Main RP [RP happens here]

Kai Williams

As soon as the car drifted to the streets, Kai dragged Jake to his car and said, "Dude, we lost them! Do you have any other way to find them?" He panicked a little bit, thinking he might never be able to find the S3RP3NT and get revenge from the police that killed his father.

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Akira turns in her seat, pulling her legs up onto the seat so that she was folded into a ball as she looked up at Dan. "Yeah. Like I said, I've been doing this for quite some time, hunting S3RP3NT, I mean. I thought I was one step ahead of him, and maybe I still am. Usually once he gets his revolution going, he hacks the airways a second time, so I suppose he hasn't gotten much support yet. Still, I don't know where in the city he is, only that he's here. There may be a few ways I can find him, but.... well, it's risky."

@The Fabulous Emerald
Jake would speed off in the car following them for the first few turns but losing them on the last one due to a traffic light and he would slam the steering wheel

"Fuck!" Trying to see where they went he would look to the man next to him "Well.....take a guess.....which way? Left or right?" He would ask

@Ichijou Raku

((Cali pick a direction and pm me it so if he guesses it right we can find ya xD @Crystal Cali ))
"Go left!" I said. While Jake drives, I scanned the area around to find a white van.
Jake would nod turning left in the WRONG direction as he drove away from his goal looking around to find the van 

"Shit........where could they have gone?"

@Ichijou Raku
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"Just drive!" I said. Then an idea popped out of my head. I opened my laptop and opened an IP Camera program. I opened command prompt and typed a command for the nearest IP addresses. I found the cameras' IP addresses and put them into my IP camera program. "I forgot to mention. I'm a hacker." I said to Jake. I played the previous minute of the camera and saw the white van rush through the street market. "Take a U-Turn! Go to the street markets!" I said to him.
I nodded a little surprised that i hadnt thought of anything like that myself, i took a u-turn and drove to the street market.

After driving around for a few minutes I would spot the van and smile "There they are." I would say to the man beside me ((forgot your name xD)) as I slowed the car down to a stop about 20 feet away parked on the side of the road, ready to take off any moment

After waiting a moment to assure they wouldnt drive off i shut the car off and said "Ready?" 

@Ichijou Raku
Akira's gaze flickers to the store as she sees Chi exiting, noticing she was looking this way. And then there was the voice. "Ah, fuck," she grumbles, hitting the lock on her van to make sure no one could get in. She hops in the back of her van where she had her laptop still running, and began typing rapidly on the keyboard, bringing up a map of cell coverage. After a few moments, much like S3RP3NT had when he first announced his arrival, all the phones in the immediate area were under her control. The three outside the van would be able to hear Akira's voice through the speakers on their phones speakers. "What do you want?" she says, her voice electronically distorted. 


@Hanah Solo

@Ichijou Raku
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Chi looked how one of men from car rised up from car from passage side and walked towards van, not really liking screen. 

(By to way visor at helmet is black too. @Crystal Cali you success take over Chi's phone?)
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JAke would jump at the noise form his phone picking it up and laughing "Thats pretty cool, how do you- ahhh nevermind, we are trying to help, the guy outside your van said he wants to help find S3RP3NT, and I'm tagging along. After all I swore an oath to save lives." He would say referring to his job as a Surgeon. @Crystal Cali
Chi had listened her daughter's voice message when looking how man had walked next to van, when suddenly message was stopped middle of word.

What the....

Chi looked to her phone, noticing that it's locked and then come out Akira's distorted voice.

"Who are you and what happened to my.... Message"

Please don't listen my daughter's message. 

@Crystal Cali

(If you do, she would say at begin Hi Mommy, Lamana here. In Japanese.

Don't know if Akira recognises Chi's voice.)
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Akira rolls her eyes at the man's reaction. "Help, I need, but I'm not foolish enough to blindly put my faith in a couple of men who tracked me down when I did not want to be found." Akira pauses as Chi speaks, recognizing the tone, but unable to recall who the voice belonged to. "Walk in any direction away from my van, and you'll get that message back soon enough," she says in an irritated tone.

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic
"I do not expect you to blindly accept help, but if you are in need of it, which you yourself just admitted then why not accept the help and let us, well at least me prove our intentions to you?"

He would say back before adding "I wouldnt have tracked you down to offer help if I didnt think it was worth my time."

@Crystal Cali
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Wait, what is happening here... Maybe i should still help her.

"Hey girl. I don't know if you have noticed, but there is other person in car where that who stands next to your van come. And i hope you trust that man in your van. Don't take it wrong, i followed you two before only because you was followed by those two and i was only lucky that you drived past me when I exited from shop."

@Crystal Cali
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Jason had awoken to the bright sunshine peeking through his bedroom windows. His eyes, barely open, could tell that he was not alone in his bed. The stranger was a blonde female, younger then Jason but only by a year or two, and was still asleep. By the means, Jason could tell what had happened last night. After all, he did host a big party for everyone, whether he knew them or not. The person in his bed however, he did not know. Rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands, Jason sat up and lifted the bed sheets off his legs and got out of bed. He heard a giggle behind him and he knew who it was. It was the blonde girl. She was giggling because Jason had gone commando, obviously, and she invited him back into the bed by lifting the sheets back up. Jason chuckled and shook his head, while walking towards his bathroom. He pulled the shower door open and turned the shower handle to the far right, which circulated hot water onto the shower floor. Stepping in, Jason began washing himself and running his fingers across the many scars that he had. Finishing his shower, Jason turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing his towel. He walked out of the shower with his towel wrapped around his waist and his hair a mess. Seeing that the mysterious girl had left, Jason shrugged and paced over to the closet. He grabbed a red, long-sleeve shirt, blue fitted jeans, and black converse.




