Main RP [RP happens here]

Veena Sanchez

Veena was taken aback quite a bit by the kiss. Nobody had ever been that nice to her, ever, so it was a real surprise. "Oh...uh...thanks." She pecked a kiss on Hanah's cheek as a simple return, smiled, and set Hanah down. "You might wanna change out of your prison clothes after this." She smiled warmly before tossing her shoes and clothes off, walking into the river, until the water reached her waist. Veena bent down in the water and began feeling around. "Ever noodled a catfish before?"

@Hanah Solo 
Jake smiled as he climbed out of the spa "Want to go out to the pool? Theres a tv by the bar?" He said as he stretched and pointed out the doorway in which a door had retracted that had a smooth stone pathway out to a large in ground pool with a diving board an what looked to be a small house that had a overhand, it was completely open on one side and the other (which was the part facing away from the main house) was a walled off area, fully stocked shelves of pretty much any alchohol you could think of and even tap where various bears would flow through

@Crystal Cali
Akira looked outside, noting that it was growing darker. "Umm.... Well, let me move my computer from upstairs. If S3RP3NT is waiting for anything, it might be nightfall," she says, then steps out of the spa, grabs the cover-up, and heads for the guest room where her computer was set up.

Jake smiled and he walked over to chi motioning for her to take the ear-plugs out "Hey, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but we are heading outside to wait and maybe have a couple drinks, if you want to come out you are more than welcome okay?"

@Hanah Solo

Captain Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth Erik Młynarz

The police captain walked into the coffee shop. Eckener took a seat on a table with a young woman and a European man. She nonchalantly picked up a glass of tea off the table and put it up to her mouth. "Look, Erik, it's Alie."

"You would think I know that-"


At that exact moment, an smoke grenade fired behind the captain, who simply remained staring at her squad. "Ali-"

"Well, no peace for us." Alison stood up and pulled the heads of her TME hooks, preparing to use the devices. The young woman got to her feet and hopped onto the table, holding her glove out. "Alie, they stole a large pancake!"

"Not this again."

Alison leapt out of the window and shot two hooks into the walls of buildings. With one swift pull, the captain sent herself flying in the air. Before she could fall, the hooks detached and clicked around two lamp posts. Another pull pushed Alison towards a car, which swiftly attempted to make an escape. 

The Pancake Thief Gang

The pancake thieves sprinted into the car and hopped in frantically. "Drive!"

"Yous guys hurry up!" The driver floored it. The tires screeched as the car pushed itself forwards. "Well, don't just stand there! Is she chasing us?!"


"Ha! On foot? This a Christina Hales case?"

"No,'s some...woman. And, she's...flying?!"

"Don't believe them urban legends! They aren't real!" 

"Nah, homie, I see her flying."

A metallic screech was heard as a harpoon hook shattered the back window. 


The third guy pulled out a semi-automatic and began firing out of the window towards the police captain. Bullets sprayed on the streets, leaving a hazardous zone behind the car.

Akira takes her computer from the bedroom upstairs, and brings it to the bar outside. She finds an outlet to plug it into, and sets it out of the way. "This is probably a better set-up, anyway. The closer I am to the computer, the better." Once she was set up, she hops onto one of the bar stools. She finds a remote, and turns on the TV, watching it while swinging her legs back and forth as they dangled above the ground. She takes her phone out of the cover-up pocket, double-checks to make sure the volume is all the way up, and sets it on the bar. From her seat, Akira scans the area, looking at the selection of alcohol Jake had, though not planning on drinking quite yet.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
Jake stepped behind the bar and slid a glass down the bar to her and smiled "What can I get you young lady?" He said playfully as he poured a shot of Scotch for himself and downed it in one gulp as you are supposed to. He then poured a second and looked to her with a smile. "Or do you not drink?"

@Crystal Cali


Hanah shaked her head and start taking off her clothes slowly and embarassed.

"I never been outside of city before."



Chi sit to bar.

"You have sake?"
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He nods and smiles "Have it your way!" He drinks the second shot without a problem and smile to her. "Care for a swim?" He says and before she can answer he would already be walking to her side of the bar

@Crystal Cali

It is now Night Time


Johnny Jojo would be out in the cold atop some hills as he would use his smartphone to call S3RP3NT. "Hey it's me, how you doing? Listen I 'took care' of some of those candidates. The rest basically quit and put their tails behind their backs! It was hilarious is what I'm saying. Your free to start your revolution. I'll be chilling at my place or something of the sort." 

@Crystal Cali

The Edition

As night time comes to Maple Pines, it would be time for another broadcast of 'The Edition.' 

"Greetings all you Maple Pines Civilians! It is I, DJ! How is everyone doing tonight?" He spoke in his usual cheerful voice and tone. "In light of recent events, I'll keep this brief. As you all know, the mysterious hacker known as S3RP3NT seems to be building up his revolution. Is our government that corrupt? Well... heh heh I'll leave it to you lovely people to answer that for yourselves. Now as for anything else well... it seems that some of the candidates who were going to run for mayor have all died! Yes it's quite the conundrum and apparently they all had the same note.

