Main RP [RP happens here]


"Hmm? They did huh? Well it should've been expected of them. It would be too easy for us to find their place. But alright we'll head to the address specified to see if we can find any clues. Notify if you find anything else." With that H and his unit would head on over to the last known specified  address that Akira had been at.


The MPPD would notify Alison about the IP address change and that a unit would be heading over to Jake's address to check it out.


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[SIZE= 40px]H[/SIZE]

"Hmm? They did huh? Well it should've been expected of them. It would be too easy for us to find their place. But alright we'll head to the address specified to see if we can find any clues. Notify if you find anything else." With that H and his unit would head on over to the last known specified IP address that Akira had been looking into. 


The MPPD would notify Alison about the IP address change and that a unit would be heading over to check it out.


(The other address Akira left is Jake's address, meaning she left some clue there. Or tried to anyways.)
"Oh please Jackie old boy, if you know why he was doing this, well I suppose you still would be angry but it's all a matter of perspective," Edward says as he walks over, his black, crow-headed cane in hand, with a large green file in hand. Handing it over to Kai he says "All the name of those involved are in there, and even a little on the why though you will want to ask them yourself I imagine, oh and if you are ever in need of a job come find me I could always use someone of your talents," while patting him on the shoulder. It was good to know that people could still be out for themselves. "You can leave now if you wish," he says as he turns his attention, Jack. 

"Oh don't be mad thanks to Kai I didn't have to harm that hospital of yours," Edward says while using an odd device on The Doctor. It is designed to scan someone, in this case, it was designed to scan Jacks implants and get information on them. "Enough about your friend after all this is all about," he says in a rather cold tone. Continuing on with the same icy tone "You see I like to get to the point about things, I like my plans to go in a precise way, such as when I make cybernetic implants designed to upgrade the normal soldier into a one-man tank" as the projectors lit up showing the schematics for the parts that were part of Jack. "I created the parts you use in your little heroic excursions, and while it has been amusing to watch you, after all, I do know how those eyes work, but now it must end,"  he says with a vicious smile before uttering a few words in cold monotone voice, hiding the true intention of them. 

"Implement nerve core override". These words would send a signal to all parts inside Jack, making them send a signal through his nerves to his brain, making it a subservient system. In over words, mind control. @ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke

As the police would guard their position against the agents, back-up would arrive and soon the rest of the police would catch up and reach the location given by Jake. They all surrounded the building with their cars and all came out armed with riot shields and rifles. Quickly most surrounded it while some would bust on through the walls using Police-Equipped RPGs. This would come with a troop of officers aiming their guns at anyone who isn't Jake. 


"FREEZE THE JIG IS UP! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED! COME QUIETLY OR FACE ARREST!" One officer said with a megaphone as they prepared to fire. Just in case they would activate an EMP that would encompass the warehouse to disable any electronical devices unaware that the Doctor would use such devices. Still his was already disabled anyhow by an EMP.


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Jake spat on the ground as the man spoke and he tried to resist the pain as he fell to his knees and he looked to the man just as he heard sirens and he smirked he opened his mouth but before he could speak the man cut him off with the phrase Implement Nerve Core Override He ceased all resistance as well and he spoke too in a monotone voice, almost as if he was a living robot "Override Complete." He then looked to his side and to the other the men who had his wrists in their electro-whips and back to the man as if saying release me or they die

@SirGrey @YoungX
The mastermind smiled down at the vigilante. He could hear the sirens thought the police were anything but and issue.  Signalling his men to let him go he says "There will be some unwanted guests here soon if you are split up from the group, meet me at these coordinates" he says before detailing the location of the mansion. Things looked like they could get a bit dicey here, so retreating to the scheduling home just outside city limits may of be good idea A new one could be bought at any time if it is damaged. Just as he stops talking and gather up his agents and explosion goes off. Police subdued as ever.  "You are right dear office for the game is over, I a victorious," says venomously As the agents went engage more, armoured ones turned up. Always a good idea. One of the cars pulled up with Edward heading to it.  @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX
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"All units are clear for assault!" The officer said as other officers would be sent to investigate the explosion. Even with armored agents appearing the police are just as prepared. They would fire RPGs upon the agents as well as use armor piercing rounds on their rifles and fired upon the agents. Other officers who were outside and able would see Edward and got into the car. They would ring the sirens as back-up would be requested and some police cars would pursue the car that Edward would be heading towards. Those that were injured would be treated upon ambulance arrival. The police cars were very durable so at least casualties weren't as high thanks to that. Not to mention officers always wear bulletproof vests and helmets. 


