Main RP [RP happens here]

steve would walk in and shoot the two guards with tranquilizer darts, enough to put a t-rex to sleep.... just pray they don't die from overdose. then he aimed his gun to s3rp3nt. "give up, your guards are all dead or knocked out, you have nowhere to run, police already cover a 5 block perimeter from here and don't even think about the sewers and the sky because they also cover that... hands up in the air shitface" he said. (bluffing btw, the perimeter is real but he aint got time to check sewers XD)

@Crystal Cali
Had arrived shortly after the van busted through the front door. He stealthiky moved into the building stahing hidden, he had a buisness suit on over his body armor and his two swords were concealed as he moved around. He spotted chi tapping her shoulder as he put a finger to his own mouth "Shhhh" he said quietly before adding "If the cops got him then all we gotta do is make sure he makes it to the jail." He then brought his finger to his ear "Akira. Orders." He said just loud enough for her and chi to hear

((sorry was in class))

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali
Searan ignored the shouting outside the door, foolishly thinking his guards would take care of the problem, though he whirls around as the door is burst open. The guards open fire on Pandora as she comes in, and Searan ducks under his desk, swearing under his breath. Two guards go down, and the rest of the revolutionaries inside the apartment back off. 


Akira felt torn by the situation. While she wanted to be the one to capture Searan, she knew she was only trying because she thought she could talk him back to sanity, but the words he had just spoken to her made it sound like he may be too far gone. Still, Akira wasn't one to give up easily. Her voice came through the speakers of the apartment again. "Searan, listen to me," she said, her voice sounding more sorrowful this time. "You can't make the world better by destroying it, and you've destroyed yourself in the process. What do you think Heejung would say if she saw the kind, caring, and thoughtful brother she grew up admiring doing what your doing now? She wouldn't even recognize you! This isn't what she would have wanted, you're not at all honoring her memory, so please just stop! Just go with the police, peacefully. Please. For Heejung. For me." and then her connection cut off. Searan's computer screen went black, and Akira reconnected with Jake and Chi. "Just...." she sighs, "make sure they take him alive."


Searan tensed underneath his desk. He tried to think of a reason, any reason at all, to keep fighting after what Akira said. He couldn't come up with anything. He felt ashamed that it had never crossed his mind that his sister would have been mortified by his actions, but Akira was right. She would be. Slowly, he came out of his hiding place, dropped his gun on the floor and kicked it towards the officers at the door. After that, he just stood there, looking down with his hands up in surrender, waiting for them to take him.

@JPax @Salex The Baldie @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo
Jake nodded as she gave them the orders. He looked to Chi and tapped her shoulder motioning for her to follow. "He quickly backed off and got away from the scene, quietly he made his way to the end of the hall where the police wouldnt check and he ducked behind the corner hoping chi had listened and he said to Akira "Alright I'll tail them. If they try to hurt him I'll do what I can."

@Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali
Chi followed Jake.

"If you get problems ring before you do something stupid."

Chi then exit from building from window, turning to Jake before leaving.

"I find out if that cops really had this place surrounded. It was pretty weak surrounding already when we get here whitout any problems.

Chi then jumped out.


@Crystal Cali

@Salex The Baldie

steve would cuff searan as officers took him away. he would trail behind in case anything happens as they arrive in a max security prison and searan is thrown in a solitary confinement cell.



(sorry i gtg, hopefully @JPax can take over later)
Jake tailed the cops. He was going to step out right after them but he decided to wait a moment. He knew they had someone covering there tracks and as he guessed Steve walked out behind them. He tailed them back to the prison before turning off and heading back home. Bringing teo fingers to his ear he said "Akira he's in custody. He's alive and well." He sped back to his home figuring there was nothing more for him to do. For now. He then parked outside his home walking in and heading back to where the pool was "Akira! You did it!" He was happy and he smiled at her as he raised one hand in the air

@Crystal Cali

Captain Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth Erik Młynarz

Alison decided to let Steve and the officers do the grunt work of taking him to prison while she tended to pressing matters. She sheathed her swords within the confines of the TME set and walked out the door, rather nonchalantly, with the rest of her squad. "What a mess." Alison figured a meeting was in order with the one at the other end of the line. Theta had deduced a name and and address, but Pandora pointed to someone leaving the scene. It was the one Theta deduced to be 'Jake.'

"Alie, we have to follow them and try to get their actions justified! The corrupt courts would never let them hear the end of it." Pandora leapt out the window, spinning as a wire shot from her wrist and latched onto the wall. She flung herself into the air and spread her arms and legs, gliding along the lines of Jake's vehicle. Alison turned to Erik. "Yes captain are you going to visit them? If you do do not scare them, that is real problem."

