Main RP [RP happens here]

Kaito is surprised by the girl's reaction. Vigilante? No, not at all. He is a criminal. A thief. A murderer. Her confidence is almost intimidating. Only almost. Impressive indeed, but certainly nothing he hasn't seen before. He follows the girl as she heads on her way.

"I'm no vigilante. I won't hurt you, but you should really be careful out her at night. After all, murderers and contractors like me could easily kill you at any moment, should they even feel the slightest incline to." He mocks her footsteps as he follows her.

"But your confidence is truly quite impressive. Isn't there anything at all in the world that you'd like? Perhaps I can help you out."

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"Are you trying to make this a professional encounter or are you trying to hit on me?" Esther stopped in her tracks and turned around with her blank face. It may just be the night, but Esther had eyes which were a shade of purple.

They were narrowed in irritation, for she found this contractor quite annoying. Maybe she should carry pepper spray, though in her hands that would easily become a dangerous weapon. "If I wanted something I'd trust myself or to get it for me." Esther turned and continued on her walk. 

Underneath his mask, Kaito gives an interested smile. He follows the girl on her walk. Where was she headed, he wondered. Either way, he finds her interesting. Not in a romantic way. It was more like he was curious. Curious about how her mind operates in such a way that even a man in a crime-infested city doesn't even seem to pose even the slightest threat to her. Was she hiding something? Who knows? Either way, Kaito would be the one to find out.

While silently following the girl, Kaito sends a text to one of his "connections" in the city. He's always making these texts, normally to account for possible future events.



Esther could easily hear the man following her. "I can hear you." She let out a sigh and began walking towards the more populated areas in the town. It wasn't because she was scared of the creep behind her, it was just because she wanted to get something to drink. It might be stupid for her to do so, but because of all the crap the man gave her, Esther needed something to drink. 

Esther's secret was most certainly not going to be found out by this creepy man, especially since "Esther" had nothing to hide. She reached into her pocket and considered calling home, but now wouldn't be a good time to do so.

It became quite boring watching the same scene for an hour. Reno went back in and slipped on his large coat, exiting his shady apartment. He was outisde in a minute, stalking the dark patches of the night alley. There were drug dealers all over, but Reno had no interest in cheap, dirty and non-pure drugs. He would most likely resort to braking into a house and stealing clean meth and expensive vases to satisfy his stupidly eccentric needs.
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Raiden sat on the edge of a highway that was off the ground. No one really used the highway during the night, and it gave a good view of the more hostile outline of the town. He decided to play with his drone for a bit, partially to scout for trouble. 


Esther Khan


Location: Bar

Esther decided to ignore the man for now and walked into the bar. She walked in with a still blank expression. The murder was nothing more than a minor nuisance, which wasn't going to stop her from living her life. Esther put her ID on the counter, which was under the name "Meredith Johnson." "Thanks." Esther took her drink and ID before pouring it into a water bottle. She then left the bar quickly, back onto the streets.

@Kyon ) <Open>
Hanah's stomach grows.

"Where's my apple? I must have dropped it."

Hanah looks to clock, remembering from past that shops are close.

"Damn, well i break in someone's house. I could same time test how that gadget works."

Hanah takes from table grapple gun, that she had taken after previous owner had thrown out it as broken. Hanah had broked it apart, switched broken parts and build it back together. Then she take small revolver that has sedative bullets.

"I hope i don't need this, but normally i break in at day when nobody is home. Not that i fear using it, but buying those bullets is gross."

Hanah leaves in streets and start seeking house that looks like owner is sleeping.
With the police investigation on the politician's house done, they go on back to the nearby station. The night progresses a bit but there's still some time left before midnight.

Note: Night is almost over. You guys have some time left before I switch to morning. Do as you wish hue. Want to make some criminal npcs rob a bank? Go ahead.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali @JPax @Salex The Baldie 

@Ichijou Raku @SimonTheGuy @Hanah Solo @SirGrey @Kyon 

@Barred @EchoTehGecko @The Fabulous Emerald 
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Crow notices the sun coming up, and decides to give the vigilantism a rest for the night. Making sure the no-one sees him, he glides and parkours to his secret base...which is secret, so...

Once there, he puts his suit away in the Batman-esque storage cell, and goes to bed.
Kaito grows bored of following the girl and walks away after saying, "You're a strange girl..." He has no more plans for the night, so he heads back to his apartment. It's almost morning and he needs at least a little bit of sleep and a lot of coffee to wake him up for the next day. He enters the apartment and changes into some comfy clothes and sleeps. He's hidden the disguise beneath a floorboard in the apartment.



Esther Khan and Estelle Yin

Location: Apartment (Name TBR)

"I'm home..." Esther said softly before collapsing on the couch. She was way too tired to find her way to a bed, especially since something was bugging her. No, it wasn't that murderer who followed her, she never really cared in the first place. Esther's star child was too quie-

"Sissy you're back!" A quiet voice piped up from the other side of the room. A small fourteen year old who was sleeping by a red laptop got to their feet and walked over to Esther.  They clearly weren't sisters even after hours of staring, but they sure as hell acted like they were. "Yeah. I'm back. Sorry I can't take you to work yet." Estelle scrunched up her face and crossed her arms. "Aw! What did I do? Is it because I'm weird?" 