As for Jake, other officers would look to find that something wasn't right. "Are you alright?" An officer asked as the chaos ensued.


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The officer who asked if jake was ok was met with a wrist blade cutting across his throat, Jake then kneeling quickly picking up his two blades and sprinting towards the other officers and as he closed the distance he cut down any and all in his way, friend, foe, mercenary. Anyone who got in the way was to die. He was getting close to the police lines as he cut down two operatives and 3 officers with swift blade cuts, spinning ducking and slashing as he moved with precision

@YoungX @SirGrey.
"Hmm seems we may have underestimated them" he mutters his car speeds off.  A few operatives would arrive driving a heavily armed truck. Hopefully, that would help. Even then Edward felt it might be better to lay low in the manor for a few days, after all, the police seemed to have enough on their hands and the mastermind had his goal complete.  Leaning back in the car seat, with the sound of sirens in the background, the mastermind reflected on how the game had gone. @YoungX @ThatOneLunatic (Gtg)

The attack was surprising and officers were just stunned by what just happened. They would now focus onto Jake seeing that he just committed first degree murder on authority figures. Thus they would begin to open fire onto Jake as they surround him. The formation was a circle of officers using riot shields all crouched while officers stood up behind them and fired with rifles. This was just something they had not expected and until a non-violent solution can be found they had no choice but to open fire.


With the cars in pursuit they would be met with a heavily armed truck. It caught them off guard and now they had just lost their lead on Edward which was frustrating. Still they had to take care of the operatives anyhow and would begin a crash course in racing. The cars would drive while having cars on the left, right, front and behind of the truck. From there they would lock the truck in it's position and would begin to lead the truck towards a really sharp right curve to which the police car on the left of the truck would immediately break while other's would make the turn and brake as well. 


@SirGrey [See you later.] @ThatOneLunatic
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Jake still being controlled would plan for possible escape routes and with blinding speed he was maneuvering between bullets his wrist pistols firing back, his eyes were starting to work again, the Nanobots in his wrist were released, when he was first emped, or at least some of them were. He smiled as he could see the trajectories of the bullets dodging and weaving, a few skimming past his arms cutting them and another implanting itself in the chest armor he had under his suit, his wrist pistols fired as he charged one person in the circle, shooting the rifleman behind him before slamming his body into the shield, the force of this was immense, maybe not enough to knock him over completely but most likely enough to stagger the man and cause him to lose his footing.

@SirGrey ((Just cant have him dying xD You can overpower him easily with your numbers rn though))

It was at that moment the officers knew... he fucked up... big time. The moment he had slammed himself onto a fellow officer with a riot shield, others with riot shields quickly surrounded him within close proximity and held him down with the weight of the officers all toppling down from him. Even if Jake could maneuver from one officer there were still much more coming at him with slams of riot shields and weight built on top of that. From there the other officers would switch to tranquilizers and one fired a tranquilizer onto Jake's neck area. The tranquilizer is enough to knock out an entire elephant and lasts for at least a few hours. Just in case a few more officers fired tranquilizer darts in directions that Jake might be able to escape despite the odds being unlikely.


