Main RP [RP happens here]

After a quick jog, Dan decided to go to a random cafe (Green Leaf) to grab some breakfast and a drink. He sits down at the bar and looks at the menu. Even though he has been jogging, in his tracksuit, he isn't sweaty or anything. He also enjoys wearing relatively tight tracksuits, because while Crow is serious while crime-fighting, Dan likes to show of his muscles in public. He's flirty and charismatic like that.

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo @Shammy the Shamrock 



Liam woke up and to his dismay, his pillow was wet with drool. It was six in the morning but it felt like he'd only recieved an hour's worth of sleep. "Aww.. crud." He muttered aloud, realizing he'd left the apple left behind by his car in his pocket. Slipping it out, he looked to the rotten bits, sighing. Tell me you can still use this, Greg. He thought before stepping down from his king bed. His room had a dark theme, the walls were gray, the roof black. It was ugly but convenient for a light sleeper like himself.

Sighing, he tossed the apple to onto his dressing mirror before he felt a vibration in his pocket. Liam took the phone out, answering the call though he didn't even pay attention to who it was. "Hello?" He greeted warily. "It's Greg, Liam. Might I remind you that your meeting is in an hour, don't tell me you're not even bathing." Liam frowned aa he replied. "Fine, I  won't tell you then. Oh, and can you trace DNA off of a rotten apple?" Gregory flinched at the question. "Depends." Liam continued strolling to the washroom. "Well you'll have to, someone took the supercharger and god knows what else out of my dad's charger. Can you believe it?" The thought of losing something of his father's made Liam furious to an extent. "We'll sort this out later, Sebastian's gonna be at your house in a minute, Eobard Laird can't be kept waiting." And so the call was ended.


In forth-two minutes time, Liam waa seated in the back of his limousine, Sebastian beside him. He wore his grey tuxedo with the hint of purple, it waa an armani type so designer couture. "So, the meeting's on what again? The barrage missile, right?" Nelson Tek had been working on a state of the art electromagnetic pulse missile with the capacity of disabling thousands of tech in minutes, the blue prints derived from his EMP bombs. Sebastian nodded. "We're talking about the military, Liam. This transaction is important for our country and company." Liam just shrugged, Sebastian was like his father but he always hated his lectures. "I get it, I'm just not supposed to fuck up, right? I can do that." He clarified before looking to the bowl of Kellogs corn flakes he held in his hand. "Fine, at least eat , you'll need the energy." Sebastian handed him the bowl and without question he began to eat his breakfast.

The limousine came to a stop as the two came to a stop at Eobard Laird's building. The skyscaper was large though was very important to the city, a basemfor international scientists, soldiers, inventors, you name it. As the driver opened the door for the two, about six guards swaremd aeound them as they weee escorted into the building. They were sent to the fourteenth floor where they would see Eobard and his associates.

Liam walked in, smiling as he did so. "Greetings, now let's discuss the Barrage Missile, shall we?" His voice monotone and nonchalant as he spoke. He continued into the room, hanging his jacket around a seat as he took a seat, Sebastian sitting beside him.

Good place for an ambush BTW.



Within somewhere secretive such as underneath the bottom of a chair, there was a listening device of sorts. Someone was listening on this conversation and surely was doing so for a reason. Of course where this someone is actually isn't so far away. For now this someone is remaining hidden for now until the time is right. 


Liam stood by a wooden dry-erase board, scribbling a diagram for the representatives of various sponsors, donors, companies and U.S. administrators. "The bomb is powered by pure electricity, about ninety to one hundred kilowatts of electricity is what is needed to power this b--" His sentence was cut off as Sebastian gave him a stink eye. "This piece of revolutionary technology. As most of you know, it's remote controlled, we're talking about Air Hogs type software here. There's a computer installed in the beacon for it too, plus, it causes collateral damage and  cuts of electronics, sweet right?" The representatives nodded in symphony as if it was rehearsed.

"Questions?" He asked, this was merely the final briefing and so not much else needed to be went over. A man witn a shiny bald head, hippie glasses who wore what a psychiatrist would wear coughed, preparing for a question. "I'm from Mercury Labs, what price are we talking for this piece of machinery?" Liam smirked as the man asked. "We're talking two million dollars for the least. What would a a laboratory need it for? Just curious." The man shrugged. "We're here for a transaction, not an interrogation." "Fair enough, anyone else?" The crowd went ailent before another man in a black tuxedo began to speak. "What's the max distance the barrage missile goes at? Speeds? I know you must've covered this in the first debriefing but my former representative was... killed." Liam remembered the death of Martha Walsh, it was saddening. "Well umm.., max distance would be about twenty-- thirty miles. It moves at about seventy-five miles per second." He grinned as he said so, the meeting continuing.

