Main RP [RP happens here]

Kai Williams

"Maybe the man has its own job." Kai muttered. He gazed away from the man to finally put his headphones and listen to some chillstep. He saw a boy, and he didn't look that much suspicious, so Kai ignored him. He held his backpack, which is still resting on his stomach. He closed his eyes to relax and willed himself not to sleep.

@Buckteeth @Crystal Cali

Note: I didn't see the interaction with Ichijou Raku, Buckteeth and Crystal Cali. Once that's done then I'll post the time change and stuff.

I think you can advance if no interaction happens within this post.
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After hanging up the men, Richter was going to turn in for the night when he noticed a young man seemingly sleeping on a park bench. This in itself wasn't entirely uncommon, but something told him that this guy wasn't some homeless youth. The streets were dangerous at night, and a guy like him should be inside. Richter didn't want to wake him if he was asleep, just in case an altercation took place, but felt that he needed to get that message across. As he was pondering this dilemma, he began to pace slowly, swinging the bloody hammer as he went. Then, an idea struck him.

Moving as quietly as he could, Richter walked over to the boy and gently placed the bloody hammer on the seat next to him. He paused looking to see if the youngster had noticed. If he hadn't, he would slip off back to his home.

@Ichijou Raku
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Kai Williams

He was just as about to drift off into the dream world, he heard a silent THUD close to him. He opened up his eyes and the first thing he saw was a hammer covered with blood. Well, Kai assumed it was blood. He quickly stood up and began to inspect the hammer without touching it. "What the-- This is weird." He looked around him, the boy's still there, but the man is gone. He put his hand on his pocket where his deadly dagger rests. Kai put off his headphones and placed it in his bag. He looked at the sky and saw little signs that the sun was already rising. He walked slowly through the empty streets.

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(Erm... Searan is a guy. XD)

Searan watched the whole scene with a curious expression. So the guy with the hammer just wanted to scare the other guy. Hmph, how boring. After watching the boy with the headphones walk off, Searan turned and went back to his apartment. He checked his e-mail for orders for weapons, finding nothing. Well, this revolution may take a bit more time to start. Maybe he needed to add some fuel to the fire. He started to do some research on the city's government.

@Ichijou Raku @Buckteeth @YoungX 
(Erm... Searan is a guy. XD)

Searan watched the whole scene with a curious expression. So the guy with the hammer just wanted to scare the other guy. Hmph, how boring. After watching the boy with the headphones walk off, Searan turned and went back to his apartment. He checked his e-mail for orders for weapons, finding nothing. Well, this revolution may take a bit more time to start. Maybe he needed to add some fuel to the fire. He started to do some research on the city's government.

@Ichijou Raku @Buckteeth @YoungX 

Research Results?


When it comes to researching on Maple Pine's government, one would find the standard typical government news such as economics, drug handling, and etc. But of course that's most likely what Searan did not want to find in the first place. Of course there were articles on the current elections going around for the next mayor. So far information on the current mayor and the candidates are available.

Adam East: The current mayor. Has been mayor for the past 8 years which was great. Sure there was crime, a lot of it, at the downtown section but he did his best for everything else. 

Hal Santoro: One of the major candidates for the upcoming elections.

Michael Ryders: Another major candidate for the upcoming elections.

Santviento Mayor: The third major for the upcoming elections.

However of course there was articles about all three working to deal with crime in Maple Pines, especially with the Downtown District and The Black Dragons. The gang known as 'The Black Dragons' had been around since five years ago and no one really knows how they formed. They just... showed up. Since then they've been a troublesome gang and have attained a status near like a mafia. 

There were articles, tons of tabloid articles and just overall conspiracies made by community members and others about The Black Dragons. Rumors about how The Black Dragons control 1/4 of the entire city were certainly amok. Not only that but people have been linking them to conspiracies in regards to the upcoming elections when members have been spotted "harassing" politicians. Something was up for sure. 
(I thought it was Akira who appeared in the scene XD... Btw I edited the posts @Crystal Cali

Kai Williams

Even though he was a mile away in that area, Kai's senses were still on high alert. His hand was still in his pocket where he kept his dagger. His backpack slung in his shoulder a little closer to his dagger arm. As morning approaches, he stopped by his apartment and decided to check for some updates about S3RP3NT. He threw his backpack in his bed and sat by the chair infront of his bigger laptop. He turned on his makeshift router and browsed the internet.
Reno was in his apartment, on his balcony once again. He had been sober for the past day and it was devastating. The streets were mundane, various noises erupting all over.

