Main RP [RP happens here]

Esther and Estelle

Esther smiled and pushed the girl to the ground. Estelle was much smarter than that. She picked up the gun by the handle and a bullet fired. It went straight into the wall, but didn't manage to penetrate it. A loud scream was heard from Estelle as she jumped and hid under the table. 

This only made Esther even more irritated. "You know what I do to murderers, right? By the end of tonight, you're gonna be the one who wants to call the police." This time, Esther swung the bat down hard on the girl's head, fully intent on knocking her out.

@Hanah Solo
Note: I will be changing the time of the RP to morning soon. So if your doing something then you should soon finish up the posts so I can make the transition from late night to morning.

Esther and Estelle 

Esther tied Hanah up and walked down to the laundry room. It was locked completely and soundproofed, courtesy of Esther. Even Estelle wasn't allowed in. 

Esther gagged the girl and used metal handcuffs as well. She began to meditate until morning, when the girl should regain consciousness. 

@Hanah Solo

( @YoungX Ready for timeskip)

Unknown Location


The gang member that wore the black shades would enter in a very small room with low light. In fact there was only one source of light and that was a simple lightbulb hanging from a wire. Still it was enough to cover parts of the small room as there wasn't much in the room to begin with. In fact it was a simple decrepit room with white walls and a checkered floor. Dust, dirt, rust and various other parts of nature covered the room a bit due to neglect. In front of the gang member was a person dressed in a black suit. Of course due to the darkness the person's face wasn't perfectly visible and only part of the suit was. 

The gang member was the first to speak. "I've done it... got that pussy of a politician under our control. Heh it wasn't even much of a challenge. In fact he was scared of getting whacked with a baseball bat. It's ridiculous... But as my squad was heading out some costumed vigilante came and attacked us. The rest of my team escaped and I fought him a bit but... cops were coming so I smoked the place and bailed out. Of all the things to notice us was a vigilante."

"It's fine so long as you've done it. With that done, we'll be a step closer and it'll all be worth it. Just take a break for now and lay low. It's more of a risk for you to be in public right now until people start to forget about it." The man in the blackout simply stared at the gang member until he stopped to look at his silver wristwatch on his left arm. 

"You should get going now. Of course before you say anything your squad will be getting a pay bonus. I haven't forgotten."

The gang member smiled and said, "Great... least I got that out of the way. But what about the vigilante? It won't take long for this to be on the news. He'll start investigating and snoop around places he shouldn't be."

As if expecting this answer, the suited man simply gave a calm look. "It's fine. There's no reason for a vigilante to start investigating us now. It would just look like a simple breaking and entering crime anyhow. Was he that much trouble to you? Your of Operative status, Bruno."

"Yeah I know... next time won't be the same if I see that vigilante again but... of course I won't have to worry a thing. The odds of meeting him again are pretty low. Anyways... I'll take my leave now." 

Bruno would take his leave leaving only the suited man in the room. The suited man would look at his watch again and said, "With that done... we'll reach our goal in no time."

[End of Scene. No interaction and no on else was there because it is an unknown room at an unknown location]

The time is now morning. Good morning Maple Pines.


On the website known as 'The Edition,' a person who goes the by the alias of 'DJ' announces news, vigilante spotings, criminal spotings and etc. This website is more for Maple Pines and it is a well-known website to the civilians of Maple Pines. In fact it's a popular trending website for the younger adults and younger community but some of the older adults go on it as well. Now that it was morning, it was time for a morning report. So another live broadcast comes onto the website once more.

"GOOOOOD MORNING MAPLE PINES! How are you happy people doing today? It's me, DJ. We've got some news to talk about don't we? Well last night a politician's house got broken into. Oh my how scary! It was Jonathon Goodman's house, you know that wet blanket of a politician who's all talk but no bark?"

"Actually things get a bit more interesting. Apparently the gang members from The Black Dragon's was spotted breaking and entering his house. Not only that but a vigilante had also gone in to fight them off! The politician apparently was a heavy sleeper so he didn't notice it. Plus apparently The Crow had left a calling card behind the scene signifying it was him that fought those gang members. Anyways... time for the Weekly Rankings!

Vigilante Rankings

1. Flashbang is our number one vigilante this week! Congratulations buddy you've shown some badass work. According to witness reports, you chased down and took out motorcyclists were apparently heroine and drug dealers! And you did it in such a badass way. 

2. Crow is the number two! Not only did you fight off gang members belonging to The Black Dragons, but you also left a calling card behind and fled the scene. So cool!

3. Mantis is our number three! Apparently you were seen taking out some criminal but donning an attire most wouldn't even think of! Plus isn't that name fitting? Plus the fight was apparently really cool.

4. And finally the last vigilante on the rankings to be seen this week is... that one random suited person that was spotted! Apparnately this vigilante didn't do too much recently but was seen on top of a moving police van! Pretty crazy stuff you guys do huh?

Unfortunately no Criminal Rankings this week. Sorry everyone! Now then... tune in next time for more of The Edition! Thanks a bunch~!" With that the live broadcast was over.

