Main RP [RP happens here]

Jake as soon as he heard the shots rolled to the side taking cover behind the car, he then returned fire at a rapid rate from his wrist pistols, he was skilled with firearms but his eyes being able to calculate trajectory exactly made him all the more deadly, as he poured about 30 rounds in the direction of the shots that were fired at him

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali @YoungX @JPax

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Esther heard a ticking. "Shit...HOLD ON!!" Without a reaction, she grabbed both Sam and Akira, being able to support both their weights as she began to run from the building. The sheer force of her first step cracked the floor and...

At high speeds, for a human, Esther sprinted out of the building at fifty miles an hour. Every step ached and burned her body, but she had to outrun the all costs... she couldn't even see as she crashed through the window and into a diner, holding the two. 

Suddenly, everyone would find that they were in a diner across the street. Esther was unconscious on the table with blood dripping from her mouth, and Sam was next to Akira. "Damn, okay?" 

@Crystal Cali
Akira snorted. "My name's Akira. Lovebug was just Searan's nickname for me. And yeah," she winced as she tried to roll over to get up onto her feet. "I think I'll live," she says as she rubs the side of her head.



Searan had dropped his weapons on the ground outside earlier, and didn't have any long-ranged weapons anyway. Searan crawls into the back of his car, which wasn't a seat, since this was a 2-door car, just a narrow space. He hides, and waits for the shooting to be over.

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Esther rolled onto her side, falling flat on her stomach and letting out a pained grumble. "N-Never...tell anyo-" And then she broke into a series of coughs, as if she'd just run for a day without stopping. It was far too much for her body to handle, yet Sam acted like it was normal. He pointed to the table and walked off. Coming back a few seconds later with two glasses, Sam set them on the table and held both hands out. "Get on the table and drink it. It's nothing bad, just sugar water." As Esther heard this, she weakly got to her feet and swallowed the contents of her cup in three seconds, getting it all over her shirt. "T-Thank-" she croaked out, before rolling over and falling onto the chairs. "Nice to meet you, Akira. That's my sister, Esther. And I'm Ishmael. Samuel. Whichever you prefer."

@Crystal Cali
Snipe get couple shots to her vest, but one hit to her left arm and forced her back up. After getting down at other side of barn she looked to her phone and read King's message. She started crying after reading it.
Akira rolls into a sitting position, but realizing there was glass everywhere, she doesn't stand up. Akira was barefoot, and not interested in stepping on glass shards. She looks up to Samuel. "Nice to meet you, Samuel. Thank you for saving my life. Even if that building hadn't blown up..." Akira shuddered, "I would have been living in hell... though I supposed being dazed and stupid allowed me to enjoy it," she wrinkles her nose. "Ugh... I was serious when I said I wanted to forget the last 12 hours of my life, let's just put it that way."


"You alright guys? Let's we can still make it on time!" H would get in the car and would wait for Alison to rev it up.


"If the Chief doesn't kick our asses... let's go out for damn good chicken." He was ready and hoped that Akira was safe. 


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Jake stood up and got into the car and as soon as he sat down and the adrenaline subsided her clutched his side and groaned, pulling his hand away seeing blood covering his hand. Immediately he released a few of his nanobots to numb the pain and to repair the tissue "Damn good shot that person was..."

@YoungX @JPax
Searan hops into the front seat of his car, and starts the engine. He'd follow the others, struggling to keep his composure. How likely was it that the building hadn't blown up yet? Not very. How likely was it that Akira got out? Again, not very. Still, as if he were trying to will the universe into favoring him, he slams the side of his steering wheel and swears. "Damn it, Lovebug, please don't be dead."

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX @JPax

Alison Eckener
Alison looked to H. "Let's go."

The car sped into action, going down the street and then coming to a stop in front of the building which looked like it was about to explode; no, it had exploded. There was a look of dread on her face as she looked at the blown up building. Right when she was about to apologize, the sight of a broken diner window crossed her eyes. Inside, she saw...a guy and two women. "Esther?"

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX @Crystal Cali

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

Samuel picked Akira off the ground and lay her onto the table, next to Esther. "Well, I can help you forget. I can make people forget things very easily, at least...I did, back in the day." He calmly took a seat and nudged the cup of water to Akira. "Drink up-" And then, a car pulled up in front of the diner. Samuel craned his neck to face Alison directly, fear immediately filling his head. "Shit...captain Eckener?"

@Crystal Cali
Jake seeing the people inside opened the door and rushed inside, he immediately hugged Akira "Akira! You're ok!" He didnt care about his wound he was in pain but he hugged her and held her tightly "I'm so sorry about what happened to you..." He was in tears of joy/relief as he hugged her even tighter

@Crystal Cali
Jake seeing the people inside opened the door and rushed inside, he immediately hugged Akira "Akira! You're ok!" He didnt care about his wound he was in pain but he hugged her and held her tightly "I'm so sorry about what happened to you..." He was in tears of joy/relief as he hugged her even tighter

@Crystal Cali


H would get our of the car and look at Alison ignoring the half naked Akira.


"You know them?" H looked to the two and didn't know who on Earth they were and how they knew about it. At least Akira was safe.


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Akira shifted so the was sitting cross-legged on the table, and took the drink. "Thanks," she mumbles as her attention is caught by the cars rushing to the scene of the explosion.

Searan pulls up close behind Alison, dread washing over him as he sees the burning building. It only lasts a moment as he sees Alison looking the other direction. He follows her gaze, and sees Akira with the other two. He sighs with relief, then lets out a bit of a nervous laugh, and turns to the duffel bag, grabbing a blanket from it, then jumping out of the car.

Akira was taken off guard, and dropped her water as Jake came and suddenly hugged her. "Damn it, Jake! Get off!" she'd wriggle free as Searan got closer, holding out the blanket.

