Main RP [RP happens here]

Kai texted Jake, Hey! Where are you? I'm tired of waiting... He tapped send. For the last time, he inspected his things he have on bag so he wouldn't forget anything. If Edward fails to cooperate with him, well, Kai would just go in for the kill. But he highly doubted that would happen.

@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey


The officers saluted Alison and all said, "Yes ma'am!" They did as she told them to and rounded up all the goon members who are still alive and present. They would arrest them and take them to prison where they were searched and had anything they had taken away. Anything remotely suspicious would be taken in for examination. Beside that every other officer would patrol the city and would be on extreme look-out for the man who just had to be an idiot and put his face on TV for all to see. Every other bomb site would be busy as officers would clean up the debris and construction workers would be on their way to make repairs. As people heard the latest transmission, people were just confused, scared and angry. How could this be happening? Bombings and now a self-proclaimed king is here to terrorize the populace. Most didn't want to believe it and thought/said that the 'King' was just a dick and just decided to blow the bombs up anyhow. Sure some blamed the MPPD but those people either hate the government or just have nothing better to do with their lives though there were the genuine ones. Still this 'King' would plant a seed of doubts within the people. Not only that but people lost their families, jobs, resources and buildings. Things were becoming... difficult for the people of Maple Pines, but that's not the worst of it yet. There is something... far worse.



Frank Westmore-City Council [Closed for Interaction]


Frank Westmore would be at his office sighing as he would be at extreme work with all the paperwork he has to fill out. Not only that but he would have to attend an emergency meeting with City Council and he knows those meetings are just absolute hell. He would hurry on down using TME towards where City Council is having their secret meeting. Thankfully the location is always a secret so no one can just come right in. 


The City Council members were just yapping their mouths except for Nathaniel D. Williams who seems to just be silent about the matter. Once Frank came in and took his seat everyone shut themselves up.


"Gentlemen you all know why we're all here," the mayor, Adam East, said as he had a grave look on his face. "We are facing an absolute crisis with these recent bombings."


"Don't forget S3RP3NT! And now we have this 'self-proclaimed King' to worry about! This is madness!" One of the city council members who was in charge of Economics shouted. 


"Now now everyone settle down," Adam East would clear his throat and look to Frank. "Now Frank... Nathaniel... you two certainly have your police wrapping this under control do you not? The MPPD have contributed many times before and will continue to do so." 


"Of course Adam. You know just as much as I do that this isn't the... only threat," Nathaniel D. Williams, city council member in charge of security, said.


"What?" One of the other city council members said as others started talking amongst themselves. What could Nathaniel mean?


"Now gentlemen... while recent unfortunate events are upon us we have a much more... grave danger hanging over our heads." He stands up and has a serious look on his face; it was the kind that has seen death once or twice.


"We have an individual who is extremely dangerous. So dangerous that he has the power to take down not just this city but the entire United States if he could and had such resources. His name... is Gamma." 


"Who?" That was the only word uttered by others while Frank looked at him with a grave look. He hadn't heard that name uttered in years.


"Gamma. He is not to be trifled with. He's more than just an ordinary criminal. In fact this information is extremely limited and only a few people even know his name. We know for... reasons. I have reason to believe that Gamma will be making his move soon enough. In any case this man is dangerous but we mustn't let the public know. It would be very dangerous. In any case, we of the MPPD will have this issue resolved. That is all." Despite the confusion the meeting would end swiftly and only left others worried.


Only one question arose from that meeting amidst the worry and panic: Who is Gamma?
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Jake spotted Kai's van as he looked down at his phone and he laughed and joggednover. He was wearing his buisness suit over his body armor. His twin shock swords on his back. He  smiled as he git into the van and spoke "So why did I have to come alone?"

The sudden broadcasts threw Akira off guard. The first one would be too quick for her to trace, but she was already positioned for the second one. Still, it was fast. Akira didn't give up though. She didn't know if the last bombings were related to the first ones, but at this rate, the entire city would be leveled in just a couple days if this kept going. As she looked for traces of whatever hacked the airwaves, by hacking the airwaves herself, she listened to the conversation through Jake's bugged phone. She may be multitasking like hell, but you don't become one of the best hackers out there with a one track mind. 

@ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke@Broncos 
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@Theflamre (sorry didn't notice your post... How hard is Hanah?)

Hanah couldn't say anything because her damaged vocal cords, she pointed whit her gun to Srg. Guerra to exit from car.
As Jaune approached his home which was in the woods, a smile came on his face. He had showed these people who they should be worried about now. As he opened the door, he ordered his remaining men to take posts in the woods and alert him if something happened. He then walked inside his home and said "Slit, I'm home!"

@Hanah Solo
Hanah rises slowly from sand, pointing whit her gun to Srg. Guerra.



he rolled up his windows as she walked over the patrol car windows are strong enough to catch at least one bullet. He grabbed the radio "10-78 at beach drive 10-32 10-39 " he quickly said over the radio giving his location and telling an officer with a radio there was a person with a gun and he was engaging her. Then he pulled out a tazer and started opening the door on the other side of the car to take cover. "Hannah listen to me you need to put the gun down" he said in am more commanding voice hoping to get through to her.
The large man pulled out a duffle bag opening it he removed a large sum of chines take out. He passed a box to the skinny man next to him and began to eat the rest him self about 6 boxes of various meals as they turned on the TV and began to watch a older show on cable the TV flashed to a different screen playing some weird hacker broad cast causing him to drop the box of food in his hand . He stared blankly at the food on the floor before picking it up and eating it "That happen often"  he asked the skinny man.

Frank Sanquin

"That and bombings speaking of mass killings what brings you out here?" he questions the large man. It's not that he minded or well he did but the man was huge and kills people with a hammer so he wasn't going to say shit. He hadn't talked to this man since he was working for some chick who felt threatened by this guy who was stalking her or something. The job was looks scary frank had just showed up with a gun he kept some what visable on his belt Tor decided to kill the man. Frank's eyes widened alttle when he remembered it he had watch Tor flip over a hammer and used the not so blunt side to preform some thing called the "Blood Eagle".

Frank Sanquin

"That and bombings speaking of mass killings what brings you out here?" he questions the large man. It's not that he minded or well he did but the man was huge and kills people with a hammer so he wasn't going to say shit. He hadn't talked to this man since he was working for some chick who felt threatened by this guy who was stalking her or something. The job was looks scary frank had just showed up with a gun he kept some what visable on his belt Tor decided to kill the man. Frank's eyes widened alttle when he remembered it he had watch Tor flip over a hammer and used the not so blunt side to preform some thing called the "Blood Eagle".

The larger man chuckled as Frank's eyes widened he had preformed the "Blood Eagle" just to see if he could bother the skinny man "Last place didn't work out to well and this one has good reviews" it was out of character for Tor to joke as he just had but then again it was unusal for him to be in any environment that could be considered casual. He was an assasin and took his job very seriously spending weeks on plotting and watching one target that mix with his need to eat as much as he did lead to him having limited free time. If this could be considered casual the man next to him he had met several times in different locations on different jobs and so far he could have spent the third most amount of time with Tor in the world the first and second spot being his own parents. "As for why I am really here I heard their was some new big groups shifting around here and in this sort of situation everyone needs someone gone." with all the bombings and hackers he was pretty sure he had heard right


Hanah pointed to get away from car.

(HANAH ONE N! Damn my name is same. @Theflamre


"Master! I have waited for you so long." 

Young woman runned to Jaune and knee front of him.

"Why Master left bed early? Was it because Slit's performance?"

"Well, its a dangerous sabotaging mission, and it is only for tough persons. No offense to Akira." Kai lied. He started his Prius (his car) and started to make their way to the waterfront warehouse.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
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Jake looked to his suspiciously, although he kept up a friendly smile and he nodded "Well I'm sure she is stronger than you think, but you may be right." He chuckled lightly, he knew she could listen in and he wanted her to hear the conversation "So why didnt you contact the police and tell them?"

