Main RP [RP happens here]

Kaito gives the semi-notorious police captain a warm smile. "Nice to meet you! I'm Kaito Miyamoto." Little does this police girl know that she's actually talking to the one and only Ghost himself. Quite a risk, but his arrogance has already caused them to talk. Besides, he's a master of deception. Nothing could go wrong. "I greatly respect your work for the city. You've helped so much to clean up the streets in the past." Yep. Arrogance at its finest. No worries though. She'd never suspect that I'm Ghost.What do I have to worry about?

@JPax  @SirGrey
"Yes I've been doing quite well my dear" he says taking another puff of his pipe. "I assume you here to try and help with the recent onslaught of criminals we have been having" he says while checking his watch. Time to get back to work soon. "And the also the costumed crowd as well" he says while looking over to the boy from the cafe. Looking Kaito to starts to recall who he is. Ghost a man of many talents. Talents The Broker has helped employ before. Looking over to him he gives him a brief smile of acquaintance saying "Still with you on the case I expect we should be right as rain in no time. @Kyon @JPax

Christina Hales

"The Captain"

"Nice to meet you. I'm here for that reason because Captain Wernher passed away..." Christina stopped talking and bit her lip when she mentioned the old captain. "And then that guy, you've all probably heard about Captain Jack Preston. I can't believe officers actually had to die at the command of that coward. And then he went on the news and told everybody how this is out of police control." She crossed her arms and looked down at her feet, thinking on what to say that wouldn't come off as angry. Christina loathed Preston with a passion. Having him removed from the post of captain was the most satisfying thing she'd done since she came back.

@SirGrey @Kyon
Although Ghost was known more for committing murders and thefts undercover, he also helped out the police force on occasion. It really depends on the situation. His morals are screwed up, anyway. He sypathizes with Christina, setting a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. "Hey, don't worry about it! You're a great captain. You'll steer the police force back in the correct direction." He tries to reassure her that things were getting better. Suddenly, he feels obliged to set his karma back on track. Tonight, he'd be sure to do something to help out with the police. "Just keep focused on what's right. I think you'll have no problem with at least doing that."

@JPax @SirGrey
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The business decides to leave the Ghost to it. Calling his men to bring around the car. As he gets in he says "He's right you know you'll be a great help for the police". Getting Edward questions himself. 'Must of affected me I mean I am working against her yet I do still fund the police, huh what a line I do walk'. @JPax @Kyon
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Christina Hales

"The Captain"

"Thank you." Christina smiled an actual warm smile for a split second before her typical face came back. She waved to Edward as he left before turning right back to Kaito. "Hm, that's how the police system used to work. Now it's just 'come up with an excuse for why something didn't work.'" For once, Christina decided to actually go and do something with her life. Maybe drink coffee instead of being holed up in her apartment and being the most boring woman on Earth. "Well, at this point it looks like coffee is in order. Uh...would you like some coffee as well?" She didn't want to be rude by not offering the man she just met some coffee. Christina turned to the coffee shop and smiled.


( @Shammy the Shamrock We about to do an interact if coffee shop still doing an open)
Kaito smiles again. "I just had some, but I suppose I could go for some more. Thanks for offering." Wow. A criminal getting all chummy with a police chief. Go figure. He follows Christina, noticing that she is finally in a good mood. It feels good to do something like that. It makes him think for just a moment about quitting his criminal acts. It was a warm feeling to help, after all.


Christina Hales

"The Captain"

"That sounds nice. Let's go." Christina shrugged and kept her blank face as she walked towards the coffee shop. She missed the doors. Christina opened the door, enjoying every moment of it. The wooden doors at her apartment broke often, mainly because the MWPD gave her a lot of shit. She walked up to the man behind the counter and gave a friendly smile. "Hello." Christina had gone to the coffee shop after a really long time. She remembered the face of the man behind the counter, especially after that one time she brought five other officers along during a police hunt for a band of drug dealers.

Christina going to the coffee shop showed that the captain was back, and here to stay.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Kyon
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Mayor's Office


The Mayor of Maple Pines was sitting down on his comfy brown leather wheel chair in his office. He was turned towards there left window that was there and simply pondered to himself. If one were to come in and see his face then they could clearly see that something was definitely weighing on his mind. The Mayor was a man who was around his 50's and wore a typical brown suit with a red tie. His facial features were of a typical combed brownish whitish hairdo and it was clear that age was creeping up on the man. As he started to take a deep breath, his secretary came into his office.