"Geez, when the hell did you get popular?" he said in a playful tone. Akira dove for the blanket and wrapped it around her. 

"The hell if I know, but I'm pretty sure it's your fault," she sticks her tongue out, and they both start laughing.

( @YoungX Hey, Akira did manage to put on some pants before the house blew up :P

@ThatOneLunatic @JPax
Jake realizing how he let himself act on impulse immediately sat back and he shook his head "Sorry." He said as he watched Searan give her the blanket. Although he wanted to knock Searan out he didnt do anything and he smiled, at least she was ok. He then winced as his weight shifted and put pressure on his wound and he grunted before he looked to Akira "Do you have any wounds that need attention?" He asked as he looked to her as she laughed with Searan, he then stood up once again grunting in pain as he swayed slightly

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @JPax

Alison Eckener | Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

"Yeah. Long story we'll save for another time. Our work here is actually done though. 'Cept for the injured." Alison turned to H and awkwardly held her fist out. It wasn't to punch him, it was rather for a fist-bump. Everything turned out alright.

Meanwhile, Esther and Sam were confused as fuck. "JAKE?! Oh, that guy is Searan? Wait, why the fuck did Jake hug you?" Sam hopped off the table. Esther saw that Akira dropped her water, and she immediately dove for it and began to lick it off the ground. "Thanks..."

"Sorry for my sister, she is quite the weird one." Sam shifted back and turned to Esther. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Esther didn't respond. Her muscles were just too damn sore to keep up. She wasn't sure if outrunning an explosion in public would come off as dumb luck or stir an uprising against enhanced humans, but Esther trusted Akira enough to keep the secret for her...

@YoungX @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic

H would nod and fist bump Alison. Now they won't lose their jobs and get their asses kicked. For now he would look to the rest with a satisfactory smile.


"Mission accomplished." All that was needed was to arrest the remaining goons. 


'A life was almost lost because I went buckwild again. No that's all behind me now. Anyways...  it's time to begin my real mission. What I cane here to do. Maybe Akira and the others... can I ask them to help? After what happened? Anyways...' H thought to himself as he would check his goggles for any damages. It was alright.


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Akira frowns at Jake as he sways, obviously from pain. "Take care of yourself first, idiot," she says in a somewhat harsh tone, though there was an air of concern to how she was acting. She looks over to Sam, and shrugs. "He seems to like hugging people. Only logical explanation I can think of since we've only known each other for a couple days. And yeah," she jerks her head towards Searan. "This is Searan," she says, her tone a bit gentler.

Searan, gives Sam an awkward smile. "Ahhh.... y-yeah, that's me...." he trails off, wondering if this guy knew what he had done as S3RP3NT. 

@ThatOneLunatic @JPax @YoungX
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Jake smiled and he chuckled "I cant use any more of them on myself...I need to conserve them for you guys..." He smiled, it was true he had used a lot of the nanobots on himself in the past day and even though he was in a lot of pain he could handle it. They then commented about his hugs and he chuckled "Hugs are way to comfort someone." Which was just a fake cover up for the real reason.

@JPax @Crystal Cali @YoungX
Searan gives Jake a deadpan look. He bought none of that. "Sure," he says in a dismissive tone, then turns to Akira and holds out his hand. "C'mon. Let's go someplace warm to talk." Akira pauses, looking down to the ground to make sure there wasn't and glass in her way. Searan notices, then looks down to see part of Akira's bare foot sticking out of the blanket. He takes a step back to make sure he wasn't on any glass, then slips off his shoes, and tosses them so they land on the table beside Akira. "Here."

"Thanks," Akira says as she grabs the shoes and puts them on. They were too big for her feet, or course, but she managed to awkwardly walk without them falling off her feet. Ah, wait," her gaze shot up to look Searan in the eye. "Are you even allowed to leave?"

Searan chuckles. "Yeah, they let me go."

@ThatOneLunatic @JPax @YoungX
After Snipe had cried enough she walked back to other side of barn, where she found unconscious Slit. 

"I will take you whit me."

Snipe pulled Slit to King's car and pushed inside trunk. After that she left scene.

Esther Khan | Samuel Khan

"Nice to meet you Mr. Searan." Esther bowed before falling forwards onto her face. She didn't look particularly healthy anyways, and definitely needed a shower. At least two showers. In fact, she was sweating so badly from running at the speed of a car that her sweat was turning to steam on contact with the air. "Water...please..." She began making her way to the door, into the cold. 

Samuel knew he couldn't really lift her up without it being awkward, so he just sort of encouraged nudging her. "Quick question, Jake. Do you have a place that my sister and I may reside in for the night? We have nowhere to go."

Esther looked up to see Akira put on Searan's shoes. "Aww!! Cute!"

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali (Akira and Searan are so cute omg xD)

Alison Eckener

Alison began to calmly drive H back to the MPPD HQ. "So, H, you alright?" She set the indicator as she turned away from the diner and towards the large glass building. "You know, that wasn't too bad. However I'm not going to let you go just yet. Why are you here? Surely you can't be here just for a narcissistic pansy."


H would look to Alison with a casual look. 


"You got me. Of course it would make sense that I wouldn't be here for just King. It's time I told you the reason why I'm here." He gave a rare serious look and tone.


"As State Agent, I was given a task by Nathaniel Williams, the man who is councilman for Security. As you know State Agents are kept secret from public eyes, and are given tasks that usually involve keeping secrecy from the public. There are State Agents all over and some group in states like New York. Anyways back on point." He would take off his goggles and looked at them before looking to Alison.


"I'm here... to investigate the man known as Gamma."


@JPax [And now things will take a turning point. XD]
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