Main RP [RP happens here]

Akira gives Dan a grateful smile. "Thanks," she says with a calmer expression than she had before. "I'm glad I talked to you about this." Though her lack of freelance work was not exactly the source of her problem, and she wasn't about to actually admit what was, talking to Dan had made her feel a bit better.

@The Fabulous Emerald
"Really" Edward says in a mildly interested voice. Weapons are always something the criminals of this 'fair' city are in need of. Perhaps he could use this gentlemen. Then again not everyone is built for this business so he would have to be sure first. "I myself run an... business which could use a skill like that just there is one thing I must ask you first" Edward says as he uses his phone. An orders to have a car he brought to him. "Why do you make weapons?". @Crystal Cali
Searan tilts his head to the side. "Why? Because I want to bring forth a revolution. I want to expose the ones in power for the power hungry monsters they are. The reason dangerous cities like this exist is because those in charge, those who say they protect the citizens, take too much power for themselves. I want to... even the playing field."

Akira also takes a drink from her cup, but then pauses in silence for a long time. She had kind of run out of things to say. She taps her fingers on her leg for a while before reaching for a small remote. "Er... do you want to watch something? Or I could just turn on some music if you have something you want to talk about.... or not," she shrugs. "I don't know. You're a guest here, so you decide."

@The Fabulous Emerald
"Ahhhh how noble a cause" Edward says with a smile. A false smile but no reason to be start a fight. Being one of the ones with power well Searan wouldn't be likely to work with him. Still that is what lies are for.  As his car pulls up Edward gets in the back. Having the window open the mastermind hands the revolutionary his card. "If you ever need help in your cause give me a ring I have some resources you may find useful. @Crystal Cali 




It's been a while. Slack was, well, slacking. Not necessarily. There was a set of new equipment on Slack's gauntlets where there were two more holes, as well as a tightened spool of steel cable. Awesome. The vigilante looked down at the world as a grin spread across her face under the mask. A black gloved hand was raised to a building higher up, and a grapple smoothly shot out. Awesome, it works!

Slapping a button once again, the vigilante shot through the air at tremendous speeds. Nobody seemed to take mind, though she was quite visible. A few seconds later, she slammed through a window on the thirteenth floor of a building.

 . . .

A man sat down alone at his desk, eyes narrowed at a computer. A grapple wrapped around his arms and torso before having his chair flipped and his face slammed against the ground. "W-What's the meaning of thi-GKK!" The female vigilante grabbed the man by the face and shoved him against the wall, chair and all. "Those deals end now." The man almost screamed as the sides of his face were cut beyond repair. He was stabbed twice in each arm to the point of nerve damage. Now the man had no way to communicate properly. "Trust me, it's all over now."

Slack left through the window. Slack is love, slack is life.
Meanwhile, John is playing solitaire at his desk because it's been a quiet night. For him, at least.

Though, he tends to wait on the Captain to give him assignments. She hired him, after all.
Searan takes the card, and examines it before looking back up to the man. "I will. Any if you ever need a decent weapon, just search S-3-R-P-3-N-T," he spells it out since just saying his name would sound like "serpent," and that wouldn't get anyone anywhere. After examining the card, Searan puts it in his hoodie pocket, and steps back away from the curb before the car drives off.



Akira laughs softly. "Well, I'm not exactly a master of charisma either," she says, then turns towards the TV. She turns it on, and it pulls up a menu of different apps she has. Akira selects a music app, then starts scrolling through the music she has. "About half the music I listen to is from Japan, then a good portion after that is electronica, or songs from video game soundtracks." She finds what she thinks is a good song, and hits play. The TV would start softly playing the music, quiet enough that the two of them could talk over it while listening. "What kind of music do you like?"

@The Fabulous Emerald

Hanah looked around room where she was and tries play with her hair, only to find out that it had been shaved off.
"I typically listen to metal, like DragonForce. Although, I can appreciate a good game's music. I can think of a few myself."

this is a personal favourite :)

Dan is listening to the music, appreciating it.

"This one's ain't bad."

@Crystal Cali


Shadowkiller takes licence plate up and leaves then home, because she hasn't way to follow van.


One of the doctors who treated Hanah walks to sergeant.

"Sergeant? You are here because girl?"


"Yea any thing new" he asks he's been here for a while and was kind of curious.
"Yea any thing new" he asks he's been here for a while and was kind of curious.

Doctor: "Nurse tried to test her and find out that she doesn't know any numbers or letters. And after asking more she find out that patient hasn't ever known those. I recommend finding foster home or nursing home to her."
Akira pretty much finishes eating, moves her bean bag so it faces the TV better and was also practically right up against the one Dan was sitting in, and leans back. "I like some metal, but I never got real big into any particular metal band. So, what kind of games do you play? I usually play RPGs with real interesting story lines."

@The Fabulous Emerald
"Hmm...I prefer games from my childhood, you know? Rayman...F-Zero...all of them types of games. I not one for the new FPS games. RPG games are alright, though."

Dan also finishes eating.

@Crystal Cali

Doctor continues: "Of course whit her criminal record jail is option too, but she doesn't belong back to streets."

"No we can't just arrest some one cause they were arrested before that is illegal" he says a little confused " so she is a little simple that's not the my concern what's her condition"
"No we can't just arrest some one cause they were arrested before that is illegal" he says a little confused " so she is a little simple that's not the my concern what's her condition"

Doctor: "Sorry, i understand from mister Theta that she wasn't arrested before and there was only reported crimes that had descriptions of that girl. After this night she is ready to leave, she doesn't have insurance and fatal injuries has been taken care."
Doctor: "Sorry, i understand from mister Theta that she wasn't arrested before and there was only reported crimes that had descriptions of that girl. After this night she is ready to leave, she doesn't have insurance and fatal injuries has been taken care."

"alright so she supposedly has committed crimes and now she is debt that's pretty sad but how quick will she recover I can't in good concernments leave her wounded and the possible target of some lunatic?"
"alright so she supposedly has committed crimes and now she is debt that's pretty sad but how quick will she recover I can't in good concernments leave her wounded and the possible target of some lunatic?"

Doctor: "As she can't stay lot longer here because she has not insurance, full recovery depends if she get somewhere under care. (Jail, foster home or nursing home) Under care it would take couple months to her broken bones to heal and her weight get to better, but in streets it could take years."
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Doctor: "As she can't stay lot longer here because she has not insurance, full recovery depends if she get somewhere under care. (Jail, foster home or nursing home) Under care it would take couple months to her broken bones to heal and her weight get to better, but in streets it could take years."

"well those cases are closed and unless she her self admits to them we have no jurisdiction over the rest." he shrugged this really is bothersome and some what ironic the best way to help her is to arrest her.
"well those cases are closed and unless she her self admits to them we have no jurisdiction over the rest." he shrugged this really is bothersome and some what ironic the best way to help her is to arrest her.

"She is wake, if you want talk to her."

Doctor then leaves.
he walks to the door knocking "its Sgt.Guerra can I come in" he asks trying to mind his manners and also trying to avoid giving her another panic attack. @Hanah Solo
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