Main RP [RP happens here]

Searan flinches as if the man's question struck a nerve. "You have no idea," he says in a slow, ominous voice. "That's why my revolution exists! Because I know first-hand just what happens when when someone thinks they have the power to rule over people. They'll do whatever the hell they want, and get away with it, no matter how many people they have to take advantage of to do it. It sickens me." The last sentence came out sounding like a viscous hiss, and Searan's face contorted with rage that he seemed to barely hold back for a bit, but he does. Moments later, he takes a deep breath, and his expression turns neutral. 

"Exactly," Johnny says with a smile. "But I do have an idea. More than you think." He laughs a bit as if remembering something from long ago.

"But enough of the past. How long will this new fiery justice take to make?" He looks eager to have a new kind of flame-based weapon as if he was a kid in a candy store.

@Crystal Cali
Akira doesn't look too concerned with the fact that her appearance surprised Chi, though she was only wet from the waist up. "A bikini from Jake's guest room. He didn't seem keen on doing nothing while we wait, and I didn't see a reason to be so uptight about it." Akira pulls the phone out of the cover-up pocket and illuminates the screen, which would show lines of code moving across it rather than an ordinary lock screen. "Besides, I'm still monitoring the situation quite close. Once S3RP3NT makes his move, I'll have a lock on him," she speaks confidently. "Though before that, we should all get together and work out a plan. I have a basic idea of how to catch our little snake, but I need you guys on board with me."

@Hanah Solo


Searan smiles wickedly at the excitement of his new customer. "Not long at all. In fact, if I start with this, all I have to do is make some modifications, switch out some parts, and it'll be ready in no time. Meanwhile, feel free to make yourself comfortable here," he says, gesturing to the living room. If Johnny was one to snoop, he might find some clues about Searan's past within the room, though much more upstairs, but that's only if Johnny looks. (gtg for tonight. I'll be on sometime tomorrow afternoon/evening hopefully.)


Veena Sanchez

"If you touch her like that, I'll enjoy drowning you in the showers. Got it?" Veena kept the prisoner woman in her sight, and within reach to hit if possible. She eventually walked ahead of the woman and straight into the showers. She turned around and looked at the woman with more irritation. "Hanah, she said she'd abuse you if I didn't let her go." Veena suddenly grabbed the woman by the arm. "Oh, and her name is Hanah, you dirty bitch."

@Hanah Solo

Commander Christina Hales Captain Alison Eckener Agent 'Theta' Dr. Nia Arini

Some time later, Christina showed up at the police office again. She had just gone out to run some errands, the usual stuff, but there was something else with her. There was a badge on her arm. Alison Eckener was the first to take notice of this. "Commander?"

"Long story. It's probably only temporary. Anyways, this is a serious situation. Theta, I think you-"

"Chrissy's back!" The hacker sprinted out of his room with a computer in one hand, plugged into his neck. "Ahem. Welcome back."

The interim commander smiled and lay down a paper plan. "Right, so, I think I've managed to get a little bit of understanding of our situation with S3RP3NT. Our police force isn't geared for intelligence, but we can definitely execute. As such, I'm recruiting the right people."

"That's great, but did you find anyone?" Eckener crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. 

"Possibly. Doctor Arini will probably come with those-"

The door flew open, and the forensics expert walked in with two boxes. She set them down and smiled at everyone. "Hello! I hope I'm not late! I don't have anything with me...let the hacker speak."

"Uh...right. There's someone else on S3RP3NT's trail, and it's not Detective Argent. Speaking of him, we're in a situation. He better get his ass down here before he gets his own kicked."

"I agree with that."

Alison didn't say a word and typed in Steve's number onto a rotary phone.

"Ooh, tell him to bring snack-" The doctor tried to get information but had her face palmed by the police captain. "Steve, now would be a good time to show up."

@Salex The Baldie
suddenly steve turned around the corner, exiting his detective's office. the bags around his eyes were black as night and he reeked of freshly brewed coffee, not to mention the huge mug of joe in his right hand that's his life support system. " i'm here.... what is it[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]" he asked as he sipped his coffee[/COLOR]


"Well you wasn't there when she cried whole night and morning like baby. I bet that she beg me to let her clean me whit her tongue at morning."

Hanah back away to wall, she was going to burst out to cry.



