Main RP [RP happens here]

Crow quickly unsheathes (that is not the right word but whatever) his wing blade things then jumps backwards (or whatever direction) out of the triangle, slicing at the two guys' legs as he passes them. Just enough to cause pain, not terrible injury. If that works, he would easily finish of the last guy.

(i imagine the set-up being like this, no? ill delete it as soon as you see it.)




                      O        |        O




(Yeah you right.)

"Aaah what the hell?!" One of the injured gang members said as they knelt in pain. Of course all three were downed leaving only the one in black shades.

"Tch... a vigilante? Didn't expect one in the suburbs... whatever.. I don't have to deal with you. I'm gonna have to ask you nicely to leave." He took out what seems to be tonfas and readied himself.

"I'm no lackey you know. You'll be making a big mistake." He would give the other members the signal to get out of there. They all nodded and left in pain as well as picking up the two unconscious guards. Now it was Crow and the black shades member.
Crow starts by firing the grappling hook at the guy, to at least distract him, before throwing a batarang styled throwing star, in the shape of his sigil (on his picture). He doesn't say one word during all of this, as people might recognize/record his voice. He wanted to slip back into the darkness.
Crow starts by firing the grappling hook at the guy, to at least distract him, before throwing a batarang styled throwing star, in the shape of his sigil (on his picture). He doesn't say one word during all of this, as people might recognize/record his voice. He wanted to slip back into the darkness.

The grappling hook came for the gang member to which he caught using his right tonfa. 

"Heh... that all you got?" That was before he struck by the batarang. It hurt but he was still kicking. He used this chance to bring his right tonfa away. Since the grappling hook was on that it should cause Crow to go forward unless he let go. The member then readied his other tonfa to strike at Crow's gut area.

The bartender slid Liam's shots across the table, Liam stared for a moment before dropping a fifty dollar bill. "Keep the tip." He requested, the man just shrugged and slid the money down his pants. He didn't feel like pointing out the man's crime and instead just took the multiple shots down. Liam knew what was next, he had to get rest for the upcoming meeting tomorrow and so he struggled up and pushed himself around the bar, slamming into the door for a moment. His eyes blinked as he did so before continuing his way out. The sight of his car terrified him to normal as he ran towards the now ranshadked vehicle.

Quickly, he took out his phone, dialing Gregory's number to alert his friend about the situation. Greg didn't answer and so he was left there in the cold night of  Maple Pines with an... apple? He walked towards it, frowning, he picked it up and slid it into his pocket. He'd have to alert the bartender that there was a robbery, possibly don the helmet... no, no superhero-ing tonignt. Kicking a tire in frustration, he took out the apple once more, staring at it before returning it to his pocket.

Liam walked back into the Queen's Legs, glancing around for the bartender that has served him earlier. "Hey, Lorenzo, my car was ranshacked. Could you tell your boss to let me leave it there while the cops sort it out?" He pleaded with the man. Lorenzo tilted his head for a moment before replying in a deep mexican voice, "We can't have the fuckin' cops around these parts, you know what happend last time." He sighed, the last time there was a robbery, they'd found out one of the employees was a drug dealer. The whole staff were drug dealers but it never really mattered to Liam. "Imagine what Cottonlips my do 'ta me." Liam frowned as Lorenzo complained. "Just tell 'im this, I won't tell the cops if he gives me the spot, deal?" Lorenzo nodded before returning to work, Liam just left the bar now.

He was forced to take a bus to his home, the ride was crowded and uncoordinated. The driver had missed many stops, possibly a newbie and he swore a couple was "doing it" in the back. It was so loud he could barely hear it when the driver made the bells ring by the bus stop of his neighbourhood parking lot. As if instinct, he raced off of the bus, thank god he'd wore this attire, if not, he'd be being asked for momey and signatures on that ride.

After about five, seven minutes, Liam arrived at home, thinking if the stolen charger. It wasn't that he hadn't another car, he has many cars in various garages around town but the charger itself was that of his late father. He pushed the door of his home open with frustration, he didn't feel like sleeping in his apartment to ight. Sghing as he locked the door and turned to the living room. He was going to get that car if it was the last thing he could do, but the least he could do was give the cops a day or so, he still had Nelson Tek in his possesion. Sighing, he walked up to his bedroom and layed down on the bed though didn't fall asleep.

