Main RP [RP happens here]

Nia Arini

Nia walked in without asking. "I have a case for you already! Something that the captain assigned to me, do know that the old captain just left right? Hales? Yeah. Sorry." She put her briefcase on the table and looked outside the window. 

"On my way here, I saw something called the Ying company. They severely underestimate the police as of now, but I think with your help and a few corpses we can crack their operations like a coconut. After all, the force did get someone new..."

@Salex The Baldie
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"i know... eckener, alison. i do my research, unlike you you necrophilic idiot, and i'm already in the lead for the ying company" he said rather coldly, then again, it's steve we're talking about here. he would go into the main room, where a gigantic computer stood, he didn't care if nia followed or not, the least she could do was close the door behind her.


Nia Arini

Nia walked into the room with the briefcase, smiling. "Well, half your cases wouldn't be valid without me cutting corpses to prove what you're talking about! You don't want to end up like some sort of lunatic, right?" The forensics expert laughed and took note of the giant computer before looking out the window. "Okay, now before you do spooky stuff like a vigilante are you at least going to drop by the police station to let them know instead of just leaving a short message? I know they all like you back there."

@Salex The Baldie

"half, half. and how many cases did i solve?" he said, he would then take a folder and toss it to nia. "all the things i could find out about the ying company" he said as he then sat down and took a gulp of his coffee, even in the darkness of his room, the stench of freshly brewed coffee is evident and under his eyes is blacker than the text you are reading right now


Nia Arini

Nia opened the file and immediately got a surprised expression, the one where her jaw dropped and face turned bright red. "They're underestimating the police, and they know about the corruption. Heh, corruption. You know that sixteen officers were fired today. Don't think anyone's left for the corruption anyways." She finished reading it and put the file back on the desk, before taking a seat herself and closing her eyes. "Anyways, you have work to do...and that by that I mean get evaluated by the captain. Goodnight!" Nia then fell asleep right there on the chair.

@Salex The Baldie

he would see the sleeping nia on the chair... at least have the decency to get on the bed. "tch.... alright then" he said as he grabbed a blanket and covered nia, before heading out into the night. he goes to the police station, some greeted him while others murmured, quite typical.



Alison Eckener

If Steve noticed already, the majority of the officers weren't there. Specifically, the only officers that remained were the ones that really were overweight, physically weak, or downright green.

The rest of the officers were in the back of the building, grunting and struggling with some sort of new equipment that was suspending them in the air. "Captain, how do we use this?!"

"OW! Fell on my keys!"


Someone stood out from the crowd. The woman who was standing on top of the machine with impeccable balance. It was the new captain. "If you can't stay upright now, you can't be in the special forces. John, Timothy, and Irene, please leave." And that left three machines empty.

@Salex The Baldie

" you're the new captain.... shorter than the last one. nia said you needed to evaluate me for some reason i can't even think of" he said. the new captain was short, but he has researched on her, she's close to gaining a world record of benchlifting over 1000 pounds, impressive, but she's short.



Alison Eckener

Eckener pulled out a clipboard. The only person who hadn't tried yet was Steve and some others. She silently walked up to the detective and hooked a belt onto him. She looked up at the detective with a cold glare, similar to Steve's own. "The only reason you need to be evaluated is an aptitude test I'm making all officers go through. That includes you. We got new technology, we need to know who can use it and who can't." While she was talking, Alison had hooked up Steve to the machine.

Before anything else could be said, Alison hit the button that would probably turn Steve upside down unless he managed to keep his balance. The captain kept a straight face and began recording how Steve was doing.

@Salex The Baldie

he would inspect every inch of detail he could of the TME as he's lached onto it, being a technological genius, it didn't take long for him to understand the device. the moment alison pressed the button, he would balance himself, barely wobbling. still wobbling but just barely. "what is this thing, it's.... uncomfortable" he said



Alison Eckener

Alison noticed that Steve was doing a pretty decent job of balancing onto the device. "Is comfort really what you care about? Stick to the ground then. It's to combat the assassin's grapple hooks. Takes upper body strength but...who cares? SWAT troops can fly. Anyways, you're free to go now." The captain hit a button and it instantly dropped the wires.

Alison didn't check how, or if Steve fell, and just walked back into the building, to her new office, to see what was up. Since Christina left her with just about everything, that's what was going to be learned about.

@Salex The Baldie


"i use MY grapple hook, these things are unefficient and too complex for it's own good, then again what do i know?" he said as he unhooked the belt from his waist, he would then file in some reports before heading back to his apartment. he would then continue to work on his computer, drinking enless amounts of coffee as he watches nia sleeping


As Searan waited for his assassin to return with news, he sits at his computer and pulls up a search for people creating weapons in the city. "Caught up with me yet, my love?" he mumbles to himself as he pours over the results. While the search did not come up with the exact person he was looking for, a company in the search results does catch Searan's attention. "Military, huh?" he says, then glances over at his table of experimental weapon designs. Well, taking his chances with a company could give Searan an upper hand when he tips the balance of power, and if this company's employees actually have a moral center.... well, he could just kill them later. Seemed like a good plan.

Searan hops up, walking to the upstairs part of his apartment, and quickly making himself more presentable. He was still recovering from the fever he had, but he could function while feeling worse. Searan washes up and changes into some plan business casual clothes, heads back downstairs, grabs his portfolio or weapon designs off his work station, and heads out the door. He takes a taxi to the Oshiro Research and Development Facility. He enters the front doors with an air of confidence, walks up to the front desk, and says in a rather raspy voice, "Excuse me, could I speak to someone in charge of weapon development?"



