Main RP [RP happens here]

Jaune didn't flinch seeing the man. He had seen far worse in his life and began to run after her. He called on comms to his men saying "She's coming up, be ready,". The men began to gather with AK-47's and a rocket launcher at a hallway that the woman would run into if she got up the stairs

@Hanah Solo @JPax
Gigi was frightened from the sudden screams and power outage. She screamed after King "Hey! Hey! What's going on, master?" her voice would carry pretty far, but she had little energy to keep screaming.

@JPax @Hanah Solo @Broncos


Searan would stay inside the building for a while. He headed up to his old apartment, which was torn apart, and started to gather some sentimental items.

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Esther Khan | Sam Khan

The bullets barely penetrated Sam's suit, it was made by Gamma and designed to be rather durable. Combined with his endurance, he was even able to fight as well as he could with minor bruising. Without warning, she grabbed the woman from behind and tried to taser her again. Then he tried to attack Jaune directly, with a roundhouse kick towards the head.

Esther heard Jaune talk, but didn't care. She just kept going towards the blockade, however ducking and dodging around the hallway. Suddenly, she tossed her smoke grenade at the guys, and all was silent...

@Broncos @Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali

H would just stand on the rooftop with his goggles on and activated x-ray mode. He saw Searan heading up to hid old apartment and gathering items.


"Searan Kim. Having lost a sister you went down a dark path but you were saved by someone who loves you. Can you really believe that Akira is dead?" He said this to himself as he stood on the rooftop. H recalls a bad point in his life and forgets about it.


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Jaune was knocked straight on the head, knocking him down. "Fuck!" he said reeling from the pain. He slowly got up and shot a bullet straight for Sam's leg and head

The soilders had been knocked out completely by the bomb however, one of the men accidently fired his rocket while collapsing, causing a rocket to head straight for Esther and the resulting explosion would be massive

@JPax @Hanah Solo
Little tazing didn't bother Snipe, she was tazed often when playing whit King, she turned quickly and bashed Sam's head whit her gun.

Slit had recoved from gas and runned towards hall where Esther had gone, shooting towards smoke.

@JPax (Sorry @Broncos disallowed Snipe to get tazed, but hey she is masochist of course she has get in three years get used to tazing ;)  )

Esther Khan | Sam Khan

Sam heard the rocket and grinned. The back of his head took a major hit from the gun butt, but the bullet only managed to hurt his torso and leg. He was armored, so it was okay. Since Jaune was on the ground, Sam took the liberty to attempt to kick him straight in the "man parts" as hard as he could. At this range, using guns was useless. Sam spun a TME sword out and thrusted the weapon toward's Snipe's combat vest. It wouldn't penetrate the armor, but it would definitely slice away at the straps. He certainly wasn't getting tired, especially due to his endurance, but who knew how long he'd last?

Esther knew Slit was after her, and there was a rocket from both sides. Her best option was to jump out the window. Thankfully, she was fast enough to do this. Esther could see, through piercing red eyes, that Slit had just shot the King's men due to the position she was running in. She began to make a wide circle around the building with the TME and crashed in through the window behind the other side. Now, Esther sprinted towards the torture chamber, busting the door with the sword hilts and her momentum. She saw Akira on the ground and slammed the door behind herself, barring it with one sword. "Shhh..."

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo @Broncos
Jaune got up, groaning from the hit and began to run. He knew those two could handle Sam as he ran up the stairs. He saw the destroyed building and grabbed the rocket launcher. He then launched it at the door after he realized it was locked

@Crystal Cali @JPax @Hanah Solo

Esther Khan | Sam Khan

Esther smiled when the she heard another rocket. The rocket explosion happened without any worries for her as she made a dive for the window, out, and around.

Suddenly, in the main room, Esther burst in through the window again, grabbing Sam by the hand. He wasn't tired at all, despite being able to hold his own against a man and a woman larger than he was. "Pathetic. He really is a pathetic man."

"Agreed. Don't go easy next time, will ya?"

Both jumped out of the window. Minutes before they hit the ground, the grapple wires caught them and sent them hurling into the distance, away from the scene altogether. Or, did they leave...? 

@Broncos @Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali (okay so apparently both Crystal and Broncos wanted them to leave so I'm making them leave...for now)
((Haha why? @JPax Also you got Jake to toy with xD))

(Oh shit I forgot I'm so sorry please forgive give me love plz)

Alison Eckener | Nia Arini | Theta

"Sure you don't." Alison pulled out the taser once again, but was stopped by Nia. "Why not just tranquilize him?" She smiled as she pointed at Theta. "Turn it up? That's the signal!" The acoustic and visual qualities of the images and sounds began to change drastically, becoming more abstract and more in a rhythm. Even non-controlled humans could feel something in their head. Alison slowly relented and packed the taser away. "If he attacks again, I won't hold back."

