Main RP [RP happens here]

Hanah continues crying.

"I want to go home..."

"I'm afraid that we can't really do that right now you are really hurt but as soon as we get you to the hospital and you recover we will have you home soon." he says in a comforting tone. The recovery might take a week might be a month who knows but even when she gets loose she will  have a cast on for a little he thinks

Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

While the sergeant was dealing with Hanah, Christina and Theta remained in the driver and shotgun seat with the door closed. "Christina? This is a serious problem, the force has nearly nothing to do." Theta picked up a tablet and opened it. The ambulance was now what was replacing the usual ice cream truck that Theta rode. "Yo, can you tell everyone in the back where we're going?" 

Christina nodded and pulled down an intercom. "Attention Hanah and Mr. Guerra, we're going to take Hanah to the hospital. We can't keep her in the ambulance and there seems to be space." As she said this, Theta turned on the ambulance and began setting a gps to the hospital.

@Hanah Solo @Theflamre
Hanah closes her crying eyes as pillow under her head starts slowly turning red around her hair, her head wounds has keep bleeding blood.
Hanah closes her crying eyes as pillow under her head starts slowly turning red around her hair, her head wounds has keep bleeding blood.

"Ahh fuck me" he says rapping her head in bandages quickly hoping to stop the blood from flowing.
after finishing his bandaging he sits back down "so what do you mean captain do you mean we just aren't their or that we can't move her " he says speaking into the intercom on his side. @JPax
Christina Hales and ???

"The Captain" "Theta"

"We're here now." Theta made it to the hospital and stopped in the parking lot. Immediately, Christina got up and opened the back. She pulled Hanah's stretcher all the way to the hospital on her own with no strain whatsoever. "Alright, I'm gonna need six doctors here." A few doctor showed up, but Theta was currently posing as a surgeon at this point. After all, he did have medical experience and could very well heal Hanah. 

The captain remained in the lobby, looking over her files. "Nothing's been happening for a while. Guerra, stay here. I need status updates on crime right now."

@Hanah Solo @Theflamre


Head judge was looking his latest case where he had let free again one of criminal in gang that pays him, at his office.

"One job again done, i should get more money out from them."

Judge turns his chair around towards window and looks outside of it.

"Nobody can even put me front of law from my place."

Suddenly there was whistle, window breaked and judge's head exploded from large bullet. In shadows at neighbouring roof person left.
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Kai Williams

Kai finally woke up. He checked the time and planted his face onto the pillow. "Okay, Kai. Unpacking time." He muttered, with his voice muffled. He stood up and started to unpack his things. He first set up all the important things. Clothes, personal hygiene items, and a classy fountain pen. He put the clothes on the closet, and everything seemed to be organized. Next up with the personal hygiene stuff, he put his toothbrush and bathrobe inside the bathroom then everything else above the compartment inside the closet. With his fountain pen, he hid it somewhere secret. Finally, he put another laptop, much bigger than what he have in his backpack right now in the table. He put a makeshift modem then connected the cable in his laptop. He was pretty much done on that moment. Kai decided to check his car in the inside parking lot of the apartment. "It's still there." He said as he let out a calm sigh. Kai decided to explore around the park for a bit.

(Note: the classy fountain pen I have has a small impact on my character development)

(open for interaction)
John decides to go for a break since nothing was going on. Besides, the boys in blue can just call him if they need him. He takes his fedora and his keys then leaves the PD, a new cigarette in his mouth, and walks confidently to his car, a normal squad car model (but entirely black) and gets in and drives around the streets of the city.

(technically open for interaction, but im leaving in half an hour for a bit, so..)

        (back now, so...)

After some time driving, John gets out of his car and wanders the park, his two pistols dangling in their holsters in his belt, not hidden in the slightest. He also has his badge on the belt.
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Akira's van is parked in a parking lot in the park. Akira had been typing away on her computer, trying to locate S3RP3NT, with little luck. Of course he would know how to hide from her. The situation was becoming more and more frustrating. After trying several different things, Akira lets out a frustrated sigh, and hops out of her van. She slams the door behind her, causing it to make a fairly loud noise before she locks the van, and pulls the door she came out of to make sure it was latched tight.