Morning comes onto Maple Pines and a new day begins.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali @JPax @Salex The Baldie 

@Ichijou Raku @SimonTheGuy @Hanah Solo @SirGrey @Kyon 

@Barred @EchoTehGecko @The Fabulous Emerald

Note: You guys can do what you want in the morning. You want to post about your character stopping a robbery or whatever? Go ahead!
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Esther and Estelle

Esther didn't give two shits about the ranking. She wasn't a real vigilante to begin with, it was just a name she got. She simply dragged Hanah out onto the street and kicked her through the door. "Stay out of my house you fucking crybaby. And here's your revolver too!" She chucked Hanah's revolver back, but took all the bullets out. Esther kept Hanah's bag and the food. 

Estelle closed the door quickly and hid under the table. "I'm so glad you're here Esther... thank you."

@Hanah Solo 
Well, thanks to the limitations he told the college he had, he has a much shorter timetable than most. However, while Dan is refreshed even from the little amount of sleep he had, his suit needs time to charge. As a result, Dan decides to go for a jog around the city without carrying any of his gear. Maybe he could find out some hints about who Slack is, since he is curious, but he doubts it highly. He keeps jogging around in his tracksuit.
Hanah waked at street, covered to bruises and cuts after interrogations last night after waking from knock out.

"Of course she taked all my bullets and hook... Ow my head."

Hanah started slowly walk back to her shelter.
Kaito wakes up in the morning and immediately checks the website. He sees reports of a break-in (the one he had watched) and popular Vigilantes as well as new ones. He finds the rankings very interesting. When awaiting the crime rankings, he is quite intrigued to see that his recent murder was under the radar.

"How curious," he whispers to himself. He is slightly relieved to see that it is still unknown to the public. He changes into his everyday outfit, which he is recognized nationally as an outstanding and handsome soccer player. He decides to start his day off with a cup of coffee, then a stroll to the park.

(Anyone can feel free to interact if they want)



Liam woke up and to his dismay, his pillow was wet with drool. It was six in the morning but it felt like he'd only recieved an hour's worth of sleep. "Aww.. crud." He muttered aloud, realizing he'd left the apple left behind by his car in his pocket. Slipping it out, he looked to the rotten bits, sighing. Tell me you can still use this, Greg. He thought before stepping down from his king bed. His room had a dark theme, the walls were gray, the roof black. It was ugly but convenient for a light sleeper like himself.

Sighing, he tossed the apple to onto his dressing mirror before he felt a vibration in his pocket. Liam took the phone out, answering the call though he didn't even pay attention to who it was. "Hello?" He greeted warily. "It's Greg, Liam. Might I remind you that your meeting is in an hour, don't tell me you're not even bathing." Liam frowned aa he replied. "Fine, I  won't tell you then. Oh, and can you trace DNA off of a rotten apple?" Gregory flinched at the question. "Depends." Liam continued strolling to the washroom. "Well you'll have to, someone took the supercharger and god knows what else out of my dad's charger. Can you believe it?" The thought of losing something of his father's made Liam furious to an extent. "We'll sort this out later, Sebastian's gonna be at your house in a minute, Eobard Laird can't be kept waiting." And so the call was ended.


In forth-two minutes time, Liam waa seated in the back of his limousine, Sebastian beside him. He wore his grey tuxedo with the hint of purple, it waa an armani type so designer couture. "So, the meeting's on what again? The barrage missile, right?" Nelson Tek had been working on a state of the art electromagnetic pulse missile with the capacity of disabling thousands of tech in minutes, the blue prints derived from his EMP bombs. Sebastian nodded. "We're talking about the military, Liam. This transaction is important for our country and company." Liam just shrugged, Sebastian was like his father but he always hated his lectures. "I get it, I'm just not supposed to fuck up, right? I can do that." He clarified before looking to the bowl of Kellogs corn flakes he held in his hand. "Fine, at least eat , you'll need the energy." Sebastian handed him the bowl and without question he began to eat his breakfast.

The limousine came to a stop as the two came to a stop at Eobard Laird's building. The skyscaper was large though was very important to the city, a basemfor international scientists, soldiers, inventors, you name it. As the driver opened the door for the two, about six guards swaremd aeound them as they weee escorted into the building. They were sent to the fourteenth floor where they would see Eobard and his associates.

Liam walked in, smiling as he did so. "Greetings, now let's discuss the Barrage Missile, shall we?" His voice monotone and nonchalant as he spoke. He continued into the room, hanging his jacket around a seat as he took a seat, Sebastian sitting beside him.

Good place for an ambush BTW.

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The Mantis

The mantis had finished his patrol, he looked at his phone as his eyes widened, shoot!  He had 2 hours of sleep before work which wasn't the best but maybe a cup of coffee can jolt him awake.  He ran to a red apartment building and jumped through a window on the top floor and into his room.  He flopped on the bed and went to sleep.


Adam woke up, realizing he was still in his suit.  He groaned while taking it off and searching through his closet.  He grabbed a dark brown dress shirt, dark brown pants and a green leaf tie.  He looked like a tree in his outfit but he liked it.  He let out a yawn before going to his kitchen and making himself a cup of coffee.  