'Revolution is coming.' What will happen next? Maple Pines is in a division my dear listeners. Half don't agree and half do. I bet most of you probably don't give much thought about these broadcasts little ol me is doing. In fact, I'm willing to bet most are in this revolution because they want to feel special. Though remember we are all together. We're a community and don't you all forget that! Despite the differences, this is Maple Pines which is of course our beloved city. Any who... Have a nice night now!~" With that the broadcast ends.

Veena Sanchez

"Well, then it's best you either stay out of the water or-" Veena's arm began to move violently move around in the water, splashing water everywhere. "HA! GOT ONE!" The criminal girl rolled in the water towards Hanah. A few seconds later, a massive catfish, a little over 5 feet long, flipped over Veena in a desperate attempt to escape, only to find that Veena's arm was inside the fish's mouth. "Dinner!"

Veena got to her feet and looked at the setting sun. "It's late. Let's go inside." She dragged the now dead catfish with one arm and wrapped her other arm around Hanah's shoulder. Veena didn't bother with taking the prison issued underwear with her, though it was getting a little cold. "I have a fresh change for you inside. Leave the prison clothes outside, we'll burn them tomorrow."

@Hanah Solo
Hanah leaved prison clothes outside, she didn't have underwears, as they had been destroyed at morning shower. Hanah tried to do her best to cover herself by hands. 


(I think I will leave putting new clothes to morning, i need even little bit sleep.)
Searan never says a word during the phone call, but a smile is plastered on his face as he tries to hold back manic laughter. He walks over to his computers as the nightly podcast starts up, and begins hacking into the broadcast system once again.


Akira takes a moment to consider, though as she does, the nightly podcast plays on her computer. Akira's eyes widen when she hears that the candidates are dead. "I don't think we have time," she says in a grim voice, turning to her computer, and waiting for the TV screen to change, as she knows it will.... and it does.


Every screen in the city had once again been taken over. The normal displays had been replaced with an illustration of a black snake on a white background. Searan flipped his microphone on and began to speak. "Do you hear that? It's the sound of revolution!" Searan bursts into manic laughter, which sounds like a twisted villain from a superhero movie with the distortion filter he had on his voice.


Akira's hands fly to her computer. "Get yourselves ready. Once I know where he is, I'll text you both the address," she says in a firm, commanding voice as her fingers move rapidly across her keyboard.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @YoungX @JPax
Jake nodded and he rushed inside he suited up in his normal gear, a business suit with his body armor beneath hsi twin swords on his back etc. and returned "You track him yet?" He asked excitedly

@Crystal Cali
Akira was still typing furiously on her computer. "It takes time, though if there's one thing we can count on S3RP3NT to do, it's give us time. I'm sure he'll keep talking long enough for me to find him."


The broadcast continues, Searan not yet aware of the search. "Now is the time to rise, my friends! Those who wished to clam power over you are all dead, and you are free! Take your lives back into your own hands! Don't let the greedy command you anymore!"

@ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo @YoungX @JPax

(I'm gonna have to go to sleep soon, also I'd hate to progress this too far if people who want to participate in the story line are also not online. IDK if I'll be able to get on tomorrow. Might have to pick it up on Monday.)
Lilly leaned against one of the brick buildings at the nearest pub watching with a painted on grin. Her amber eyes watched people enter and exit through the openings in her mask. Some people gave her strange looks while others whistled and winked at her. One man stopped though. His hair was tousled and he towered over her. Standing in front of her, he grinned stupidly; his breath wreaked of the alcohol that now coursed through his veins. "What's a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone?" Lilly looked up at him with big, doe-like eyes. "Just waiting for someone."

"Can I be that someone?" His grin only became more stupid. She assumed he was internally patting himself on the back for that line. She gave a small nod and began down into the darkness of the alley. "So what's up with outfit?" He asked, scoping out the surrounding area. "Just like to have fun, I suppose." 

The man's smile stretched farther as he stopped her, pressing her against a wall. Lilly remained unfazed as she watched him. He then set his hand on her chest and tried pulling at the top of her costume. "Stop," she said in a demanding tone, but this only seemed to amuse the guy. He hushed her. "Just be a good girl and let me have some fun."

Bingo. Every man was a slut, but she had to be certain which ones were rapists. She pulled a knife from her sleeve and stabbed him in the stomach. He let out a gasp as he looked up at her in shock. She kicked the handle of the blade, forcing it deeper as he tumbled back. He let out a gurgled cry for help, but Lilly quickly silenced. "Be a good boy and let me have my fun, won't you?" She grinned psychotically behind her mask before pulling out her now barbed wire whip.


Captain Alison Eckener

[Off-Screen: Eckener arrested the pancake thieves, watched the broadcast, and sent a request to her department.]