"I won't, but that doesn't mean I'll smile either. Pandora can probably do that..." And with that, Alison leapt out of the window.

. . .

In about two minutes, Alison and Pandora reached the door of the home. "MPPD, we would like a word with you all." Alison was leaning against the fence, with a murderous look in her eyes as if she could take a life with just one arm. In reality, she was happy. Still didn't help that the captain of the elite squad had the resting face of a serial killer. Thankfully, Pandora looked a bit more inquisitive. 

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic @Hanah Solo ((Still at wurk heh))
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They wouldnt be able to get past the magnetic gate and large fence that surrounded his property. He could hear them outside and he sighed. Jake walked over to the front foor opening it and walking over to the gate. He looked to the two. One seemed to want to kill someone right now and the other well she was just standing there and Jake looked to the two "What can i do for you?" He asked in a pleasant tone. He was still wearing his suit. Body armor underneath and weapons concealed on his back. "Did I do somethin wrong?"

((May i ask how they woukd know his name? Or that he was specifically the Doctor?))


Captain Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth

"Yes, what just went down was a small scuffle and, well, revolution, I guess some might say. No, scuffle. Anyways, is uh...Akira, there?" Pandora glanced at her badge for a second before looking up at Jake. The woman leaning against the metal fence, Alison, stood and walked over to Jake. "You did nothing wrong. I'm looking for Akira, this is important." Alison didn't know how much Jake could be trusted, so she left the part about 'keeping her from being arrested' out of what she said.

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Jake looked to the two, and he shook his head "Revolution? What would I know about that? And Why would you think I knew anything about this Akira person? I'm just a Surgeon." He said as he put on a convincing confused tone and he looked to the two of them. He then "Scratched" his ear when he really had touched his communicator. His communicator was now actively transmitting the conversation to Akira and Chi, he then looked to them and added "Who are you anyways? And why come to my house looking for some person?" He asked as he continued to fake a convincing confused persona

@JPax @Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo
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Ryan's bike zipped from left to right as he avoided the cars that were stuck in traffic. Wanting to stop, Ryan decided not to, but he was still curious as to why there were so much traffic. The first thing Ryan thought off was just bad rush hour, but he had never seen rush hour be this bad.

He found his answer when Sarah came over the communications device and said, "Ryan, do you remember the name S3RP3NT?".

"Yeah. Arms dealer and weapons manufacturer. Why?" ,Ryan responded clearly, even with his mask on.

"Listen to this." ,Sarah remarked, and began playing the message that S3RP3NT had sent across all radio waves.

"Terrific, now it'll be 10x harder to get what I need." ,Ryan clenched his jaw in anger.

"You can stop and come home." ,Sarah added.

"No, I need that equipment, NOW." ,and Ryan throttled the bike to full speed.

Ryan drove along a dirt path, hidden behind the woods. Now approaching the end of the path, Ryan could see the outside lights of what was the Ying Corporation's warehouse. The bike halted to a stop and Ryan turned it off. He grabbed his prototype version of a thermal cutlery and sprinted, silently, to the outside gates of the warehouse, trying his best to avoid being spotted by the guard dogs, guards, and spotlights. Getting in was going to become much more difficult, now that the S3RP3NT character was inciting a riot. Ryan ignited the plasma saw and started cutting a hole through the fence gate. He finished creating the hole and stepped through. He lowered himself into a crouch position, but before he fully hit the ground, Ryan saw a figure scale up the walls and climb through the skylight of the building.

"Great. He better not get in my way." ,Ryan whispered to himself.

He returned back into a sprint, but still crouched. Almost making it to the grate that would lead from the outside and into the inside, Ryan was stopped by a guard with a G36C with an attachable flashlight. Ryan didn't have time to waste and quickly wrapped the bend of his knee around the guard's neck and spun him around with enough to throw him on the ground. Quickly finishing him off with a jab to his face, Ryan broke through the grate and began crawling through, until he reached the inside. The grate system was built under the cement floor and since Ryan was crawling through it, he would have to lift the grate covering and crawl out, and so he did. Now inside the warehouse, Ryan began his search for his armor, and possibly anything else that he could carry. But, Ryan was in high alert as there was another vigilante in the building with him.


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Great now he's in problem, best to get suit.