"Excuse me sir I hope you don't mind... something on your mind sir?" He asked looking a little worried.

The Mayor as he then looked up to see his secretary finished his deep breath. "It be a lie to say 'no.' There is something on my mind Hank. Something that is worth troubling over."

"It's the upcoming elections isn't it?" His secretary Hank asked knowing full well that was the case. 

"You know me well... as you know I won't be running this year. My time is up but what I'm concerned is who is going to take over. Anyways... yes I had asked you in regards to a certain favor." Then the screen turns black for this scene.

[No interaction here]

The Edition


A live broadcast on the website known as The Edition would start to play. "Gooooood afternoon Maple Pines!~ How is everyone doing today? It's me, DJ! Now we have a very interesting bit of news. Just today, a meeting between Nelson Tek and Eobaird Laird was interrupted by a sudden assassin! That's right an assassin had interrupted and even killed two guards! How scary." He would then pretend to jumble up some papers.

"What's more interesting is what the assassin's goals. Apparently the two companies were discussing a transaction deal for some new piece of technology and the assassin demanded the blueprints for it. For some strange reason he had escaped without even trying to get them! What's more is the assassin was identified to be a well-known assassin known as 'Paranoia.' For those that aren't in the now, Paranoia is a well-known assassin who deals with using fear-inducing psychological warfare to deliver swift and easy kills. So what was such a well-known and dangerous assassin doing with blueprints stealing? Things have been getting very strange. Just what is going on here?" He asked that last bit in a more curious and light tone. 

"In others news as most of you know, the elections for the next Maple Pines Mayor is coming up. Our beloved mayor, Adam East, is no longer eligible to run this year. This year's campaign race is going to be a steep one folks. Tune in tonight for more! Thanks for listening!~"

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali @JPax

@Ichijou Raku @SimonTheGuy @Hanah Solo @SirGrey @Kyon 

@Barred @EchoTehGecko @The Fabulous Emerald

Note: Night time will occur soon after more posts come in!
(sorry for the late reply. I was writing a quite lengthy post for another RP)

Kaito walks to the counter with Christina and orders another large coffee and sets the money onto the counter, along with a tip. Now he remembers. This cafe became a quite popular hangout for vigilantes and policemen after a drug related case years ago. The case involved none other than the famous Christina Hales, so it's no wonder why this was the spot to go to. It sucks for Kaito. Kaito, one who is a criminal with some vigilante antics, finds it awkward for him, but he doesn't mention it at all. His phone receives an alert for the newest post on The Edition. To his surprise, his crime still was not recognized, but instead masked by something bigger. He feels relieved thought, especially when he is sitting right next to miss Head Honcho over here.


Christina Hales

"The Captain"

Christina quickly glanced down at her phone. "Well, there goes the mayor. I guess I chose the right time to come back, though if the new mayor messes up our police routines I'd be damned." She scrolled through parts of the broadcast once again before setting it down on the table. "Guess there's only so much a police woman can do in parts like this. So, is there anything else other than The Edition that can tell me what's going on? Officer Preston's words aren't credible."

Kaito holds his hand to his chin, showing that he's thinking of a response. "Nothing that hasn't been solved. There are several villains whose identity hasn't been found yet, but at least the crimes have been linked to whichever criminal it is." He lets out a long sigh. Yep, he's certainly contemplating giving up crime. Maybe he'd even confess to his crimes. But that wouldn't get him anywhere. He decides just to help both criminals and vigilantes. He'd be the middle man of sorts. "Of course, I could always keep an eye out. I have a lot of connections around here, so give me a call if you need me to look into something." He writes his phone number on a napkin."

Christina Hales

"The Captain"

Christina looked down at the number and took it down on her phone right then and there. "Connections. That sounds like a plan. Oh, and just for reasons here are my numbers."

She slid him a business card with 3 phone numbers on it.

- 911

- [Christina's personal]

- [Something called PHOBOS]

"The second one's if you want to reach me without the sound of sirens." Christina smiled and glanced at the clock. It was probably getting late.

