Main RP [RP happens here]

Akira gives Dan a surprised look. Well, that was sudden... and bold. It only just now occurs to her that the look she was giving him earlier may have been taken for attraction. Not that she found Dan bad looking, but that wasn't the first thought on her mind. Still... it couldn't hurt.... well, it could. There were plenty of ways it could. After a long pause of internalizing the decision, Akira nods. "Sure, I wouldn't mind," she says with a small smile.

@The Fabulous Emerald


Liam rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant. I have the blueprints, it's me, Liam Nelson? Yep, in the flesh. How about you let them all go. I'll call the cops off and we can have a quick... chat? Trust me, I won't let anyone of them get their hands on the blueprints without pay so you're a lucky man." The truth was he just didn't have a fake. Badmouthing the representatives waa his only option and boy did he enjoy it.

FBI rushed up the stairs, barreling down the halls and by the door though not in the mysterious man's view. A sniper was sent into the airvents in hopes of finding the crook or being able to kill him if possible. "Morgan, Jane, ready your weapons. Jerome, stay in the vents. If you see anything, tell me. Scorpio is the kill command." The leader of the squadron said into the coms. They just has to wait a bit longer.

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Liam rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant. I have the blueprints, it's me, Liam Nelson? Yep, in the flesh. How about you let them all go. I'll call the cops off and we can have a quick... chat? Trust me, I won't let anyone of them get their hands on the blueprints without pay so you're a lucky man." The truth was he just didn't have a fake. Badmouthing the representatives waa his only option and boy did he enjoy it.

FBI rushed up the stairs, barreling down the halls and by the door though not in the mysterious man's view. A sniper was sent into the airvents in hopes of finding the crook or being able to kill him if possible. "Morgan, Jane, ready your weapons. Jerome, stay in the vents. If you see anything, tell me. Scorpio is the kill command." The leader of the squadron said into the coms. They just has to wait a bit longer.


"... Very well. All of you except for Liam Nelson are free to go." He would allow everyone else to leave and would proceed to sit down on a chair. The smoke would clear up within a few minutes or so. For now this man would sit down and listen to what Liam Nelson had to say. Of course if this man were to simply buy time... he would do as he said and find, hunt and kill everyone else that was in the room. He had memorized the layout as well as the faces so it shouldn't too farfetched even for him. 
Akira pulls out her phone again, and starts to look for movie times at a nearby theater. "There are several movies playing around noon that look interesting. One of them is a horror movie, one is sci-fi, and one is a based-on-real-life movie, which I'm sure gets the actual events totally wrong, but they're still interesting... to me anyway. What sounds more interesting to you?" Akira asked, then placed her phone down on the table so Dan could look if he wanted.

@The Fabulous Emerald
Akira nods, takes her phone, and taps the screen a few times. "I'll reserve the tickets, though we'll have to pay at the kiosk there. Anyway, the movie doesn't start for a while. We could walk around the park to kill some time or something."

@The Fabulous Emerald
Akira smiles, and shrugs. "I don't mind," she says, slipping off her seat. "Do you mind walking while you eat? I really would like to stretch my legs before going to see the movie," she says, seeming like she had more interest than before. With Dan being so forward, and willing to talk, perhaps she'd be able to get some information she needed for this mission she was on.

@The Fabulous Emerald


As the people flushed out, the FBI agents were left to save Liam, a task easier said than done. Liam sat in the chair opposite to the man. Isn't that the assasin I fought thursday? He took a breath before placing the blueprints on the table to show that he was honest about earlier. He placed his other hand on the gun below the desk, waiting for the right moment to pull the trigger. His eyes analyzed the man's body, observing what weapons he had stocked on his upper body. His face was masked(I suppose)  as usual, why could the crooks never give up their secret identities?

"So, you're a fan of Nelson Tel, huh?" He looked to his nails for a second before sliding the blueprints back into his hands. "The question is... how long were you planning this? Was I that important to you?" He was putting on a face like he always did, only this time he was trying to fool himself. "I mean it's a well thought out plan but if you want my baby, I gotta know if you put just enough effort for her."



As the people flushed out, the FBI agents were left to save Liam, a task easier said than done. Liam sat in the chair opposite to the man. Isn't that the assasin I fought thursday? He took a breath before placing the blueprints on the table to show that he was honest about earlier. He placed his other hand on the gun below the desk, waiting for the right moment to pull the trigger. His eyes analyzed the man's body, observing what weapons he had stocked on his upper body. His face was masked(I suppose)  as usual, why could the crooks never give up their secret identities?

"So, you're a fan of Nelson Tel, huh?" He looked to his nails for a second before sliding the blueprints back into his hands. "The question is... how long were you planning this? Was I that important to you?" He was putting on a face like he always did, only this time he was trying to fool himself. "I mean it's a well thought out plan but if you want my baby, I gotta know if you put just enough effort for her."