Chi followed Akira, shaking her head when listening her.

"I shouldn't have leave you here alone."

@Crystal Cali
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Commander Christina Hales | Captain Alison Eckener | Agent 'Theta' | Dr. Nia Arini

"Information. What have you found so far about S3RP3NT and his...anything. I'm sure you didn't look on the internet, that's not possible to find information about a master hacker. But what about the hitman?" Alison pointed to the table. She was still wearing TME for some reason, and almost looked as if she was ready to jump out the window the second she was given information. The other ones around the table was Theta, who was now typing rapidly on a laptop, Nia, who was hopefully smiling at Steve for information and possibly some more corpses, and finally Christina, who was now commander for some reason. "Yeah, it's important that we get all the information you have right now."

@Salex The Baldie

Veena Sanchez

Veena realized that talking to the woman won't do any good. "What do you get out of licking her anyways? You know what, don't answer that question." The criminal narrowed her eyes. Veena had to lighten the mood, fast, before Hanah got molested again.

"Well, looks like we're in the shower. Guess that means we have to shower..." Veena smirked as she began taking her prison clothes off. She kept her back turned to Hanah and focused on the prisoner woman.

@Hanah Solo

steve just.... stood there.... like all of his soul has been taken away. " nothing....... nothing......... i can't find anything.......... s3rp3nt covered his trails to the point where there is none in the web..... and his hitmen has been.... it's like they were erased from existence itself...... i......" he said before suddenly he drops his mug of coffee and drops to the floor, in deep sleep.



"So your plan to defender crybaby is take her place? Works to me."

Prisoner started undress herself too.

Hanah looked to both girls embraced and aroused.


Commander Christina Hales | Captain Alison Eckener | Agent 'Theta' | Dr. Nia Arini

Theta, Nia, and Commander Hales watched as the detective fell to the ground. However, Alison didn't let it happen. The captain jumped over the table and slid on the floor to catch Steve's head on her legs before it hit the ground. "Tsk. I can't have you drooling on the floor. If Doctor Arini spills any acid, it's gonna make a huge mess." The captain lifted Steve up and nonchalantly walked past the commander, the agent, and the forensics expert. "Captain..." Christina reached out to do something, but had her hand pushed away by the captain. "I'll take care of him. You can have Theta contact my squad." And then, the captain disappeared into the halls.

"Oh, Theta, she said her squad right?"

"Yep...can't wait to have them back." Theta picked up the phone with a hint of reluctance, and turned the phone upside down. "First squad member...Pandora Roth... Oh god no."

Alison walked directly to the infirmary and set Steve down on a bed. She waited a second before pulling out a tray, water bottles, and various monitors for vitals. She had no expression on her face as she made sure Steve was comfortable. It would be stupid to leave him on the ground.

@Salex The Baldie
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Veena Sanchez

"No, no, I'm not taking her place. I'm just...showering." Veena's voice softened as she set her clothes aside. She slowly walked to the showers with a light smirk on her face. Preserving her dignity with nothing but her arms covering herself, she turned on the ice cold water. Veena didn't flinch in the slightest, giving the impression the water was nice. "Sorry, we should all get clean here." Veena crouched down next to Hanah and held a hand out. "Hanah, go with it. I'll get us out soon enough..."

@Hanah Solo
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meanwhile in steve's brain........ it was a beautiful day, church bells rang as pigeons flew.... what the hell was happening? he was wearing a tuxedo and suddenly... nia came, in a wedding gown, and being nia she sheepishly jumped onto steve's arms. "wait WHAT, THIS RELATIONSHIP CAN'T WORK, SHE'S TALLER THAN ME, NOOOOOO" he shouted before suddenly abruptly waking up in a cold sweat. " thank god it's just a dream..." he said as he sat upright in the infirmary bed.






Captain Alison Eckener

"Oh, right..." Alison remembered that they had to give coffee to Steve. She walked over to a panel which had written in big letters In case of Steve emergency, break w/hammer.

"I don't need no hammer..." Eckener sighed as she smashed the glass with her hand. At the same exact moment, it looked as if Steve woke up. Eckener lost focus and ended up striking the glass wrong, breaking it down the middle. Her eyes shifted to meet the detective's while her hand remained, bleeding, in the emergency case. "It said to break in case of emergency. Are you alright?"

