Main RP [RP happens here]

Alison Eckener | Agent Theta

Alison landed back next to the RV, knocking on the door. "Theta, open up."

"Wah!" The sound of a raw thud, Theta shouting in pain, shuffling to his feet, and a bunch of zipping of zippers as well as clipping of badges, weapons, and belts were heard. Finally, at long last, the door opened with Theta at it. "Sup Ali."

Alison looked around, not impressed at the tissues and lotion. "Let me guess."

"Don't say it, Ali."

"Oh, I will say it. The evidence is everywhere. I heard the zipping, falling, all the telltale noises. Besides, the lotion and tissues are right there." Alison walked into the RV, straight up pushing Theta back on his own two feet. "C'mon Ali, don't make fun of me like that. I'm busy tracking that guy and what's going on with him. Apparently he's on the move..."

"Still, you can't deny the fact that you've been doing something." Alison felt around the lotion container. "This is my car anyways, you can't judge me!"

At this, Alison froze up. "I won't judge you for tending to your leg rashes. Let's go."
"Actually," Kai stated, "My encounters with the police isn't going to be... pleasant. I have a bad history with them." He adjusted his seat a little closer to the steering wheel. The warehouse is now beyond their point of view. He is close.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali @SirGrey


after a while he had gotten another officer over there and gotten a new vehicle he did a radio check "this is 622 10-41" he said into the radio saying he was beginning another tour of duty on patrol and identifying him self. "Any situations needing 10-78 " he had heard the radios go crazy about another bombing he asked if anyone needed assistance. He wasn't allowed to remain on scene due to regulation saying if he was personally invested in the crime he couldn't function as an officer on the case. He had visited the girl in the hospital and the crime was against him so after a short talk with the arriving officers he had been told to leave. 

@JPax @YoungX ( the other Police with radios I'm assuming sorry if I missed any one)
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"This is Officer Gomez requesting 10-78. I repeat this is Officer Gomez requesting 10-78. We need some assistance with patrolling the area due to the increased risk of bomb threats. Patrol the area for anything suspicious and report if you do find such suspicious activity." Officers would be patrolling the city and City Council would be planning counter measures in response to the chain of explosions that went on recently. 


Scientists and researchers are in midst of creating technologies that will help prevent bomb from being planted and activated as well as stop anyone who carries them. With recent events, development had picked up speed and thus solutions can be found soon. 


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Alison Eckener | Agent Theta

"You found them." Alison slowly clapped as Theta hit the accelerator and sent the RV into motion at high speeds. "No, I just found the pursuers. I'm sure they're off course, but, you know, you can never be too safe." She clicked the grapple wires into place and headed to the back of the moving RV. "What are you going to do, anyways?"

Alison turned back with a straight face. "Pull out your computer and get cracking. Leave the rest to me."

@Hanah Solo @Broncos
Akira knew she had been found. The alert flashing on her screen told her so. She didn't know how many people were coming for her, or if she would be able to fight them off. She had to act quick. She opens up a browser, navigates to her own social media page, and hacks it. She alters the code of her profile page, leaving Jake's address and the last known IP of the hackers that came after her. She closed the browser, turned off both of her computers, took out the batteries, and threw them into Jake's pool. She then went over to the table of weapons, and armed herself. One gun on each of her thighs, as well as one in each of her hands. Then she ran out the back gate. She was on foot. Her van wasnt fast enough, and at least on foot she could try to escape down some narrow places.

@Hanah Solo

[SIZE= 22px]Voltaire[/SIZE]

 Voltaire stood on a fire escape above the cafe where the so-called King had just broadcast from. The heat from the explosion sent heat waves up that shielded him from the bitter cold of winter. He had been in a nearby weapons depot owned by a old friend of his from his time in service. The man had serviced ammo to him for the last year since he'd been home. He knew what Jonathan was into, but he didn't bother him about it. Even if he did, Jonathan wouldn't change. He was stubborn. No one knew that better than his army brothers. However, there was one soldier who could've changed Voltaire's mind, but he hadn't seen him since the accident with the Afghan hostages. The people he worked under had told him Kenneth had been deployed to Russia as soon as his leg healed. 


Jonathan shut off his train of thought and took the last puff off his cigarette before dropping it through the metal grate flooring of the fire escape. He jumped over the railing, rolling forward just before he hit the ground to and on his feet. He'd seen the broadcast from the screen of his cellphone, and decided the narcissistic jackass on the screen was of no concern to him. He headed down the alleyway, out onto a separate street. He kept the collar of his duster folded up to shield the edges of his face from view. Despite the fact he could only see two thirds of what he used to, he was highly aware of the people and things around him. The loss of his sight had increased the power of his hearing, and the nanobots coursing through his bloodstream heightened it even further still. One thing his nanobots weren't able to do was heal the damage done to his brain that left him blind in one eye, though it did increase the quality of the things he saw through his good eye. 