"You? No. I'm only here for the plans." Suddenly he would put his right hand on top of the desk and jumped up mid-air in front of Liam. Then he would throw two needles that had extremely thin wires at him. More specifically he was aiming for the arm area. Then he would pop open a flash bang and threw it onto Liam himself. 

The assassin figured that Liam had a gun based on the arm that was underneath the desk. One of the guard's weapon was missing which made him wonder. While it's he could just have his arm underneath the desk, the fact that he hadn't shown that arm made him wonder a bit. As for the plans well there was more than one way to acquire them. 


Liam sighed in dismay as the man spoke. "Then tell me, why is the missile of any use to you? You're just a low-life crook looking for attention, are you not? You killed two innocents in the process of your goal for what? Popularity? Respect? Nothing good's coming out of this assh--" He was cut off as the man threw needles at him, wipping the arm to the side though one of the two still impaling him, the other cutting past.  He pulled his arm towards the blueprint, ripping the wires as he leaped to his feet.

"Rude." He now aimed the gun at this masked man, pulling the trigger of his gun aa he fired to low-caliber bullets towards the man's thighs. His aim was impeccable though it didn't mean the bullets couldn't be dodged. He wasn't intent of cornering himself and wasn't standing by any walls either.

    Here's how I have it planned in my head @YoungX




                                                 Liam       Wall>

 Mysterious man on table



Liam sighed in dismay as the man spoke. "Then tell me, why is the missile of any use to you? You're just a low-life crook looking for attention, are you not? You killed two innocents in the process of your goal for what? Popularity? Respect? Nothing good's coming out of this assh--" He was cut off as the man threw needles at him, wipping the arm to the side though one of the two still impaling him, the other cutting past.  He pulled his arm towards the blueprint, ripping the wires as he leaped to his feet.

"Rude." He now aimed the gun at this masked man, pulling the trigger of his gun aa he fired to low-caliber bullets towards the man's thighs. His aim was impeccable though it didn't mean the bullets couldn't be dodged. He wasn't intent of cornering himself and wasn't standing by any walls either.

    Here's how I have it planned in my head @YoungX




                                                 Liam       Wall>

 Mysterious man on table


(Sounds about right.)

The assassin did not speak, only acted. When the bullet fired towards the assassin's thighs, he would throw two more needles at the man's arm where he held the gun as well as two more needles at the arm that was pulled towards the blueprint. Then despite being shot in the thigh, he was trained to handle these sorts of situation. Rather he had used this opportunity to drop a flashbang from his robe. It would go off however the assassin had already closed his eyes by then. Of course a bullet lodged within a thigh isn't exactly healthy so it was wise to finish this up soon.
Akira led Dan out with a smile, and headed to a nearby park. She walked along a path in the shade, her hands behind her back. "So, I have to confess, I'm kinda new to this city. I mean, I've been here for a couple months, but I haven't really gotten much of a feel for things. The whole vigilante-vs-villain situation really threw me off. I'm surprised it's so accepted here. Are the police... umm... really bad at their jobs or something?" she chuckles slightly, looking to Dan with a smile and an expectant look in her eyes.

@The Fabulous Emerald 


Christina Hales

"The Captain"

Location: MWPD Headquarters

"Thanks chief." Christina muttered under her breath as she walked out of his office. It was a nice office, compared to that of MWPD. It was good to be back after six months of a training break. Christina let out a sigh as she read the long list of crimes. Looks like this place had gone to shit in the six months she was gone. She looked up at her old picture. "Damn was I small back then." She began to laugh and made her way back to the door, when something stopped her. It was the voice of an old comrade. "Officer Hales? You weren't supposed to come back until two weeks from now." The man in the suit shifted behind her. Christina didn't bother turning back to greet him. Officer? Oh right, she was removed when she went to break. The voice of the man was the current police captain. Christina's blood boiled as she realized he was the guy who ran this place to shit. She just grabbed her coat and put it on, turning her head slightly to the man.

 "It's Captain Hales to you, Jack."

<Open for interaction>
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(I love the new character @JPax)

Kaito finishes his coffee and finished reading the news about his most recent murder. Glad to still be under the radar, he exits the cafe and continues his stroll. He managed to cancel all of his interviews for the day so he can have the day to himself. Occasionally he would be stopped by high school girls for an autograph which he kindly, not gladly, signed. The weather feels nice to him. The wind blowing his hair allows him to feel a sense of nature, even though many of his actions clearly don't support life. Nonetheless it feels nice. He also feels wide awake now, having drunk the entire large coffee in one sitting. The caffeine pumps through his veins, keeping him awake and alert. He wonders if anyone had caught onto him being Ghost yet. Probably not. However, Ghost's style of assassination was becoming more known. He didn't really change his approach to his assassinations and other contracts, so there were several clues leading to Ghost in past crimes. Investigators are starting to catch on to the trend too. The thought sends chills through Kaito's spine.