@Salex The Baldie

" i am fine and what the hell, your hand eckener" he said as he got out of the bed " i can't find anything on serpent nor his men, he's like a ghost, i can't trace him digitally, that's theta's job. i'm going after him, physically" he said



Captain Alison Eckener

"Oh." Eckener pulled her hand out of the glass and began picking off the shards, one by one, without showing any signs of pain. "Alright, that means you need clearance to past crime scenes and traces of where he was, physically of course." Eckener turned to face Steve directly, now with a shielded but passionate glare in her eyes. "They are also coming back to aid with this operation."

@Salex The Baldie
"they.... they're back.... no matter, it'll only delay me" he said as he puts on his coat " im heading out to the streets" and that was all he said as he walked out to the crowd 



Hanah relaxed when Veena talked to her and take hold of Veena's hand.

"Bah! Well if i can't get relief then I will leave. Have fun whit guards when they find you."

Prisoner left showers, leaving her clothes behind. 

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[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Captain Alison Eckener [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 205)]| [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]Commander Christina Hales [/COLOR]| Agent Theta

"Well, when you're done with the investigation, we'll take it from there." Alison rubbed her mouth and walked out back into the main part of the MPPD building. Outside, Christina and Theta were waiting, staring at the captain. "What the hell went on in there?" The hacker shifted towards his commander and embraced her awkwardly. "She's scary."

"Y-Yeah, get off." Christina nudged Theta away from herself and turned to the captain. "If your squad comes over soon, send them on patrol for a while or something...I don't know."

The captain walked out of the door with a darkness to her grey eyes. "I'll get to meet with them at the coffee shop."

<Alison Eckener is OPEN>
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Veena Sanchez

Veena chuckled, even though she had to get naked so did the prisoner woman. "Sucker. Haha, we got her!" Shaking her hair out of her eyes, she turned to Hanah once again with a bit of a caring expression, a side of her never seen before.

 "Oh, well... you look a little bit shaken. Here, hug." Veena held her arms out for Hanah, quickly giving her a rather awkward hug before looking to the window. " you know how we can get out?"

@Hanah Solo
Hanah hugged Veena too.

"No, i don't."

Prisoner had found one armed guard who hadn't notice her, she sneaked behind him and snapped his neck. She then take his clothes and gun and started walk towards exit when alarm started ring, guards had noticed escape from cells. At front of security gate, gatekeeper noticed that she wasn't guard and sound alarm, prisoner shoot him cold bloody. 

"I'm not going back in anymore."


(There's distraction to keep guards busy)
His curiosity peaked, Johnathan decide to follow the man down the alley. Normally that would be a bad idea. His eyes became fixed as he saw what was in the bag. Money and a hell of a lot of it. Walking up behind the man he says in a rather refined voice "Now don't you think that would look a lot better in my account rather then yours mean I doubt you got it from a legitimate source" while resting on a wall in the alley. @YoungX
"Hey back off I got this first!" The man said in a very hostile tone as he turned around to see a man behind him. "Also who are you to talk about legitimate source when your probably gonna try and yoink it from meh?" That was when the man took out a USP Pistol and aimed it at the man with both arms. 

"Now I'm gonna warn you to back off pal. I ain't afraid to bust a knee or even your head if you think your just gonna come here and swoop this money from me." The man was very confident and surely figured that the man would have no choice but to do as he says.

Finally standing up instead of leaning on  the wall Johnathan puts his hands up keeping a smug smile. "Well I was actually going to try and take from it you rather then it 'yoink it from meh'" Johnathan says in a sarcastic one.  "Put I think I can give you something worth just as much as that bag of money" the magician says as he pulls a card from his sleeve. Enjoying the mans reaction the master magician proceeds to throw the card at the gun, Luckily this card was made of a light weight steel, which resulted in a gun sliced in half. "Just for the record those things cost an arm and leg so the money will be spent on a good cause". @YoungX
"W-what the hell?! H-hey just take it easy man. You know what? Just just take it I'm outta here," he says as he runs off leaving the alleyway as he climbs over a fence. From there he would leave behind the bag of money all for Johnathan to have for himself. Funny enough the man would later get arrested after being found out by the cops. Apparently the man was dumb and accidentally left behind fingerprints at the scene and was traced back to him.


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