Main RP [RP happens here]

The gunshots tore through the night. 

"Please," below Reno was a pleading drug dealer, blinded by acid sprayed by Reno himself. He held the dealer's collar, listening to the sounds of attack. He soon realized it was coming from the mayor's house. With little consideration he assumed it was an attack on the mayor himself, and dropping the blindef man left for the violence. He wasnt interested in murder or any political reasoning, he just knew the mayor had a nice stash.

(Is it okay to assume the mayor does drugs?)
The gunshots tore through the night. 

"Please," below Reno was a pleading drug dealer, blinded by acid sprayed by Reno himself. He held the dealer's collar, listening to the sounds of attack. He soon realized it was coming from the mayor's house. With little consideration he assumed it was an attack on the mayor himself, and dropping the blindef man left for the violence. He wasnt interested in murder or any political reasoning, he just knew the mayor had a nice stash.

(Is it okay to assume the mayor does drugs?)

(Well no the mayor doesn't do drugs. Sorry. But your character can assume that. But I closed interaction with the mayor so... yeah sorry. You might want to make your character go to another house or something.)
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Kai Wiliams

Kai immediately closed his laptop as soon as he heard someone in front of him talk. "Yeah. That would cause intense panic in the city." He replied. Kai kept his bag closer to him.

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"Yeah  but this city is already pretty much like a warzone..." Raiden replied. He then acknowledged Kai holding onto his bag. "I'm not here to rob you or anything. That'd be pointless anyway."

@Ichijou Raku
DM's Note: 

I added a new location to the list. Downtown Maple Pines is where most of the crime occurs at. The typical middle class and upper class areas are generally safe, but crime still occurs.
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(Got it,sorry I accidentally missed the closed sign thingy)

There was probably too much chaos. Reno stalked elsewhere, his gasmask on. He was hoping to raid anywhere by now.

(Anyone wanna raid stuff, like a drugstore? Im online for a while longer)

(Got it,sorry I accidentally missed the closed sign thingy)

There was probably too much chaos. Reno stalked elsewhere, his gasmask on. He was hoping to raid anywhere by now.

(Anyone wanna raid stuff, like a drugstore? Im online for a while longer)

(No problem. It happens.)
Kai Williams

As soon as the man said "I'm not gonna rob you or anything.", Kai tried to loosen his guard for a bit. "What do you want?" Kai calmly asked. He looked at what the man was wearing. He continued, "Also, your costume is making me really uneasy."

There it was. The glorious shining green cross and although marijuana was not his drug of choice, he could settle. The deugstore also had enough money there. But he was in it for the medicine. With the gas mask disstorting his breath and with a spray tube by his wrist he began his walk to the downtown drugstore.
(Goodbye for today, good friends, Im out, heres a random robbery)

As he waked right into the store, yelps of surprise were heard from the workers. They all hid behind tables, assuming his pistol-like weapons had bullets. Reno gestured to the container with medicinal marijuana and wsited for a nervous worker to open it.

"Please, I might fall asleep at this rate," Reno spoke with boredom as the worker could not control his shaking hands and the terror in his eyes.

"Here, Ill do it." Reno began to fill in the bag the worker was holding while the other gas-gun was pointed at his face.

The bag was soon filled and as Reno tucked it away, he retrieved two testubes.

"Sweet dreams." He began to walk out as he broke both vials on the floot letting the sleeping gas spread through out the room like a serpent, leaving all the inhalers in a feverish sleep.
A search for S3RP3NT on the normal web would lead to a web site which only had one page that consisted of a "Contact Me" section. It had two boxes to fill in, one was titled "Alias" and the other was titled "Description of the Weapon You Would Like." A search on the deep web, however, would bring up forums talking about revolutions S3RP3NT had started in other cities. S3RP3NT had revealed himself in three other cities so far, in the same way he had revealed himself in Maple Pines, and his appearence started to fuel a revolt against the city's government and police force. In every city S3RP3NT appeared, the crime rate had been unusually high before the revolution, but only in one of the cities was it ever proven that a government official had been corrupt. Apparently that official ordered the death of a college girl who... well the reason why was unclear, and varied from post to post.

@EchoTehGecko  @Ichijou Raku


Akira looks up at Dan, her expression completely neutral. "My car is parked near the cafe we met at this morning. I'd appriciate it if you could walk me back there," she says, her voice emotionless, and distant.

@The Fabulous Emerald 
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Akira's mind wanders as they walk back, and they arrive at the cafe sooner than she thought they would. Akira stops in front of the door to the cafe, and looks up at Dan, this time forcing herself to smile and sound a little more normal when she speaks. "Thanks for today. It was fun."

