Main RP [RP happens here]

Once they were at her apartment, Akira hopped off, and started towards the building, calling over her shoulder "I won't be long," before heading up the stairs. She moves intently through the apartment, finding a larger bag than the one she has, and stuffing the computer she had with her, the computer she left in the apartment, a collection of cords, external hard drives, along with her collection of unmarked DVDs, and a few clothing items into the bag. She left behind most of the wardrobe, since Jake's house was already stocked with clothes, though she did change her clothes, considering she was still wearing the bikini she had gotten from Jake's house, and that was uncomfortable to say the least. Once she had packed everything she needed, which all fit into the one large bag, she headed back down to the parking lot to where Shadowkiller was parked.

@Hanah Solo
Akira rolls her eyes. The bag, despite being rather large, had two straps which she was able to string each of her arms through. "It's a backpack for hiking. Large, but it stays on my back."

@Hanah Solo
Akira nods and climbs onto the bike, though not as gracefully as she had before. She nods to Shadowkiller once she was settled and sure the bag was in a position where it wasn't going to bother her.

@Hanah Solo
Shadowkiller drived to front of gate.

"No cops, at last i can go to sleep..."

Shadowkiller let Akira jump off and then she drived away.

@Crystal Cali

((And now i go to sleep... at last..))
Akira watches Shadowkiller leave, then rings the buzzer at the gate to alert Jake that she was there. Akira lets out a sigh as she waits for a response. She was tired, but she had so many different confusing and conflicting thoughts swirling around in her head, she couldn't get them all straight. 

Jake was relaxing, his eyes closed in the pool when he heard the familiar buzz of the gate bell rigning. He touched the side of his head and Akiras phone said loudly in his voice "Code is 81262 Come on in" He kept his hand on the communications button when he smirked and he decided he had something fun to do, as a welcome to the house thing. He made a splash and took some water into his mouth gargling it as if he was drowning making more splashing as he then spit water out taking a deep inhale saying "Who are yo-" He was cut off by a splash again and more gargling and  then the comms cut. He decided to make her even more frantic he made a loud yell of pain that would be heard as the Spa rooms retractable windows and doors that lead to the outside were retracted. He then fired off two shots from his wrist pistols, both shots into the water where he collected the two bullet heads and discarded of them

@Crystal Cali
Akira had started putting in the code when the fake fighting noises started. The gunshots made her flinch. "What the hell?" she muttered to herself as she punched in the numbers faster. The gate swung open, and Akira burst into a run towards the door. She dropped her bag by the door and grabbed the first thing she could find that could be used as a weapon, since her gun was upstairs in the guest room. She burst into the spa room, brandishing an umbrella with a pointed end as a sword, her body tense, and her eyes scanning the room for any trouble.

As she burst into the room she spotted Jake a few feet away from the entrance and seeing her with the umbrella set him over. He was expecting something funny but the umbrella was priceless. He burst into laughter as he held his stomach while laughing, tear forming in his eyes from laughing so hard "A umbrella! Really!? What would that do!?" He laughed as he spoke barely able to breathe "You should see the look on your face! You were so worried about me!" He finally got himself to stop laughing,

@Crystal Cali
Akira's expression shifts from worry, to rage. "You! Don't you ever! You are damn lucky I left my gun upstairs!" As she spoke she stormed towards Jake, lifting the umbrella with one hand over the opposite shoulder. When she was within striking distance, she swung at his side. "I could have come in shooting up the place! Then what would you do?!?"

Jake seen her swing coming and he jumped backwards, doing a back flip as he lept over her attack and landed a few feet out of her reach and he smiled to her "Hey hey calm down. It was just a little welcome to the house prank." He stepped forward towards her putting his arms out to embrace her "I'm sorry, I didnt know you would be this upset."

@Crystal Cali
Akira steps backwards, avoiding the hug, and takes a deep breath. "I'm.... just a little on edge with all that went on today," she turned towards the door out to the pool. "I need a drink," she mutters, and heads out to the bar. She immediately starts looking through all the alcohol Jake had, finds something that sounds interesting, and pours her a glass.

Jake was a little saddened that she wouldnt give him a hug, then again why would she. He was just himself. He thought before he followed her outside, he didnt go to the bar though, he walked over to the pool. He sat down his feet dangling into the water and he looked to Akira "Sorry." He said before looking into the clear blue water. He looked at his feet. Watching them move through the water, casing ripples as he did so. Akira reminded him of things of his past. Everything about her reminded him of her....he spoke to himself in a semi-quiet tone "Lucy...." As he stared into the water. He didnt speak in a normal tone but it was most likely loud enough for Akira to hear

@Crystal Cali

Captain Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth | Commander Christina Hales | Agent Theta

"Excellent, looks like whoever Akira is won't be prosecuted. Our work here is done." Alison narrowed her eyes at the police commander, who didn't flinch. Probably the only person who didn't at the sight of this. "Well, I suppose you had a reason to at least meet them."

Pandora sipped from her coffee cup and almost spit it all out when she heard Alison call them as 'brats.' "Oh, speaking of calling full grown adults brats, you have a court hearing to attend!" The wingsuit woman twirled, smiling as she spoke in a sing-song voice.

"Due process of law, by the way. Let's just make sure you're not on your period-ACK!" Theta didn't look up from his computer when suddenly, a hand grabbed him by the collar and yanked him to the side. The hacker awkwardly stared into the cold, grey eyes of the police captain, and gulped. "Don't mention mine, and we'll hope that you won't be on yours." Pandora focused on her coffee cup, secretly hoping that fists weren't thrown. If Alison punched Theta, then Pandora would be bandaging Theta's arm. If Theta punched Alison...well, Pandora would be bandaging Theta's arm.