Voltaire reached the end of the street and opened the door of his vehicle. The black Escalade drew attention, but not enough to warrant a change in vehicle choice. He liked to fly under the radar, but he also like having a spacious car that wasn't kissing the ground when he drove it. An Escalade was a happy medium.
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Viper glared at her cellphone screen even after the video ended. She had known since the day she'd woken up in his basement that he was planning to take over the city under the guise of King. The narcissist psychopath hadn't been able to stop praising himself for it. Still, the sight of the broadcasts and the sight of the explosions that took the lives of hundreds of innocent people pissed her off. He had no remorse. She couldn't decide if he was a psychopath, a sociopath, or an ungodly mix of both. Viper raised herself up from her one-knee kneeling position and looked out across what she could see of Maple Pines. In the distance, she could see several buildings on fire and the echoing sound of emergency service sirens reached her where she stood at the top of a corporate tower. Thankfully, Gracelyn had enjoyed climbing trees as a child, which made climbing up the side of a building by pipelines when there was no fire escape a hell of a lot easier.


[SIZE= 18px]She picked up her AR-15 from the gravel floor of the roof and placed the strap over her chest so the gun rested on her pack. Heading over to the edge of the building, she sought out the fire escape platform on the floor below her and jumped. Once there, she raced down the fire escape to the bottom of the latter that hung maybe ten feet off the alley floor. Hanging from it by her fingertips, she swung her body forward to land on the dumpster before she rolled from there onto the ground. She fixed her hair and headed to the bike she had stashed around the corner. Placing the larger, in-concealable weapon in the storage compartment beneath the seat, she swung her leg over and started the engine. Despite the fact that it winter and reaching the low twenties outside, she was dressed in a short crop top and cargo pants. What could she say? It was eye-catching, and it was her favorite outfit. [/SIZE]
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Esther Khan | Sam Khan

Location: ???

"The King, hm? More like the Brat if you asked me. Who the hell says that kind of shit?" Esther paced the floor in the midst of one of Gamma's buildings. She had her hands to her side, having changed her uniform altogether to a snug black uniform that outlined every aspect of her body. The strange fabric didn't shine nor reflect in the sunlight, it was just sort of there. It was a nice change from the Slack suit. A man in another black uniform remained sitting cross-legged on a chair, looking bleakly out the one-way window. His red-bar eyes reflected against the glass. "Hell would I know, Esther. Didn't they mention that King has a subordinate?"

Esther turned to the window, and the man. "Yes, they did. Samuel, you know what this means right?" A smile spread across her lips when she realized what exactly this meant. Within an instant, she was on the other side of the room, hitching several pieces of metal equipment around her back. Samuel turned and glared at Esther, pausing for a second. "Yes." And then he began to hitch the metal equipment on as well. As the two stepped into the sunlit portion of the facility, an MPPD emblem shone clearly on the metal equipment. The grapple hooks were clearly shining in the sunlight as well. Not only were the pieces of equipment stolen from the MPPD, they were in perfect condition and the cutting edge version, issued to captains. 

"They gave no order to kill."

"Right. Let's move."

And then the two disappeared into the dark of the building, then shot out into the daylight from the roof. Esther looked down at the circular device in her hand as the two zipped around towards on  Maple Pines, only going above buildings to avoid crashing into anyone. 

Location: Maple Pines -> Jake's Home


@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo @Broncos

Note: The current season is Winter for the RP. Also just in case, I decide what weather occurs.
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The problem with escaping down narrow places was getting to them, and now Akira could hear someone enter the front gate. She was outside, in the back, and growing cold as she only had on a light jacket. She pulls her jacket together, and starts to walk away from the house, exiting out the back gate as quietly as possible, and heading straight for the road. The only problem was that there was no place to hide just yet. If anyone inside looked out the right window, they would see Akira rather quickly. This entire plan relied on luck, the luck that whoever had come inside did not immediately check for a back exit.

@Hanah Solo @JPax
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Alison Eckener | Theta

About a block from the location, Alison prepared to kick open the back of the door when Theta stopped her. "Alison."

The captain turned her head to the hacker. "Yeah?"

"You're operating outside, but parallel, to the law right now. I can't call backup no matter what." Theta threw her a taser. "Remember what you're doing."

