet times into his gut then slitting his throat in anger shiving his body ti the side before spitting on it. "Come on. Lets go. I know where the base is." He walked back to the car they took there

@Crystal Cali

@YoungX @JPax @Broncos
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Jaune laid bleeding and dead on the ground. However, a little message began to play on his phone.

"I knew this might happen, you bloody peasents. Didn't you know that my base was connected to my vitals? Now it's going to blow up! You really are a bunch of idiots,".

The message ended and soon, Slit's and Snipes's phones received a text

"You have failed me. You are nothing to me now and you failed your one job: To protect your king. Go burn in hell you two, burn in hell,"

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali @JPax

Alison Eckener

Alison picked up Jaune's shredded body and jumped onto the roof of the car. "I'll ride rooftop. H, get comfy. It's really nice in there. Also, there's chocolate in the glove compartment, leave one dollar." She anchored herself with the TME as she prepared for the car to do something. In a mundane fashion, she put her finger on King's lip. "Shh..." 

@YoungX @ThatOneLunatic

"...All according to plan," H said to everyone as he gave Alison the look again. He would then prepare to head for the car.


"Stay mad if you want Searan but we're heading off to save Akira before the bomb blows. Don't worry we can make it."


He would follow Alison. ""Nice. Let's hope we don't get chewed out- shit Jake cover!!" H would fire his twin pistols at Snipe's upper area.


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She tilts her head to the side, her gaze growing distant. "Searan calls me.... Lovebug." Of course, that was just a nickname he had for her. She continues to ramble. "That's why.... I used it as my hacker.... name.... to taunt him..." This string of thought seemed to snap Akira out of the brainwashed stupor she had been put into. Suddenly, an awareness came back to her face, and she looked at the two with wide eyes, then down to the curtain that she was wrapped in. "Oh..." and now she looked disgusted. "Oh! Oh God! Oh no!" she started pacing. "Oh hell! Gah, I'm gonna puke!" she looks back to the two. "Do either of you know how to willingly suppress memories? Because I'd like to forget the last 12 hours or so ever happened. No, wait, before that, we should probably leave before King gets back." Akira walks over to the wardrobe inside the room, remembering that King said there were clothes for her here. She snorts in disgust as she sees the gothic trench coats hanging in front of her, but doesn't bother with that. She at least finds some underwear, and a pair of pants to go with the t-shirt the was wearing. She turns her back towards the two, keeping the curtain draped over her shoulders so they wouldn't see her change, then turns back and says, "I'd freeze to death before wearing that stupid thing. Let's just go before someone notices."



Searan dived for the phone, but it seemed to turn off before he got to it. Though since Jake said he knew where the base was, it seemed there was still hope. "Good! I'll follow you!" he calls, heading back to his own car. He had to replug the spark plugs before getting in and starting it up. He nanaged to dodge the firefight, but he had to wait for Jake to move before he could since he didn't know where he was going.

@ThatOneLunatic @Broncos @YoungX
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