Main RP [RP happens here]

Hanah feared of look in Veena's eyes.

"No, i don't really fight... Last time i was sended to hospital when someone broked my skull."

Hanah points her scars at her bald head.

Hanah now, plus scars


"That's how they caught me."

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"Ah now why would they encase such a thing in a glass case when it obviously looks so much better in my possession" the White Phantom mutters ask he takes the diamond from the class case. While hanging from the ceiling of course. Luckily the rope seemed to be holding well.  Jonathan had heard about this diamond from one of his black market brokers. A one of a kind, priceless jewel that is going on show to the world tomorrow. However when they unveil the it all that shall be in the glass box is a single playing card. Climbing back up the rope Samson remembers to move in order to avoid the lasers and cameras. "So no one was allowed to see this thing before it was unveiled, wonder if the same applies to borrowing it" the thief mutters to himslef as he climbs out the skylight. "A bit of cliche job but with a prize such as this, well I suppose style can wait" the white phantom mutters as he runs along the museum roof, eventually leaping of the edge to another building. (Open for interaction) 

Veena Sanchez

"Jeez." Veena sighed, falling onto her back on the ground with a loud 'thud.' "Brain damage? That's okay, nobody lives without a little bit of concussions." She grabbed the post of the bed and pulled herself into a standing position, rolling up her sleeves to her forearms. "I just need..." Veena walked to the door before crouching down in front of Hanah. "Keys. Any way you can open a lock, and I can get us out of here altogether. That, and I won't have to get naked in front of the guards."

@Hanah Solo
Hanah take spoon from plate couple minutes later cell door hang from lock and one wire that go to lock at it's place.

"I don't know why there is that wire, but i loosed it so we can open cell whitout lock opening."

(Wire is alarm system that tells to guards if cell doors lock is open, but doesn't tell if door is at its place.)

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Veena Sanchez

"Got it." Veena remembered having to lock a door one time at the bank so she could spray paint a massive drawing on the vault doors, and this was no different. It wouldn't be easy for them to get out, but as long as the spoon was in they could get out. Veena pushed her shoulder up against the door and put a hand to the spoon. "From here on out, stay silent."

The criminal grit her teeth and pressed hard against the heavy metal door, managing to push it out with a small enough gap to slip out. Since Veena was taller and bigger than Hanah, the same gap could be used to slip out by both of them, but they had to act first before either the spoon fell out or a guard noticed them.

@Hanah Solo
Hanah awed when Veena pushed door open and followed then her out from cell. Outside of cell there was yell from next cell, coming out from woman who was one who beat Hanah at morning shower.

"Hey crybaby! Let me out too!"

Hanah moved closer to Veena, shaking from fear.

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Veena Sanchez

"Don't worry." Veena rolled her eyes and wrapped an arm around Hanah's shoulder, moving her away from the woman. "We'll let you out soon enough." At that point, Veena realized they could be in trouble. So there was only one thing to do. "Hanah, right? Make a run for the showers, I'll be right behind you." There were some guards around the back corner, so running was the best way out.

@Hanah Solo
Hanah nobs and start running towards showers.

Is she really letting her out too?


(edited more) Woman from other cell take hold of Veena's arm between bars. 

"You let me out now or guards catches you now and then you and crybaby will share her job in showers."

Woman smirks.
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Akira raises an eyebrow at Jake. "I can't promise what she'll do," she said, jerking her finger at Chi, then looks to the other guy who had been talking about hacking, and sneers at him. "I can do that, and more, thank you very much," she says. Akira looks back to Jake. "Okay, fine, I'll accept that you want to protect people out of a sense of justice, but just what do you think you can do? I can't even do anything until S3RP3NT makes his next move. Hell, if I had been behind a computer when he made his move in the first place, we wouldn't have this problem," she says bitterly, cursing herself internally. 

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @Ichijou Raku


Searan watched the news as reporters covered the attempt on the mayor's life, a fire-like rage growing inside him. "Damn, useless pawns!" he shouts, throwing a wrench from his workstation at the wall. It bounced feebly off the wall, and landed with a clink. Despite his rage, Searan was still physically weaker than most, and sick on top of that. After a short coughing fit, Searan walked to the upstairs of his apartment, and looked out a window to watch the crowds below. He stood there for quite a while, and interestingly enough, he saw a protest forming on the streets below. It started as a small group of people with signs that read "Stop Corruption," and things like that, but it slowly grew as Searan continued to stand there, a smile now forming. Well, he could start a riot in this city at least, but he liked to wait until the sun went down to make his little announcements, and it was still rather light out (I think).

Jake would smile to her "I can do more than you would think." Jake was stronger than he looked, and he was a fast and agile fighter, especially in hand to hand or any melee style combat. He was a pretty good shot too and his bionic eyes helped him even more when it came to shooting, but even then he preferred to use pistols or his wrist pistols. He was a Surgeon so he was also a expert at medical treatment and could stabalize someone if he needed. The only thing that would really stop him was a EMP or electric based weapons. Jake then added "You know, I may be a doctor but I'm just as good at taking a life as I am saving one." 

