Main RP [RP happens here]

Christina Hales

"The Captain"

"Damnit. Alright, I don't have those five but I can still work with the regular cops. Come on!" Christina ran out and hopped into the black cop cars that arrived. And then they drove off towards the crime scene at high speeds while the sirens blared.


Christina hopped out of the car before it was even stopped. She let her officers coverto the mayor while she and 3 other officers pursued the attacks. Christina immediately fired towards the assailants, shifting in front of her officers.

At the docks there was one of Edward's men with a computer. On it was Edward. Why meet in person when you stay at home. Speaking to the assassin he says "Glad you make it, your job will be to kill a political candidate for coming mayor elections. You are free to be as loud or quiet as you want. As always half of the payment now and the second half later. Sufficient?" before lighting his pipe again. @YoungX

Christina Hales

"The Captain"

"Damnit. Alright, I don't have those five but I can still work with the regular cops. Come on!" Christina ran out and hopped into the black cop cars that arrived. And then they drove off towards the crime scene at high speeds while the sirens blared.


Christina hopped out of the car before it was even stopped. She let her officers coverto the mayor while she and 3 other officers pursued the attacks. Christina immediately fired towards the assailants, shifting in front of her officers.


With that it would soon turn into a gunfight as the assailants fire and die at the same time. Currently out of 20, 5 had died so far. The rest would then decide to do a pincer attack and attack from both sides. 8 from the right and 7 from the left. They would then proceed to fire at will but not before 2 had died from the mayor's guards.

[Open for interaction if you wish]

At the docks there was one of Edward's men with a computer. On it was Edward. Why meet in person when you stay at home. Speaking to the assassin he says "Glad you make it, your job will be to kill a political candidate for coming mayor elections. You are free to be as loud or quiet as you want. As always half of the payment now and the second half later. Sufficient?" before lighting his pipe again. @YoungX

The Under Hound would remain silent as the request is heard. Then the Under Hound would take out a notepad and began to write on it. From there the notepad would be shown to the computer. It would say:

'That is fine. I'll need to know where this political candidate will be as well as the candidate's security detail.' The Under Hound would be intrigued of the fact that a political candidate would be his next target... considering who his contact is in the first place. But... this candidate is someone that the contact doesn't care for in the slightest. Still just in case... Under Hound would write more.

'First I'd like to make a call to my current contact. Do not worry I will not say you put me up to this.' The Under Hound would then send a message via text as the Under Hound does not speak. A quick few moments later the Under Hound nodded.

'I'll do it. Don't worry I only asked whether or not I was allowed to kill this candidate.' 
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Kaito, now in disguise as the Ghost, heads back outside and into the night. His police scanner picks up several reports, the biggest one being an assault on the mayor. Dammit. I won't get paid for any of this. But I think I owe it to the police force to help out. With that thought in mind, he sprints to the crime scene. There, he sees an assault going on between Christina and a gang trying to harm the mayor. Quickly, he sends out several texts to his "connections" and requests a bit of backup. Meanwhile, Ghost sneaks around and stays out of sight at the park. He fires a few shots using his suppressed 9mm, taking out two of the gang members before needing to reload.

@JPax @YoungX
Kai swore he heard gunshots from a distance. He decided to go to the direction of the gunshots and the first thing he saw was obviously someone from the government. "Crap, I forgot my daggers." He cursed. He put on his eyewear and started to record the scene. He just stood there, off-guard.

(I'll be replying within 7 hours)
Dan, after being triggered beyond all recognition, chuckles with her.

"So, when is this starting?"

(should we say that the film lasts until evening? so time doesn't implode itself? unless the film was like 7 hours...)

@Crystal Cali

(Yeah. We can go ahead and skip to the end of the movie so our event matches the time. Also, I think we're near the park where the mayor is.)

