Main RP [RP happens here]

"Hey I caught him captain, so I want bounty on this guys head" James says as he tries to get the captain off his arm. If he did mange to he would he would go back to holding the unconscious smuggler The bounty for this guy had been placed by the cops, so James found him. Hence the want for pay. The badge said she was Captain Christina Hales. James had never heard of her, or rather he didn't care enough to pay attention to things like the name of a police person. @JPax

Christina Hales and "Theta"

The captain cracked her neck. "I took care of the tires, therefore he is a police case as of now. I cannot allow you to take him, for you will be harboring a criminal as well." She then looked down at her small notebook before looking back at the man. "Okay, I will compensate your pay. Come to the police station with me, you're welcome to load your motorcycle in there." Christina jerked her thumb to the ice cream truck, which had a man inside who was waving to the two.

"Hey, bringing passengers?"

""See isn't too hard now is it Captain. James says sardonically. Taking the criminal and placing him in the back, he then goes over to his priced motorcycle and loads that into the bike. Putting a hand through his disheveled hair, most due to going hell for leather on a his motorcycle, the bounty hunter sit down in the back of the ice cream truck. "So what are the police doing with and ice cream truck, some sort of undercover truck or are you guys just really hungry". @JPax 
@Ichijou Raku

(Lol I think so, sorry if Im wrong xP)

"Hey...," Reno stuck his hand out, he looked quite strange with such skinny arms and an overly thick coat. Reno stared at the man, whose hand was in his pocket. Reno could only hope this would be a peaceful encounter.
Kai Williams

Kai straightened his back and looked at the man approaching to him, which looked familiar. "Hey. So its, uh, you." He said. "Uh, what do you want?" He asked in a calm tone. His hand was still relaxed in his pocket. Kai hoped he actually acted naturally.


(late reply lol)
@Ichijou Raku

(Lol, its okay, its like some sort of late streak)

Reno shrugged at the man. The breeze was starting to pick up, so he tucked his hands deeper in his pocket. 

"I feel like we've met, but incase we didnt, Im Reno Kowalski. This is my favourite spot in the park. Its as if were like minded."

Reno was kind of like an innocent creep, and he had no idea he was.
Kai Williams

"O-kay?" Kai said in an asking tone, replying to the *as if were like minded* part. "I'm Kai Williams. And yes, I think we met." He didn't raise his hand for a handshake, because Kai knew he already did that. Well, he guessed that he did. The breeze got cooler.

Akira hadn't left her apartment since Dan had been there. She sat on the floor in front of her coffee table, which now had two laptops sitting on top of it, staring into the illuminated screen of one. She combed through the information on her screen, looking for a hint of where S3RP3NT could be. Her tired eyes found it hard to focus, but she refused to look away. On the other computer, Akira was logged into her social media, with a search tab up looking for any mentions of S3RP3NT. Her status would be marked as "online" to any of her friends, as she neglected to consider that anyone would contact her right now.

Akira does see the e-mail Shadowkiller sends her, and sends a quick reply in between her searching. "Give me a few days. I currently have a lot of work, but I will get to you with your weapon." She does run a background search on Shadowkiller on one computer as she continues her search for Searan.

@Hanah Solo

@The Fabulous Emerald


Searan, much to his dismay, had laid in bed sick since the night he went out. He was starting to feel a little bit better as he rolled out of bed, and dragged himself to the kitchen to make some soup. He takes out a pot, placing it on the stove, then empties a can of soup, and pours in the required amount of water. As he stirs the soup, waiting for it to heat up, his gaze falls on a picture he has framed and sitting on the counter. In this picture, Searan stands in the middle of two girls who both have their arms around him. The one on the left had long brown hair in braids, brown eyes, and wore a cat-eared hoodie. The one on the right had curly black hair, and eyes the same color as Searan's. Searan looks longingly at the picture, then sighs. "If only we could go back to how it was," he mumbles to himself in a coarse voice.
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Dan finishes his coffee, and pays, then leaves to go home to ready himself for the night. As he is walking home he decides to check his social media for the bantz. He decides to sends Akira a 'Hi' because why not. @Crystal Cali

As Dan walks home, he passes a bald man in a tuxedo and instantly recognises him. He also knows that there is nothing he could do to stop him.