After his morning Joe, he went out to start the day right.  He ran to his work as fast as he could, going over to Green Leaf Coffee Shop.  He almost broke down the glass door but was able to stop himself before he did any damage.  Adam took a deep breath as the scent of coffee beans filled the air as he got behind the counter, tapping his fingers at the slow business day.  While waiting, he started making cranes like he always did on these days, he had heard that if he had 1,000 he could make a wish and he really hoped it was real.....

-Not the most exciting open but, open!~
Akira walks down the street while listening to the podcast on her phone through a pair of neon pink ear buds. She took note of the names of the top vigilantes, considering that they may be worth wile clients if she could get a hold of them. As she continues, a flash of motion catches her eye, and she looks up to see a man bolt into a coffee shop. Akira walks to the door, and looks up at the sign. "Green Leaf Coffee?" she says to herself in a curious tone. "Interesting," she mumbles as she opens the door, and enters the coffee shop. While the aroma of coffee beans in the air was relaxing to Akira, she was still sure to be hyper-aware of her surroundings as she approached the counter. She pauses to look at the menu, not saying anything as she reads, just looking for something unique.

@Shammy the Shamrock 
Hanah sit down to bench at park, her stomach hurted. Because both of hits and that she had puked out even that half apple that she ate yesterday, so she was even hungrier than when she left to seek food.

Adam Morrison

Adam had gotten so into his craft that he had now a giant row of them around the counter.  He looked as someone had finally came in though it looked like she didn't seem to know what she wanted.  He cleared his throat before finally speaking "Hello there mam!  What would you like today?  We have a plain coffee, mocha, cappuccino, macchiato, latte, americano, espresso, tea, and hot chocolate.  Though if you are not looking for something to drink we also have bagels, muffins, and egg sandwiches.  If you want to hear our cold drinks then feel free to ask."  He had memorized there menu by heart and his attitude towards the girl was professional though joyful in his tone.  He looked down at a crane "Care for one?  They say 1,000 can give you a wish."

@Crystal Cali(Good to see you again! :D )
Akira pulls the ear buds out of her ears as she hears the man speaking. "An Americanao and an egg sandwich, please," she says, speaking in a soft, clear voice. Akira moves closer to the counter, and looks to the crane. Her expression grows sad as she looks at it, her hand reaching out to gently inspect the origami. "1,000 can give you a wish, huh? Yeah, I've heard that before," she sighs. "Though I'd wonder how big of a wish such a small, delicate thing can grant, even with the power o 1,000 of them," her voice trails off as she becomes lost in thought.

@Shammy the Shamrock(Thanks. :D  Good to see you too) 

Adam Morrison

"Coming right up, mam!"  Adam moved away from the counter for a few minutes before coming back with her sandwich and Americano.  He gave a slight smile while placing them on the counter, gesturing to the crane with his now open hands.  "Like my father always said, big things have small beginnings."  He yawned from his lack of sleep and went to the coffee machine for another cup of coffee.  He took a sip and slapped himself, jolting back awake.  "Anything else for you mam?

@Crystal Cali
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Akira let our a short, soft chuckle at the statement about small beginnings. "I suppose so," she said as she took her sandwich and drink from the counter, and moves to a nearby stool to sit. "I'm fine with this for the moment," she says, taking a bite of the sandwich. "Long night?" she asks, seeing the man go for a cup of coffee. Akira didn't enjoy small talk, but she knew if she didn't talk to someone, she wouldn't find any clients. "I heard on the podcast that some interesting things went on last night."

@Shammy the Shamrock 

Adam Morrison

"Ya, I heard the night was pretty interesting.  I was up all night.....the neighbors were having a party so sleep wasn't a choice."  Adam came up with a excuse, probably wasn't the best but at least it was something, he can't just go around saying 'Ya, i'm The Mantis'  That was just suicide or in a villains case, the best thing to hear.  Adam looked around to see no one else being around and let out a sigh, deciding to check inventory.  "When night falls, the crazies come out."  

@Crystal Cali
Akira takes another bite of her sandwich before responding. "That's for sure. You can never be too careful around here. I get contracted to code security systems all the time, and the standards for what people want keep getting higher as the crime rate goes up. It's quite a task to stay on top of things, though I suppose it does give me plenty of work." Akira sighs and takes a drink of her americano. "Still, for people to have that much to fear is rather unsettling."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Hanah continued her walk when she notices coffee place open and only 2 people inside.

It's a risk, but right now i am hungry enought to take it.

Hanah walked in Green Leaf Coffee, keeping her empty revolver and not so useful grapple gun hided still.

"Could i get sandwish?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

@Crystal Cali
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Adam Morrison

Adam let out a sigh and nodded at the crime rate "I guess the reason people do it themselves, to try and stop it."  He turned around and continuing his inventory check.  His eyes widened as he heard another voice "Coming right up!"  He made a egg sandwich but kept his back turned to Hanah "That'll be 1.95."  He looked up at the clock as it ticked away, he wondered if he could close up maybe around 5 so that he could get some sleep before his night.  He was already feeling quite sluggish already.
@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo

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