@ThatOneLunatic [That's fine but the whole maneuvering of between bullets is a little ridiculous in the context of the situation despite the implants. Yeah I know that bullets are grazing him but the odds of just grazes is still low. Even if he could know about the bullets coming at him within trajectory, the speed would be rather difficult to dodge let alone tons of bullets. A standard rifle would be about 18,000 PSI when within 14-21 inches. That speed along would be impossible for one to just dodge regularly even knowing where the bullet path comes in. But since you don't want the character to die I'll allow it this time. Though next time I won't have that much mercy hue.]
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((Changed it, and thats the main reason why I had him stupidly slam into the shield, so he wouldnt be killed but would be taken in captive, now I changed the other post.))

Jake was fast, He maneuvered from the first attempting to push past and escape ultimately being smashed to the side and into another riot shield, then suddenly a searing pain in his neck before he became light headed and his vision went black and he collapsed dropping his blades all his wrist augmentations returning into his body and the rest of the nanobots would be released, identifying the tranquilizers as a foreign object and begin working on cleaning it out of the bloodstream. They would also create other nanobots to replace the ones normally inside the storage area. It would take a while to clean it out of his bloodstream and repair the bullet wounds to his body but the armor had helped with that. The chest was completely safe the bullets being stopped by the bulletproof armor, same with the back, but his arms and shoulders were either bruised or had bullets lodged in them due to the bullets tearing through the bullet resistant armor that covered the rest of his body, these wounds would take about 10 minutes to get rid of the external objects (bullets) out another 5 to stop the bleeding and depending on the size 1-3 hours to repair the tissue and return it to its normal healthy status


"Subject has been neutralized, I repeat subject has been neutralized." An officer would report of the events to HQ while police would handcuff an unconscious Jake and took him in the car. His weapons would be confiscated and a police car would take him back to the MPPD. From there Jake would be at a prison cell with an officer requesting for 

Nia Arini, the forensics expert, to investigate Jake's body throughly. Apparently the wounds would be recovering faster than the regular body is able to.


@ThatOneLunatic [Alrighty. That makes sense. For now we should probably wait because I think I would like to have @JPax use one of her forensic characters involving Jake's mind control condition if you don't mind.]
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Nia Arini | Agent Theta | Alison Eckener

When Jake would wake up, he would find himself on a bed. Not just any bed, a sterile bed. He would also find that he had been sedated weakly, though the real reason he may not want to get off the bed was because Alison was leaning against the wall, with Agent Theta. The most embarrassing part? Nia had stripped him completely, and placed lead pads over his thyroid and genitalia. There weren't any restraints, however. The restraints were for the "dangerous" people.

Over Jake would be leaning a woman with circular glasses, a grin, and a binder. "Hello Mr. Jake! You went on quite the rampage! But, unfortunately, you miscalculated! If you calculated at all. You know, you couldn't have done all that without some help, possibly." Nia pulled down a scanner and showed the nanobots. "You know, this technology isn't unheard of. You all think you're something edgy but you know, it's always all the same." She smiled and pushed away the scanner haphazardly, before pulling out a popsicle stick. "Open your mouth, or I'll have Alison do it for you!" She sang in a singsongy voice as she began forcing Jake's mouth open with her fingers.

"Damn. Give the guy a break. He probably hasn't taken a shit in hours. Poor body probably can't handle it." The captain remained leaning against the wall as she watched Nia do her thing. Theta, however, was also there. Despite being in a closed room, he was still sweating slightly. Not out of fear, but simply out of worry. When he heard Alison's comment, he decided to speak to her. "Alison, you have got to stop making those jokes. The police force ought to teach you how to be more ladylike. After all, you are a lady."

There was an awkward silence for about thirty seconds. Then, Alison finally spoke in a dead serious tone.

"Suck my dick." 

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX
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Jake's house: Aside from the destruction caused by the intruder, anyone investigating Jake's home would find two laptops that were missing batteries sitting on the bar next to the pool area outside the spa. The batteries had been thrown into the water of one of the shallow pools inside the spa, and completely destroyed. Once the computers were made to work again, it would appear that the one thing Akira managed to leave before being captured was a virus she had tried to send to the IP she had found, but failed because the IP of the computer she had been targeting had been changed before Akira could get to it. She knew no other information about King, or at least there wasn't any on the computers. And, with Akira's phone now destroyed, there was no way of tracking her.



