Main RP [RP happens here]

Raiden drank a couple of beers while listening to the podcast. After it finished, Raiden seemed a bit... Different. "OH, YA DON'T RANK ME, EH?! I KEEP THIS PART OF THE CITY CLEAN!" He put down his 7th beer can down. "Look at it! I mean, no crime reports at the abandoned above the ground subway, eh?!" He threw up the radio and the beer cans and shot them all. "Ya piss off, bloody bugger." He was quite intoxicated. For some reason, he decided to drink for no reason earlier, which led him to him being drunk. "I'll be ranked for the first vigilante to fight crime while being drunk!" He said, cackling. 
Kaito, now returned to his apartment, checks his phone after hearing the all too common alert from The Edition. His entire jaw drops at the mention of his alias, Ghost. How did they even find out about that!? I thought I was well hidden, he thinks, astounded. His reputation as the villain in the shadows is tainted now. Maybe he really would change his focus to good. At least, he would certainly help out both villains and vigilantes alike. What has this city come to... He's referring to all of the sudden events involving him. Assassinating a business owner, making friends with the most notorious police captain around, and then helping save the mayor; it's to much even for Kaito to fathom. So instead, he sleeps for the night, letting his worries drift away as he falls asleep. He hopes to get an actually decent night's sleep tonight. Hopefully.
he walks through the ally ways watching and waiting for someone to walk into one of the dark corners his switch blade in one pocket and box with the words "Book of Mormon" in the other. his hoody blending in with the dark ally while his trench coat concealed the objects.

(Open interaction)
Hanah waked in garage and choosed to go look to shelter to get her radio to garage.

Hanah choosed to walk through alleys, hoping to not get noticed.


he spots the amulet immediately pure silver and shinny he blends in waiting for her to get closer as soon as she gets lightly past him he sweeps up from behind pushing his browning HI-Power to her back "Your jewelry and all you money now and we both get to go home" he says in a deep voice. 
he spots the amulet immediately pure silver and shinny he blends in waiting for her to get closer as soon as she gets lightly past him he sweeps up from behind pushing his browning HI-Power to her back "Your jewelry and all you money now and we both get to go home" he says in a deep voice. 


Hanah kick's man's jewels whit back kick and fastly makes man's gun drop magazine.

Hanah kick's man's jewels whit back kick and fastly makes man's gun drop magazine.

he is rather used to being kicked in the balls he reacts quickly to the magazine dropping and hits her over the head as hard as he can with the empty gun "BITCH" he shouts 
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he is rather used to being kicked in the balls he reacts quickly to the magazine dropping and hits her over the head as hard as he can with the empty gun

(Oh and please don't just say your character simply hits someone. Rather replace that with terms like "would proceed to deliver a blow" or something like that. Just saying he hits her means that it's an auto hit which doesn't give the other person a chance to react.)

(Oh I missed that too. Yeah @Hanah Solo you should also do that. That way it makes things more clearer and allow people a chance to react. But of course you two don't have to do this every single time. I'm sure people understand.. I think.)
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he is rather used to being kicked in the balls he reacts quickly to the magazine dropping and hits her over the head as hard as he can with the empty gun "B####" he shouts (can i cuss?) 

(Also to answer your question yes you can.)

(meh I'm fine it if I was planning to not get out of the way or something im allowing the hit ether way)

(Plus we talk very close distances, i was not waiting superhuman reacting time to back kick and Frank's hit is going to hit too... when i now first write it)

Hanah's skull gives lound crack noise when mugger hits her, but whit adrealine she stays wake still.

Hanah steps back little bit, world spinning around her as she takes out her knife.
(Plus we talk very close distances, i was not waiting superhuman reacting time to back kick and Frank's hit is going to hit too... when i now first write it)

Hanah's skull gives lound crack noise when mugger hits her, but whit adrealine she stays wake still.

Hanah steps back little bit, world spinning around her as she takes out her knife.

He fakes left before swinging left with his foot trying to knock her down always being wary of the knife
Hanah takes new hit after going to fake, but still doing her best to stay up.

You aren't taking mom's jewery.

Hanah tries to swing her knife to mugger.
Hanah takes new hit after going to fake, but still doing her best to stay up.

You aren't taking mom's jewery.