Akira pauses a moment as she considers what the man was saying to her. "I suppose you wouldn't," she finally replies. "If your friend there wants to actually back off, then I'll consider unlocking these doors and talking." Akira sighs as Chi recognizes her voice, though it was being distorted just a bit. She pushes a button to turn off the distortion, and replies, "I'm aware of what's going on, and you don't have to worry about the man inside my van." she sighs again. "Well, assuming Mr. Unarmed over there is willing to play nice, I'll tell you all what I know, not that I'm asking you to join if you don't want to, Chi, but I am about to get myself into some trouble."

@Hanah Solo


@Ichijou Raku

@The Fabulous Emerald
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Jake would smile and he looked to Kai and yelled "Hey, back off a bit, they want to talk!" He would say as he prepared himself to take off in the car in case of any plans to escape. "Come on open up now." He said into the phone 

@Crystal Cali @Ichijou Raku
Kai Williams

Kai sighed and replied to Jake. "Sure." He dropped his dagger at the ground. How heck does she know I'm armed? He thought. Kai picked his bag at Jake's car and wore it into his back. "My bag is unarmed. No weapons, but there are a few items here, my laptop, a camera, headphones and a pen." He truthfully told her.
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"I wait here and watch your back."

Chi take better position and start watching over.

(by to way Chi recognised Akira because she said that she's inside van that Chi recognised as same where Akira and Dan was)
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(( @Ichijou Raku She doesn't know, she just doesn't trust he told her the truth. ))

Akira mutes the mic on her computer, then looks to Dan. "Well, I guess help found me... if these guys are trustworthy," she says, then opens the back sliding door that Chi would be standing in front of, hopping out and closing the door behind her. "Not sure why you're so fond of me, but I could use the help if you're offering," she says, then turns and walks to the back of her van, facing the guys in the other car. "Alright, no tricks," she says holding her arms out. "You're looking for S3RP3NT, you say? Why?"


@Hanah Solo

@The Fabulous Emerald
JAKe would smile stepping out holding his arms up to show he had no weapons well that were visible and he stepped out a few paces and said "Well I've heard a lot about him, he doesnt sound like a good fella, so I figured if someones trynna take him down might aswell help. Him on the other hand I have no clue." He would say the last bit as he motioned towards Kai. Then he looked back to the girl who had another girl next to her now, the one he seen in the coffee shop. He smiled before he would lean against the hood of his car "So, you two do know eachother then? I figured thats why she was watching me so keenly in the shop." He chuckled 

@Crystal Cali @Ichijou Raku @Hanah Solo
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Akira raises an eyebrow. "So, just out of a sense of justice, huh?" she says, not liking that his answer was so plain, but she really shouldn't be picky in this situation. She glances over at Chi, then back to the man. "Yeah, we've met before," she answers, then looks to the other man. "so, what about you then? Why are you so interested in finding S3RP3NT?"

@Ichijou Raku


@Hanah Solo
He chuckled "Suspicious of me eh? Its because I have a moral duty to save lives. If he outs peoples lives in danger then well I gotta save them. It is the Medical creed after all." He said smiling reffering ti the oath all medical professions take when being given their credentials 

@Crystal Cali
Kai Williams

"Just like this guy beside me said, I don't want S3RP3NT to take control of the city. All these innocent citizens may get hurt or get killed." Kai said. "What I can do are hack, DDoS or DoS any device, disable any security device including Firewall, and close combat using my dagger." He actually lied at the first part, but the rest are true.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
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"What you going to do? Give cure from being evil? Hah! Go help those who can be helped whit your medical creed"

Chi turns her face towards other man.

"And you, go play with your daggers somewhere else."

I see daggers enought at home...
Jake would laugh as he looked to the woman "You know the only thing stopping me from killing you right now is the oath i swore to do no harm unless necessary, otherwise little girl I would have you dead at my feet." 

He would look away from her as if she didnt matter "Anyways all that matters to me is your word my friend, your friend here doesn't matter to me."

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo
Kai Williams

He didn't react about the girl. Kai wanted to say, I can have you dead right now, right here. But he thought that threat was too real, since he has a dagger. He waited for something to happen.

@Hanah Solo
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Nia Arini

Nia slid off of the chair, hitting the ground hard. "Ooh! Sorry Steve!" The forensics expert got up and adjusted her glasses before looking at the detective. "Oh, how did it go?"

@Salex The Baldie

Alison Eckener | Theta

"I think we should be glad we militarized the police." The new captain put on a glove on her left hand and narrowed her eyes into the distance. It was time for the police to be feared in this city, more than they already are. 

"Uh...yes ma'am?" Theta stepped backwards into his office and came back a few minutes later, struggling with tons of tablets and things. "Jeez, should've left with Christina." Theta muttered before the captain held her hand out. "Here, gimme that." Eckener carried everything out to the ice cream truck and set it in the back. "There you go, you weirdo." 

Alison Eckener

The captain broke into a sprint and shot a rope into the side of the building. Pulling hard on the side, Alison managed to throw herself over the oncoming traffic and into the upper floors of the building. "Hey idiot, stop killing the guards! You're leaving a mess..." The captain sighed and swung backwards, before firing herself forwards and crashing through the window. Before anyone could see anything, two swords swished through the air at tremendous speeds. The next thing that was known, the assassin's head rolled onto the ground. As the lifeless corpse fell, the captain looked to the guards. "Alison Eckener, MPPD."


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