Main RP [RP happens here]

Ariel and Adam

The door to the coffee shop swung open as a very well dressed man walked in.  He twirled a cane in one of his hands while the other was behind his back to clearly look rich which he wasn't.  Adam was working the counter before looking up to meet the gaze of someone all too familiar, he let out a sigh as Ariel walked up to him.  "Hey Ariel, what can I do for you?"  Ariel gave a toothy smile to reveal sharpened teeth "I just came to say hello!  Can't I say hi to you at work?"  He chuckled while covering his mouth with a glove to try and hold back his laugh.  "How's everything?"  The barista shook his head "Business is good.  Hoping you don't try to steal it."  Ariel's grin grew devious as he rummaged through his pocket.  "Actually that was exactly what I was going to do."  Something with a nozzle could be seen through his pocket while Adam prepared to take the star.  Only when he took it out, it was only a finger gun.  "Bang!  Bang!"  He gave a hearty laugh before clearing his throat.  "I'll have a plain coffee while i'm here, please."  Adam nodded and went to make his "friend" his coffee.

-I got lost so anyone left in the coffee shop-

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Esther and Estelle

Location: Coffee Shop

Esther heard the man walk in and took a sip from her coffee. Estelle stirred awake and narrowed her eyes. "Huh? 's something happening?" She got off of Esther, who immediately followed her, taking a shot of all the coffee. Esther wasn't impressed by this guy showing up, so she had little stuff to do with them. "Tips. They're always good. Estelle, do the honors." The younger girl nodded and dropped two twenty dollar bills into the tip jar before smiling at the man who worked there. "I enjoyed the water. Thank you."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Adam and Ariel

Adam looked back and gave a wide smile at the money and the younger girls manners.  He turned around with the coffee in hand "It was no problem!  Thank you for coming," he handed the coffee to Ariel who took a sip while walking to a seat.  "Oh, and Bee says hi."  Now that got Adam's smile to fade for a second and his eyes to shrink, he shook it off so that it couldn't cause a stir in the shop. "Tell her I said hi."  He said in a whispered, looking back at the clock then at the three.  "Anything else for you two?  Maybe something you want to go."
The day burnt on as Reno awoke in an alley way,as he was used to. The insomniac walk of last night tired him enough to collapse. The city center was just ahead and he had nothing better to do anyway.

Esther and Estelle

Location: Coffee Shop

Esther shook her head. "Nope. Nothing to go. We'll see you later." She waved and walked away. Estelle followed hastily, tapping her fingers together and smiling. "Esther waiiit. Where are we going now?" Esther just wrapped her arm around Estelle. "We're going to find that crybaby who tried to rob us and beat the pulp out of her. That pencil skinned twit needs to learn a lesson." Estelle's eyes widened "No! You hit her enough!" At this, Esther sighed. "Alright, I won't."

@Shammy the Shamrock
The sunlight reflected from the tall buildings. Reno was already completely sober, upset and realized he left his wallet at home. Stealing in the daylight was still too risky, so he decided to order coffee with whatever money he had. As he was about to approach the coffee shop, he saw two suspicious young ladies leaving it.

Esther and Estelle

Location: Coffee Shop

Esther and Estelle noticed a guy giving them looks. "Don't mind him." They walked past without saying anything. Estelle kept her head down as they walked back towards Esther's apartment. "So...what now?"

After waiting, not really knowing how long, Hanah started to investigate last evening's parts.

Good thing that i haven't take off boards from rest of windows and that small window at wc is great escape route to me.
Trying to not come off as creepy, yet very curious, Reno thought of following them. He turned their way, and without hiding, began to walk the same way as them. They headed to their apartment and Reno decided to not follow them further. 
(sorry for the wait)

" seems to me that both the vigilantes and the villains greatly outmatch the police, and it's like the vigilantes are the only things keeping the villains at bay."

@Crystal Cali
Kai sighed. Maplepines wouldn't be his first choice to live in a city, but it is his only choice. He focused on his driving, but his attention is on his GPS. He needs to get to his apartment. He tried to reset his GPS because its malfunctioning like crazy. Kai sighed again, he has to stop by and ask people for directions. He continued to wander until he found an unsuspecting person.

Fortunately, he didn't have to ask someone. He saw his apartment building already before he could ask someone. It was rather tall, like, 50-storeys high or above. Inside was fancy. It was well lit, air-conditioned, and with perfect furniture placement. But he has one problem to worry about. He had to say goodbye to people and everyone he knew in the last city he lived in, which took two days. His check-in was supposed to be two days ago. Luckily, none has taken his room. So he took the key to his apartment and took the elevator for fast ride.