Number 6 walks around the park. He is famed for his seemingly bulletproof and blade/spike proof body, his complete and utter absence of morals and his master skills in the art of the hitman. He is probably well known, yet no-one knows where he works from, who he is or even what his name is. The police might have access to the data from his facility he grew up in, and some of the other vigilantes, but it's unlikely the public would know. However, he is also known for specific targets, and rarely hunts innocent people. Unless someone rich wants them dead, of course. At the minute, he is simply going food shopping. As much as he is feared, he still needs to eat.

John is still doing work, probably doing research on this S3RP3NT guy by request of his superiors.

(sorry it isn't a massive post, but this rp has been dead for a bit and i want to get the ball rolling again.)

Hanah Solo RP.png

Hanah Solo

After learning some letters Hanah didn't want go to eat lunch whit bullies, so she taked her lunch to her cell and eated there. After lunch it was math lessons where she learned recognise numbers from 1 to 10 and what in what order they are.

After lesson she go to her cell and stayed there alone.

Chi Dark RP.png

Chi Dark

Chi's phone let out small peep when e-mail come, she opened Shadowflower's email application whit her fingerprint and looked mail from L0V3BUG.

It's seems like i wouldn't get extra jobs done from while if i am not lucky and can do them whit melee. Maybe there is something to do in this city.

Chi walked past some bald man whit tuxedo, shoulder shoving him.

@The Fabulous Emerald
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Number 6 angrily looks at her with his cold, emotionless, eyes and deep brow. His rough, chiseled features often made him look handsome in some eyes, if it weren't for the fact his face was a perfect biography of him. Scars that are barely visible, facial muscles that have never seen a smile, eyes that seen to have been dry from tears for an eternity and an overall face of someone who has experienced the worst conditions known to man. His skin, while from afar looks normal, has been dried out several times from both intense heat and intense cold, leaving it cracked and free from moisture. One thing that seems to stand out from the rest of it though is the faint mark of a cold, surgical steel blade on the side of his cranium.

As Chi brushes against him, she would probably get the same reaction as bumping into a concrete block as 6's body barely reacts to the bump. It is very clear of his raw strength and stability, some of which could seem...almost artificial. He currently has some plastic bags in his hand, which seem almost fit to rip, yet 6 has no issue with them, that are filled with very bland yet nutritious foods. Gallons of water, several packs of lemons, beef and foods like that.

He doesn't react to the bump in a violent way, however. He has better things to do.
Akira was dangerously close to passing out on top of her keyboard when she hears a ding from her social media. She perks up, and looks over to the screen, hoping a result from her ongoing search on S3RP3NT had come up with something good, but no. It was Dan. Akira sighs, disappointed, though not wanting to just brush Dan off, since he did seem like a nice guy, she messages him back. "Hiya. What's up?" she messages, then hearing yet another ding as she receives an e-mail, she clicks on the e-mail tab. Akira pauses to consider how much she should trust Chi, and considering they hadn't met, not much, but she could be useful. Akira starts to write a response. "If you're also looking for meelee weapons, I have an interesting stash of them. If you're looking for work, well, there is someone I need to find. If you're up for it, we can meet at the park and I will give you the details." Akira sends the e-mail. Though she was unsure if she could trust Chi, and she certainly wouldn't be showing her face or even taking her van, Akira figures that it may be beneficial to have someone on the ground to help her in her search.

@The Fabulous Emerald @Hanah Solo 
"Watch where you walk!"

Chi yelled to bald man, like bumping was his fault.

Chi herself isn't weak either, as her bodyweight is mostly muscles too.
6 shifts his head to face her, but says nothing. Usually, his steely glare speaks volumes for him. After all, it isn't uncommon for it to be the last thing they see, and has made grown men cry. It is also apparent that he is armed with his usual weaponry, and uses black leather gloves. There is also virtually no wear and tear on his suit, and even after the shoulder barge, nothing seems to have creased. After a second, he turns back and keeps walking. It wouldn't take long for a police database to recognise him, with him being wanted and all. I imagine the crowd also seem to be scared of him. You know, crossing the street to avoid him etcetera.

Dan replies with a 'Not much, you?' as he walks down a random alleyway that he knows to be a shortcut. For him, at least. He tries to forget the hitman he just past.