(Yooo, sorry been gone awhile, hows everyone? Open for interaction)
Kai Williams

Unfortunately, he still haven't found any new updates. Kai decided to go around (again) and hoped that the bloody hammer doesn't appear beside him anymore. He got to the park. Around the park has apartments, with each room having a balcony. He sat on the bench and thought about what to do.

@SimonTheGuy Wanna interact? Open for interaction otherwise

Bruno, the operative, comes back towards the meeting spot that he had visited before. The suited man was already lying in wait for him as he was standing and staring at the wall. Because of what Bruno did to help Hanah, he was in immediate danger of being exposed. Luckily there weren't any witnesses around but her so his identity wouldn't be at jeopardy.

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]"Bruno. I understand you wished to help but... It's important to consider the situation."[/COLOR] The suited man had a serious tone going on that made Bruno very nervous. It was as if words could kill at this moment.

[COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]"Y-yeah... of course. I'll accept the consequences,"[/COLOR] Bruno said calmly. On the inside he was extremely nervous and anxious of what could happen to him. The suited man however said nothing in response. Soon he would turn around to face him and give him a manilla envelope.

[COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]"What's this?"[/COLOR] Bruno asked with confusion on his face. The tense situation had already been cut like a knife through hot butter.

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]"Your next assignment. Straight from the Boss himself."[/COLOR] The moment the suited man mentioned 'Boss,' Bruno had given a look of absolute surprise.

[COLOR= rgb(128, 128, 128)]"The Boss...?"[/COLOR] Usually missions were given to Operatives via Advisor, which was the suited man himself. To be given an order from the Boss directly via even a manilla envelope is an extremely rare opportunity.

The suited man nodded. [COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]"Soon the elections will be upon us as you know. This next mission is of... upmost importance. He believed that you would be able to fulfill this one due to your talents. I'd like you to read them first before going anywhere. Much safer that way."[/COLOR]

Bruno nodded and took a look at the envelope and immediately nodded with a look of understanding. He now knew why the Boss selected him of all people to partake in this mission. From there he left leaving only the suited man behind. 

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]"What comes soon will be 'war.' This is what the Boss wants after all." [/COLOR]

[End of Scene. No interaction]

The Edition

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"Hey hey hey what's going on Maple Pines? It's me, DJ, back with some news. Now then we've got a bit of a 'brutal' incident that occurred recently. A young girl was robbed by what seemed to be a very tall man according to police reports gathered from this victim. She was beaten up very badly and is currently recovering from the hospital. Let's all hope she makes a swift recovery ok~?"[/COLOR] He said in a cheerful tone. 

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"Now then on to some other bits of news. The politician, Frank Miller, was found beaten up at his own home. This had occurred just around midnight and he is currently at the hospital making a recovery as well. See what makes this more important is that Frank Miller was one of the candidates for the upcoming elections for Mayor. Sounds suspicious doesn't it? First our current mayor was attacked and now this. Something is afoot I'd say! Anyhow thats all the interesting news I've got this week. Thanks for listening~!" [/COLOR]

Note: It is now morning time once more. Another free period in the RP. Feel free to have NPCs in any given scenario so long as it doesn't get too crazy.
Dan goes jogging, like usual, at the park. This is his usual routine, so he does nothing special.

John is at the police offices, doing his job. His boring, uneventful, job. Still, the bottle of whiskey on his desk an his filled glass are pretty interesting to him.

Number 6...huh. Didn't decides a faction yet for this guy. Is there anyone who would hire him?

Chi Dark

Chi waked in her cottage after night run and looked in her e-mail.

No answer... I need to search myself about L0V3BUG.

Chi started seek info about L0V3BUG whit her phone.

@Crystal Cali
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Hanah Solo

Hanah waked in her cell, last night she had get her year sentence to juvenile prison instead of couple months. She had get empty cell and plate full something that they said was food, before lights was turned off.

At morning shower whit others from her section, she learned her place as pet. Neighbour cells hadn't liked to wake middle of night to her screaming of mother.

After showering, when Hanah had at last allowed to take shower, there was breakfast. There she had told that pets don't eat at table or whit hands. Guards doesn't care what prisoners did to each others as long they keep their plays at inside own sections.