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(well, one would assume that if the object being grappled is lighter than Crow (and not anchored) it would go towards him, yes? mass and all of that.)
(well, since that Crow is more likely heavier (with all of his stuff) than the guy, ill say he gets pulled towards Crow, but not at a strong rate.)

As the guy stumbles a bit from being pulled forward, Crow goes to strike him with his spare hand, and also drops the grapple hook.

(well, since that Crow is more likely heavier (with all of his stuff) than the guy, ill say he gets pulled towards Crow, but not at a strong rate.)

As the guy stumbles a bit from being pulled forward, Crow goes to strike him with his spare hand, and also drops the grapple hook.


(Alrighty )

The gang member took the strike as he was pulled forward. Admist this he would proceed to deliver a jab to Crow's stomach area with the left tonfa. As for the right tonfa, he would aim a strike with it at Crow's face.

'Damn... I don't have time for this. Gotta make this quick,' he thinks to himself.
Crow takes the first blow but not as hard as the guy would like, presumably. After all, he wears decent body armour for this sort of situation. He then blocks the second blow and counters it with another punch, before attempting to flurry attack him using various martial arts.

(that k, @YoungX?)
Crow takes the first blow but not as hard as the guy would like, presumably. After all, he wears decent body armour for this sort of situation. He then blocks the second blow and counters it with another punch, before attempting to flurry attack him using various martial arts.

(that k, @YoungX?)


The gang member would do his best to block but does let a few hits get in. Feeling that prolonging the fight is a bad idea, he performs a feint right tonfa strike towards the gut before activating a smoke bomb with the left hand. The member uses this chance to make a getaway though feels agitated he had to do so.

It seems that the police was called after eye witness accounts of gang members in the vicinity. As such three cars were headed towards the neighborhood. The sirens could be heard from such distance.

(It's up to you what your character does from here.)
He leaves one of his Crow's Wings (that's what I'm calling the shuriken things) in the door as a calling card, grabs his grapple hook and disappears into the night, grappling and gliding away. He hopes, for the politicians sake, that he tells the police about the threats and goes into witness protection. He decides to keep on gliding around, as there are probably still some hours left of night to use.

Kaito, having seen the before and aftermath of the incident, claps for Crow, even though he is clearly a Vigilante. "What a show!" He hears sirens in the distance and resumes walking down the street. The police would surely pay him no mind. If they did, he would easily find a way out of his situation with words or actions, depending on the events to follow.

@YoungX   @The Fabulous Emerald
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Esther Khan


Location: Sai's Kitchen (The restaurant she works at)

"Got it..." Barely a whisper left Esther's mouth as she got onto both feet while setting the tray of food on top of the table of her customer. "Nice reflexes. Thanks." As the customer dug into his food, Esther smiled and set the bill under the plate before signing out of the workplace. "Another day, another dollar." She let out a sigh as she walked through the double doors. It was late, very late. Esther never worked overtime, but today was an exception. She glanced down at her phone before looking both ways. Esther grinned as she realized this and took off into a sprint. Her sprinting was unnaturally fast, but thankfully she ran into an alley.




Esther Khan

Location: ???, Near the Sound of Sirens

A woman in a suit sprinted out of an alley, blending in with the darkness. Her footsteps were completely silent as she crossed several blocks much faster than people should be capable of. A few seconds later, the figure stopped and took a minute to catch her breath. Slack wasn't after the police in any way. The masked head of hers darted towards three possible places before a police van went in the street across from her. When the van passed, Slack was gone.

She silently crawled on top of the police van and looked at the crime scene. Holding her wrist out, Slack sent a grapple rope out and flung herself to the wall, ducking and jumping on the roof of the building as she waited for the criminals to show up in sight. She even drew a gun and narrowed her eyes, showing her intent on killing the criminals.

