Main RP [RP happens here]

Veena Sanchez

Veena was a little busy getting dressed when she heard gunshots. "Okay, now'so our chance!" Dropping the rest of her clothes, Veena took Hanah by the hand and turned to the exit. She wasn't too bothered by wearing prison issued undergarments, especially since the two would have to get disguises once they got out the door.

"I think the prison's in a forest. We'll find our way out but I need us to run fast now."

@Hanah Solo
Akira looks over her shoulder to Chi as she walks back towards the spa room. "It's not like I'd let him do anything to me, you just don't get good allies by being a cold bitch all the time. Trust me, if that worked, I'd still have my nose in the computer. I've lost track of S3RP3NT in the past because I lost allies due to my lack of social bonds. I figured it was time to try something different. Still, we don't have much time to fool around." As she said this, Akira arrived at the entrance to the spa room. She opened the door, and poked her head inside, noticing Jake was floating on his back in the water. "Hey, come out of there," she calls to him. "We need to get back to work."

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic 


Searan gets to work modifying the flame thrower he had shown Johnny. He had his back turned towards Johnny, and in his arrogance, assumed his new comrade wouldn't go snooping in his personal things. There were things to find both upstairs and downstairs that would be quite telling as to what happened to Searan in the past, and perhaps why he does what he does now, but that's only if Johnny looks. If he doesn't, there was a comfortable couch in front of the TV displaying all of the security cameras.

Jake sighed and looked over "But this is relaxing, cant be just plan something while we are in here? I was just starting to have fun." He chuckled as he lay on his back floating "The sky looks beautiful (tonight?)" He said as he sighed in bliss "Just come in here..."

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali
Akira sighs. She didn't have time to argue. She takes the cover off, and hangs it on the hook where she had it before, and walks over to the water. She pulls up a chair for Chi, since she was not wearing a swimsuit, and probably didn't care to take the time to change. She looks to Chi, and motions to the chair. "We really don't have time to argue," she points out before getting back in the waist-deep water. "Well, the plan should be simple enough, though if S3RP3NT has more than a few on his side, we might run into trouble," she began.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
Jake would listen and smile as he sat up he was slightly distracted by Akiras looks but then he nodded "I'm sure we can deal with a few men, but you're right if he has more it may get troublesome."

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo
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Johnny Jojo, a man who cares little for what even his allies may say, heads towards downstairs out ofbsheer boredom. Since he saw S3RP3NT at work he figured he may as well look around.

@Crystal Cali


Chi sit down to chair that Akira pointed.

"Well in my job there is not much time for chatting."


Hanah followed Veena to corridor where lied lot of dead guards, more specified all guards inside sector who had tried to stop prisoner. Hanah throw up from view

Akira nods, then begins. "S3RP3NT always announces when he feels he has successfully started his revolution, and considering that the recent attempt on the mayor's life was attributed to him, I doubt it will be long before he strikes again. When he makes his broadcast, I should be able to hack him. I'll get his coordinates as quickly as possible, though it will take some time to do so. Once I know where he is, I will give the coordinates to you two, and to the police once I have some control over S3RP3NT's actions. By hacking him, I will have created a distraction, and possibly impaired his ability to command whatever followers he has. I don't know what exactly I can do to help you get past his defenses until I've hacked him, but I'll do everything I can." Akira sighs, and pauses a moment, as she looks like she was thinking about something rather hard, though opening up the opportunity for someone to ask a question.

@Hanah Solo @ThatOneLunatic


On one of the windows in the downstairs portion of the apartment, there are news articles and pictures taped across it. The pictures all contain the same 3 people: Searan, a girl whose hair and eyes are the same color as Seran's, and a brown-haired, brown eyed girl who usually wears a cat-eared hoodie. Some of the pictures show signs that say "Ohio State University" on them, and they all look like they are likely from that campus. There are more pictures of the girl who looks like Searan than there are of the others. The news articles are all about different cases where it seemed like the local or state government had caused someone's death. The victim named most often throughout all of the articles was Heejung Kim.

Jake nodded and smiled to her "Your plan should work well. If you can get me to him I should be able to finish the job." He seen her go into a thinking state and he decided not to ask what it was about "So, what is it you hate this guy for? Besides the revolution? Where did you meet him?"

@Crystal Cali
"Hmm?" The articles and pictures have caught his attention kind of similar to a man meeting a beautiful woman. He reads the articles and eyes the pictures before having a small smirk.

"Well well... so this is your pain, S3RP3NT?" He says to himself extremely quiet. "I suppose we share similar pains after all." After a bit be became bored again and decided to head on back upstairs. Wondering whether or not S3RP3NT would get mad if he found out, he decided to play it real cool and relaxed on the couch. Now he would stare at the cameras as if watching Saturday Night Live.

"You know, what are you going to do after this? What happens when your mission is done? Have you ever wonder what would happen to this country without a government?" He asks S3RP3NT out of boredom.

@Crystal Cali

Veena Sanchez | Slack

Veena sighed and stood next to Hanah as she did her thing. "Look, I don't think the other guards are gonna-"

The sound of more gunshots filled the air. Guards seemed to disappear, and there was a clear path to the exit. The only sight was a toned, woman like figure in a black suit leave through the roof. Veena continued by pulling Hanah towards the exit. She then kicked the door open, hard. "Come on...we need to wash up...get new clothes..." 

@Hanah Solo
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Akira flinches at the question. "We used to be friends," she says after a long pause, "then he lost his mind. Anyway, that hardly matters. He's had enough chances to stop what he's doing, so once you find him, do everything in your power to stop him."



