Main RP [RP happens here]

Alison Eckener | Nia Arini | Theta

Alison stepped into Jake's spin with a spin step of her own. The hilt of her weapon pushed gently on Jake's stomach so she could hold him down on the ground, with a knee on his stomach and her hands pinning his wrists down. This grip, would be nearly impossible to escape without breaking ones own wrists. "I'm going to enjoy beating you for days, aren't I. You and the shitling that's got you under control."

Nia ran to the site in a second. "Ali, wait don't hit him!" Theta plugged in a computer and the room went dark.

Subliminal patterns and lights rang through the entire room, lighting it up like a disco party but for the delirious. There were also powerful pulses ringing from the walls towards the center. While they wouldn't fry electronics, they could certainly tamper with and disable the circuitry in Jake's body. "Look at the pretty lights...just watch them..." 

@ThatOneLunatic (I'm in class too so, short posts and all)
Jake was hit with both of her attacks and put into her grip. When told to look at the lights he did so. But after a moment he lost control and began resisting again trying to push the girl back but stopping before his hand broke and he spoke in a pleading tone again "I dont want to...hurt anyone..." 

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A stern look came upon Jaune's face when he saw this man. He thought to himself "So, this is S3RP3NT. How odd and to think he's offering his services to me?". He sat down and grabbed some coffee, thinking about the proposal. "So," he thought "There are a few scenerios that could happen. 1: I talk to him and he kills me. 2: I give him Akira and then betrays me. 3: I give him Akira and he works for me. 4: I ambush him and brainwash him as well... I think 4 might be the best option,". He turned to one of his men and said "Send a reply but make sure it's bounced across the city on different computers. I don't want him tracking us here and it should be from the Southern Base. Tell him I'm willing to make terms with him but he must come alone. The location will be right outside the city by the old house and barn,". The man nodded and walked to send a transmission to the man and told him was Jaune said. He then began to walk towards Akira's toture chamber and walked through the door to check on her

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo
The police didn't come for him, he exhaled in relief. He can't think on where to go now, his apartment may be risky since it is near to the bombed central park. Kai knew he can't just go around in his car. There is a lot going on right now, like the so-called King threatening the city. He knew where to go. With Jake not around, Kai decided to go to Jake's house and hang out there. He also hope Akira wouldn't know what happened to him when Jake and Kai finished their 'mission'. He zoomed to the fastest route to Jake's house.

- - -

"Holy shit." He cursed as he saw the destruction outside the house. He wasn't the only one working. He stopped the car, get out of his car, and got inside the house. It was a complete mess. It was no doubt, this house was ambushed by who knows. Kai scanned the house for anything missing, and Akira was the top of his list. She wasn't there. She wasn't involved in anything. That didn't make any sense, he thought. He also noticed the battery in the pool, destroyed, and two missing laptops. He walked around the house to still scan for anything unusual, evidences, or missing items.

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Searan saw the reply pop up on his computer. He tried to trace it, but soon realized the signal was bouncing off different places. "Damn it!" he slams his hands down in frustration, looks up to H, and pauses. If he came to the meeting place with someone else, Akira's life would be in danger. He couldn't have that. Searan slyly moved his fingers across the keyboard to delete the message, trying to mask the sound of keys by anxiously tapping the fingers of his left hand on the desk for H to see. "They said no deal," Searan lies with a convincing tone. "Akira... may already be dead."



Akira, having been tortured for hours, barely had the energy to keep her eyes open. She didn't say anything as she lay sprawled out on the floor of her torture chamber. Her gaze was distant, though looked oddly at peace. 

Jaune had a wide smile on his face. He kissed Snipes saying "You have done quite well. Now, go to your room till I call for you,". He then knelt down on the floor and said "Now, are you ready to obey me?"

@Crystal Cali

"No deal." It was all H said before looking to Searan. "Already dead?" H wondered about something and would ask him. "Did you find an IP signal? I'll gladly investigate the source even if it's a dud. After all you'll never know if one finds a clue. I don't need to drag you into this mess and put you in danger; you can give me the IP address. Your free to go to live as a civilian once more you know. Your records been cleaned and you can live a new man. I'm not good with sappy talk and I'm certainly not good with cheering people up. What I am good at is making sure people don't go doing as they please."


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Searan nodded, and jotted down a fake IP on a pad of paper nearby, then handed it to H with a sullen look on his face. "Thanks anyway... for trying," he said in a pained tone.

@YoungX (OK back to work I go)
Jaune smiled "Good,". He then said to her "You are no longer Akira now. You are Gigi and Akira is now dead. You are now my servant and you will do anything that your master says. I have made a room and some new clothes for you to wear. Is this understood Gigi?"

@Crystal Cali

"Right. I'll be off then. There are somethings we can't change but there are definitely we can do like kicking ass." H would head on out with the paper in his left hand and looked at it. First he wanted to head back to the MPPD to see where this IP address was located so he could head there. Was Akira really dead? This King fellow seemed like the type to want more people under him and probably forced them to do so. After all his goal is to have everyone obey him like an actual king. Someone like Akira would be an aid to him since apparently Akira was a hacker and such. 