@YoungX @Kyon @The Fabulous Emerald

(Did I do a good? :3)


Esther Khan


Location: Sai's Kitchen (The restaurant she works at)

"Got it..." Barely a whisper left Esther's mouth as she got onto both feet while setting the tray of food on top of the table of her customer. "Nice reflexes. Thanks." As the customer dug into his food, Esther smiled and set the bill under the plate before signing out of the workplace. "Another day, another dollar." She let out a sigh as she walked through the double doors. It was late, very late. Esther never worked overtime, but today was an exception. She glanced down at her phone before looking both ways. Esther grinned as she realized this and took off into a sprint. Her sprinting was unnaturally fast, but thankfully she ran into an alley.




Esther Khan

Location: ???, Near the Sound of Sirens

A woman in a suit sprinted out of an alley, blending in with the darkness. Her footsteps were completely silent as she crossed several blocks much faster than people should be capable of. A few seconds later, the figure stopped and took a minute to catch her breath. Slack wasn't after the police in any way. The masked head of hers darted towards three possible places before a police van went in the street across from her. When the van passed, Slack was gone.

She silently crawled on top of the police van and looked at the crime scene. Holding her wrist out, Slack sent a grapple rope out and flung herself to the wall, ducking and jumping on the roof of the building as she waited for the criminals to show up in sight. She even drew a gun and narrowed her eyes, showing her intent on killing the criminals.

@YoungX @Kyon @The Fabulous Emerald

(Did I do a good? :3)

Kaito, having seen the before and aftermath of the incident, claps for Crow, even though he is clearly a Vigilante. "What a show!" He hears sirens in the distance and resumes walking down the street. The police would surely pay him no mind. If they did, he would easily find a way out of his situation with words or actions, depending on the events to follow.

@YoungX   @The Fabulous Emerald

He leaves one of his Crow's Wings (that's what I'm calling the shuriken things) in the door as a calling card, grabs his grapple hook and disappears into the night, grappling and gliding away. He hopes, for the politicians sake, that he tells the police about the threats and goes into witness protection. He decides to keep on gliding around, as there are probably still some hours left of night to use.


The police had come to investigate and asked the politician inside if he was ok. After quite a bit of talking they were informed that nothing of major consequence happened. Though upon asking about the door, the politician freaked out and fainted.

"Great... another night and we've already got another case of breaking and entering," one of the policemen said.

"You hear about yesterday? They say The Under Hound burned down a journalist building."

"Really? Wow that's scary. People say they've even seen some of those Black Dragon gang members up and about with breaking and entering."

"Seriously? Crime is just rampant in Maple Pines lately isn't it?" This was a particular conversation witnesses were having with each other.

One of the police officers saw the Crow's 'wings' and reported it to the police in charge.

"Hmm... The Crow huh? If witness reports are right then he must've fought these hooligans... Vigilantes are illegal here but... without them who else can we rely on beside us to take care of crime?"

(If you guys want to post about npcs comitting crimes then go ahead.)
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Crow is also on the rooftops, after travelling by rooftop from his last 'encounter' (which would take time, but no time was set so...), following a police van until he stumbled across a figure with a gun on the same rooftop he glided onto..? Maybe? (if you don't want, or disagree in any way, tell me).

As he lands with a barely audible 'thump' (at the dead of night, its probably audible to Slack), he stands up and wraps his arms around himself so that his wing blades cover his front and sides. It protected him, and made him look cool so hey, might as well right? He watches to see what she does.



Slack heared the vigilante but ignored him. She simply waited for five seconds before getting up and walking to the edge of the rooftop. Slack had no visible means of propulsion on her suit, which gave way almost nothing. However, it was clear she was a woman. 

Slack already had enough of vigilantes landing behind her and trying to act cool, and this was nearly no exception. She simply swan dived off the side of the building and disappeared.

If one was to look for her, Slack wasn't there on the concrete, the ground, or anywhere else related to the building she jumped off of. Slack was great at covering her tracks as well.