Esther went completely silent. Estelle needed to stop mentioning how weird she was. "Go to sleep." Esther rolled around and closed her eyes, which made Estelle quite irritated. The smaller girl ran downstairs, grabbed a metal baseball bat, and set it beside the couch. And then she climbed onto the couch and lay down next to Esther. "I don't hear sleeping." "I'm sleeping! I'm sleeping!" Fake snoring was heard from Estelle until real sleep came rather quickly.

@Hanah Solo (If you want)
Hanah walked at empty streets when she noticed window open at apartment at 3rd floor otherside of street, that had lights off.

"That will be okay. Let's test this..."

Hanah aim whit grapple gun and shoot hook inside apartment. Then she pulled rope to test if hook was hooked.

"it seems okay."

Hanah connected whit belt grapple gun to her waist, so it would keep her from hitting ground if she slip. Then she started climbing, grapple gun collecting slack rope.

"Climbing is pretty easy, house had good places to take hold and put feet when climbing. I hope that getting down is easy too."

When Hanah reached to window, she climbed inside and looked around.

"Now where is food?"
"Yes yes payment has been received" Edward says as he wakes up from his sleep. The night had been mostly calm. A politician may have been murder. It didn't affect The Broker. After all politics is merely another game and new players come and go. After breakfast Edward checked the city surveillance. "Yet again as night is dispatched so are the capes and costumes" he mutters as he gets ready to go to city center. Some stock deals needed doing. Getting in his black Rolls Royce with blacked out windows he orders his chauffeur to take him to town. (Open for Interaction)  

Esther Khan and Estelle Yin

Location: Apartment (Name TBR)

Esther slept on the couch with an arm around Estelle and the other hand rested on her own stomach. Estelle was also fast asleep with her arm dangling off of the couch and head angled outwards. 

The apartment had four rooms, one of which was closed and dead bolted. That left the kitchen, with a refrigerator. Unfortunately the living room where the two girls were sleeping was what had to be crossed to get to the fridge. There was also a red painted laptop on the coffee table.

@Hanah Solo

Hanah saw two girl sleeping at couch and fridge other side of room. Hanah takes her revolver to her hand and checks that there is sedative bullets, because sometimes she uses real ones to shoot guard dogs.

"Please don't wake." Hanah whispers when she tiptoes past of girls.

Esther and Estelle

Esther nor Estelle woke up. Estelle stirred a little bit because she could see Hanah's outline through her eyelids with her strange mutant vision. Esther hugged the girl and rubbed her arm.

The fridge was stacked with only canned food. The cheap stuff though. It looked almost as if the food was brought from the black market.

@Hanah Solo
"Yes, canned food!"

Hanah start putting canned food to her bag, not caring about frozen because she hasn't way to warm it.
Crow's hideout, for anyone interested, is located at the edge of some suburbs in a rundown two-story house. It's still standing, but all the windows are boarded up, and the stairs have collapsed. Crow is sleeping in the basement, which is locked. Due to his training, Crow only needs a few hours of sleep, but he still needs to sleep regularly. 

Esther and Estelle 

Surprise. Esther and Estelle heard the girl trying to steal their food. Something ripped the revolver from the girl's hand.

All of a sudden, a baseball bat was swung at the girl's stomach with speed and strength much more powerful than that of a girl Esther's size should be able to. "I'm tired of idiots trying to steal my stuff." At this point, Estelle barred the windows shut, so the thief had no escape. 

@Hanah Solo


Hanah looked in pain to girl that wasn't much taller than her, but clearly stronger.

"I only wanted food..." Hanah sobs.

Hanah tried to see any way to escape.

Esther and Estelle 

Esther glared at the girl. "Stop crying you fucking baby." She grabbed Hanah by the shirt and pushed her against the wall. Even with one hand, Esther managed to hold her down. "Couldn't ya have robbed a mini mart?!" She thrusted her fist towards the girl's stomach with the intent of incapacitating her.

Estelle closed her eyes and picked up the girl's sedative revolver. "Esther...I think she was sent here to kill you."

@Hanah Solo
Hanah feel how her bladder give up and taste apple earlier evening at her mouth, then in her horror she saw that little girl pick up her revolver.

No don't pick up it from barrel. Hanah wanted to shout but she couldn't speak.

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In an alley just down the street from a row of restaurants was a plain white van parked in the shadows. Inside the van, Akira laid sprawled on a comfy, but plain, twin mattress, tangled in a bunch of blankets. An alarm went off on her phone, and the girl groggily rose, and looked at the two running laptops set on her make-shift table made from a ply board and a cinder block cut in half. "Hmph. Nothing," Akira mumbled to herself after a quick scan of the computer screens. A frustrated look crossed her face as she went over the scan again. Still, the results she was looking for were nowhere to be seen. "Fine, hide. I will find you eventually," she says, looking at the screen. Another moment later, Akira sighed and gave up on her search for the time being. She left the laptops on, and grabbed her phone and wallet from a box in the corner, then headed out the sliding door on the side. She closed the door tight, locked the car with her clicker, then made sure the door was secure by tugging on it before turning on the car alarm, and heading to the closest diner. (Open for interaction)
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