Main RP [RP happens here]


Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"I can't believe you have the license to drive an ambulance." The sound of sirens drowned out the captain's voice. However, the man driving the ambulance next to her had heard. Theta's hearing was exceptional. "Oh yeah, I can drive whatever I want. Anyways, what's the priority? The crook or the girl?" "Girl, definitely the girl." That was the fastest the police captain ever said anything. The ambulance pulled up and Theta hit the parking breaks. "Alright. If that robber comes close I'll fill him with railgun steel." 

Christina ran out and crouched down next to Hanah. Skull wounds, blood, all the usual things seemed to be there. However, she was breathing. "Jesus christ girl, you're starved." Christina lifted Hanah up and carried her to the ambulance, setting her on the stretcher in the back. "Christie, you gonna stay back with her?" The captain nodded and began to monitor Hanah's vitals. She didn't care that it was the racey driver, in the end she was a minor and a priority for the police. Theta began to drive to the hospital with a blank face. "Theta, what are the-" "Sigmoid sinus. Though I doubt there are any injuries."

The captain just nodded and checked Hanah's pulse again as they approached the hospital.

@Hanah Solo

Hanah dreames and talks

"Mommy it hurts..."

Switch of dream, Hanah start seeing her mother's murder. Her pulse raises, breathing gets harder and she start both struggling and yelling.

"MOM! MOM! MOM!....."
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Kai Williams

Kai closed his laptop, hid it in his backpack, and strolled for a bit around the park. He yawned, then he regretted that he didn't sleep last night. Kai visited the nearest coffee shop and ordered a regular cappuccino. He sat in a chair that looks comfortable. Kai set his bag beside him. He first took a sip on his coffee, then he opened up his laptop again. He tried browsing for S3RP3NT so he can get additional information. While browsing, Kai saw that the internet got caught up the phenomenon that happened last night really fast. Literally, everything in his front page was about the S3RP3NT. Kai then continued to search for more.

(open to anyone for interaction)
Kai Williams

Kai closed his laptop, hid it in his backpack, and strolled for a bit around the park. He yawned, then he regretted that he didn't sleep last night. Kai visited the nearest coffee shop and ordered a regular cappuccino. He sat in a chair that looks comfortable. Kai set his bag beside him. He first took a sip on his coffee, then he opened up his laptop again. He tried browsing for S3RP3NT so he can get additional information. While browsing, Kai saw that the internet got caught up the phenomenon that happened last night really fast. Literally, everything in his front page was about the S3RP3NT. Kai then continued to search for more.

(open to anyone for interaction)

There would be rumors around about a couple other "revolutions" S3RP3NT had started, one actually involving a government official who had a college girl killed. Why the girl was killed was a matter of speculation, but there were pictures of the girl and the official confirming that it was a real case.


(I will actually have my characters interact with people once I get home.)
Today is one of Dan's college days, so that's where he is all morning and afternoon. He does things that you would expect a college goer to do - practical work in the workshops, using lathes, drills, grinders and the like, theory work where he (easily) does complex mathematical equations like complex rotating members, UDL bending moment diagrams etcetera all while enjoying good banter with his mates.

At lunch, he checks his phone for updates on the police and the news (so he knows about some stuff, but not at a great detail) and also sees if Akira is online on Not-Facebook (I presume he would've (if she has social media), but of course, if that isn't right @Crystal Cali, that's fine).
he finally reaches home his shitty truck not giving out this time as he gets to his old run down apartment building his new silver neckless gripped in his hand "finally " mutters as he opens the door to the lobby the old Chines... Japanese... Asia land lady looking at him smiling always smiling. He had heard the sound of what she did to people who didn't pay her on time they were never hear from again and he knew to pay every month every dime no matter what but she wouldn't talk. he went up his shot gun  was in hand as he opened the apartment door and put it on the table next to his cleaning kit along with the box. he grabs the cleaning kit and walks over to the couch and lays down "proud of me now dad" he mutters as he starts cleaning the silver neckless wondering what he can pawn it off for as he looks it over while cleaning. @Hanah Solo
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Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"Jesus fuck. Wake up, you're a big girl." Christina frowned when she said that. By that she meant age, not size. "Theta, can you get an analysis on her?" As they stopped at the corner, the man at the seat hopped off and walked over to Hanah. Theta pulled out several medical equipment and began assessing her old injuries. "Well, she looks like she's sixteen or something, but she has the fragile body of a sixty year old man from all that injury and malnutrition." Theta pulled out a shiny needle and prepared to inject glucose into her blood stream. "Gonna need her to wake up for this..." "Alright."