@The Fabulous Emerald
Note: Night phase will end after a few posts. So if you have interactions to finish then now is a good time.
Welp, Crow does random crime stops for the night. Minor thefts, mugging, etcetera. Nothing special. I would've wrote a bank robbery or something, but I don't have time. Maybe tomorrow.
Raiden sighed, and quickly switched to his civilian attire. "There. Happy? I don't need anything from you by the way, I'm just wanting to talk. Besides, I have what I need."

@Ichijou Raku



Liam stepped back, tripping on his foot as he fell to the floor. He looked back up to the assassin, sighing in dismay as a cloud of smoke consumed any trace left he had of him. "He left. He forgot the blueprints too." He called out to the police outside of the room. Liam was helped up by one of the officers, emitting a long audible breath of despair before turning to the chief of the squadron. "I'll be paying tribute to the fallen officers. Alert me when it's open... for now, I've got business." He said, his voice more serious as he walked around the man, down the building and into his limo.

"We're going--" His sentence was cut off as his driver finished the sentence. "To the cave? On it." Liam smiled,  turning to Sebastian who sat beside him as he'd figured out who it was, Gregory. "So, did the assassin guy get the blueprints?" His friend asked as they continued driving towards the outskirts of town. "No. He just... left. Hard to believe, seemed pretty passionate over the thing. Well, now it's police evidence, but what bugs me is... I... It..." He shook his head, smacking his fist into the wall in front of him. "As if it were your fault? You feel guilty?" Sebastian interrupted, his accent thick british. "What he said." Liam nodded. "I'm gonna look for him. In the meanwhile, I'll take out my anger on the crooks."


A couple minutes later Liam was on his bike, driving through the streets of the city. "Gang shootout, Grandes versus The Kill Gang. Minors but equally important. Down mainstreet, turn left into Thornbush." Gregory said through the earphones installed in Liam's helmet. Liam nodded, following the coordinates on his GPS before parking near an alley. He could see the two gangs, each owning their own territory. Liam got off the bike, running towards one of the cars on the Grandes' side. He looked down to a group of the thugs, flipping his helmet to night vision mode before throwing a flashbang.  They halted fire as they were blinded, using the stun ammo, he easily took them each down with shots to their torsos, successfully missing any kill zones.

He turned to the Kill Gang, throwing a smoke bomb towards them. Leaping onto one of the destroyed cars, he leaped across the road, firing multiples shots at them with his shock bullets. Liam landed on the hood of one of the cars, looking to the remaining few. "Assholes." He said bluntly before jumping onto one of the crooks' head. Shots began firing at him as he spun on the man's neck, pulling his head down, using him as a human shield. Possibly a felony, he didn't really care now as he smashed the man's head into the floor, KOed. The bullets of his foes repelled off of his suit, it still stung but his anger covered it. He sent a punch to one of the criminal's head, turning into a spin kick towards the man behind him. "There's another hostile, can't find h--" He was cut off as he was struck in the head, falling into one of the cars as well as colliding into a car. His vision mixed for a moment before he sent his elbows into his attacker's chin, followed by a forceful punch to the guy's temple, knocking him out instantly. "Bitch." He added before walking back to his motorcycle.

Liam boarded the vehicle, revving it before sending a flare into the air via his gun. It'd be his new sign, possibly an emblem of hope. He continued down the road, halting various other crimes.


The fourth bag fell to the floor as he punched it. Sebastian and Greg were relieved of duty, convenient. He couldn't forget the assassin hired to steal the blueprints. If he could enter Eobard Laird's building unnoticed, he surely was skilled. "I just have to get stronger." He repeated to himself, sending a series of punches into the next punching bag. His anger rised as he raged on the bag, sending another one into the floor. To top his anger, his father's car was ranshacked, Gregory had it but with it's current condition, his friend said it'd take about an hour or two to decipher the crook.

Going to get more interactive as the RP progresses. My device wasn't working and still needs to be fixed as to why I couldn't reply or am not going much in depth in this post either. Just a reminder, Nelson Tek is open for a character's job as well as Youth Programs, more in DM/PM.
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Kai Williams

"Okay, whatever" Kai said. He opened up his laptop and tried to browse on what the config programs did. Unfortunately, they found nothing. When he opened up the site in a normal web, he saw the contact me hyperlink. He sighed and clicked the link.

Note: Night phase will end after a few posts. So if you have interactions to finish then now is a good time.