Hanah tries to swing her knife to mugger.

he dodges narrowly taking a bleeding cut above the eye before grabbing at he elbow his other hand going to her forearm then attempting to break her arm 
Hanah screams in pain as mugger breaks her arm, knife dropping to ground.

he grabs her neck forcing the smaller person a little off the ground his blood starting to trickle into his eye. A crazed smile spread across his lips "You know this is fun for me when they put up a fight " he says cleaning some blood out of his eye before grabbing her neck less and taking what ever he can from her pockets.
he grabs her neck forcing the smaller person a little off the ground his blood starting to trickle into his eye. A crazed smile spread across his lips "You know this is fun for me when they put up a fight " he says cleaning some blood out of his eye before grabbing her neck less and taking what ever he can from her pockets.

Hanah screams in pain as mugger breaks her arm, knife dropping to ground.

As this happens Bruno, an operative for the The Black Dragon's, sees this and approaches the man. He has the black clothing get-up as well as black shades.

"Well well... what do I see here? A tall man picking on a small woman? I may be part of The Black Dragon's but... I'd say that's pretty petty even for me, a gang member." He then takes out his tonfas and rushes in towards the man. 

"I hate people like that," he says as he delivers a strike from his right tonfa, aiming for his head.
he grabs her neck less throwing the woman at the man who just showed up out of no where deciding now would be right to make a speedy escape as he runs for it grabbing his gun and magazine as he runs
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Hanah, in panic attack as face to face at another man, start kicking this new man now instead.

"Stay away! Stay away!"
Hanah, in panic attack as face to face at another man, start kicking this new man now instead.

"Stay away! Stay away!"

he grabs her neck less throwing the woman at the man who just showed up out of no where deciding now would be right to make a speedy escape as he runs for it grabbing his gun and magazine as he runs

Bruno would lightly push her aside and said, "Hey you got a problem? I was trying to save you and this is the thanks I get?" He sighs and decides to go through with this and chases down the thief. Bruno takes out a USP pistol and fired, aiming for the man's left leg.
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he gets out of the ally way diving to the side the shot only probably only missing cause the guy is getting assaulted  he stands up and goes around the corner making his way to his car quickly starting the shitty old thing "Come on you bitch distract him  long enough for my escape" he says a little ducked to avoid if the guy comes around shooting at him
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As Bruno pushes Hanah away, her head to wall and her head finally had taked enought beating to knock out her.

Below Hanah's red hair there is wound that leaks blood after Frank's hit whit gun and another side has opened too where Esther hitted her bat.
he gets out of the ally way diving to the side the shot only probably only missing cause the guy is getting assaulted  he stands up and goes around the corner making his way to his car quickly starting the shitty old thing "Come on you bitch distract him  long enough for my escape" he says a little ducked to avoid if the guy comes around shooting at him

As Bruno pushes Hanah away, her head to wall and her head finally had taked enought beating to knock out her.

Below Hanah's red hair there is wound that leaks blood after Frank's hit whit gun and another side has opened too where Esther hitted her bat.

"Great... just great! Why does this happen?!" Bruno asks himself as he thinks about making a getaway. 

'People are gonna come and notice... damn it what do I do? I should high tail it outta here but first.. '

He goes on ahead and heads to a nearby pay phone. From there he calls an ambulance... and the police to come to help Hanah as well as give a light description of the thief.'

"The thief he's... really damn tall and... his face is sort of like a skeleton... anyways you better get your asses here," and hangs up the phone. From there Bruno makes a quick getaway. Being exposed would not bode well for him especially if that vigilante known as Crow hears about this. By then he would be gone.



Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"I can't believe you have the license to drive an ambulance." The sound of sirens drowned out the captain's voice. However, the man driving the ambulance next to her had heard. Theta's hearing was exceptional. "Oh yeah, I can drive whatever I want. Anyways, what's the priority? The crook or the girl?" "Girl, definitely the girl." That was the fastest the police captain ever said anything. The ambulance pulled up and Theta hit the parking breaks. "Alright. If that robber comes close I'll fill him with railgun steel." 

Christina ran out and crouched down next to Hanah. Skull wounds, blood, all the usual things seemed to be there. However, she was breathing. "Jesus christ girl, you're starved." Christina lifted Hanah up and carried her to the ambulance, setting her on the stretcher in the back. "Christie, you gonna stay back with her?" The captain nodded and began to monitor Hanah's vitals. She didn't care that it was the racey driver, in the end she was a minor and a priority for the police. Theta began to drive to the hospital with a blank face. "Theta, what are the-" "Sigmoid sinus. Though I doubt there are any injuries."

The captain just nodded and checked Hanah's pulse again as they approached the hospital.

@Hanah Solo

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