@Kyon @Shammy the Shamrock

Adam Morrison

Adam had set the coffee next to Kaito before walking back to his station, he looked up at the clock with a slow smile growing across his face.  Today was a awfully busy but he knew his work wasn't done just yet.  He hid his excitement as best he could while watching the two costumers from afar, there wasn't anything else to do so this would have to pass the time.
@JPax @Kyon



Esther Khan

Tonight was a special evening. Esther knew before many others that the police captain was back, simply because of connections. A smile grew across her face under the mask as she realized that the captain might be a little...rusty, despite having time off to train herself. It was something to get used to. Esther looked at her Slack suit in the mirror. Not too bad, considering it was all her handiwork. She slapped on her gloves and thrusted her hands out. Two metal parts, shaped like her wrist, sharply shot themselves off of the table and along her arms. "Estelle better stay asleep..." The vigilante muttered before taking a seat on the bathroom sink counter and closing her eyes as she waited for the night.
Kaito takes the coffee and the business card with appreciation. Upon further observation, he notices a third number on the card. "Hey, what's PHO-" he begins. But he is cut off after looking at the time. "Wow, we've been out for a while. It's getting late. I've gotta get going. It was nice chatting with you!" With that, he leaves the cafe, accidentally leaving his unfinished coffee on the table. He makes a few texts, cancelling any criminal acts for the night. He feels the need to help out the police force tonight, so he begins his walk home to get his disguise.

Back at his home The Broker had a new contract for a rather important bit of business. He had to get someone who knew what they were doing. Someone who was professional and could get things done. Someone who didn't mind causing some noise in the process.  The Under Hound was the first choice. Finding a contact for him he send him the follow message. 'Contract available go the usual location by the docks. The Broker'. @YoungX 
"Alright. I'm getting a Tango for myself."

As he says that, he goes to the drink machines and pays for the two drinks, and hands Akira hers.

@Crystal Cali

Akira takes the drink offered to her with a smile. "Thanks," she says, then adds a bit teasingly "So, you like Tango?" she wrinkles her nose as she looks at Dan's cup, though she chuckles as she tries to keep the mood light.


Sitting at a desk with three of his five computers, Searan typed furiously as each screen showed the status of three major servers in the city: the podcast server, the cell tower server, and the TV broadcast server. Searan's eyes scanned each screen as his hands moved from one keyboard to another.
Back at his home The Broker had a new contract for a rather important bit of business. He had to get someone who knew what they were doing. Someone who was professional and could get things done. Someone who didn't mind causing some noise in the process.  The Under Hound was the first choice. Finding a contact for him he send him the follow message. 'Contract available go the usual location by the docks. The Broker'. @YoungX 

The Under Hound would receive a contact message and would go towards the docks. Since the current contact has no work for Under Hound, the criminal decided that for now some other bit of work should be fine. So the Under Hound would head towards the docks and wait for the contact to show up.



The Mayor would be closing up his office and heading back home. Since his home was close towards the office (go figure), he would walk on back. He would only have about four guards with him which should be fine in this kind of area. As the three were walking by they would be surrounded by what seems to be typical hooligans of sorts. Gang members but not The Black Dragons. There were about 6 in total.

"Sorry Mr. East but... no hard feelings," one of the members said as they took out guns and opened fired at the three. Three out of four guards were shot at the abdomen but would lead the Mayor to safety towards the park. However not only did the gang members chase after them but 15 more showed up!

"Just what on Earth is going on here?!" Mayor East said scared. "Don't worry Mister East... we'll protect you," one of his guards said as they continued heading towards safety which was hopefully somewhere at the park.

"Mayday... Police do you read? We request help immediately. Mayor East is being targeted. I repeat Mayor East is being targeted," one of the guards says as he calls the MWPD.

@JPax [Open to any other people as well!]
Dan, after being triggered beyond all recognition, chuckles with her.

"So, when is this starting?"

(should we say that the film lasts until evening? so time doesn't implode itself? unless the film was like 7 hours...)

@Crystal Cali
Hanah had broked, build back parts she had and then connected fuel pump and airfilters to her engine.

That seems good, now to seek more parts.

Hanah closes her radio, elections didn't interesting her or that there was assassin on the loose. (There is always those) What she did notice, to her fortunately no news about her last night or morning wasn't in news. Hanah then taked some tools, opened her barricaded door and leaved to night.

Kai Williams

Kai woke up. He peeked out in his window and he saw that the sun was out. He doesn't want to sleep again, so he decided to pull out an all-nighter. Kai wanted to stay up the whole night and do some dumb things... Again.

He unpacked his baggage and started to live in his apartment. It didn't took long. Kai put his backpack on his shoulder. Inside his backpack was a fake IP router, ultra-fast gaming laptop, his out-of-this-world glasses and headphones, and some canned foods in case he gets lost. He puts his key on his pocket and started to explore the night-lit Maple Pines.

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