@The Fabulous Emerald


Searan still waits in his apartment, watching his computer for when someone tries to contact S3RP3NT. He starts to grow bored and starts tinkering with things, though refuses to leave his house.
John, who is walking past at the time, hears the sound and lowers his hand to his holster, but quickly lets it drop after realizing it was a van. However, he does wonder why a 25 year old girl has a van in a park, so he goes up to her.

"What are you doing here with the van, girl?"

He is currently smoking, and speaks with a (naturally) deep voice.

@Crystal Cali

Rin and Kaito

Location: Odd Jobs and Gags


Rin continues sitting in the store, lost in thought while listening to music through his headphones. He's tapping his finger against his forearm and taps his foot on the ground. Ever since flipping the open sign, he's had several customers walk in, requesting jobs like finding a missing cat or some other boring errands. None of them caught his eye, so he declined all of them. He sighs, waiting for a REAL job to do. And then, something comes as a real surprise. Kaito walks into the store, his face clearly meaning business. Kaito knows that he will avoid talking to his brother, Rin, at all costs. He loathes him. Hey, Rin. I, uh... need your help with something..." Kaito requests awkwardly, knowing that he's going to soon regret this decision. "Well if it isn't my brother Kaito! I didn't think I'd ever see you here!" Rin teases, playfully. Little fucking brat, Kaito thinks. "After all these years, you never ONCE came to visit me? Why is that, I wonder?" Rin plans to attempt to guilt trip Kaito. Kaito isn't having any of it. "Rin, don't even start-"

It's too late. Rins mocking shenanigans have already begun. There is nothing that Kaito can do about it now. Rin holds a hand to his chin as if thinking for a moment. "Oh, that's right!! I'm pretty sure you said something about me being, and I quote, 'a no good, word-twisting, foolish piece of shit that should have never been born.'" Rin smiles innocently, clearly not actually mad about the current topic. For such a moronic imbecile, he has quite a way with words. "But enough about that. How can I help my sweet brother today?" Kaito is clenching his fists and gritting his teeth hard. He's trying so hard to hold back from punching him square in the face right now. His face is blood red and his blood is boiling. He lets out a long sigh and takes a seat in one of the old wooden chairs of the shop. "I have a favor to ask of you. Actually, it's more of a request."

There is only a select few words that can possibly be used to describe the look on Rin's face right now: smug, cocky, and oh-I-have-so-much-dirt-on-you-right-now. Rin stands up and gives Kaito a nice big shrug. "And why would I, a quote on quote 'rotten' brother like myself, be obliged to help you on this fine day?" Kaito pulls out a hefty wad of benjamins and plots them on the table in front of him. "How's this sound to you? $20,000, cold hard cash. You in?" Rin simply laughs at Kaito. Damn does Kaito hate being belittled by his brother. "We both know I don't care about the money, Kaito. I'm a thrill seeker. If the job sounds fun, I'll do it. If not, you're SOL" Kaito smirks. This should make him interested in the job. If he wants something fun and daring, this is perfect. "Okay Rin. Here's my proposal. I need you to sneak into the police station and erase some files on my alias, Ghost." "Okay, bro. I'm interested." Kaito explains the rest of the details in a separate, more secluded room of the store, quickly hooking Rin into the plan. 

Chi Dark

Chi walked to near bar and sit next to counter.


(Open to interact, even if you only come to same bar)
Akira whirls around to face the person who spoke, not at all happy with his tone. She looks him over, noting that he has a gun. Her gun was holstered to her hip in plain sight as well, though she makes no motion towards it. No need to be confrontational. "It's my van," she says plainly.

@The Fabulous Emerald 
Akira's annoyance level was already pretty high before this guy started talking to her, and it was going even higher. She crosses her arms and leans up against the side of her van. "Do you have yours?" she retorts. "Let me see your badge, and I'll show you my ID."

@The Fabulous Emerald
Akira inspects the ID, scrutinizing it closely for a moment, before pulling her own driver's license out of her pocket. She holds it out to him in between two fingers. The ID itself was real, and clearly belonged to Akira. The address on the ID was for an apartment nearby. "Anything else I can help you with, officer?" she says in a respectful tone, though her expression showed mild irritation.

@The Fabulous Emerald 
Akira raises an eyebrow. "I like the park. It's quiet," she says, not adding anything as she had already told the officer this was her van, which was veritably the truth. The only thing that may be odd about it is that the van was purchased in a completely different part of the country, though the plates were for this part of the country, but that could just mean that she moved a long distance. 

@The Fabulous Emerald

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