Before heading to the meeting the due to take place Edward decides to do some reading the park. Sitting down, with his security watching from the car of course and across the park. Still as he reads he does spot someone jogging. @The Fabulous Emerald (Open still)
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Liam stood by a wooden dry-erase board, scribbling a diagram for the representatives of various sponsors, donors, companies and U.S. administrators. "The bomb is powered by pure electricity, about ninety to one hundred kilowatts of electricity is what is needed to power this b--" His sentence was cut off as Sebastian gave him a stink eye. "This piece of revolutionary technology. As most of you know, it's remote controlled, we're talking about Air Hogs type software here. There's a computer installed in the beacon for it too, plus, it causes collateral damage and  cuts of electronics, sweet right?" The representatives nodded in symphony as if it was rehearsed.

"Questions?" He asked, this was merely the final briefing and so not much else needed to be went over. A man witn a shiny bald head, hippie glasses who wore what a psychiatrist would wear coughed, preparing for a question. "I'm from Mercury Labs, what price are we talking for this piece of machinery?" Liam smirked as the man asked. "We're talking two million dollars for the least. What would a a laboratory need it for? Just curious." The man shrugged. "We're here for a transaction, not an interrogation." "Fair enough, anyone else?" The crowd went ailent before another man in a black tuxedo began to speak. "What's the max distance the barrage missile goes at? Speeds? I know you must've covered this in the first debriefing but my former representative was... killed." Liam remembered the death of Martha Walsh, it was saddening. "Well umm.., max distance would be about twenty-- thirty miles. It moves at about seventy-five miles per second." He grinned as he said so, the meeting continuing.



With the current information in place, it would be time to do what this someone was waiting to do. Suddenly from above, a flash bang paired with a smoke bomb would come down and the two would activate. First the flash bang then the smoke bomb. 

'The first step... confusion will arise. The guards will be cautious and the targets nervous and full of fear,' was what this someone was thinking. That was all this someone thought about as this was happening currently. For now the first thing that needed to happen was how the people in the room reacted to the confusion of flash bang and smoke bomb. 

After his  book reading The Broker receives a phone call off the man he is supposed to meet says he will be late. Signally his guards to follow in the car, Edward goes to a local cafe. Green Leaf. Once inside he places his jacket on the table and orders a tea. Reading all the people. Just as amusing as any book though the people do to tend to live much more boring lives. Still no reason to be rude. @Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo @Shammy the Shamrock @The Fabulous Emerald

Adam Morrison

Adam turned around to see the other guys "Now what would you li-"  He was cut off by the gun, he looked at the girl.  "Then I can't give you it."  Adam was tired and not ready to deal with random people coming into his store to rob him.  He walked to the counter with one hand raised while the other was underneath, he grabbed one of the mantis throwing stars though he kept it underneath, he was planning on using it only if the girl was serious.  "I run a business here and I don't think you want to go away for a long time.  This is a mere sandwich, something that could be made in like 2 minutes so trying to steal it isn't really worth the time, right?"  

@Hanah Solo @SirGrey @Crystal Cali @The Fabulous Emerald
Dan watches from his position on the counter. He could easily restrain the thief, but he doesn't wish to reveal himself in the process.


As Liam was about to say his final words, he was blinded by some light. Tripping on his own shoe, he struggled to regain balance, opening his eyes as the smoke bomb was dropped. "Get down, cover your noses!" Even before he'd said so, the representatives already began doing so. The various bodyguards had slid on their nose masks, the chief had already calld in for backup. The guards began taking their prepared handguns and aiming them blindly at whatever their new foe was. 

Liam slid under the table, he was scared. Even as Flashbang, he was scared but there wasn't a thing to do. Taking out his phone, he glanced to Sebastian who stood with the guards with his own revolver. He'd sent a message to Greg on his current situation but to be honest, there wasn't much he could do besides protect the blueprints in nis back pocket.