Akira enjoyed the movie about as much as she expected to. She jumped at most of the scares, though the jump was always followed by quiet laughter from the amusement of her own reaction. As they exit the theater, Akira notices the sound of gunfire close by. Her eyes widen a bit. "That sounds close," she commented.
"Of course there will be some police as well the candidates own private security, they are expected to be rather well armed maybe even a sniper or two, after all it is in this town" The Broker says as his employee brings forward some more detailed plans. "These should fill in any details I overlooked" Edward says in a slightly sarcastic tone. Him, miss anything. "Of course" The Broker says drinking his wine. "Good like I said the rest of your payment when you are done".  @YoungX
"Of course there will be some police as well the candidates own private security, they are expected to be rather well armed maybe even a sniper or two, after all it is in this town" The Broker says as his employee brings forward some more detailed plans. "These should fill in any details I overlooked" Edward says in a slightly sarcastic tone. Him, miss anything. "Of course" The Broker says drinking his wine. "Good like I said the rest of your payment when you are done".  @YoungX

Under Hound nodded and proceeded to take the plans and got a good look at them. From there another page of the notepad was written and shown to The Broker which said:

'I'll be going then. It'll be done tomorrow night.' From there Under Hound would begin to take his leave but then looks a bit to the left. There was someone who was watching and on purpose. Under Hound then throw some form of gas bomb which reached the watcher. By the time the watcher would start running it was already too late. It was a special hallucinogen that would cause hallucinations, so the watcher would start to scream as he fell on his back. The Under Hound would get closer and closer as the watcher continued to scream as the hallucinations produced would make Under Hound look like a complete and utter demonic entity from hell. Then the flames started to spit out from the flamethrower and proceeded to literally burn the watcher to death leaving nothing but charred remains behind. From there Under Hound would kick the charred body towards the ocean where it broke upon impact and went onto the ocean as it sunk. Then Under Hound simply left the scene.



A gang member would report to the suited man that the operative Bruno had talked to in the same dim lit room. 

"How did it go?" The suited man asked.

The gang member was silent for a moment before speaking. "The guy I was with... he got... he got burned to death... God damn it was horrifying..." From there the gang member would explain about how the Under Hound had taken another contract.

With no surprise or emotion, the suited man replied. "I see... You can go." The gang member left traumatized from the event. As for the suited man he would sit down on a wooden chair and pondered.

"So... it's as I figured. Under Hound is working for someone else. Someone who is targeting the politicians we have under our influence. But I didn't expect for him to take another contract for the death of another politician. Still... it should be no surprise. The elections are a struggle for power. I'll have to hasten the plan..." 

[No interaction.]
Hanah's seeking easy car had more luck this evening, she witnessed when car owner fueled his car and left doors open when he did go inside to pay.


Hanah sneaked in car, finding that there was keys inside and started engine. Owner didn't understand what happened before there was crash outside of station, Hanah had switched reverse from automatic gearbox and hitted to garbage cans. Owner run outside but then Hanah find driving gear and drived away. (Wrong side of road)

Christina Hales

"The Captain"

Christina trailed her gun at an assailant and shot at his head. Her officers kept formation despite two of them getting shot on two the arm. They were about to move when they heard the thief's stupid driving. Officers ducked out of the way  but Christina kept her cool and shot holes into the tires. Quickly regrouping her officers, three remained back firing at the assailants when two others followed Christina to the car.

@Hanah Solo @YoungX

Christina Hales

"The Captain"

Christina trailed her gun at an assailant and shot at his head. Her officers kept formation despite two of them getting shot on two the arm. They were about to move when they heard the thief's stupid driving. Officers ducked out of the way  but Christina kept her cool and shot holes into the tires. Quickly regrouping her officers, three remained back firing at the assailants when two others followed Christina to the car.

@Hanah Solo @YoungX

@YoungX @JPax @Crystal Cali @Ichijou Raku @Kyon @The Fabulous Emerald

As Dan and Akira walked out from theatre, black car whit both back of car and front scrunched and missing license plates drives fast speed past them at sidewalk. It drives through block that polices had put up and straight to middle of shooting.

Kai swore he heard gunshots from a distance. He decided to go to the direction of the gunshots and the first thing he saw was obviously someone from the government. "Crap, I forgot my daggers." He cursed. He put on his eyewear and started to record the scene. He just stood there, off-guard.

(I'll be replying within 7 hours)

As assailants fell from the efforts of vigilante and police, the car was completely unexpected. Still it allowed the rest of the assailants who were still alive time to retreat.

"Yo... this is definitely not worth what their payin me for! Imma split!!!" One of them said as the rest ran away and went into hiding. The body count was about 7 dead assailants. Each of them wore different clothing which suggests that they aren't from a particular gang. 

The guards would thank Christina and would take the mayor to safety. 