Note: Alright so I'll end the night phase soon once the interaction between Kai and Raiden is done. If you want to continue then do so then tell me when your ready.

P.S: @Shammy the Shamrock if you want to get a quick post in on Mantis doing something then now is your chance.
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The Mantis

After the day had finished, Adam closed up the shop and ran home to get ready for his 'Night Shift.'  Though he did pass out from the lack of sleep and the coffee crash.  He woke up and realized he had missed a couple of hours and suited up, putting on his suit with the arm blades before heading out through the window.  Like before, The Mantis traveled from roof to roof, staring down at the people below for any sign of trouble.  While running, he thought about what the girl had said about the crime rate, guess he was here to make sure it didn't go out of hand.


(Sorry, i've been busy lately.  Will disappear for 30 minutes to clean)
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An ice cream truck pulled up to the front of the MPPD. The man inside hit a button and suddenly, a shade swung open and the ice cream truck theme song began to play. Kids immediately began to line up in front of Theta's ice cream truck, though they quickly ran when they realized they were in front of the police office. "Now I'll just wait for her..." Theta said as he leaned against his chair.



"The Captain"

Christina was busy doing her paperwork. So far, there were stacks upon stacks of paper on her desk, all being meticulously filed and signed by the captain. Her signature might as well be a stamp at this point. And then it hit her, the sound in her ears...the sound of...the eerily distinct but somewhat nostalgic sound of her old friend...

"Ice cream." The captain said as she walked out of the MPPD. Normally it was against the rules to solicit in front of the police office but this was a different type of visit. She reached into her coat and pulled papers out...

. . .

"I'd like six strawberry cones. With sprinkles." If only the criminals could see the head honcho of the justice system order strawberry ice cream with sprinkles.

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An unknown office


On an office building somewhere within the safer city district, a man was sitting down on his spinning chair. He is currently turned towards the window which is behind his desk and looks towards the city. His face is calm but he retains a sense of caution. 

"The elections are coming up... No doubt The Black Dragon's are the one's behind my supporters turning left field on me. No doubt they're trying to attain power in this city the same way I am. No matter it's fine. The upcoming elections are mine and mine alone." 

[No interaction]

The Edition


It is morning once again in the city of Maple Pines. A live broadcast of The Edition plays once more.

"Hello Maple Pines how's it going? It's me, DJ, and I'm here with some news. Last night was cray cray let me tell you what! So you won't believe this first bit of news... the current mayor, Adam East, had been attacked by a large group of hoodlums on the streets at night. Luckily the police, especially Christina the police captain, had interrupted this "would-be assassination." Thankfully there weren't many casualties as it a car had interrupted the shoot-out! Even the criminal known as Ghost had helped out the police as well! Oh man talk about crazy. What the hell is going on in this city am I right?" He chuckles a bit before continuing on.

"Also on that same night a broadcast had been playing on every single device imaginable in the city talking about 'revolution' and what not," he says as he uses the word revolution with a patriotic accent. "First an assassination and then a hacking broadcast about revolution? Something tells me the upcoming elections are going to be off the hiss house! Now then time for... dun dun dun! The rankings!

Vigilante Rankings

1. Our number one is... Once again FLASHBANG! Man you are just on a roll aren't you? You stop another gang once more. Maybe next time you could do something about those Black Dragon's am I right?

2. Our number two is... Crow! Now it was more or less stopping typical crimes but hey that's still doing something. Keep it up my friend.

3. And our number three and most unexpected is... WHOA It'S GHOST! That's right our fellow criminal here has become a vigilante for once! Perhaps it's a change for the good?

Criminal Rankings

That's right we have criminal rankings this time!

1. Our number one for this week is... The guy who calls himself S3RP3NT! Man you must be talented for someone who literally broadcasted using every device imaginable. Is revolution coming once more?

2. Our number two this week is... Paranoia!!! This infamous assassin known for fear-tactics had struck at the Liam Nelson building that I had discussed earlier today. Don't be on the end of his hit list now!

3. And our number three is the man with the gas mask that robbed a drug store! If you have a name then I apologize. But yes someone actually robbed a drug store! Not only that he left sleeping gas behind to the people there.

Now that's all for today. Yesterday night was one HELL of a news storm believe me. Now then... tune in later!~"

Morning has come to Maple Pines.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali @JPax

@Ichijou Raku @SimonTheGuy @Hanah Solo @SirGrey @Kyon 

@Barred @EchoTehGecko @The Fabulous Emerald

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