@CrossedInLyke @Crystal Cali
Jaune laughed and said "Christ, Slit, calm down, it's not like the world's ending. No, it wasn't your preformace, that was grand. Anyway, kindly please get me a red wine and get yourself one,". Jaune then sat down on the couch and began to watch some of what he called "Peasent's Entertainment". Jaune was much of a fan but it did pass the time

@Hanah Solo
"I've had a good day. Operation Conquest has gone quiet well as we have struck fear into the peasents. Now, I want you-" Jaune began until a man came through the door. "Master!" the man said panicked "We have someone hacking the airwaves!". Jaune raised his eyebrow and said "Really, how odd? I guess we need to see who it is,". He then turned to Slit and said "Slit, drive us to the Western Base,". Jaune had established a few bases around the city so he would have backup bases in case one was discovered. He then walked to the car and opened the door to get in

@Hanah Solo
Note: Since we have others who don't post as frequently as others, I kindly ask all of you to not post as fast or as too frequently so that others who aren't able to can catch up and post when they are able to.
Slit enterned in car, after giving stern look to man who prevented possiblity have fun whit Jaune and start driving towards Western Base.


(We keep pause now? When we travel)


Hanah pointed to get away from car.

(HANAH ONE N! Damn my name is same. @Theflamre


"Master! I have waited for you so long." 

Young woman runned to Jaune and knee front of him.

"Why Master left bed early? Was it because Slit's performance?"



As he got out of the car and saw Hanah (got it that time) turn around he fired the tazer directly at her back now with huge people the tazer sometimes didn't work to well but this small girl the tazer would probably work pretty well.
Hanah lt out high scream when tazer activated at her back. It feeled like her whole body was in pain, she emptined her gun hitting to police car's tires, radiator and one missfire hit even to radio. When at last pain was away, Hanah lied on beach drool and blood from biting her tongue pourling out from her mouth, hand still tightly holding gun.


Hanah passed out, body still shivering from shock.

@Theflamre(If you didn't know, Hanah's mind has broken and when she feels pain is worser than normally)
When they arrived, Jaune descended into the base with the man beside him explaining "We are seeing another hacker trying to find us by hacking the airways,". As they reached the bottom to see a large bunker with machinery weapons and computers galore, Jaune said "Well, we fight fire with fire against the peasent. Start trying to hack her and track down her location but only use it from our South Base. I don't want her finding out all of our bases,". He then walked off to a few computers and grabbed some coffee

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali
"Master, can I go after that low one who annoys you, when you know where he is?"


(As you don't know if she is woman or man)
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Hanah lt out high scream when tazer activated at her back. It feeled like her whole body was in pain, she emptined her gun hitting to police car's tires, radiator and one missfire hit even to radio. When at last pain was away, Hanah lied on beach drool and blood from biting her tongue pourling out from her mouth, hand still tightly holding gun.


Hanah passed out, body still shivering from shock.

@Theflamre(If you didn't know, Hanah's mind has broken and when she feels pain is worser than normally)


he stood once more since he had ducked when she had started firing and looked over to her on the ground twitching and bleeding from the mouth. He walked over and handcuffed her after looking her over for anything beyond a bit of blood in the mouth he looked towards his car but it seemed pretty useless at this point he could even see the hole in his radio. He let out a sigh and started to read her her right but then stopped as he saw she was no longer concisious according to regulation he had one choice he took out his phone and called the hospital as he was not allowed to move someone who was both unconscious and bleeding. After that brief conversation with a hospital he called dispatch to confirm he location and the situation. With a good few roads blocked off and hospitals being as busy as they are at the moment and the fact that due to regulation he wasn't allowed to leave her here not that he would he was in for a long wait with a mad woman. He reached over and took the gun after getting a rubber glove and plastic bag placing it in his car after that he sat down at a near by bench and waited.
Though Akira was still listening to the conversation through Jake's bugged phone, she had an intense look of concentration on her face as she continues to hack through the person who hacked the airwaves. Of course, once they locked onto Akira's IP, she'd know. An alert flashed up on her screen as she was being counter hacked. She responded by locking onto the IP of the computer trying to hack hers, and trying to get the address from it. A program running in the background of Akira's computer bounced her signal to different locations, making Akira's location difficult to find.

@ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke @Broncos
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Soon, the men figured where she was. He then said "Alright, evacuate the Southern Base, we will return their later,". He then turned to Slit and said "Head to these cordnates and capture whoever is trying to track us alive. DO NOT kill the peasent,". He then turned back to the screen

@Hanah Solo  @Crystal Cali

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