Alison finished what she was doing and began to walk down the street. She heard half a cry for help and then the fateful noise of a knife. Honestly, Eckener expected it to be a normal stabbing. Which, was exactly what it was. A masked woman had stabbed some guy, apparently in a weird position. Now wasn't the time, a murder had just happened. Alison tapped the handcuffs on her belt before pulling out a harpoon like object. The harpoon was connected to the handle of a sword that barely shone in the moonlight from all the blood it had encountered in the past.

"Hands up, you're under arrest." A sword was pointed to the assailant's head. The police captain was two inches shorter than the masked woman she was arresting, but it would be unwise to judge strength by size. The captain narrowed two grey eyes towards the woman and tightened the grip on the sword.

@Deadly Darkness
Lilly let out a sigh as her whip coiled back up inside the handle. "I'm sorry officer, but I just can't do that." With quick movements she grabbed something large and oddly shaped, throwing it up in the air. "Heads up!" She yelled before running off. The object fell and it then became clear that it was the head of the man whose body rested against the nearby wall. She figured she wouldn't be able to get too far ahead, but the head start was nice. She let out a cackle before rounding a corner, headed for an open manhole. If she could reach it she could lose the cop in there, or possibly take her out.

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Captain Alison Eckener

The police captain wasn't even remotely fazed by the object. Most resisted arrest, especially the typical female pretend to be psycho type. Alison took off running with the two swords of hers out. She was incredibly fast for a human, even while there was something on her that was metal. Suddenly, two grapple hooks were fired left and right of the woman with enough force to crack the walls they slammed into. Alison clicked on the reeling mechanisms and flung herself into the air above the woman. The officer made eye contact from the air, before her face was obstructed by two blades that were waved straight at the woman's torso with the intent to incapacitate and injure. Alison's feet touched the ground just an instant later, to prevent the woman from running further without getting hurt by blades. 

@Deadly Darkness
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Lilly swore as the two grappling hooks whizzed by. She took a deep breath and as soon as the reels went off she changed directions, running back towards the officer. She watched as the cop jumped so she slid along the ground. Both swords sliced through her costume, but only to reveal the fitted metal plating beneath them. She let out a wild cackle as she then continued running. "Round and round the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel!" Her words echoed throughout the street as she rounded a corner. She hoped she wouldn't have to test out her escape route so soon, but it seemed she had no other choice. 









Nighttime had come, and Jason and Sarah were exiting Oshiro R&D Facility. The guard that escorted them earlier, escorted them once again to Jason's car, the silver Aston Martin DB10.


Arriving to Jason's car, Jason tipped the guard and walked to his car. When he got to the glossy, silver of the car's passenger door, Jason opened it and Sarah got in. He walked around the front end of the car and entered the driver's side. He adjusted himself in the driver's seat and started the car's ignition. At first, the car purred and then Jason stepped on the gas pedal slightly and it roared, which Jason found amusement while Sarah rubbed her head at his childish behavior. Shifting the car from neutral to drive, Jason reared out of the enormous parking lot, after all, Jason's facility did employ around 7,000 people. The drive from Oshiro Facility to Jason's house was about 20 minutes, including traffic, if there was any. To Jason's fortune however, there was no traffic.

The two were about halfway home when Sarah broke the silence and said, "You know, you really shouldn't go steal whatever it is your armor tonight.".

Jason was confused as to why she would say that, after all she was the one who recommended doing because of the many times Jason nearly died from a bullet wound. He responded by saying, "What else is there to do?".

"Well, TBS is having a Big Bang Theory marathon, and that pizza parlor you really like is staying open an extra 2 hours tonight. Combine those 2 and you get a pretty wicked combination.".

Oh great. Wicked. Sarah only says the word wicked when there's something she wants to discuss. "We can do that after I get my stuff." ,Jason said looking in the rear view mirror.

Sarah looked down in sorrow and simply said, "Yeah, sure we can do that.".

In all honesty, Jason never cared so much about how he hurt someone, but when it came to Sarah, he cared A LOT, even though they were just friends.

The pair finally arrived to Jason's house and Jason pulled in the drive way, facing towards the front door of the house. They both exited the car, Jason turning the car off, and walked into the house. Without saying anything to each other, the two of them went straight to the library in Jason's house and entered the secret elevator that led to Jason's lair, which could be accessed primarily by placing a certain chess piece in a certain spot on the board which would open a secret door. After the door opens, you have to press a button that is located under a bookshelf and that would unlock another secret door. Then, Jason or Sarah would have to place their hand on the hand recognition system.



Jason quickly equipped his suit and grabbed his weapons. He checked the location of where the hardened Kevlar plats on a titanium-dipped fiber and made his way to where his military grade motorcycle was stored. 

He gave one look at Sarah and said, "Your my eyes and ears, okay?".

She didn't say anything but, she did nod and smile, and Jason started the motorcycle, revved it, and tore out of the cave. His destination, the Ying Corporation Storage Warehouse.  


Chi walked to her bike, put helmet on and start it.

"Now i can test how fast this is."


Hanah picked new clothes and put them on.


"Can i do something to you?"

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