"So... their after me now aren't they?" The mayor mumbled to himself as he would head towards his house with some policemen. His guards would head to the hospital to get their wounds treated.
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Christina Hales

"The Captain"

Christina was about to break all hell loose on the driver of the car, but she noticed that some of her men were going with the mayor. She quickly caught up to the mayor and showed him her captain's badge. It felt good to hold it once again. "Mister Mayor, this is more important than that car. At your convenience, please let me know what you know about those who are after you so the MPPD can take immediate action. This is important since I was out of the loop for six months." Her voice was bold and demanding, one that sounded like it belonged to a harsher captain than the woman from six months ago. With the current state of Maple Pines, Captain Hales was completely entitled to speaking like this.

Meanwhile, three other officers took pictures of the car and prepared for that to be taken care of, later.

@YoungX @Hanah Solo
Akira jumped back as the car rushed past, possibly bumping into Dan, seeing as they would be walking close. "What the heck?" she nervously watches where the car went, not able to get a clear view of the shooting, but she could see the tops of police cars. Akira looks over to Dan with a concerned expression. "I'm not exactly prepared to jump into a firefight if it comes our way," she says, though soon after she says it, the gunfire dies down. 

@The Fabulous Emerald


As Searan continued to take over the communications grid of the city, from one of his other computers, a news station was delivering live coverage of the shootout. A wicked grin grows on Searan's face as he hears what was going on. "Perfect timing," he says, then with one more push of a key on his keyboard, every device connected to the internet, and every TV and radio that was currently turned on emitted static for five seconds, then every device with a screen would light up with the image of a black, coiled snake on a white background. Searan flipped on his microphone, and when he spoke, a distorted voice echoed out of all of the devices Searan had taken control of. 

"Citizens of Maple Pines! Oh troubled, divided, miserable citizens of Maple Pines. Your leaders have failed you. Not only has the government been so inept at protecting the innocent people that now the city's safety depends on caped freaks who never sleep, only using police when it is one of their own lives in danger, but they have done so with a chuckle and a smile. You, the great citizens of Maple Pines are nothing more to your leaders than rats! Rats in a cage! And experiment in the lab! Pawns! Pawns on a chessboard, so easily disposable! BUT I SAY NO MORE! It is time to rise up, and reclaim this city from the corrupt politicians, and their selfish desires! And I am hear to lead you all in this revolution!"

@Kyon @JPax @Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @SirGrey  @Hanah Solo  @Ichijou Raku @Barred @SimonTheGuy @EchoTehGecko
"What the?" Raiden was listening to some podcasts, but it was abruptly halted and replaced by Searan's broadcast. "How though... This is an extremely high radio frequency! Unless this guy had like, twelve extremely powerful satellites... This would be hard to reach radio." He heard the voice echo around him, since the entire city was surrounded by it. "I gotta find this guy somehow..." @Crystal Cali
Christina Hales

"The Captain"

Christina listened and immediately dismissed the mayor. She signaled her officers to get back in the cars and regrouped the entire squad. They made their way back to the MPPD with haste. During the ride, Christina began to communicate with someone. "Hello? Um...yeah. The thing went to voice mail, your system is absolute trash. Anyways, I got some lunatic spewing shit from his mouth about Maple Pines. He hacked everything with a powerful satellite. Anyways, this sounds right up your alley. Damn, if their heads weren't up so far up their asses they'd realize that Maple Pines could be a great place. Sorry you have to listen to this, but yeah, I'm gonna need your help." She closed the phone and leaned against the car door while looking at the MPPD headquarters.

. . .

Inside the MPPD, Christina immediately walked towards her office. "Hey Captain Hales, how was that-" "Zip it Preston, I'm busy." As soon as she said this, she saw the other officer shifting away from her. Good. She walked down to her office and routinely set stacks upon stacks of paperwork. "Time to get busy." 

( @Crystal Cali )
There was a brief moment of static, while Searan scrambled his own signal so that anyone trying to hack into his location would loose any progress they had just made. The broadcast starts up again after only a few seconds, and he continues with his speech. "So now, you ask, 'Who are you?' Who am I? I am the serpent that strikes at the heel of the corrupt. My frame may be small, but my bite is deadly, and the revolution I bring spreads like a poison through to the heart of the corrupt. This revolution can only be spread by you. So now, wonderful citizens of Maple Pines, I call upon you, vigilante and villain alike, rise up! Take control of your city! Eradicate your useless police force and your selfish politicians! I will offer a helping hand to anyone who asks for it. Simply search S 3 R P 3 N T, and you will find my wonderful array of works that I can provide you to fuel your revolution! I can create for you the weapons of your wildest dreams, the objects you envision will turn the politician's lab rats into mighty beasts! And turn the police's pawns into the kings and queens of this city! A revolution full of hope is possible, dear citizens, all you have to do, is reach for it." And with that, Searan cut the broadcast, and a moment later all of the electronics went back to normal.