Adam Morris

Adam let out a sigh and shook his head, revealing the star and slamming it into the wood.  He glared at the girl "I know a monster who could give you living hell.  I can make sure you meet it but if you wouldn't, drop the gun.  That's all i'm asking."  He said through clenched teeth, studying the rest of the room.  He pulled out the star and closed one eye, pointing it at her head as if it were a target.  "Little thing I learned to do since crime runs these streets and no one protects me.  To never miss."  Adam tensed as his suicide shot but he was already too deep.
@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali @SirGrey @The Fabulous Emerald 
Akira watches what was going on out of the corner of her eye, though she is distracted for a moment by the man with the muscles sitting at the bar with her, she immediately reacts to the girl pulling out a gun by pulling out her own revolver from her holster on her hip. "Seriously? If you're going to wave your gun around for every little thing in a town like this, you'll get your ass handed to you sooner rather than later." She reaches into her pocket, pulls out her wallet, and then a ten dollar bill from that wallet. She gives the store owner a meaningful look, as she notices he too was reaching for something. "I'll pay for the damn sandwich."

  @Shammy the Shamrock @Hanah Solo  @The Fabulous Emerald @SirGrey


As Liam was about to say his final words, he was blinded by some light. Tripping on his own shoe, he struggled to regain balance, opening his eyes as the smoke bomb was dropped. "Get down, cover your noses!" Even before he'd said so, the representatives already began doing so. The various bodyguards had slid on their nose masks, the chief had already calld in for backup. The guards began taking their prepared handguns and aiming them blindly at whatever their new foe was. 

Liam slid under the table, he was scared. Even as Flashbang, he was scared but there wasn't a thing to do. Taking out his phone, he glanced to Sebastian who stood with the guards with his own revolver. He'd sent a message to Greg on his current situation but to be honest, there wasn't much he could do besides protect the blueprints in nis back pocket.


'They aim blindly with no sense or direction. The fear and paranoia has begun to root itself into their minds... how long before they break?' This thought was then proceeded by 'The second step. They will begin to be cautious from every singular point. Let it seep in to the point of distrust.'

With the smoke filling into the room, it was hard to see within at least a meter of oneself. This time a bullet was fired towards one of the unsuspecting guards. From what direction would be uncertain due to the smoke. This someone would now wait to see how the guards would proceed with their actions. Just for added effect a second smoke bomb went off near one of the guards feet. It was rolled towards one of the guards near the door. 
After sitting at the park for a while, Kaito grows drowsy from the night prior. The caffeine from his coffee had worn off and the nights events are taking their toll. However, Kaito knows of a nearby cafe, so he decides to grab some coffee and a bite to eat there. Or at least he was. What happened instead was that a woman was pointing a gun at a man with a throwing star. He walks in and acts as Kaito would. Not the one that creeps around at night, but more like the one that is a nationally known weak soccer player. He steps in, seeing the action, and yells for help.

 @Shammy the Shamrock @Hanah Solo  @The Fabulous Emerald[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@SirGrey  @Crystal Cali

Adam Morris

Adam's cold attitude soon turned relaxed when the other woman from earlier had wanted to pay for the sandwich.  He took the money, handed back the change, and gave Hanah the sandwich "No guns in here, or statement stands."  He looked at everyone else "If you need anything, feel free to ask."  He went to cleaning up some mugs, keeping his eye on the girl who had just tried to rob him.  Drowsiness soon took hold again so he got himself another cup of coffee to keep awake.


(For anyone who wants to know the menu)


Esther and Estelle

For the first time, Esther went out with Estelle. They went to the sandwich store with much annoyance in Esther's eyes. Estelle clung to Esther, her head was darting around frantically. Esther was simply unfazed, yet again, when she saw Hanah with the revolver. Instead of being scared, she just began to laugh. "Hey, it's the crybaby that tried to rob my house last night! Estelle, say hi to the crybaby!" Estelle waved randomly and went back to snuggling under Esther's arm. "Mmh...I'm hungry." 

Esther walked past Hanah and whispered in her ear. "I got the whole thing on tape. You can cry as much as you want in a correctional facility."

@Hanah Solo @Shammy the Shamrock@Crystal Cali @SirGrey @Kyon


Officers out of the room began to cook up a plan as the representatives and the guards were left to wait there patiently. Most of them had already began to panic, rocking back and forth in their crouching positions. The room went silent as the bullet was fired before a thud was heard, one of the guards had been shot in the head. The blood seeped into the floor and onto Liam's hand, shaking it off, he looked back, hoping it wasn't Sebastian who'd been hit.