"I'm gonna go get approval from the chief, you guys hang tight. Actually, Alison should come with me." Christina walked to the door of the chief's office and knocked. Soon, she was joined by the female captain who, again, looked like she was going to kill somebody. 


Akira raised an eyebrow as she caught the name Jake had muttered. She pours a second glass of wine, and walks over to the pool. She sits on her knees beside Jake, since she had changed back into regular clothes, and holds out the extra glass of wine. She doesn't say anything as she sits there, taking a sip of wine from the other glass.

He looked over to her and smiled taking the glass of wine sipping from it. He nodded "Thank you..." He looked across to the other side of the pool, it was quite apparent that he was in deep thought as he stared off into the deep blue water. He as he sat there would take another sip of the wine, after taking the sip it was apparent his eyes were becoming watery.

@Crystal Cali

The god damn chief of police himself, Frank Westmore


Frank, chief of police, was busy filing paperwork for the upcoming trial of S3RP3NT. Not only that but he has to deal with the recent prison break. Thankfully there weren't that many prisoners that escaped, but it was still a headache. City council were not happy at all; in fact, they were pissed. Not only was there some revolution against the government, but a prison break happened just recently. He let out a sigh and then heard a knock.

"Come in," he says feeling tired from work.

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Akira could tell that Jake was thinking of something that caused him pain. She pats him on the shoulder, and stands up. "I guess if we're going to be hanging out here for a while, I'll go get changed again," she says. Akira finishes her glass of wine before heading back inside. She grabs the umbrella she had grabbed earlier when she had rushed in, thinking Jake was being attacked, and puts it back where it belongs. She picks up the bag she left beside the door, and takes it upstairs to the guest room, unpacking the few belongings she had. When she pulled out the unmarked DVDs, tears threatened to well up in her eyes as well, and she let them. Akira continued to cry softly as she unpacked her things.


Captain Alison Eckener | Commander Christina Hales

The commander and the captain walked in together, assuming their proper places before saluting once like they did in the military. "It's alright, I believe I just need to state that Captain Alison Eckener will be...attending a court my stead." Christina glanced back at Alison, who was just sort of standing there. For a split second, Christina saw a flashback of Alison kicking a table in half before her mind transfixed back to reality. "I just need to have her name replaced with mine."

Alison didn't look too pleased at all for having to attend the hearing, judging by her facial expression, but in reality she was definitely down for going to court and watch S3RP-no, Searan, get his ass kicked by the law. If she wanted it over with she could've just used her swords, but of course he surrendered. 

She grabs the umbrella she had grabbed earlier when she had rushed in, thinking Jake was being attacked, and puts it back where it belongs.

((How to pick up girls, with Jake Sutherland!

Step 1: Traumatize her and make sure she never looks at umbrellas in the same light ever again.))
Jake after a few moments wiped his eyes and set his glass of wine down. He walked inside. It was rude of him to let her bring all her things inside. He arrived too late and seen her bags were gone. He sighed and walked upstairs to the guest room he had let her take and he opened the door to the room to apologize. She was standing there. Crying. His face had a worried expression and he dartet forward quickly holding her. Pushing her head into his bare chest gently "Whats wrong? Dont cry." He said as one arm was around her back gently holding her head to his chest and the other was wrapped around her stomach holding her in a comforting manner

@Crystal Cali
Akira was stunned for a moment as Jake suddenly came into the room, but soon regained her composure and pushed away from him. "You know that's the worst thing possible to say to a woman when she's crying, right?" she says as she rubs her eyes. "I just..." she sighs. "I just put the man I once considered my best friend in jail. That's not something one does with a smile on their face."


Chief of Police Frank Westmore


"Is that so? Very well allow me to do that right now," he says as he finds some paper and makes the necessary corrections onto another sheet of paper.

[SIZE= 14px]"It's all done. I'm very thankful that this entire scenario was handled without barely any casualties. To be quite honest with you two... I sometimes wonder if this entire solution could've been avoided if this city's government hadn't become so... defiled." He said the word defiled instead of corrupt to show his distaste for the current state of affairs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"In any case, you two are free to go. I have to finish up with the paperwork surrounding the recent prison outbreak. Eckener I'm putting you in charge with handling the capture of the escaped criminals. Your free to send your squad to handle if your current affairs are too much." He would let the two go before he had forgotten something.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Ah and Eckener? I know you are aware with the consequences of your actions but do be careful. This city isn't as kind-hearted as it once was. But I do believe what you did was right. The girl involved would apparantely be void of charges. Unfortunatly... I can't say the same for Searan Kim. Apparantely he has made enemies on his time as a "revolutionary." People are going to want for a death sentence. However I don't believe not even he deserves that. I may be Chief of Police but I have my own sense of justice. Now then you two are free to go."[/SIZE]

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Captain Alison Eckener | Commander Christina Hales

"Death sentence is praising a criminal, by saying they are too dangerous to be kept alive. When we found Searan, he was cowering under his table and it took him no less than 8 seconds to surrender his weapon. I'm sure that was caught on our cameras." Alison spoke rather apathetically, with neither pity nor spite in her voice. 

"Oh, hey, chief, I'm sure you've watched the scene from Alison's camera, though it's a little hard to track. She did a front flip to kick the door down.That was some glorious, if not entirely unnecessary shit!" Christina raised her hand to high five Alison, but realized they were in a serious environment, and in front of the chief. "Tsk. I won't let my squad do the dirty work without being there to clean their messes." Alison stood up off of the wall and filed out of the door, leaving Christina there with half a smile and her hand still in the air. "High five, chief? O-Okay...I'll just leave." And with that, the commander made a hasty retreat to the door as well.


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