Main RP [RP happens here]

"Uh huh...anything in the back?"

John is more suspicious of the fact that she is in the park, not a car park or anything, with a van in particular. Especially one made in another country. You can probably see why he would be suspicious.

@Crystal Cali
(Same country just a different part of the country.)

Akira gives the officer a cold look. "Yes, but if you want to see inside, you'd need a warrant. I assume there are still procedures you have to follow, despite the chaos in this city," she makes little effort to hide the annoyance in her voice now.

@The Fabulous Emerald
"A warrant? Well, I can see a gun on your person, and you are refusing to tell me what is in there. That is highly suspicious to me and, by law, that means I can search your van for however long I please. If you let me search your van, I won't impound it for illegal parking."

He throws his tab to the ground since he was finished it. Also, both of them are legit police laws so...yeah. I understand this seems like BS, but he is a police detective after all.

@Crystal Cali
Akira sighs, pulling another card out of her wallet. "I have a license for the gun as well," she says, showing him her certification for carrying firearms. "It is still legal to be able to defend yourself in a city with such a high crime rate, is it not?"

@The Fabulous Emerald

Chi Dark

Some big man walks behind Chi.

"Is little girl seeking fun? I might to have something to you."

Chi doesn't care man behind her and takes gulp from her sake.

"You answer when i speak to you!"

Man throws Chi's sake to wall.

"You own me, my drink."

"So little girl can talk, Now I can give you something else to drink."

Man tries take hold of Chi's head, but Chi uses his hand to jump and kicks his jaw.

"Is there more idiots?"

From table where man had come raises more men.

"Time to show their mistake."
He inspects it.

"Fair enough. I guess I can't enter without a warrant and I don't get paid enough to get one so enjoy your day. However, if you do anything illegal, I will find out."

After saying the last bit, he tips his fedora and goes to sit on a nearby bench, watching the van. He also says something to a radio receiver, but it would probably be too quiet to hear.

Dan finishes college, and heads home. He spends a bit of time doing his home assignments, but has a couple of weeks to do them so he can procratinate if he needs too.

@Crystal Cali
Akira huffs and rolls her eyes once she sees the officer was far enough away that he wouldn't notice.  "Well, that was annoying," she mumbles, pushing herself off the side of her van, then clicking a button on the clicker to activate the car alarm. Akira walks the opposite direction as the officer, further into the park, keeping a brisk pace as she attempts to calm herself.

(Open for Interaction)
John lights himself another cigarette as he makes a note of the time. He plans on checking out where the van goes later (via timeframes on CCTV).

Now that I'm thinking about it, just from some British cities, the main park is often in between the buildings like colleges, PDs, etcetera and the sort of area Dan lives in meaning he probably goes through the park to get to his house. I guess that makes him up for interaction too.

Chi Dark

Some big man walks behind Chi.

"Is little girl seeking fun? I might to have something to you."

Chi doesn't care man behind her and takes gulp from her sake.

"You answer when i speak to you!"

Man throws Chi's sake to wall.

"You own me, my drink."

"So little girl can talk, Now I can give you something else to drink."

Man tries take hold of Chi's head, but Chi uses his hand to jump and kicks his jaw.

"Is there more idiots?"

From table where man had come raises more men.

"Time to show their mistake."

Akira sees a bar from the park. Seems like another good place to let off some steam, or else drink away her pent up anger. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but Akira was on the verge of full-blown rage. She enters the place, stopping at the door to see the scene of a bar fight. She simply rolls her eyes, walks over to the counter, takes a seat, and waits for things to settle.
Dan could really do with a beer. The fact he has this sudden thirst has absolutely no correlation to the fact he saw Akira go in there. Nope. You can't prove anything.
Chi looks to final man to his eyes after knocking out two of his friends using their own weight.

"Are you going to buy my sake?"

"Here take my money."

Man gives all his money to Chi and runs away, bumping into Dan when exiting.

Chi walks back to counter and gives money to bartender.

"Sake and keep change."
Dan looks back at the man, annoyed, but thinks little of it. Crow will beat him up later.

Dan goes to the counter, pretending to not notice Akira yet, and orders himself a Woodpecker cider. It may not be the strongest, but it is his favourite.
Akira glances towards the door as she spots movement from the window. She sees Dan entering, and raises an eyebrow. That's suspicious, but at this point she had no evidence to confirm Dan is a criminal, or a stalker. She watches the confrontation with Chi and the other man, mildly impressed by how Chi handles herself. She notices Dan didn't really look in her direction, but doesn't say anything. She looks to the bartender and says "I'll have Sake as well," noting that Chi had already ordered some.

@Hanah Solo @The Fabulous Emerald
Dan is currently wearing overalls, has a set of Vernier calipers and a small monkey wrench in his pocket, and a heavy looking pair of steelcapped boots on. The overalls are also probably branded with the college he goes to.

Once he gets his cider, he pulls the ringpull and starts drinking.
Akira looks over to Chi, raising an eyebrow. "Japanese rice wine," she says, not making her usual effort to pronounce the words without her clearly Japanese accent. She pauses for a moment, then shrugs, figuring the girl was either too drunk to notice Akira's Asian features, or just plain unobservant. As she was looking over, she sees Dan, noticing the outfit he's wearing. "Hello, Dan. Did you just get out of class?" she asks, figuring it wouldn't do her any good to ignore him, especially if he really was interested in her.

@The Fabulous Emerald @Hanah Solo 
Akira wasn't buying Dan's act about not noticing she was there, but wasn't going to bring it up. The bartender brings her the Sake she ordered, and Akira takes a drink of it before answering. "Eh, could be better. Work is a bit slow," her voice had a hint of irritation in it.

@The Fabulous Emerald
Akira looks to Chi, and nods. "I didn't think of that, but it makes sense," she says, then looks to Dan, raising an eyebrow. Well, he was perceptive. She takes another drink as she considers how much she actually wants to tell him. "A police officer found me suspicious enough to interrogate simply because I drive a white van and carry a gun. He wasn't very professional."

@Hanah Solo @The Fabulous Emerald
Akira looks to Chi, and nods. "I didn't think of that, but it makes sense," she says, then looks to Dan, raising an eyebrow. Well, he was perceptive. She takes another drink as she considers how much she actually wants to tell him. "A police officer found me suspicious enough to interrogate simply because I drive a white van and carry a gun. He wasn't very professional."

@Hanah Solo @The Fabulous Emerald

Chi gives small laught.
Akira frowns, gesturing to the gun she had on her hip. "Yes, I carry a gun, and I have the proper certifications to. It's not like I was waving it around, I was just walking through the park," she grumbles, taking another drink of Sake.

@The Fabulous Emerald
"Do you say that he had right to think that she is suspicious only because she drives and carry gun... HERE!"

Chi rises up, leaving empty glass to counter.

(It should at least suprice Dan that Chi talks english.)

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