"Simple, but oh well." ,Jason's said in his head.

He never really liked to dress posh like, unless he had to attend an event or he wanted to impress someone. The day was still young, but Jason knew that he had to get to business on finding that military equipment shipment.

Heading into the kitchen, Jason saw that his life long friend and love interest, Sarah, had prepared a breakfast for the two.

"Y'know, I might just have to take that key away from you." ,Jason said, smiling.

"No you wouldn't, it would be lonely here without me," ,Sarah replied smiling back to Jason, "besides, I did let your blonde pet out of the house.".

Jason let out a chuckle and observed the table with food. Scrambled eggs, ham, milk, a pitcher of a green liquid, some bacon pieces, and a few slices of toast.

"Look's like you've been busy with breakfast preparations." ,Jason stated, still looking at the food on the table.

"That's right. Anyways, onto more important matters," ,Sarah exclaimed with enthusiasm while Jason rolled his eyes, "when do I become your assistant?"

Jason smiled and thought of a few things to say, but they were all dirty minded ideas, he ended up saying, "When you help me get that hardened kevlar plates on a titanium-dipped fiber made by the Ying Corporation.".

The Ying Corporation was a private funded militia that provided experimental, military grade equipment on the black market. The police were always unsuccessful in bringing the Corporation down, due to the number of corrupt police in Maple Pines, and Jason realized that they were the perfect people to steal from in order to make the upgrades needed for his suit.

"Fine, it's a deal. But when you get that armor stuff, I better be getting the Personal Assistant position within seconds." ,Sarah remarked.

"Deal." ,Jason responded.

The two ate breakfast, or brunch by the looks of the time, and they left in one of Jason's many cars, a grey Aston Martin DB10.


Racing around the twisty roads, Jason got the two of them to Oshiro Research and Development Facility, safely. They entered the parking garage and Jason parked his car in the CEO Reserve spot. The security guard on duty greeted both of them and took Sarah to her Research department and escorted Jason to his office which was located at the top floor of the facility building. Jason had thanked the security guard for the escort to his office, even though Jason knew that if anything were to happen he could take care of himself, but he needs to keep the persona that he is a young, rich, playboy that is helpless in dangerous situations. He logged onto his computer and checked his emails first. It was all junk mail. Then, he went to his agent program, which was basically a secret app on his computer disguised as another app. He entered his login password and username and was soon in the black market. His index finger was curved around his bottom lip and he was contemplating whether or not he should just buy the Kevlar dipped titanium plates, which would put his company at risk of scandals upon scandals, or just steal it. His thinking was interrupted by a knock on the glass door. It was Sarah. She was in her lab coat and had 3 gentlemen behind her. All four of them entered Jason's office.

She cleared her throat and said, "Uh, Mr.Oshiro, this is Mr.Uing-Lohn. CEO and founder of Ying Corporation.".

Sarah gazed at Jason with a stern look and pointed at an elderly man that walked past her with his hand out and ready to give a gentleman handshake to Jason.
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Theta and Christina Hales

The police force had been getting a major overhaul for the last few weeks. All changes were overseen, detectives were hired, corrupt was fired, equipment was realigned, and nothing really changed except for ranks were moved around. "Theta, I think it's safe to say that you're going to take good care of the group." 

"Captain, you're leaving so soon?"

"Corruption. They all think I'm corrupt, right?"


"As such, it's best to resign." Christina turned out to be injured when apprehending Spray Spray, and most thought it was really a sham. The police woman walked through the darkness of the halls, to the exit and into the night.

Theta looked to the hall to see a figure. It was a short figure, but Theta could tell it was a woman. "Why does this police force like women?-"

"Got a problem with women?"

"No, m-m'am." The man stepped backwards and rubbed his arm, wincing from the coldness of the new woman's voice. 

"Good. Because you're all in my house now. I expect full commitment after these training exercises are over. And then after that, we are going to fucking party."

((Brb, making new police captain! Some of you know who it is. @Hanah Solo probably can tell by the color. @Salex The Baldie @YoungX))

steve returned to the city of maplewood......... well he certainly didn't miss this place but duty calls. he exits the airport and enters a cab. he would then call the police station to alert that he has returned back and is ready for duty as he arrived at his apartment. ah his apartment, actually it shouldn't be called an apartment as the entire building belonged to his, with each room serving a specific purpose, one room even was filled to the brim with coffee beans.


he entered the apartment, and in his absence dust started to accumulate.... "call me dumbledore.... because we're about to clean bitches" he said as he goes into the pantry closet


(open for interaction)

Nia Arini

Nia simply waited. For the detective to return. Of course, she had a thing for him. Wait, what? No, not that kind of thing, this sort of thing! A briefcase lined in lead was in the woman's hands as she walked towards his house. Nope, not really a walk. It was more of a safe sort of run.

Nia broke into a sprint and ran up the steps, right into


"OW! Steve! Open up!" Her face remained smashed against the door as the forensics expert waited for the detective.

@Salex The Baldie
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steve heard a huge smack. "oh god not her again" he said. he rushes down the stairs to open the door with closed eyes. " what is it nia? i'm in the middle of cleaning" he said


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