Main RP [RP happens here]

Akira notices the expression on Dan's face, and raises an eyebrow. "I guess the memories would probably be even more special if you didn't travel very much," she comments, drinking a little bit more, though pushing the glass away before it was completely empty.

@The Fabulous Emerald
"Erm...I know there's a pub food place near here, with some proper British cooking? I think there's also a pizza/kebab shop nearer to here though too. I don't remember any others, but I could Google it."

Dan takes out enough money to pay for his own drinks, since he doesn't know the price of sake.

"I'm up for whatever."
Note: I'll be making it night time soon. Once people seem to be at a good point then I'll do the transition. Oh and @Crystal Cali if you want to make that S3RP3NT revolution into a side quest then I'll allow it. 
Akira thinks for a moment. "Pizza sounds good to me," she says cheerfully. She takes out enough cash to pay for her own drinks, then hops off the chair a bit too fast. Akira pauses to steady herself, though she wasn't exactly drunk enough to be stumbling. The room just spun a little. She wasn't sure where the pizza place was, so she'd let Dan lead the way.

@The Fabulous Emerald

( @YoungX That sounds like a good idea.)
"You alright there?"

He says with a chuckle, as he pays for his drinks. Afterwards, I imagine that he would lead her there, unless something happens?

If not, it's just your standard, run of the mill pizza place. You know, walk in, order, watch it being made while you sit behind the counter, and leave. A proper kebab/pizza shop.

@Crystal Cali
Akira makes a face at Dan when he chuckles at her, and follows him to the pizza place. When they walk in, she notices right away that this place didn't have places to sit and eat. She doesn't bring it up, just waits to see what Dan suggests. "So, what kind of pizza do you like? I usually just go with plain sausage, unless the pizza place has some interesting specialty pizza."

@The Fabulous Emerald


Shadowkiller watched when Akira and Dan walked out of bar not long after them, guys that Chi knock out followed them.

Leader of them taked out gun, but before he could fire Shadowkiller walked behind him and sliced his throat open. Then she jumped over gurgling body to others slicing 2 closer one's hands so they drop their guns and then finishing last one from his stomach before he could raise his shotgun. Then she moved back to shadows.
(hmm...i guess americans ight not have a british style pizza shop...)

It's just a standard menu. They usually have pizzas like pepperoni, meat feast, bolognese, etcetera. It also has things like kebabs, wraps, and stuff like that. Dan doesn't look at the wall mounted menu, like he knows it already. He smiles at the man at the counter, who smiles back. It seems Dan's a regular here.

@Crystal Cali


In hospital doctors had finally finished Hanah's last emergency surgeon. There was still lot to do, but that would need insurance.

One of female doctor's to Theta: "We are ready to wake her up, is there any family members to waiting her?"

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(Probably depends on what area you live in. I'm not 100% sure when you were trying to describe, but it was a place with no place to sit and eat, right? I know there are some places like that around here, but also places with dining rooms.)

Akira catches the looks between the two, picking up that they knew each other. She grins. "Come here often?" she asks in a teasing tone. "Hehe. I knew people in college who practically survived on pizza. It is pretty quick and easy, though I could never eat something so heavy too often. If I wanted something in a hurry that I could eat while studying, I'd usually buy sushi from the on-campus store."

@The Fabulous Emerald
(Okay, that's kinda what I thought it would look like)

Akira chuckles. "Yeah, yeah there is. I haven't really cooked for myself in a long time, but I did often cook when living in Japan. The cafeteria would always be a mess, and I didn't want to get convenience store food, so I typically made my own lunch."

@The Fabulous Emerald
Akira scans over the menu real quick as she thinks. "The meat feast pizza sounds good," she looks back over to Dan. "If you're okay with that one. I know I can't eat a whole pizza by myself," she smiles.

@The Fabulous Emerald
(I got distracted. :P)

Akira nods. "I'm fine with the park," she says cheerfully. Akira starts to feel a bit strange, like there was someone watching. She turns slowly towards the window behind her, trying to play it off as if she were checking the place out so she doesn't look strange.

@The Fabulous Emerald @Hanah Solo

Soon night approaches the city of Maple Pines once more


It was a pretty typical night but there was the absence of The Black Dragon. It was typical for them to rarely show up but it seemed a bit too strange that they weren't lurking about. Still the people figured it was for the best and went about with their night lives. In any case, it was time for vigilantes and criminals to perform their duties via the shadows. What awaits the people tonight?

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali @JPax @Theflamre

@Ichijou Raku @SimonTheGuy @Hanah Solo @SirGrey @Kyon 

@Barred @EchoTehGecko @The Fabulous Emerald

Note: Night Time! God YoungX what took you so long?
Akira looks back to Dan. She was unable to see whoever was watching them, but the feeling still didn't go away. "Right. Sooo.... what should we do?" she says, then glancing outside the window again, she looks a little caught off guard. "Oh, it got dark pretty fast. Maybe eating in the park is a bad idea."

@The Fabulous Emerald

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