 @JPax @Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @SirGrey  @Hanah Solo  @Ichijou Raku @Barred @SimonTheGuy @EchoTehGecko @Kyon


Akira stood in front of the movie theater, stunned and furious by what she had just heard. She watched her phone screen, which now had reverted back to normal, with a blank stare. She mentally cursed herself for not being able to do anything this time. If she hadn't agreed to go to the movies, she wouldn't have been so helpless as to just watch what she had feared would happen right before her eyes.

@The Fabulous Emerald
Christina Hales

"The Captain"

"USELESS POLICE FORCE?! PRESTON!!!" Christina tore a pencil sharpener off of her desk and flung it with enough strength to actually jam it into the wall. Jack Preston stared at her with wide eyes and nervously fingered his left ear, which was just inches from the sharpener. "Captain Hales...I'm s-sorry...they know it was me okay...?" Christina's glare intensified as officer Preston made his way over to her desk, pulling out a file. Christina took the papers without removing her glare from Preston, who was now shaking furiously. "You're released from the police force. You stained the title of Captain Wernher." Christina tucked the papers away as Preston nervously walked back. "I'm...I don't know what that's supposed to mean..."

"It means you were an inadequate captain who doesn't meet standards. Look what situation you put us in." Christina didn't say another word as Preston hurriedly left the captain's office. Soon, the halls of the MPPD were filled with the chatters of people, talking about the captain. Nobody bothered saying anything bad, however. "Did the guy just say he's small? That should make punching his stomach all the more hurt like hell...heh."

( @Crystal Cali )
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(sorry about the wait)

Dan had been watching all of this with a coolness that seemed to spark little reaction, like he was thinking about something. As he listens to the last remnants of the broadcast, however, he turns to Akira.

"Do you need help getting home? It sounds dangerous to be alone at this time."

@Crystal Cali
Hanah left area whit empty tires, that blow up after couple miles, it was miracle that she survived to old garage. Car had bullet holes, (one at driver's side and did go right past Hanah's stomach) Hanah had made crashes both before shooting and after. There was white smoke coming out from when she stopped, opened garage and drived in, stopping to wall.

"That was close one..."

Hanah notices that side windows was shattered, someone surely would have see her driving.

"Well that is other day's problem. Now to sleep."

Hanah turn off engine, closed garage and go to sleep at mattress.
Kai Williams

Kai strolled on the park after that happened. He heard someone on the television, saying that he is starting a revolution.  "I have to find this guy. I have to get my revenge." He wanted to join. He has to recognize the voice, then ask him to join. I'm not getting back to the apartment until I find this guy, he thought. Then he realized he has to get his daggers in case someone tries to rob or kidnap him. Well, maybe only this time. He got back to the apartment and quickly snatched out his daggers. He strolled in the park naturally.

He only walked a total of five kilometers, then he decided to sit down on the tree. He got his laptop out and started to search for S3RP3NT. He browsed the site, and wished that he would find the email, contact numbers, or addresses. Kai knew it wouldn't be that easy. He tried opening configuration programs that came from the Deep Web itself. He would start copying small codes or items, and combining them to get something important. He hoped he wouldn't track much attention of him doing advanced web config.

(open to anyone for interaction, I have like, 3 or 4 posts that has no interaction with anyone lol)
Raiden decided to walk around since he couldn't find trouble on his scanner (which is odd, there's always trouble). When he got to the park, he saw a man alone sitting on a tree on his laptop. Raiden decided to approach him. "Hey, did you see whatever happened on every screen in the city?" Raiden asked, unaware that he was speaking to someone in his vigilante attire. @Ichijou Raku
The mayor was about to reply to Christina when the strange broadcast had started playing. He didn't know how to think of it. It was... worrisome for the mayor who would soon be calling it quits for the upcoming election.

"Have I failed this city?" He asked himself as he went back to his home. Of course he was referring to more than one thing when he means this. But what?

(Closed for interaction)
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