Searan tried waiting patiently, but patience wasn't his strong suit. He paces anxiously back and forth in the interrogation room, trying to think of something, anything, he could do, only to realize with a crushing weight of despair, that there was nothing. He was useless. The clue Akira had managed to leave went no where, and without another broadcast from this King guy, it was unlikely he could do much. Who was this King anyway? Well, maybe he could try to find that out. Searan sits back down in front of the computer, and starts an extensive internet search for a hacker, or criminal who calls himself "King."

Jake looked to the woman who spoke to him with a cold bland expression. He did not speak a word and he kept his mouth shut. Whej she began prying at his mouth to open it his jaw would hold shut and he would attempt to grab her wrist with his right hand if he was able to he would begin squeezing as he pulled it away and down with enough force to possibly crack her skull off the side of the bed 

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"I'll go now." Kai replied to him after he took the item. After that, he heard a couple of police sirens going through their way then he quickly hid behind the big brown crates. He had his dagger at the ready, if the police decide to investigate around the warehouse. He didn't peek to see what's happening, as it would take away his cover. He was breathing faster normally when he heard Jake go rampage through the police, and Kai can't identify if it is a good thing or bad thing. The very cold breeze got through his snow jacket.

- - -

When he saw the chance, he jumped out of the window and quickly got in of his car and turned it on. He decided to go deeper inside Maple Pines, and he prayed the police did not notice him turn the car on. If they did, he wasn't that prepared for a car chase. Before anyone else reacts he zoomed his car through the road and drove fast.

@YoungX @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey

(Sorry for that late reply though...)

As H heads to Jake's mansion he finds that it is in a bit of a mess. Still he heads on to find any clues that he or Searan could potentially use in locating Akira. From there he finds two laptops with missing batteries sitting on the bar next to the pool which was a rather curious find. Of course he finds those very batteries in the pool all destroyed. For safety he calls that he pool and spa be cleaned up since he didn't want to see such great pools be wasted like that. Still looks like the only things there are the laptops so he takes them and proceeds to head back to the MPPD.


H contacts Searan through a headset piece. "Searan it's me. I found two laptops with missing batteries; those batteries are destroyed in some spa pool. She probably tried to destroy it before they could do anything but I guess it was rather too late. Anyways I'm heading back to your location so we can plan things out." He knew that this wasn't some kidnapping with a ransom attached since no offer has been made, but he worries that something could've already happened to Akira. Hopefully they could at least find some clue or at least something here.


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Nia Arini | Agent Theta | Alison Eckener

Unfortunately for Jake, Nia was no stranger to combat scenarios. When her wrist was grabbed, she immediately moved. With one swift movement, she flipped Jake onto his back like a sedated pancake, and jammed her fingers onto two pressure points on his neck, rendering him incapable of movement. "Woah. Hahaha! That was way too close, man!" After all, Nia was used to people trying to kill her.

Speaking of superhuman strength, the police captain wasn't particularly impressed with what was going on. "Alison don-" 

Before anything else could be said, Alison grabbed Jake by the neck. "Nia, you can let go now."

Slowly, Nia removed her hands from the pressure points. Alison kept Jake held down by the arms. It was an extremely hard grip, to say at the least. Even a man Jake's size would find it impossible to raise his body. "Wrist slots left and right suppressed through bandaging. Blood pressure high, temperature high, natural response low to nonexistent, breathing steady, decreased brain activity. And finally, escape attempt...that was below pathetic." Theta cracked a smile when Nia said this. 

"Enough of that now. He has bionic implants and what I've determined to be a conscious nervous system override. His subconscious thoughts should still be working or he'd be long dead by now. Now, we're going to exploit the subconscious to get him out of the trance-like state. Theta, computer out now."

The agent pulled out his laptop and began to pull stuff from the internet and police database at alarmingly fast rates. "Say, Nia, what do we do if he refuses to cooperate?"

"We'll put him in a dark room with Alison until he cooperates."

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