Main RP [RP happens here]

Gigi nearly collapsed on her own bed, though tried to remain attentive. She hadn't said anything to answer his question before King walked out of the room. "W-wait! Don't you want to know about Searan? I know most everything!" she called after him.

@Broncos @Hanah Solo

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

"Run the fuck away!" Sam grit his teeth as they made their escape, having no choice. Sure, they were definitely enhanced beyond human limits but that didn't mean they could survive just everything. "Sam, they're not following us! You know they're probably scared out of their minds right now, right?" Esther facepalmed, nearly slamming into the side of a building as she did. 

"Huh? Good. Looks like we're in the clear. Should give me a chance to, uh...change my pants." 

Esther shot her brother an incredulous look after he said this. The balcony below soon contacted their feet, and they slid to a stop in a hotel right across from the King's building. It wasn't for scouting purposes, however, they just had the cheapest rooms available. Upon entering through the door, Esther immediately collapsed on the bed. Meanwhile, Samuel took off the black suit and poked at his stomach. "Hey, Esther, I have bullet bruises on my stomach. Can you hug me and make the pain feel better?"

"Go fuck yourself. I'm bleeding too, from parts of the building when that retard fired a rocket at me."

"Okay, then goodnight." Sam smiled as he picked up the hotel phone. "Hey, is this room service? No, I don't want complimentary orange juice. I need some bandages-" 

Esther yanked the phone out of Sam's hand and put it against her ear. "I heard orange juice. Yes, if it's free I'll take it. In fact I'll take anything that's free. Thank you!" 

Sam made a grab for the phone. "Esther, I need those bandages!"

"I do too! What if I couldn't stop the bleeding? You know that happens to me!"

"Well no shit woman, I'm sure they don't make tampons thick enough to-" 


"..." Sam's purple eyes shifted to the phone. He slowly picked it up and put it back to his own ear. "Hello, room service. I'd like that orange juice. Wait. Um. Hello? Anyone there?"

( @Broncos @Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo Still left anyways cause something started over there and I figured there was enough of Gamma's subordinates today, so here's a post about sibling rivalry xD)
(Back again. @Crystal Cali Who's Gigi? Did I miss something?)


"Crap. I think I'm gonna be safe... for now." Kai muttered as he saw no one tailing, spying, or following him. He finally decided to get out of the destructed house before someone sees it and blames him for everything. But one thing popped out of his mind, Akira is missing. She wasn't involved in anything. "This doesn't make any sense." Kai said as he tried to blame Edward for what happened, but kidnapping her wasn't in their deal. He could prove him trustworthy in many ways, well, one way to be exact. He got into his car and turned on his laptop. He tried to search the web for the so-called King.

<Open...again ;-;>

(btw @YoungX When's night coming? :3)
Jake put on the gown and he stretched before he said "Im dressed. Sorry you had to see those things." Hid tone was apologetic and he then  cracked his knuckles and relaxed sitting down on the bed. His body was still sore after the beating jt took. "Now what do you want to know?" He spoke now in a relaxed tone. 

(going to post continually until I get someone to interact with ^^)


Kai tried to call Akira. No answer. Second time. No answer.

When Kai read the info he found both on the normal web and deep web, he can conclude that he is equally powerful and dangerous as Edward. Unlike his mercenaries, the King's subordinate/s would also be powerful, and out of control. Then, one thought popped out of his mind, Does the King have something to do with problems not making sense to him? And if the question had an answer, Kai would finally, and hopefully, understand what's happening. Everything escalated too quickly in the past 3 hours (or more or less, whatever). But before that, he needed some information. He tracked Edward using the seek on his matrix map. He needed to ask him, if he had anything to do with the destruction of Jake's home and with Akira missing.

He set route for Edward's real-time location and turned on his too if Edward tries to find him. He knew that no one would take interest of his location, unless... But Kai cut that thought away. Kai turned on his Prius and followed the route to Edward Smithwood.

@SirGrey + Open for interaction
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H would be doing whatever until he would look back down with his goggles to see Searan in the parking garage. He trusted Searan and knew he definitely wouldn't be up to no good but the whole 'Akira is dead' bit left him skeptical. But then a bigger question arose from that: If Akira isn't dead then why would Searan lie about it? If Searan did lie then there had to have been a reason to not tell H about it. 


This is when he began to do one of his thinking moments and thought about it. 'Searan Kim. You were pretty pissed off back at the prison when I told you Akira was kidnapped. Now you were pretty calm when you said that she might be dead. Are you really telling the truth? If not then I'm gonna have to find out why one way or another.' H would get into position and prepared to follow Searan from rooftop to rooftop. He learned that sometimes the best way to find out something is to tail someone.


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Alison Eckener

"First things first, who is the guy after you? Tell us everything you know. And no need to go slowly." Alison pointed to the wall. There was a dim red light, signaling there was a camera there. That meant that everything in the room was being recorded, at least for Theta. The police database might've also tried to save it.

Jake smiled to her and nodded "Alright his name is Edward Smithwood. I dont know much about him. He is rich, he was a older man, his documentation said he was around 40. He was a patient at the hospital I work at and he threatened me and the hospital, he is the one who set off the bombs earlier. My partner Kai Williams was assisting me in capturing him, or so I thought. Kai turned on me, he lead me to the warehouse that was supposed to be where we would ambush him take him down and turn him in, I felt like something fishy was going on so i sent out a encrypted email to every pc in the city with the location of the warehouse. The men assaulted me, I managed to take down two before I was apprehended and my ocular augmentations were disabled and I was left to fighting with my own skill. But against such numbers and them having the element of surprise I quickly realized that I wouldn't be able to win and so I fought them off for as long as I could. They eventually subdued me and he somehow overrided my mind... and thats where you guys came in and...well you know the rest." He said the last bits sadly and he looked up "Im sorry for what he made me do...." He then added "Is Akira ok? I expected her to be here."