"No! Hold back, seriously!"

"Whatever. I will then. We are police after all." Alison felt this would end soon. If it came down to it, Nia was ready to perform an operation to extract the implants.
Jake snapped back between states of consciousness and sleep. He woukd speak for a moment then be out cold the next. Finally. After a few minutes his eyes opened and he and the controlled version of himself seemed to be both trying to gain control "Than-I'll kill you al-get out of my hea-primary directive chan-whi cares about your damn directi-regain contro-oh hell no you do-of subject 2474 compl-no! Not this time!" It ended with Jake yelling as he won the fight and he panted as he sat there lookin around then noticing he was naked and he tried to cover himself 

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Alison Eckener | Nia Arini | Theta

"Theta, did you get all of that?!" Nia grinned widely at the hacker. "Yeah. We'll decipher it later." Theta closed his computer and calmly walked out of the room, leaving Alison alone with Jake. That was a bad mistake, but Nia trusted Alison enough not to beat the crap out of Jake, especially now.

"Like I said, nobody wants to see your junk." Alison calmly grabbed a hospital gown and tossed it to Jake. "Also, you're under arrest." She knew that if Jake tried to run, she could probably catch him quite easily. By harpooning his leg. "Get up, and put your face against the wall."

Jake shook his head "Under arrest for what? If im not mistsken im pretty sure I'm the one who got attacked by mercenaries!" He said in a outrage. "What kind of bullshit is this? " he said annoyed. He had been betrayed,  shot, shocked, restrained, and now he was being arrested. He shooke his head "You cant be serious."

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Alison Eckener

Alison grabbed Jake by the shoulder and turned him to face her. Her eyes narrowed in minor annoyance. "You're still under arrest until we figure out what the hell went wrong." She then pushed him against the wall in such a way that he'd be unable to move from her grip. "Now, I suggest you speak. I want to hear absolutely everything." Alison had no problem with manhandling, especially if it got the job done. If Jake was going to be difficult and not speak, she couldn't do anything about it. But nothing could change that he was now under arrest. Alison had also kept track of Jake's arm blade. Her own swords were in a split second's reach, and if Jake did so much as attempt to attack with it, his entire arm would be coming off. 

He grunted as she shoved him against the wall "You know if you wanted information you could ask instead of shoving me against the wall!" He said angrily. This girl really was stupid. She seemed to be the type to shoot first ask questions later. "Now let go of me, gove me my suit back and then I will tell you everything you want to know about the jackass who attacked me." He said annoyed. He would rather spit in this girls face and tell her to f off. She was being rude and she  was being a little over the top woth the whole tough guy act.


Alison Eckener

"You didn't comply when I said you were under arrest." Alison waited for a few seconds. She knew she wasn't the most intelligent thing on the block, but in a world like Maple Pines, deception was everywhere. She was simply following police training, just her way. "Your suit's being searched. Put on the hospital gown, or stay naked." Alison really wasn't in the mood to look at male parts however. Especially with this guy. She didn't even hit him against the wall that hard, why was he complaining anyways? She threw the gown on his face and turned away from him. It was a risky move, but she did trust him enough. Well, for someone who killed officers that is. 

Searan packs up a few things in a plain black duffel bag: the computer, his collection of unmarked DVDs (which are the same videos Akira has), a couple of blankets, pillows, and a bit of food. He then heads to his bedroom, and changes out of his prison uniform into a pair of jeans and a dark green hoodie. His apartment was still a wreck, but he did manage to also find several useful weapons, along with the ammo to go with them. Once he had everything packed up, he headed down to the parking garage. 

Jaune collapsed to the floor. He had just been through hell and felt like he was going to shrivel up and die. He slowly got up and said "Don't worry about it. Anyway, our new pet is probably ready, hopefully they didn't kidnap her,". He slowly walked down to Gigi, head still hurting from the battle

 @Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo
Gigi was barely aware of what was going on, as she was still worn out from the torture. She would glance up as King walked into the room. "Master? I think someone else was here," she says in a daze. "You said I have a room, didn't you? May I sleep there tonight?"

Jaune smiled and said "Of course, your new outfit is waiting for you there,". He grabbed the keys to the chains and unlocked them, moving her to the bedroom. Jaune knew that by the morrow, they would need to leave. The base had been compromised and it was a hazard to him. He then said "Gigi, what do you know about this Searen?"

@Crystal Cali

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