After breakfast there was Hanah's first reading lessons whit younger prisoners.
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Shinoa Hasegawa


After breakfast, College Student and Extreme Athlete Shinoa Hasegawa decided to go out and skateboard, despite it being an early morning. Putting a White Sweatshirt on, she went ahead to grab one of her eight skateboards to go out for the night. After putting her shoes on, Shinoa began skating from her house to wherever the board was gonna take her. She was weary to stay off the streets in order to avoid being hit by a car. Whatever she heard on the news while eating breakfast left her a little weary. Oh why couldn't she be 21? Life would be so much easier. She could have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, namely a gun. But all she had to defend herself now was her Knife and her Hand-To-Hand Combat skills. Even she knew that all those years of training would be outdone by a single trigger squeeze in a matter of seconds, unless she was quick enough. While contemplating on it, she continued skating until reaching a Skate Park nearby, where she stopped and sat down on a nearby bench to catch her breath.
(skate parks are typically in parks, right?)

If so, Shinoa could probably see Dan jogging in his non-descript, beige jogging clothes. He tends to jog in a figure eight pattern, and usually accelerates a bit every lap or so. Even though he has been jogging for a while, there is no evidence that he is tired par the fact he has unzipped his top slightly to let air in. And his bulging muscles out.
((To Answer your question, @The Fabulous Emerald, yes. More often then not))

While she relaxed with her Skateboard in hand, Shinoa looked up to see a rather muscular looking man jogging. While it left her weary, she wasn't all that worried. His arm was probably the size of her head. Compared to him, Shinoa was just a little shrimp as much as she hated to admit it. After a couple of minutes, Shinoa ended up walking to the closest Drinking Fountain to refresh herself, since she didn't bring her water canteen this time. Afterwards, she went back to skating again, this time around the park instead of the designated area for skaters, where there were ramps and railings for her to use. Not that she was interested in them at the moment. While skating, Shinoa started heading towards the little pond, where Geese and other birds were starting to flock in.
Dan keeps jogging for a good portion of the morning, about half an hour or so, then goes to a cafe. Of course, something could happen in that half hour, but still.
@Ichijou Raku

(Omg man, sorry for taking so long!!)

Reno leaned forward, looking into the dark park where he saw a familiar figure. He grabbed his coat and left for the first floor. He decided to approach the man.
In the city were two men. Like predator and prey they were respectively a bounty and a bounty hunter. The bounty had said bounty placed by the police of the city, apparently for multiple accounts of robbery assault and many other deeds I'm sure his mother wouldn't be grateful for. The hunter chasing him has a few names: Cowboy Crimson, Dog though his real name is James Bartlett. The multiple makes getting coffee more interesting. Anyway back to the point The Dog was chasing down the criminal throughout the city, as he ran after him through the park and out into the city he saw a man jogging. Anyway as they approached a cafe the hunter kicked him through the window. That would cost him. Pulling a gun the hunter smiles. @The Fabulous Emerald (Open for interaction)
Dan hears, and sees, a man dropkick another through a window. FFS, this happens literally everytime he visits any sort of establishment in this city. Perhaps he should become Crow for the day.

Anyway, while he is thinking about this, he is watching them fight. Why not.

As the bounty hunter brings the criminal out of the cafe, hands bound, the police arrive. Handing him over, the police give him a card, the bounty money transferred onto it. Waving to the criminal James looks over to the cafe owner. Damages. Sighing he goes inside to lose most the cash he earned.  @The Fabulous Emerald
Dan also decides to go in, not relating to the bounty hunter but because he was going there anyway. He sits in his usual seat at the counter, and ordered a usual black coffee.

Chi Dark

Chi writes to L0V3BUG using Shadowkiller's email address.

-I heard from my friend that you work whit guns. I would like to get 14.5x114 bullets to my rifle and 2 heavy pistols whit clips.

I heard that you need history of me, well i am not from here. I work as assassin who kills your city's worst scumbags that think they are too deep for your police or capemens. Don't try find who i am, i am sure that your name isn't L0V3BUG and you have people who you want cover whit not telling your whole history. I have same reasons.


@Crystal Cali

(If you try track address, it takes only to Finland. Chi's address takes to Japan. (By to way i am Finnish ;) ))

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