Alison Eckener

Alison listened intently to the whole story. Edward Smithwood. That name didn't quite ring a bell. The databases began to search outside, and then soon it was deemed that Jake's story was slowly losing priority. That meant fewer officers would support the case, almost none in fact, because of the other things that were brought to light by the King's recent attacks.

The mention of the name, "Akira," made Alison's eyes widen. This man cared for Akira, probably more than Alison did. Much more. She could tell by the tone of his voice. The police captain crouched down in front of Jake. "Akira's been captured. By the 'King.'"

Jakes eyes widened at the new and he looked down at her "Do they know where she is? Any leads? Clues?" He blurted out question after question as yhe worry grew greater and he looked around "Let me out if here I need to find her." He said as he headed for the door."


Alison Eckener

Alison shook her head. "The police don't support this. But I'm going with you, because I support it." The captains had no real authority in decision making. However, now was the time for Alison to help someone out without a squad. "Your suit is outside the door. If you don't mind, I'm also providing transportation." 

Jake smiled and he walked out the door putting the suit on within a few seconds. His body armor was still in it and be smirked as he walked towards the exit "I'm warning you, I wont hold back against these assholes. Where did you put my swords?" He asked Alison as he stopped, he almost forgot them.

Searan drove to the meeting place, parked his car, and waited. He watched carefully around him as he waited for the other person to show up, all the while considering many possibilities of what could happen. If H wasn't stupid, he probably knew Searan was bluffing, and tailed him here. Hopefully he'd have the sense to wait until Akira was safe before coming out of hiding. And that was only if they actually brought Akira along. If they didn't, Searan would have to somehow convince King that he really was joining them. That shouldn't be too hard, I mean, he did convince a good portion of the city to riot against the police. Searan was a persuasive liar, and he'd do or say anything to get Akira back. And if she really was dead, well, he'd make King regret that.

@YoungX @Broncos
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H would secretly tail Searan to the meeting spot and hid behind some trees and bushes. The fact that Searan was here confirmed his suspicions. Why he lied os something he'll have to find out. Regardless he has a feeling that this does have something to do with King. For now he waits amidst the shadows like a Solid Snake.


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Jaune got up, knowing the meeting needed to take place. He went over the intercom to say "Slit and Snipe are to report to the car, Gigi is to stay in her room till further notice,". He walked to his car and when he and his slaves would arrive, he would say "You two are to get into the trunk and I'll pullover a few yards before we get there. You are to get out and sneak into the barn unoticed and once I whistle this,". He whistled a note "You are to attack and knock out this guy and bring him back to the car, understand?"

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali


Snipe dressed up to her vest and helmet, giving kiss to Gigi before leaving.

"Yes my Master/King."

Both women get in trunk, this wasn't first time that they had travel this way.
Gigi rolled over, her eyes closed, and her mind unaware. She may have fallen asleep several minutes ago, despite what was going on. She had not been given a moment to rest since that morning when she, as Akira, met with Shadowkiller in the alley. 


Searan slouched in the driver's seat of his car as he watched for King to show up. Since it appeared he had time, he pulled out his phone, and took a look at his GPS. He took multiple screen shots of the map showing the location where he was, along with screens that showed his current address. He uploaded all of the photos he took to the cloud, then stuffed his phone, along with his keys, inside the glove compartment of the car. He popped the hood of his car, got out, making sure the door was closed behind him, and moved over to the engine, unplugging one of the spark plugs. He let the hood gently slide down, so it looked like it was shut, but it wasn't entirely. Searan leaned against the front of the car, making sure he still had two guns on him, crossed his arms, and waited.

@YoungX @Broncos @Hanah Solo 

H would use his headset in order to secretly contact HQ. Talking should be fine so long as he talked very quietly.


'This is H. Me and Searan Kim called out King but it seems that Searan must be alone. I do not now know but I have a feeling King doesn't hold up bargains. Requesting sufficient back-up mates. My headset is transmitting my coordinates.' His voice would be very quiet so that Searan wouldn't hear him.


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Jaune soon arrived a few yards from the meeting and opened the trunk. He gave them a minute to get out and he drove to the meeting. He got out to see Searan and said "So, let the negotiations begin, shall we?"

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali

H would still be in hiding as he sees King himself go out to see Searan. To him something wasn't right as it was only King himself. A lingering question went on his mind which was why on Earth King would come alone. It doesn't seem to fit his M.O if you will as the man wouldn't be the type to just come alone. Knowing that there are goons it really seems like a trap. Still at least he called on back-up but even then it'll take awhile for anyone to arrive. For now it was just him so he had to make do with what he has. He was still well hidden so it would be highly unlikely he would be noticed. Since he has his goggles he doesn't have to peek out to see what's going on as he uses the X-Ray mode to see through his surroundings.


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Searan perked up as he examined the man in front of him. He hadn't actually seen the broadcast, since at the time he was still in jail counting bricks on the ceiling. After a moment, he speaks in a cold, but calm voice. "Where's Akira?" he asks. Searan didn't move away from his car, and he was leaning against the middle of the hood, making it impossible to sneak up directly behind him without climbing onto the car, which would make noise. Anyone wanting to get at Searan would have to either come from the front, or the side, which ultimately means, he will see them coming.

@Broncos @Hanah Solo @YoungX 

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