Main RP [RP happens here]

Jake nodded and smirked as he would pull out keys and walk out the door motioning for him to follow

"You like fast cars?" 

He would ask as he walked next to his black (to be decided) and unlocked it getting in, the other door opening automatically for the man

@Ichijou Raku

Mayor's Office


The current mayor, Adam East, was currently sitting down on his chair in his office. It will be three more days until the Elections officially begin and even then he couldn't begin to count his worries.

He had already planned on retiring after this so he wasn't going to be involved. Unfortunatly... he was targeted and he had an idea why. Currently he was twiddling his thumbs in his office as he had already finished up any paperwork he had to do. For now he would get on the phone and get on the line with a certain person.

The end of the call picks up.

"Adam how... rare for you to call."

"You know why I'm calling. They're after our lives."

A chuckle is heard from the opposite end. 

"I know already, but do you know that they are also after the position as well?"

"What did you say?" Adam was flabbergasted. He didn't expect this of all things. "Are you telling me... that was the reason for their... 'activities?' Worry grew in his voice.

"Yes. Now if your done I'd like to hang up now. I have business to attend to."

"Hang up?! How can you be so-" the man hung up leaving Adam to put the phone back in place. He had an awful feeling that on the day of the elections, there will be war. A war hidden from the public.

@ThatOneLunatic @The Fabulous Emerald
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Number Six starts by investigating the front door. He looks for guards, security measures, cameras etcetera.

He can map them out incredibly well due to his memory enhancement.

(I thought @Crystal Cali and @The Fabulous Emerald were driving lol)

Kai Williams

"Awesome!" He got inside the car. Now, he didn't know what to do. He looked at the white van where the two persons got in to somehow continue their conversation. Kai guessed that anytime now, they would go and drive when they discovered they're being tailed. In case a car chase happens, he had to put a tracker into the white van. "Hey, do you have a device that can connect to Bluetooth, some metal scraps, and a small unused metal antenna? And can I use them if you don't mind?"


The outside of the Mayor's office


Outside the mayor's office, there were about five guards at the very front. Five at the back and five on the sides. Ever since the assassination attempt on the mayor's life, security had become even tighter. 

Each guard was armed with a bulletproof chest underneath their clothing and were trained in CQC. Also they had special batons that sent electric shocks that could subdue a person in close quarters combat. 

There were also hidden cameras everywhere to tighten security further. What can't be seen is the fact that these guards have their own communications implant. It was basically inside the ear but it serves as a communicator to keep in touch. 

It seems highly exessive at a glance, but the mayor wasn't expecting ordinary killers. Neither was his secretary, Hank.

@The Fabulous Emerald 
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Kai Williams

"Cool." Kai had to start a conversation, since he still was a stranger to him. "So, what's your name?" His bag rested on his lap.

He would laugh as it had just came to his mind that he let a stranger into his car "Oh, right, I'm Jake, nice to meet you! And you are?"

His hands would rest on the steering wheel

@Ichijou Raku
Kai Williams

"I'm Kai. And I have a question for you..." He said. "What made you signal me in the coffee shop?" 

He was serious.

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Kai Williams

"Well, you're basically right. Anyways, I'm in a search for someone, and it involves finding the real heroes in this city." He implied. "I tried the police, but those assholes won't help me. What I'm saying is... Do you know any vigilantes in this area?"

Kai Williams

"No, no. Not exactly." Then he regret that he said that. "You know what? Forget all I said that. You know the guy the started a revolution, right? His alias is S3RP3NT, and I'm kind of in a search for him." He regret he said about his current task. Crap, he thought.

He chuckled as he looked at him smiling

"Seems like everyone in this damn city is looking for him. That girl who was at that table, said something about knowing him....maybe we could work with her." 

Smiling as he said so 

"Why are you after S3RP3NT?"

@Ichijou Raku
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Kai Williams

Uh oh. "None of your business." He said. If somebody knows he's gonna help S3RP3NT with the revolution, and if by any chance, those two persons inside the white van are vigilantes, he can get discovered. "And yeah, we could work with her."

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Kai Williams

"Mhm." He muttered. "So, who goes first and introduce us to that girl and the man inside the white van and say we could work with them?" Kai became calmer.

Kai Williams

He got out of the car and stared at the white van while making a face that says like, Why me? He opened the door of Jake's car and said,"Follow me, then! I'll introduce us to them. You can easily leave me here while I'm introducing us to them."

@ThatOneLunatic @The Fabulous Emerald @Crystal Cali
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Chi eated her pastries whitout rush. She wasn't going to rush even when  she noticed that Akira and Dan was leaving, but when clearly 2 other person seemed to follow them she raised up.

When both parties get inside cars Chi cursed.

"That's it! I need vehicle."

Chi walks in motorcycle shop and after arguing with salesman, she drives out whit new motorcycle.

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Number Six observes them, then comes up with a perfect infiltration plan, if not a decent distraction.

He travels to a nearby car park, one that is either too far away, or too hidden, for the guards to notice him doing anything. He picks a nice, big looking car (like a van or a Range Rover or something) and opens the bonnet while making sure no one notices. His knowledge dictates* that if he disconnected the battery, the car alarm would shut off. As he result, he is then able to break the lock of the (we will call it a van for naming sake) van, where he proceeds to hotwire the van to gain access. After reconnecting the battery, he then starts the van and point it towards the guards. He then grabs a random heavy object, puts the van in top gear, then climbs out and drops the object onto the accelerate, deftly dodging the accelerating van as it travels in the direction of the guards.

(*i have no idea if that would work, but my general knowledge of engineering says it would. of course, the real Number Six would probably know how to do this properly. also, if it seems like powerplay, its because im trying to get some hitman-esque accidental kills, because that is the best way to play the hitman games.)


Outside of the Mayor's Office


The guards at the front were being very cautious when they would hear the sound of an accelerating car. They had little time to dodge as the car would crash at the front leaving two guards dead and the other three at high alert.

"All guards be on alert. Do not leave your position, I repeat do not leave your position," one of the three guards said as every guard went into position. They were on high alert and everyone within the building was notified. Unfortunately it would be unsafe to evacuate toward the outside so the staff would be evacuated via a secret underground tunnel built just in case for these scenarios. Why was there a secret underground tunnel in the mayor's building? Well the building itself wasn't originally a government building but that's a story for another day.

Adam East had a very grave look on his face as he had a good idea what was going on. Someone was after his life and he had to get to safety. Heading toward the secret underground tunnel would certainly be an option but if they were looking for him then it would only jeopardize everyone else inside the building. So he would think about it for a moment before calling in his secretary, Hank. The secretary would enter the Mayor's Office and he would ask, "Sir your not headed to the tunnel?"

"No Hank. I'm staying here. People are after my life and it would only be a danger to everyone else if they went to the tunnel. For now I would like to remain here and for you to keep guard."

With a nod he said, "Yes sir." Then he would stay in close proximity to Adam for the duration.

@The Fabulous Emerald



At a nearby journalist building the Underhound would enter inside the building and start the job. Underhound would head on over towards the boiler room and would plant small bombs that wouldn't cause major damage but enough to cause a scene in the boiler room. From there the Underhound would head on upstairs and proceed to start burning the building using a flamethrower. Soon after reports and calls of a building on fire would appear and the local fire department would be called upon toward the scene. Underhound was still busy causing destruction via fire and people would suffer in Underhound's direct path. Soon after, Underhound left the premises before anyone would notice and head toward the alleyways. 

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