He sighed impatiently. His equipment was back at the cave and here, the least they could do was get more police involved.  The speakers boomed as a loud voice spoke into the PA "Ladies and gentlemen, please evacuate the building in an orderly manner. There seems to be a hostage situation on the fourteenth floor, if you have any information partaking the event, please come to the meeting room on the first floor. Enjoy your day." The line was cut off, the staff who were lucky enough not to be in the room began to flee aa the area their meeting was was sealed behind police tape.

With that event over, Dan turns to the clerk.

"One bacon, cheese and egg sandwich and a medium coffee, black, no sugar, please."

He drops a tenner onto the counter. Probably a better idea to pay upfront after that whole palava. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices the girl who was looking at him, and grins slightly, but says nothing.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali
Standing up and deciding to take a more active role he goes over to the man know as Kaito saying "I don't think that will be necessary the matter seems to be in hand" he says looking over to the counter.. It was good to see everything calming down. After all shooting for breakfast  isn't a healthily start to the day at all. @Kyon (And everyone else at the cafe)
Akira took the change, and put it in her wallet, then put both the wallet and her revolver back in her pocket. Akira sits back down at the bar, and browses the internet on her phone while she finishes up her sandwich and americano. She glances at the other two girls, and raises an eyebrow at the "crybaby who tried to rob my house" statement. Apparently, this other girl was both stupid, and desperate, and Akira figured she'd probably get herself killed in the near future. Akira then looks back to the man in the track suit, and mirrors his smile, though soon glances back to her phone and sighs in frustration.

@Hanah Solo @Shammy the Shamrock @SirGrey @Kyon @The Fabulous Emerald


Officers out of the room began to cook up a plan as the representatives and the guards were left to wait there patiently. Most of them had already began to panic, rocking back and forth in their crouching positions. The room went silent as the bullet was fired before a thud was heard, one of the guards had been shot in the head. The blood seeped into the floor and onto Liam's hand, shaking it off, he looked back, hoping it wasn't Sebastian who'd been hit.

He sighed impatiently. His equipment was back at the cave and here, the least they could do was get more police involved.  The speakers boomed as a loud voice spoke into the PA "Ladies and gentlemen, please evacuate the building in an orderly manner. There seems to be a hostage situation on the fourteenth floor, if you have any information partaking the event, please come to the meeting room on the first floor. Enjoy your day." The line was cut off, the staff who were lucky enough not to be in the room began to flee aa the area their meeting was was sealed behind police tape.


'As expected... when the situation worsens panic ensues. Now then... step three: Proceed with the mission so that it is done swiftly and smoothly.' 

A male voice would be heard within the room as the smoke continues to linger on. 

"I'm here for one thing and one thing only. I'd like the plans to the barrage missile otherwise..." Another bullet would fire towards another unsuspecting guard. "There 'may' be more casualties than what is needed. Let us not be hasty shall we?" With the demands set in he waits to see if such an agreement is possible. To make things a bit more psychologically damaging, one of the guards that was shot in the head would proceed to have his eyes gouged out via sharp object and would roll towards the floor so that the unlucky saps who were in visible range could see it. 
Kaito nods at the man trying to reassure him. Quite a respectful man, he is. 

Kaito notices a few things wrong with this whole situation, though, and begins to list them in his head.

Wait a minute, he begins to think to himself, I just walked in on a robbery involving a woman with a gun, a cashier with throwing stars, the girl I met last night who apparently got robbed by said chick with a gun, and a girl that just helped out the robber by giving them cash for a sandwich. Not to mention, the chick from last night has a little sister...

Confusion overcomes Kaito. Everyone in this room seems to be either a villain or a vigilante. Makes sense. Out of habit and concerns for his own safety, he sends out a quick text to some of his connections. Just in case he ends up in a bad situation.

After sending out the text, he heads over to the counter to order a coffee and pulls out his wallet. "Excuse me, sir. One large coffee, please." He sets $3.40 on the counter and takes a seat. What a predicament... he thinks.

@Hanah Solo[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Shammy the Shamrock@Crystal Cali  @SirGrey @JPax @The Fabulous Emerald

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