@Hanah Solo

@Crystal Cali

@Ichijou Raku
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Akira grinned slightly at Jake's comment. "I'll take your word for it. For now, though, I can't locate S3RP3NT until he makes his move, so why don't we find someplace more comfortable to wait?"

Jake smirked  "Comfortable place? Well I do have a rather secure and comfortable home. If you arent afraid to stay there." He would say his smirk turning into a kind smile. "Secure WiFi and everything."

@Crystal Cali
Akira nodded. It was better than leading everyone here to her place. Dan knew where she lived, and that was already too many people in her mind. "Fine, then. I'll follow you," she says, turning back to hop in the driver's seat of her van. She glances over to Dan (Assuming he's still in the van at this point) and says "Better to work from that guy's house. I have too much at mine I wouldn't want people poking into while I work."  

@ThatOneLunatic @The Fabulous Emerald
He knew they would agree, his house didnt have any hidden secrets. He nodded and walked back to his car ((Imma assume @Ichijou Raku followed)) and he turned the car around in a u-turn waiting for them to begin to follow before taking off. He drove off out of the main parts of the city, to where the more prominent and wealthy people lived, driving up a few streets and up a hill where there was a large house with gates at the front. He touched a button on his car keys and the gates opened allowing them to drive in to the rotary where he parked facing off to the gate allowing the others to park directly in front of the main entrance getting out of his car and smiling to them motioning for them to get out into his massive yard as he walked over to the front door of his home opening it allowing them into the main hall of his house. 

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali

Mansion.jpg(The overview and size of his home)

Main entrance.jpg(Main entrance to his Mansion)

Veena Sanchez

"What are you, a pedophile?" Veena struggled against the woman, though she was in a bit of a twist against the bars. Even her physical strength couldn't really get her out of this one. 

Veena realized there was no way out of this one, so she did what she best saw fit at the moment. "Out you go..." Veena muttered as she released the cell door with the spoon and her free arm. 

@Hanah Solo
Akira parks her van in front of the massive mansion, texts Chi the coordinate to where she is, then hops out of the van. She grabs her computer and needed accessories from the back, and walks into the mansion with her arms full. Akira pauses in the doorway to look around. "Hmm," she says, sounding neither impressed nor displeased. "So, where should I set up?" she asks, getting straight to the point.  

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo


Prisoner let go of Veena's arm and exits from her cell.

"Now let's go find crybaby. It would be shame if we lost our toy."

Prisoner smirked evilly.

Hanah had get in shower, not knowing what to do next.
He smiled he was a little disappointed that she had not shown any thought towards his home but yet again he didnt really care. "Follow me right this way." He walked her up the stairs to the right and down a long hallway taking a left at the end brining her to a nother long hallway with rooms on each side each about the size of a master bedroom and he said "Pick whichever one you want. These are the guest rooms." 


@Crystal Cali
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Akira nods and walks into one of the guest rooms, not really caring which one. "Your guest rooms are about as big as my apartment," she commented. "Anyway, I'll set up here. We can't really make a move until S3RP3NT makes his, since I won't be able to find him until he's online. Once I do, though, I have a vague plan on how to stop him. If I'm able to hack him, then stopping him shouldn't be a problem. What may be a problem is the followers he may have gained by the time we find him. Though, it's only been a day since he announced himself, so I don't think he'll have an army quite yet."

"Just tell me what you need done and I'll do what I can." He said with a kind smile before he stretched his arms and sighed "The password to the secured server is K1TT3N. So if you want to you can access it." he sat down in the chair next to the fireplace "Whats your first move against him?"

@Crystal Cali
Wandering the streets Jonathan wonders what to next to job to pull of as he wonders the streets of the city. The master magician wears a three piece blue suit that looks like it cost a pretty penny. Pretty pennies that he of course did not by himself. Johnathan walk conveys that of a man who is confident in his life who is rather fulfilled in the path his life has taken. Coutuing on his walk his mind stays focused on what the day may bring. (Open for interaction)
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Akira nods as she sets up her laptop on the table in the room, moving away the decorations that were already sitting there. She logs into the wireless Internet, and pulls up several windows, scanning for S3RP3NT's activity. "Well, I'll track him digitally, which will be easier if he decides to hack the airwaves again. Once I find him, I'll hack him to keep him distracted while you go to his address. Hopefully he doesn't have guards or anything like that yet, and it won't be too..." Akira trails off as she comes across an article about the assassination attempt on the mayor. She curses softly in Japanese, shaking her head as her eyes scan the screen.



After watching the protest outside his window for a while, Searan sets down the mug that had his soup in it, pulls up his hood so no one could see his face, and goes out to join the crowd. He speaks with protesters individually, and eventually the crowd realizes who he is. They all shout and cheer, chanting "Revolution" over and over, though Searan raises a hand to get them to calm down. "If you really want a revolution, my friends," he says with a nasty grin, "You have to be armed to fight for it! Come with me, and I will give you the strength to make our revolution a success!" After his small speech, about 20 people followed Searan into his apartment, where he began working to make them into a deadly armed force.  

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