@Hanah Solo
A search for Akira's social media would lead to an account with very little information. She had less than ten friends, only one picture, and no status updates. It would appear that the only reason she had the account was to follow tech companies, and news outlets.

@The Fabulous Emerald

Hanah opens her eyes and sees man whit needle next to her.


Hanah goes in full panic attack and tries kick man.

Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"Jesus christ!" Theta's slow reaction times doesn't help him and he took the kick. Though it was rather easy to block because of Hanah's lack of mass and strength. "Do you want me to hold her?"

 "Do you want to break her bones?"


Christina just waited and Theta pulled out a capsule. "Okay, look, you have some head damage. And a lot of injuries. You're fragile at the moment, I suggest you stay still. What's your problem with me anyways?"

@Hanah Solo

Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"What are you, a radical feminist?" Theta chuckled and turned to Christina. "Do something..."

Christina took the needle and stood next to Hanah. Even though Theta was taller, Christina looked like she'd be far more menacing with the needles. The muscles on the back of her hand tensed as she brought the needle closer to the inside of Hanah's elbow. "This'll only hurt half a second..."

@Hanah Solo

Hanah seems little bit relaxed whit near unknown woman and gives small nod.

"I miss mom." She whispers only loud enough to woman hear.
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Dan makes a note of this, and his Crow instinct is making him suspicious of this. However, he is still at college, so he can't do anything until around 4pm when he finishes.
Kai Williams

He didn't notice the time. Apparently, when he entered the coffee shop, he went on to search for S3RP3NT. After he got the info, he didn't leave. Instead, he watched 3 hours of cringe-worthy youtube videos. He regretted it. The coffee shop manager persuaded Kai the easy way to leave the place because he was occupying that seat for like, 4 hours. He picked up his bag and left the coffee shop. He tapped his hidden pocket on his jeans, and he felt more safer because his dagger was just sitting in there. He looked down and walked slowly, deciding if he has to go to his apartment again, since he made less progress on finding S3RP3NT than he expected.

(open to interact with or interact to)
@Ichijou Raku

(Yo, Ichijou, can I join?)

Reno was bored to death. He went and bought another Buddy Holly vynil, which he really didnt need and decided to walka round town. He saw a young gentleman standing across the street. There was no particular reason as to why, but he intriuged Reno. Quickly, he stepped infront of the man, which probably seemed very awkward to everyone but Reno.
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Kai Williams

"Uh, may I help you?" Kai asked in a relaxed tone. He made up his mind by stopping by his apartment then go back searching for the serpent man. He held the shoulder straps in his backpack closely to him. Any minute now he could get attacked by a bazillion samurai warriors coming from above, but he decided not to think of that.

@Ichijou Raku

"Hello," Reno didnt really know where to go from here. He had very little friends. He had no friends. "So, hows your day?"

Reno began to very obviously try to peer into the bag of the man, curious to no end about what his business was.
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Kai Williams

He was getting suspicious of the man in front of him. "I'm okay." He replied in a natural tone. "What do you need?" His senses and his guard are on high alert right now. He tried not think of 'Unlucky Guesses of What's Gonna Happen Next' in his brain.

@Ichijou Raku

Reno felt the slight hostility radiating off the man. Nevertheless, his disability to determine peoples very obvious beahviors pushed him to probably further annoy the man.

"Nothing much really, you seem like an interesting person. We should be friends." This is probably how you make friends, Reno assumed.
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Kai Williams

A small smile drew across Kai's face. "Sure. I'm Kai. Kai Williams." He replied. He felt a little comfortable after that. He is like, his only friend in this city. He believed that, since he felt the truth coming out of his mouth. He tried not to show that his senses are still on alert.

Reno, being the social retard he is, assumed there was no more tension.

"Kai, what a nice name. Im Reno Kowalski." Reno thrust his hand infront for a formal shake.

@Ichijou Raku
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Kai Williams

Kai thrusted his hand to accept the handshake. "Hey Reno. Anyways, what brings you in this area?" He lowered his guard for a bit, trying to keep the good atmosphere flowing.

@Ichijou Raku

"Really just passing through, Im a substitute chemistry teacher, heading to work in an hour, but no one really likes me there." Reno continued on as though this is how conversations were meant to happen."What do you do?"
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Kai Williams

"I do nothing." Kai lied. "Nothing at all. Anyways, I'm kind of in a hurry." He ran to the direction of his apartment. Then, he stopped to say one last thing. "Oh, and if you need me, I'm always here at the park. See you later!" Kai ran to his route.


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