H would get on the phone and contact the MPPD itself as he would head for his motorbike. "This is H. Apparently Akira Chino is dead. Searan Kim himself told me. Do I believe him? Well he doesn't seem like the person to just come out and say someone he cares about is dead without some emotional break. The only thing I know about him is his sister Hejung Kim or something based on reports ol Pappy filled out. His sisters death was the reason he became S3RP3NT so it's just weird to me why Akira Chino's death wouldn't do the same. Plus I have a feeling King isn't the type to just kill Akira. It's her talents as a hacker and other stuff. Anyways I need a team to analyze this IP address. [After saying the IP address.] You got that? Great. What am I doing? I'm just going to watch Searan Kim's movements for a bit. I trust the guy but something just seems off. Anyways gotta bounce." H hung up and would drive to a garage that a friend of his works at and stores his motorbike there. 


From there H would head to the rooftop of the apartment he was at and would watch to see if Searan Kim heads out. 


@Crystal Cali [Alrighty. I'll be using H then once your back.]
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Snipe bowed to King and walked to her room. When passing of Slit's room she noticed how Slit had dressed up to her nightrobe, most likely waiting for King.

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Esther Khan | Sam Khan

"You're not slowing down, are you?" Sam turned to his sister as they ran from rooftop to rooftop. Esther's movements were much faster than the average human's, especially under the mind control. "Look, it's getting dark. Might as well go in right now through the window and treat them with a delightful little surprise." Esther said as she sprinted off another rooftop, backflipping into the streets before being caught by a grapple, which sent her forwards even faster. "That's the one isn't it. The building with the torture chamber. Can't believe they made it so damn easy to follow."

Esther and Sam locked their eyes onto the building, making no noise as she made her way to a nice spot on the wall. "Right, we have this." The woman tossed a small circular charge onto the wall. It latched on and began to sizzle and crackle. The siblings waited for about three seconds before finally, a loud crackling noise erupted from the charge. Electricity in the building cut instantly, and the area was plunged into darkness. Of course, backup generators would be sufficient in restoring some power, but the charge would sap power from the building by the second. 

"Now to stick the landing-ugh!" Esther slammed onto a balcony, falling on her side. Sam arrived seconds later and pulled out his high-caliber pistol. "Okay, just sleep, that works too." 

@Crystal Cali @Broncos @Hanah Solo (Voilà they're here bitches)
(Welp, we got a code red)

Soon, the power turned off but the emergency power came on. "Conserve all power!!" screamed Jaune "Only lights and cameras are on!". He then ran through the building, telling Snipe and Slit to get dressed and go on the offensive. He suited up in a builtproof vest and a couple of handguns. He then ran with a few man to the source of the outage to discover the two. "FIRE ON THEM!" he screamed

@JPax @Hanah Solo
Snipe weared her vest and helmet quickly, pickup her rifle and take safety off. Slit needed little more time when she taked her robe first off and then dressed up

"Is there vision of them? How many how armed?"

Esther Khan | Sam Khan

Esther and Sam turned their piercing red eyes towards King. The thought of death usually crossed the minds of those who met with the two. "Smoke." Sam spiraled out of the way, behind balcony cover and tossed a smoke grenade, as well as Esther. A thick white smoke filled the balcony, and only the balcony. If anyone dared step out into the balcony, they would be slaughtered immediately by the two. 

"One on the right. Two women on the left. The man seems to be the ringleader. You take the younger woman, I'll take the one with the massive bust." Suddenly, Sam threw a flashbang into the room. The loud noise and bright light should be disorienting enough to anyone indoors.

@Broncos @Hanah Solo
"Ah, fuck," Jaune said reeling in from the flashbang. When he got up he shouted "WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING, FIRE ON THE PEASENTS!". The goons, still a bit disorantiated, began to fire into the smoke

@JPax @Hanah Solo

Esther Khan | Sam Khan

Esther and Sam both were able to cover from the fire, though a bullet did graze Sam's arm. "Tsh...that kinda hurt." However, it was their job to focus on Gamma's mission. Suddenly, from the smoke, a oneirogenic grenade (sleeping gas) flew into the main room. Anyone without a gas mask would begin to feel drowsy. At the same time, Esther and Sam grappled around either side of the building and began firing in through the windows. Bullets poured in simultaneously from both sides while the two figured the best plan of attack. "Last grenade on me, damnit!"

@Broncos @Hanah Solo
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Jaune said "BACK THE FUCK UP!". The men did though some didn't make it out and feel to the ground out cold. He knew he needed to back up and shouted for gas masks and soon, a couple gas masks for Slit and him. The others could wait as they went to get more as he put his on and began to fire

@Hanah Solo @JPax

Esther Khan | Sam Khan

Regardless of gas masks or not, Esther and Sam were trained to keep going with the fights. Bullets whizzed past their bodies, but Esther and Sam knew they had a speed advantage. Now, Gamma had instructed them to take educated risks. "Aha..." Sam smirked as he threw himself in through the window, attempting to slam the busty sniper woman hard from behind with both his feet.

Esther, meanwhile, entered through the other window as she pulled out two shock swords. In two swift movements, she was across the room within a few seconds, blood splattering everywhere. Jaune would be able to see that a decapitated head of one of his men rolled to his feet. Dead, lifeless, and with fear in his eyes. Now, Esther began making a run down the stairs while Sam focused on attempted to taser the busty woman.

@Broncos @Hanah Solo

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