Searan returns to the common area where Johnny was, a modified flame-thrower in his grasp. "Here you are, friend," he says, his voice sounding more hoarse than before since he hasn't had anything to drink in a while. "Now, I know you said you're not particularly invested in my revolution, but could I trouble you for a favor? You see, as you may know already, I tried to have the mayor killed. I was planning to kill the men running for office against him next, but the one I contracted to do that job has, well, vanished. Could I trouble you with the task of killing these men for me?"

Seeing that his question probably wasn't heard he would eye the weapon. He smirks and takes it as he equips it onto himself.

"Guess you don't know. The mayor is retiring this year. You only gotta worry about those running. I can take care of a few for you. Some of them are just power hungry wannabes anyway. I'll do it in return for this wonderful fire starter." He would have to look up where they lived in order to find them but that shouldn't be too hard. Plus with the city as it is, he can use that to his advantage.

"I'll strike at midnight. Some of them are too cocky to not have guards. Hah. They're asking for it." A dumb grin comes across his face. He pretends to cackle and looks to S3RP3NT.

"You really going to get rid of the government in this country? Or is it the world? History books tell of men who dared to do such things. I know because I was bored and wanted to read a book."

@Crystal Cali
A grin was plastered to the magicians face as he went over the bag. A small whistle came from him as looked inside, at the vast amount of dollar bills within . Deciding not to take the mostly stolen bag of dollar bills with him, the thief throws the bag into a near by bin. Calling up on his broker he tells of what he found, what he did to the man who owned it and where he left it. Walking out the alley Johnathan continues on his walk, albeit with a extra spring in his step. @YoungX
Akira gives Jake a grateful look. "Thank you, though don't worry about my feelings too much," she says, then glances to one of the TVs in the room, which was still showing a normal broadcast. Akira sighs. The tension was going to build. She knew Searan wouldn't make an announcement before his next attack was initiated. Always action first, then words later. 

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo


Searan grinned, cackling a bit himself, though that just threw him into a pathetic coughing fit. "I want to," he paused, coughed again, and cleared his throat. "I want to free as many places from corruption as I can. I don't think I personally will be able to rid the entire world of all government, but perhaps my revolution will spark others. Who knows? I could become a legendary figure," his eye twitched as his smile grew wide. "Well, then, I'll leave the burning of things to you. Once you have done that, contact me so I can move on with the next phase of my plan." Searan held out a small piece of paper, which had a phone number on it, and nothing more.

Jake looked concerned and he moved closer to her putting a hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner "You're feelings matter, we are a team now. We cant have you being all emotionally distraught if we are taking down a guy this powerful." He says with a smile his toned body exposed as he looked at her with his green eyes seeming to shine in the rooms light

@Crystal Cali
Akira looks up at Jake, and smiles. "I know. That's why I'll be staying here while you both go to take care of him. The last time I tried to catch him in person, he manipulated me into letting him go." Akira sighs again, looking down at the water. 

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
Jakes hand would move to her chin lifting it up so her gaze matched his and he smiled "Keep your head up, relax while you can. I have a feeling the next days are gonna be difficult so have fun while we can, ok?" Jake would smile before wrapping one arm around her and then the other in a comforting hug

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo
Johnny takes the small piece of paper and would stuff it within his jacket breast pocket before heading on out. He had his own place to crash at and would decide to head on out. "I'll call when I'm done. Till then do whatever it is you do." As he heads downstairs he sings a tune that has no rhythm of anything sort. From there he goes outside and takes a walk back.

@Crystal Cali


Hanah followed Veena.


Chi pucket earphones to her phone and start listening her daughter's voice mail. As she was not interested about Jake's flirting.

Veena Sanchez

Veena looked outside first, but saw that the prisoner was somehow killed. She looked back at Hanah and lifted her up bridal style, covering her eyes with her hand. "Don't look Hanah, it's probably for the best. Also...holy crap you are light." Veena chuckled as she began a walk towards a small wooden house by a river, just outside the city.

"Do you eat fish?" Veena said as she removed her hand from Hanah's eyes. She pointed to the small wooden house, then to the river. "If you want to wait inside that's fine, I'm not forcing you to help."

@Hanah Solo
Hanah trusted to Veena and let her carry her eyes covered.

"I think i have once eated it whit my mom, but i don't remember. I will wait you."

Hanah gived small kiss to Veena's cheek.

Akira seemed both confused and conflicted by the affection Jake was showing towards her. Still, she gently hugs him back for a brief moment before stepping back, and sitting on the edge of the pool. She looks towards the TV, kicking her legs in the water. "Right. No use in stressing too much right now, though we shouldn't let our guards down either." She glances at Chi, noticing she had put her ear buds in again. Akira remembered that she had said something about her daughter leaving her a voice mail earlier when she hacked the phones. Akira turned her gaze back towards the TV, not wanting to bother Chi as she dealt with something personal.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo


Searan grinned as Johnny walked out, then turned back to the people that had gathered inside his house. In as grand a voice as he could muster up from his swollen and scratchy throat, he said to them, "Revolutionaries! The time to strike grows near! Once the candidates to rule you have been taken down, you will have your chance to strike! Strike at the heart of this city, and those who defend your corrupt politicians! Give them the punishment you so desperately wish to! And as the time grows near, so should our numbers! Gather your friends who you believe would help further our cause, and I will provide the tools they need to do it!" With that, the people who could hear were excitedly contacting their friends and allies, and more people started showing up to Searan's apartment. It would look quite suspicious if anyone saw.

(Open for interaction until @YoungX "makes his move." If anyone else wants to jump in on the revolution storyline, now's your chance.) 

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