Christina Hales

"The Captain"

Christina left to go back and check on her apartment. As usual, the officer took the shady way to get around the place. Of course, it was through the alleys. Christina kept her head down for the majority walk when a guy nearly a foot taller than her approached her. "Aha! Captain Hales! You're back from break! Guess what? The MWPD has gone to shit when you were out. What were you doing out for so long anyways?" 

"Strict weight training regime. Couldn't work. Why?"

"While you were pumpin' iron, criminals have taken over the streets! Remember me?"

Christina took a closer look at the man, who pulled out a knife and pointed it to the captain's face. "Zebo? Is that you? You're a crime boss now?"

"Damn right I am Chrissy. Now guess what, woman? You have no power here. You can't rule with an iron fist-"


. . .

Christina wiped her hand on her coat. "That was for personal reasons, Zebo. You were really a dick to the other prisoners. Got anything you want to say about that?"

No response for about five seconds. Then the sound of someone spitting blood and coughing. "Dhhh...fuck you...Hales"

"You're still conscious?" That's all that Christina said as she walked away from the crime boss. The sound of sirens followed her as Zebo was arrested.

<Still open>


Liam frowned as the man didn't shown a sign of pain as he shot him. Feeling the pins against his arm, he was trained to endure this kind of pain, especially from objects as small as needles. His left hand that held the blueprints flinched, dropping the papers before he rolled forward, grabbing back and slipping it into his pocket, not knowing a flashbang was thrown in the first place.

 He pushed his legs against the desk, sliding back to where he was by the other side of the room. He began to pluck the needles, feeling blood seep down his arms, beginning to stain his tuxedo. "Aww.. crud, now look what you've done, this is armani for crying out loud." He whined before continuing his shots. A mere twelve bullets remained as he began to fire about six more of them, aimed towards his lower abdomen, though then again it could hit another part of his body or miss completely.

Kaito can hear the sirens. They aren't very far away. Perhaps a block or two away. He wonders why they are going off at a time like this. Crime isn't very common in the day time. Then he remembers that he is nearing the police station. He thinks about avoiding it at first, but decides to test his luck and walk straight past it instead. After all, nobody knows about Kaito's identity as Ghost. What does he have to fear? It is on his way to where he had to be anyway. Might as well test out how under the radar he is.



Liam frowned as the man didn't shown a sign of pain as he shot him. Feeling the pins against his arm, he was trained to endure this kind of pain, especially from objects as small as needles. His left hand that held the blueprints flinched, dropping the papers before he rolled forward, grabbing back and slipping it into his pocket, not knowing a flashbang was thrown in the first place.

 He pushed his legs against the desk, sliding back to where he was by the other side of the room. He began to pluck the needles, feeling blood seep down his arms, beginning to stain his tuxedo. "Aww.. crud, now look what you've done, this is armani for crying out loud." He whined before continuing his shots. A mere twelve bullets remained as he began to fire about six more of them, aimed towards his lower abdomen, though then again it could hit another part of his body or miss completely.


The assassin used the table and chairs for cover against the bullets but then made an unexpected move. A smoke grenade would be placed once more before the sound of glass breaking could be heard. Of all things to happen, the assassin simply went through the glass window and appeared to fall downward. However if one were to go take a look then they would find that he was gone. The smoke was a decoy in order to plan for his escape. How he had remained missing was that he had special footwear that allowed him to climb up walls like a those ninja on those chinese cartoons. In any case he was now long gone. 

But why?

[Closed for Interaction]

"The mission was a success. How surprised Liam Nelson must be to find that I escaped without even trying to get the blueprints." The assassin said via telecommunications device in his ear. 

"Good. Now then allow us to take care of the rest."

"I'm surprised you asked me to do this in the first place. Killing Liam Nelson would be much easier to do."

"No... there's more to it than you think but that's of no concern to you. Your money will be sent to your account."

"Alright. I'll be taking my leave." With that the assassin left the scene without a trace.

Who was the assassin? He was known as 'Paranoia,' who is a well-known assassin. Of course his name is more known to the criminal world rather than public but even those with money has heard of his name. Who hired him? And why such a mission? 

(Your free to let your character interact with others. Hue)
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Christina Hales

"The Captain"

It wasn't really a crime scene. The only part that was police lined off was the part where the captain was just standing there, looking down at the druggie boss named Zebo. There were no weapons present except for Zebo's knife, which was just inches above his sprawled body. "Yeah. Well, we got him. Finally. Carry on it's all good." Christina wanted to get out of there. They got the man, the rest was duty business. She just walked out of the police barrier and came across the man who walked past the barrier. If anyone wasn't living under a rock, they'd know it was her. 

She just continued walking and went off into the distance.

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