"Defense, and defense alone." And with that, Alison picked up an extremely heavy riot shield, kicked the back of the door opened and she took off into the air, grapple wires flying around her as she began making her way to Akira's home. The silence was real as she carefully snuck on the rooftop, undetectable by anyone who wasn't paying attention.

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali
Slit shoot door lock off from door and kicked it open. She started to sweep downstairs when she noticed that backdoor was open and someone was escaping. Slit pointed her gun to Akira.


@Crystal Cali
Akira stopped, and cursed under her breath. She whirled around to face the intruder, both guns pointed in the direction of the other woman, but she froze when she saw the other woman's weapon. Akira did not drop her weapons, but she did not make a move as she tried to think of her options. There was no way she could outrun this woman, and no way she could out shoot her. It was probably too much to hope that someone had caught on and was nearby, so Akira dropped her weapons, and put her hands in the air.

@JPax @Hanah Solo @Broncos
Slit walked to Akira gun pointed to her head.

"Yes, Master."

Slit hitted Akira's head whit back of her gun.

"No, Master. I didn't notice anyone else. This house owner is weird, not even guards."

Slit started dragging Akira back to house.

@Crystal Cali @Broncos

Alison Eckener | Agent Theta

Alison got the appearance of Slit and Akira, since she couldn't really tactically 'attack' anyone from the position she was in. "Theta, come the fuck in. I think the sub just knocked her out." She realized this wasn't quite her business in the first place, and that the police were going to find out anyways. All Alison had to do was report it. Besides, why wasn't the police interfering? Why didn't Alison interfere in the first place? These questions filled her mind as she made her way back to Theta's RV. "Oh, right. Are you sure you're okay to fight anyways? I mean, you just crashed a plane." Theta had a point. Alison was definitely in no condition to fight, even if she had a 98% success rate so far with missions. 

Theta pulled out his computer and began tracking any of Akira's devices she might have on her. Phones, pagers, or anything else of the sort that could connect to GPS or internet. "You probably would've been shot if you went there. You seriously don't look too good."

Alison shook her head before going to sleep on the passenger side seat. She did stay awake for nearly a week straight. Theta began making his way back to the MPPD HQ. And then, his phone started ringing again.

"What's up mom? Wait!"

"No, no, there is no girl sleeping next to me, why would you ever think that?" Theta shot a quick glance to the captain. "Mom, I'm driving!"

"Yes, I am focusing on the god damn road!"

"Yes. Yes mom, I am responsible driver." He looked down at the dash. "Fifty miles an hour. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Got it. And, yes...I did deal with the rash. No, mom, 'codercouchburn' is not a real condition. Mom! How can you say that?!" 

(@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo @Broncos I don't want to interrupt :P)
Slit dragged Akira to garage, drived to gate, moved other car activating bomb inside of it and driving towards her Master, before car bomb exploded. 

"Master, i am coming whit girl."

Jake just leaned back acting if he was relaxed although he was fully alert. He was watching every move that Kai made and everything outside. He had very good awareness skills naturally but his Bionic eyes made it even easier. "So, how long until we are there?" 

"Not going to answer that question. We're here." Kai said coldly. He spotted two vans just on the side of the warehouse. Kai parked on the other side and wore his snow jacket. "Lets go now." He opened the car's door and got out, waiting for Jake to respond.

@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey
Jake nodded. He spotted the two vans two and he acted as if he was scratching his ear but he was setting off a ping spike from his location. It would begin to send data through his personal hotspot to all computers in the city. It was a encrypted message that he was sure the police and Akira could figure out and he then smiled "So you ready to finally take this son of a bitch down?" He asked. Anyone who decrypted this message would see its contents. Coordinates to his location and the message Hello. This very well may be the last place I enter. You may not know me but I beleive the man who has bombed our beautiful city is here. Consider this me formally requesting backup.

-The Doctor.

This message that was sent was a automated program that was activated whenever Jake thought a certain phrase and touched his ear. It had never been used in the past. The encryption would be rather difficult to get through but any experience hacker or government operative could get through it.

@Crystal Cali @JPax @CrossedInLyke @SirGrey @YoungX

Back at the MPPD, a message would be found which turned out to be encrypted. Upon encrpting and reading the message, an officer would contact the Chief.


Frank, a bit skeptical at first sees the name 'The Doctor.' 


"Send in officers to that coordinate immediately. I don't know if it's that King or someone else but we'll do our job."


Officers would immediately dispatch and be told to head to the specified coordinates. They would be arriving to the warehouse in a matter of minutes.


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