Main RP [RP happens here]

Jakes abilities were still slowed and weaker than normal he grunted as he was shoved down and held down. His mouth opened to speak and in a cold tone he said "Primary directive: Eliminate hostile presence. Secondsry directive: Locate and contact 'The master'" 


((sorry for small replies im in class xD))
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Searan was having no luck of finding information about this King guy online. He stops typing when H contacts him. "Alright. I'm having no luck with anything over here," he says with a tone of frustration. Searan sits back, and begins tapping his fingers on the table. "Oh, after you left, I moved to one of the interrogation rooms. There's someone still outside the door, so you should be able to tell which one." 


"Got it." H would make it back to the MPPD as he would head on inside. From there he would head towards the interrogation rooms and saw someone still outside the door. As he made it inside he would see Searan and sit opposite to him and hand him both laptops. 


"Alright here are the laptops. Though I'm not sure if it'll help but maybe we could find some clue within these laptops. If I remember... King had a broadcast like yours but it's probably useless to try and find an IP through that. Still maybe we'll find something of worth." This would be difficult to try and trace King's location but each passing minute means a lot. Akira was kidnapped and people weren't sure if she was alright. There has to be some way they could find her. Anything at all.


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Nia Arini | Agent Theta | Alison Eckener

Nia didn't say a word directly to Jake. She figured she'd let him mumble or whatever, but Theta was recording everything. Voice patterns were analyzed, everything was processed, and Alison just kept holding him. Despite the fact she was now holding him down with only one hand on his back and on her phone with the other, it would still be nearly impossible to escape. "Hash tag Theta Yolo hijklmnop."

Searan turns off the computer he had been using, takes out the battery, and puts it inside Akira's computer. As Akira's computer was booting up, he gives H a deadpan look. "Akira already found an IP through the broadcast, that's what she had left me. It doesn't exist anymore. Whoever is operating King's technology is no fool. I can't hack him unless he broadcasts again." Searan thinks for a moment, then an idea comes to him. "I could try to provoke him. Send a message to him through the airwaves, and see if he takes the bait.


"Hey yeah that can work. I feel like this 'King won't take likely to someone taunting him. We'll have to do this at a secluded apartment or something so he won't be suspicious about it. Most likely he'll probably send some goons though. What we need is a message that'll force him to come out or force him to bring Akira. Got any ideas?" H would think about what on Earth could possibly get King to come out of hiding but beside that how would they get Akira? It was a conundrum but he was sure Searan was onto something.


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Jakes strength was slowly returning to him and with a swift movement he pushed off the bed just enough to lift her hand off for a split second rolling quickly to the side off the bed and gaining his footing. He seemed no to care about being in the nude and he tore the babdages off his left wrist the blade immediately coming out. He took a defensive stance and he looked around his eyes now fully recovered due to the tome he was given and he traced every move of the three with his eyes not missing a thing

Searan sits back and crosses his arms. "He wants to rule this city, right? I almost did that. I know how to get the people to turn and obey you, or at least I managed to get quite a few. Perhaps if I offer my help, he'll be interested."



Busty woman whit toolbox walked in room where Akira was.

"Get out she's my now."

Woman put toolbox next to Akira and opened it, showing out wide arsenal different kind of torture tools.

"Don't worry cutie, i make sure that you will get pleasure from this."

@Crystal Cali
Akira was already delirious from the torture she had endured so far. Her vision was blurred as she looked over at the new person who entered. She tried to speak between gasping breaths. "Why.... are you.... doing.... this? Is he..... really..... so great?"

@Hanah Solo

"Hmmm.... risky but we don't have any other leads thus far. Well alright looks like we'll go with your idea. I'm sure King would have some idea who S3RP3NT is and he'll probably offer your help if you appease him or some BS. This unfortunately means that we can't have any officers come for this but I'll be nearby as a civilian. I'm not registered into the Police Department's ID system so I can pose as a civilian. I'll just be near your location listening in and stuff so it should be fine. If you can get him to bring Akira and come then this should work." H would realize how risky this was and knew that King wouldn't be the type of person to go along. Still there wasn't much they could do for leads so this really was the only way. 



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"Oh, i am doing this for to get you join cutie. And yes our King is greatest, he has always been. My name is by to way Snipe."

Snipe taked out tazer that had tuned to low power and shocked Akira.

"And you are going to be here so long that you also see King's greatness."

@Crystal Cali

H nodded in response to Searan's nodding thinking about a possible location. "Actually... yes I do. Do you recall the night of your revolution? After the apartment you were at was... well you know.... Police had to block off the area. Tenants were relocated to other apartments. I know one such apartment that isn't the greatest but it isn't the worst either. These kinds of apartments are usually rented out by single blue-collar workers and programmers since the Rent is within their salary. The best part is that these apartments aren't conspicuous and are located within the middle-class/lower-class section of town. We'll set you up with one of those rooms. It's perfect. We can get started immediately." 