He entered the apartment room. He quickly locked the door, leave his baggage beside the television, and crashed to the bed.
(sorry for the wait)

" seems to me that both the vigilantes and the villains greatly outmatch the police, and it's like the vigilantes are the only things keeping the villains at bay."

@Crystal Cali

(That's OK. I was busy too.)

Akira nods, a troubled look on her face. "I see. So the police are just overwhelmed. Are the criminals organized, or is it every man for himself?"
"If I were to guess, I would say they are organised. Of course, there are those who work alone."

@Crystal Cali (btw, wont be up as late tonight, college.)

Akira nods, though was a bit disappointed by the obvious lack of knowledge on the organization itself. Still, it was an important clue. "Hmm. So, gangs are a prominent thing here, then," Akira sighs, then glances at her cell phone. "Well, we might want to head to the movie theater now if we want a good seat."
Dan opens his wallet, which Akira would probably notice has no credit cards in it whatsoever. The only other thing in there except money is his student ID. He pulls out the relevant amount of money, which I can't imagine being too much and you'd probably get change out of a £10, but that's just me. Anyway, he pays the ticket guy with it.

@Crystal Cali

Esther and Estelle

Location: Esther's Apartment

Esther ignored the guy and the two walked into the apartment. "Well Esther, it's getting dark so I'm gonna sleep already mkay?" Estelle grinned and fell onto the couch, immediately falling asleep.

Esther sighed and went into the locked room again, to modify the Slack suit for tonight. It sounded like the police captain was back.

<No interaction>
Edward has his meeting. A success as always. Deciding that a walk would do him some good, the master mind tells his guards to follow at a distance. It was always fun seeing how the world ran and how all the little people go about there little business. How amusing. Still the world still holds on trick card. The element of surprise. (Open for Interaction)


Christina Hales

"The Captain"

The captain continued walking down the street after that last encounter. It seemed that if she already took out one entire wing of crime with just one hit, things were definitely looking up for the city. Of course, Christina was only one person so change would take a lot and by that I mean a lot of time. "Glad this place hasn't gone to complete shit." Walking down the streets was like walking down your memories. Christina looked to the shops, the buildings, the air, just about everything. Six months ago there was someone attempting to spray paint a dick on the wall. Six months ago, there was also a newspaper about a graffiti artist falling unconscious while trying to paint. Christina liked it when the news didn't recognize her.

Everywhere she turned, nobody seemed to remember her face. Everybody clearly lived under a rock. But if someone did recognize her, she'd just greet them with a simple nod and keep walking. "Do I really talk to myself? I think I do. That's like a problem. No wait it's a huge problem. Damnit."

@Kyon @SirGrey
Dan opens his wallet, which Akira would probably notice has no credit cards in it whatsoever. The only other thing in there except money is his student ID. He pulls out the relevant amount of money, which I can't imagine being too much and you'd probably get change out of a £10, but that's just me. Anyway, he pays the ticket guy with it.

@Crystal Cali

Akira notices the lack of credit cards in his wallet, but doesn't say nothing. Not like she could judge. Akira smiles at Dan, then glances over to the short line to the concessions. "Well, I'm not really hungry, but why don't we at least get something to drink before we head in?" she suggests.
Walking the street Edward was hit with said element of surprise. Christina Hales. The Captain. MWPD captain. Headstrong, cold and dense as dishwater. Edward knew of her because of his funding in the MWPD. After all no criminal would ever back the police. Smoking his  pipe and walking with his cane he gave a simple wave of the hand to the Captain. He didn't know if she would  recognize him after all they only spoke at the police end of year party. @JPax
Kaito notices the girl as she walks alone. But it wasn't just any normal girl. She is a police girl. THE police girl. The one referred to by some criminals as the fearful One Punch Woman. It was Captain Christina Hales herself. That, of course, means that crime really is on the rise. Kaito feels like he needs to be extremely careful with his crimes. More careful than even before. She was some serious shit, and he wants nothing to do with her.

Even so, she looks so alone. Nobody to walk with or talk to. It's as if she was just forgotten, or rather feared. Kaito feels pity for her. Quite a shame, really. And as stated before, Kaito isn't a bad guy. Just does bad things to make money. He's still nice. So he decides to approach her out of respect for her work, even if it is against his line of work.


Christina Hales

"The Captain"

The captain noticed that someone waved at her. Edward Smithwood? Christina remembered that face clearly. "Mr. Smithwood, it's nice to see you again. How is everything going?" Her head turned to see a man approach her. "Oh, hello. This is nice, company is nice." Christina figured it was someone who ended up recognizing her as MWPD's police captain and just decided to introduce herself. "Christina Hales. What's your name, sir?"

@SirGrey @Kyon

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