Chi drived to her cottage, get in her suit and pick up her rifle before heading to Jake's location.
Akira frowns at the conversation she hears outside. "Damn it. I'm coming, just give me a second." Akira slams her computer shut, pausing as she looks outside. Her clothes were upstairs, and her van was out front. Of course, everything incriminating was on her computer, so Akira could honestly make a clean getaway, leaving Jake and Chi behind to try to talk their way out of trouble.... but Akira felt quite guilty about even thinking that. She reopens her laptop again and opens a destruction program on her computer. She sets it to wipe everything from the hard drive, then while the program was running, she hides the laptop in a cabinet underneath the bar. That took care of one computer anyway. The other was still in Akira's apartment. With any luck, she'd be able to get to that one too. 

Once her computer was well-hidden, she walked out to the front to where Jake was. "Jake," she called in an oblivious voice. "What's going on?"

@ThatOneLunatic @JPax @Hanah Solo
Akira frowns at the conversation she hears outside. "Damn it. I'm coming, just give me a second." Akira slams her computer shut, pausing as she looks outside. Her clothes were upstairs, and her van was out front. Of course, everything incriminating was on her computer, so Akira could honestly make a clean getaway, leaving Jake and Chi behind to try to talk their way out of trouble.... but Akira felt quite guilty about even thinking that. She reopens her laptop again and opens a destruction program on her computer. She sets it to wipe everything from the hard drive, then while the program was running, she hides the laptop in a cabinet underneath the bar. That took care of one computer anyway. The other was still in Akira's apartment. With any luck, she'd be able to get to that one too. 

Once her computer was well-hidden, she walked out to the front to where Jake was. "Jake," she called in an oblivious voice. "What's going on?"

@ThatOneLunatic @JPax @Hanah Solo

((Damnit i was working so hard to keep you hidden xD))
Jake sighed as Akira came out and he turned around sighing "It's nothing hunny! Go back inside! These people are just asking a few questions!" He said hoping Akira would get the hint that he was stalling "It might be a while, just relax! I'll be ok!" He yelled back to her and he chuckled "Sorry, my girlfriends a bit of a worriesome gal." He said the communicator on so she could still hear the last part and he said "But who's this Akira person anyways? And why would she be here?"

@JPax @Hanah Solo @Crystal Cali

((Aha! The ultimate save!))


Chi had stopped her bike from sight of polices and rings to Akira.

"Is everything okay?... My... friend is neardy and she can help you to escape if needed."

Do understand to speak japanese back...

@Crystal Cali
Akira was a bit stunned. She had only know Jake for a day, and gotten him into what could be serious trouble, but he was helping her escape. She blinks, then smiles brightly. "Oh, okay~" she says in a sing-song voice, then retreats back to the pool area. Hearing Chi through her phone, she replies in Japanese "Have her come to the pool. I'll jump the fence." She retrieves her computer from it's hiding spot, puts it into the closest bag she can find, slings the bag over her shoulder, and gets herself to the back fence by the pool to wait for her ride.

@ThatOneLunatic @JPax @Hanah Solo
Chi started her motor and drived otherside of property, near pool and then put on her voice modifier at her mask, and then closing visor so her eyes wouldn't show.

@Crystal Cali

Captain Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth

"Oh, we're nobody imp-" Suddenly, the serial killer woman's hand went to Pandora's mouth and clamped it hard. "Elite operations squad, Maple Pines Police Department. If you want to lie, that's completely fine, we're not here to talk to you anyways. Also, I do believe it's within your legal rights to record this conversation, you don't have to hide it." Alison's facial expression didn't change one bit, but she had seen communicators that operate like that before. The police captain simply raised a hand and looked to the woman who just walked in. "Huh? Alie?"

Alison then looked down at her phone, then up again, as everyone left. Alison had a picture of Akira and Jake, though she couldn't put the face and the name together. However, Pandora noticed the voices through the computer were the same as Akira's voice. "Your girlfriend is good looking, she suits you well. Sorry to disturb you anyways, here are three coupons for Sai's Kitchen anyways." The officer stuffed the three 50% off coupons into Jake's hand, and walked into the distance with Alison. "Captain, she's actually way out of his league."

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
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He was shocked that she knew about his communicator, it was literally implanted under his skin. and he turned away with the coupons, he walked inside and immediately burnt them. He didnt want tot take any chances with being bugged by the police. He then said as if talking to Akira in the home "Hunny I think we should stay in tonight. Apparently theres a lot of danger in the city." He said his communicator still working, it was his discreet way of telling Chi and akira the police were outside and they knew about the plan.

@Crystal Cali @Hanah Solo @JPax
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