(it wouldnt be unreasonable to say that Chi could spot Dan, especially since she recognises him, and is wearing similar clothing to the first time she saw him)

@Hanah Solo, @Crystal Cali
Akira had gone back to searching, but looks up when she hears the messenger ding again. "Eh, research... but I've hit a dead end. I need a break... and some coffee. Gonna head to that coffee shop we met at if you wanna join." Because why not, Akira thought to herself. She was stressed from trying to take on Searan alone, and it's not like she was getting anywhere. She needed a new angle, and some caffeine to supplement her lack of sleep. After sending the message, Akira got up, and went to the bathroom to wash up real quick. After getting out, and dressed, she opened a closet door and pulled out a box containing an assortment of melee weapons, in case Shadowkiller contacted her about it while she was out. She packed up her van with the weapons, one of her laptops, and the alternate outfit she always wore when meeting a client. She made sure everything was well-hidden in the back, and would pause to check her phone before heading out to see if Dan wanted to meet up with her.

@The Fabulous Emerald @Hanah Solo  
Dan is just casually halfway up a drainage pipe or something (as par his shortcut) as his phone beeps.

'Yeah, alright. See ya there!'

As he hits send, he jumps down from the pipe and heads to the cafe.

@Crystal Cali
Chi opens again her phone, putting fastly search of man who bumped to her, after seeing how people reacted to him. Then she hided application as she knowed it would keep searching and noticed that Akira had sent email to her.

Maybe dagger or two wouldn't be bad to have, if i bump more of idiots when not working.

'yeah i can take couple knife whit sheath to them.'

After sending email, Chi heads to cafe neardy.

@Crystal Cali

@The Fabulous Emerald
Since I despise interactions with myself, other than a line here or there, 6 heads home. Of course, he can be followed, stopped, attacked etcetera, but that is what he does.
Searan puts his soup in a mug, and walks over to the window. Looking down he sees a very interesting-looking man walk by. "Hmm, wonder if that guy works as hired muscle. Could use some," Searan wonders aloud. One way to find out. Searan heads out of his apartment, and down to the street, looking to cut off the man before he could get too far, or at least get in range so the scanning program on his phone could get the guy's phone number. Still, once he made it to the street, Searan did his best to casually get 6's attention by clearing his throat, and calling out "Excuse me, sir," in a rather raspy voice that cracked at the end of his sentence.

@The Fabulous Emerald 


Akira sees the message from Chi, and the text from Dan at the same time. She responds to Chi first, saying "Tell me when you can meet, and I will set the place." Then she responds to Dan's message, "See you in a bit. :)

@Hanah Solo
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Number 6's voice is cold, without tone. His facial expression doesn't change at all, and barely moves as he speaks. He doesn't sound impatient, or angry. Or anything, really. He speaks like a robot. He doesn't carry a phone, lest alone a phone number, but carries a radio walkie talkie. After all, the only people he needs to talk to are his clients, whom he gives his frequency to. Radio transmitters are also much less trackable than phones.

Dan responds with a ':)' as he enters the cafe. After all, he wasn't too far away form it. In fact, he just left it like five minutes ago. He sits at the table he and Akira met at.

@Crystal Cali

Spray Spray & Christina Hales

"Crime." Spray Spray was doing her usual thing of crime, but this time there was a problem. She was now sick. High fevers. That, on top of drug abuse basically made her move like a retarded baby, as if she'd been shot over and over. Yet, she didn't have the wits or intelligence to not give up. At that point, she put up her spray can and fired it at the wall. 

Much to her surprise, a hand reached out of the darkness and grabbed the can, crushing it and leaking red paint out. "It's you again, isn't it-" A loud crack was heard in the distance when Christina said the name. Spray Spray showed a detonator to the captain, who immediately grabbed that too and pressed hard. Another crack of bone was heard, and the vandal fell to the ground, with no reaction. "You know, you need a name to fight in court." 

. . .

The captain showed up in prison a few minutes later. She paid no mind to the prisoners yelling and jeering at her, and simply walked to Hanah's cell. Normally, someone as dangerous as Spray Spray would spend some time in solitary, but that was kept open for murderers and criminals that were far more dangerous. Christina didn't remember Hanah in the slightest, so there was a blank expression on the captain's face as she tossed Spray Spray into the cell. The vandal turned and coughed, still too high on drugs and too ill to react.

@Hanah Solo

Hanah Solo

Hanah looked first in suprice when policewoman didn't seem to recognise her, but then remembered that last time she see her she wasn't bald. Then she walked closer to her new cellmate.

"Do you need something?"

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Spray Spray

The girl was borderline unconscious, laying down on the ground of the cell with little movement. It was no surprise a professional criminal could be captured so easily in her condition. The girl slowly rolled onto her back, when blood started dripping from the corner of her mouth. Her left hand was twitching, as if it was trying to do something.

@Hanah Solo

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