@The Fabulous Emerald
After walking for just a little while longer, Kaito comes upon a warehouse. It isn't terribly large, but also not too small. Inside are several different valuables: crystals, animal skins, ivory... you name it. At least that's what Kaito, or Ghost rather, was told by his current client. But he isn't here to steal the goods; not yet anyway. Instead he is on a paid assassination contract.

"Idiot," Ghost thought to himself after his client handed over the signed contract, the money, and a sample of his hair and saliva. Ghost tends to ask for all of those things before fulfilling his contracts so that he could easily frame the murder on his client.

"Since he's the one asking for the murder to be done, he might as well be known as the murderer," he thinks as he enters the warehouse. A man sitting at a desk was the only one in the room; he's the target. He pulls out his 9 millimeter and points it at the man.

"Ahem," Ghosts says to attract his attention. Extreme terror shoots through the man's eyes as he yells in fear him. One shot between the eyes did the job. He carefully places the client's hair sample on the man's shirt.

"Moron." He makes a phonecall on a smart phone that works under the radar of scanners. He requests a mac truck to haul all of the valuables out of the warehouse, not bothering to report the successful assassination to his client.

"He'll be on death row soon, anyway."

The Mantis

It was a quiet night for the figure on top of a rooftop.  His eyes looked down on the streets like a predator waiting for a criminal to come by.  It was probably weird to see him in the dark, the figure had antenna, second set of derp eyes and.....sword hands?  Maybe it was just the lighting.

The figure started jumping from roof to roof, he made no sound as if he were as light as a feather.  Then he heard it, the sound of something in an alley though it was too dark to see.  He finally found a ladder and went down, his feet tapped the ground, making sure it was there.  His eyes finally adjusted to the new dark as he saw a drugged homeless man with a knife, going after someone else who was escaping.  "Shit!"  The guy said through his teeth, looking around for cops or anyone of the sort.

'Hm, a petty criminal.'  Without hesitation, the giant bug man charged at the guy with his swords faced down.  The guy turned around "What the hel-"  He blocked his face with the knife as the two blades clanked against it.  The Mantis did a swift kick to get the man off balance.  The man tried to run but a few objects were thrown by the creature, going through his clothes and into the ground.  He ran to a phone booth nearby and called the police before going back to the man.  "Just remember.  Fear The Mantis."  With that whisper, he threw a card with a mantis symbol on it at the man, hit him hard in the back of the head to daze him and vanished from his sight.  Though he didn't exactly vanish into thin air, rather he climbed back up the ladder to continue his roof hopping.

(Ta da!)
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Crow watches her leave, then walks to the edge of the building himself to watch as everything unfolds. He equips his grapple hook into his hand.



Unfortunately, it looked as if Crow was too slow to catch Slack leaving. The only sights below was just a woman of about 18 years old walking out from the restaurant known as Sai's Kitchen. 

There was no way to trace her back to Slack, for she had quickly moved before anyone could catch her. Esther walked down the dark streets, looking around to rooftops and things alike with enjoyment. It was a bad idea to walk around alone at night, but Esther didn't seem to care.

@The Fabulous Emerald
Kaito decides to take a nice stroll for the rest of the night, enjoying the brisk weather as it meets his skin. He wonders what other chaos is taking place in the city tonight. He holsters the silenced 9mm at his waist and goes on his way. Few streetlights remain on currently, and moonlight is his primary source of light. He's quite proud of how realistic his disguise looks in the night.

"I must say, I've really outdone myself," he whispers to himself aloud. He looks around the crime filled city. In the distance, police sirens go off. Everything to him is perfect right now. While walking, he sees a girl walking alone in the night. He thinks she must be a truly brave girl to be able to confidently walk like so in such a notoriously evil city."

Kaito walks up to the girl, still in costume and stops in front of her, expecting her to stop to. He says nothing and waits for her response.



"Can I help you?" Esther stopped only because this man was in front of her. She had a completely blank face on, for she didn't get any feelings of surprise when a vigilante showed up. Esther simply held her hand up and nudged the vigilante aside with the back of her hand and continued on her walk.

Esther sighed and closed her eyes as she walked. Who had the indecency to approach her and then not speak? She had no time for these bad manners.

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