Main RP [RP happens here]

Edward sat in his mansion, think on current events. Seemed that the good Doctor had been recovered to his normal state of being by the police. Disappointing but not unexpected. More pressing issues were taking precedence.  Such as this King character that had been popping up all over the city. If this is who Edward thought it was well, this would be an amusing set of events. Edward had run across the man know as King before, an organisation as wide spread as Edward's it tends to meet every. Anyway, the man who could be king is narcissistic charismatic, extremely dangerous individual. For now, Edward would plan. Until someone arrived at his house. A guard came to the door to let Kai in. @CrossedInLyke 

Alison Eckener

Alison pulled out her own swords and put it against Jake's. "Are you sure you want to use yours? You can choose between police grade and yours." She figured she'd let him choose regardless and left two sets of swords for him to take anyways. Meanwhile, Alison looked outside to a pitch black car, a rather nice one too. She grabbed Theta's keys from the hook on the wall and unlocked the car. If anything, Alison was ready. She did, after all, say they'd get Akira back.

At the same time, she responded to H's call. "Agent H, this is Captain Eckener. I'm bringing help, though we won't be wearing red blue and black."

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Once more did H speak extremely quietly so no one else could hear. 'Alright. King is with Searan Kim. I repeat King is with Searan Kim. He is alone. Caution is being asserted as he may have goons somewhere. I don't trust King anyways.' He would continue his watch and hopes that Searan would be fine until back-up came.


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Jake took his own putting them into the sheathes of his body armor that was under his suit and he followed her out to the car. He was ready. He wouldnt hold back now. He loved Akira. Nitbing was going to harm her so long as he was able to do something about it. He go in the passenger side door and looked straight ahead. He was anxious. Anyone who got in his way would die. He made that decision already.

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Alison Eckener

Alison hit the accelerator the instant Jake got in. "I think Theta has some chocolate in the glove compartment. You can have it as long as you leave a dollar." As she continued to drive along the sketchy roads, she finally found the location. Since the car was undercover, Alison was able to see without being noticed. Searan Kim, King, and that woman. Then her eyes trailed onto the site of Searan and a woman as she parked and hopped out.

"Agent H, there is...fuck this." She kicked open the door and fired a TME grapple. Just inches from Searan's neck, the cable struck the taser, throwing it out of her hand. Any deviation, and Slit's hand would've been cut off completely. "Jake, engage!" 

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo@Broncos @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX

"It's go time." From there H would run and fire a TME grapple onto a side of the barn rooftop. Then he would accelerate upward as he swung in momentum so that he would land onto the rooftop. He pointed a pistol at Snipe with a classic:


"Freeze motherphucka!"


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Snipe noticed how tazer had taked from Slit and shooted to woman who did it, before H pointed gun to her.

"Hail King!"

Snipe turned around, turned her gun to auto fire and open fire.


Jake was paying attention his eyes in nigjt bision mode and he burst into the room and with extreme speed he closed the distance between the King and himself watching everything around him at once his blade coming out of his left wrist as he attempted to drive his bladed fist into the mans stomach. He would save the man with nanobots if need be but only to keep him alive long enough to be interrogated

@JPax @Broncos @YoungX
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Alison Eckener

Bullets sliced at Alison's side, though the rest missed due to her unpredictable stepping patterns. Combined with the TME wire going taught a second later, Alison caught Slit's taser and spun it around to her sword. Without warning, the captain sprinted at the woman with unnatural speed. Alison pulled her fist back and attempted to punch Slit in the face with enough strength to break her jaw, unless she moved.

@Hanah Solo @Broncos @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX @Crystal Cali
(Please say something like "try to taze his neck", unless I confirm in pm that you can do that specifically, so I can respond @Hanah Solo)

Searan saw the sneak attack coming. After all, he had set up the situation so that no one could come up close enough to touch him without either making noise or coming into his sight. He whirled to face Snipe, pulling out one of his guns and thrusting it towards her. "I'd like to remain concious if that's alright with you," he spat angrily before the chaos broke out. Searan hopped up onto the hood of his car, trying to avoid the chaos that errupted. "God damn it, you idiots!" he shouted.

@JPax @Broncos @YoungX
(Please say something like "try to taze his neck", unless I confirm in pm that you can do that specifically, so I can respond @Hanah Solo)

Searan saw the sneak attack coming. After all, he had set up the situation so that no one could come up close enough to touch him without either making noise or coming into his sight. He whirled to face Snipe, pulling out one of his guns and thrusting it towards her. "I'd like to remain concious if that's alright with you," he spat angrily before the chaos broke out. Searan hopped up onto the hood of his car, trying to avoid the chaos that errupted. "God damn it, you idiots!" he shouted.

@JPax @Broncos @YoungX

(Well Jpax stop it)


"Oh shit!" H would reflexively jump off the rooftop since he was near edge. While some of his clothing was grazed and skin a bit touched, at least he wasn't dead. Plus he did wear some light armor underneath but it wouldn't last long. As he began to fall towards the ground he used his PTGs (Portable Terrain Gauntlet) and grappled along the side of the barn. As he gained some air time, H would have to quickly come up with a way to disable Snipe for the time being.


"Time for a change in routine." He would take out a smoke grenade as he 'flew' and threw it onto the rooftop. It would cover the entire rooftop with smoke. Now he would immediately land onto the rooftop only to jump back down again. His plan was to deliver a sneak attack.



Note: @JPax has to take a math test soon so we'll have to put this on pause. @Crystal Cali @Broncos @ThatOneLunatic
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The cold wind breezed above the sky.

When he arrived at Edward's location, Kai parked his Prius in front of the house and got inside the house. He had his lethal dagger at the ready if Edward somehow broke their deal. He asked him in a serious manner, "Hey. Did you destroy Jake's house and kidnap Akira? Tell me you didn't, and don't lie to me." He put both his hands on his pockets, one of which is holding his dagger.


Alison Eckener

Slit would've dodged right into Alison's foot. Alison delivered a hard sweeping kick, at the same time thrusting her palm on her chest to try and knock her down. Since Alison was using a sword with a taser, she also tried to zap her in the back with the hilt.

@Hanah Solo

H would land on the ground while Snipe was looking around for him. Now he would change his priority to King since clearly if King is in check then Snipe can't possibly do anything. He would head towards Jake and King's location to assist in the fight. For now H would sneak about and ready his pistol. Then with pistol in his left hand he would aim at King.


"Freeze mothaphucker! But seriously freeze. Your days of being an extreme narcissist is over... unless you have goons somewhere." He would keep his pistol steady with both hands.


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Searan as growing more and more angry as he watched the scene unfold. Damn police weren't helping one damn bit. They just turned everything to chaos. He climbs onto the top of his car, aims his gun in the air, and fires off a couple rounds, hoping to get everyone's attention. "Are you all idiots?!?!" he shouts at the top of his voice. "The hell makes you think you're getting Akira back this way? Have you never, once in your pitiful careers as police officers, never encountered a hostage situation before? God damn it! I was right not to trust you fools!"

@YoungX @JPax @Broncos @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo 

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