Following that H would contact the landlord and request a room be set up. Best part is that the landlord isn't one to follow events like S3RP3NT or King so he has no idea who Searan is. To make sure no suspicion arised, H would erase Searan's criminal record; plus people forgot about him due to recent events so the timing couldn't be better.


"We have a room set up for you. Just in case the room will have to changed to make it feel like you live there. Let's get moving, follow me." H would lead Searan outside to his motorbike.


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Searan would pack up Akira's computer and follow H. The old apartment should work, he thought, and maybe afterwards he would go through the ruins of the apartment he used to live in and look to see what of his things survived. The was his plan, anyway, if this all went well. 

Once back at his mansion, Edward ordered the driver to dispose of the car. No point leaving evidence for the surprisingly competent police to come along and find. Even then that would involve them knowing where he lived. As he entered his large nicely furnished home Edward receives a call from one of his agents. He managed to get away from the police, one of the few it turned out. The police seemed to have been rather skilled when it came to their attack, even capturing Jack. While it put a dampener on future plans, Edward still had the scans of Jack's cybernetic implants. Still he would wait and see how things played out, wait to play his hand. 

As H went to his motorbike he put on a bike helmet and wore a leather jacket. 


"I'll be posing as your bodyguard for this. King will probably send goons or one of his higher-ups but it should be fine if they bring Akira. You'll probably have to come up with a reason for you to bring Akira as well as explain a few things. Regardless I know you'll think of something. Once Akira is successfully handed over then we'll have to see whether or not we can arrest them. I'll have officers in disguise as tenants. Let's go."


H would start his engine and once Searan wore a helmet and got on them they would head off to the apartment.


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Searan put on the helmet, and hopped on the motorcycle without saying a word. He was thinking of what he had to say to get King to come out of hiding. As they made their way to the apartment, and even to the room set aside for their use, Searan remained quiet, running through what he was going to say over and over. He had to make his broadcast long enough that King could track him, and he had to seem like it was worth while for King to come. Searan wouldn't be sure of himself, even as he set up to begin the broadcast, but he acted as if he was. 


"We're here." H and Searan would make it to the apartment. From there H began to lead Searan to the specified room which was on the third floor. Once he had arrived he would open the door and lead Searan in.


"I have a feeling things could get ugly which is why the tenants aren't here. Instead we have the officers in disguise. Let's get started." H would put on the helmet and would make sure the room looked like it had beem inhabited for a while.


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Searan nods, and moves to a table in the room as H makes it look like the room has been lived in. He sets up the computer, making sure it had enough power, and that the headset microphone was working well. Searan had to set up a few other things on the computer, like the image he would be projecting onto every hacked screen, the voice changer, and a few other minor things before he could begin hacking into the airwaves. It was a bit of a process, but it would only take Searan a few minutes to do. Once he was in, he paused before switching over the signal. "I'm ready when you are," he says, looking towards H.


"Alright... let's get this operation started." H would give the ok and commenced the operation. Now all they had to do was follow the plan.


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Searan hits a few more keys, and once again, every screen of a device connected to the Internet, cable, or a phone tower displayed a white background with a black snake. Searan waited a couple seconds to steady his voice, then began. "Citizens of Maple Pines, the revolutionary has returned. This time, I am not looking for a fight, I am only looking for one man, the man who displayed his face to you all, and called himself your king. Sir King, you may not know me. I am S3RP3NT, the instigator of a revolution that nearly brought this city to it's knees. I know how to make a city bend to your will, and that may be a skill you are in great need of. Here's the thing, you've taken someone from me. A girl. The one I love. Her name is Akira. I want her back, and I'm willing to strike a deal with you. I can offer you my services, which go far beyond simply bending people to your will. A hacker who can deliver a broadcast on this large a spectrum has many skills, and trust me when I say I did this alone. All I ask of you is that you bring Akira to me. We can work together. You can rule as you wish. I only want my girl. Think about it, and find me. As long as this serpent remains on the screens of the devices, I am in control of the airwaves. I'm sure you can find me through that. Come to me, and let's make a deal." 

After he was done talking, Searan muted his mic, but the transmission remained up. He looked over to H and nods. "And now, we wait."

@Broncos @YoungX 

Alison Eckener

Unfortunately for Jake, Alison was also aware. Not only that, but she was fast. Without having to look up, Alison pushed her own sword against Jake's blade. "Good morning." And just like that, taser current ran through Alison's sword. Since it was connected with Jake's blade and her taser was designed for extended subduction, there would be a great deal of pain and electricity. The doors were locked and barred down, and it would take a lot of force to break out of the room. Impossible for any human. "Cover your junk too, nobody wants to see that shit." 


H would nod. "Don't worry about the public freaking out. We can cover that up well believe it or not. In fact by the end of this people won't have to worry. The police have your support so no arrests will be made." Now H would standby and just play his part well.


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Jake immediately groaned in pain he had attenpted to move away when she first attacked but his body was still in pain and so he was a second too late. He pushed back against her blade before he spun to the side holding his wrist as the blade retracted and he groaned. His subconscious was starting to peak through "" His voice would change in and out of a pleasing voice that sounded like him and a robotic one 


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