Main RP [RP happens here]

Jake laughed as soon as she looked at the pool he hopped the counter and ran. She had jumped before him. He ran towards the diving board and boinced on it. Just as she would come out if the water he woukd biunce twice more leaping high into the air. He summersaulted in the air before turning it into a cannon ball and splashing inti the water

@Crystal Cali 

Veena Sanchez | Esther Khan

Veena got to her feet slowly, only to feel a gust of wind from behind her. Esther had somehow ended up running from where the shore into waist deep water with no resistance in a matter of sections. "Hanah, don-!" At that moment, Esther grabbed Veena by the back of the neck and shoved her head under the water, while using her other leg to kick her on the stomach. "This is gonna hurt if you try to fight me. I can't believe the independent Spray Spray got a little bitch to follow her around, isn't that right?" Esther waited about half a minute for a response, but got nothing but thrashing and muffled yelling from Veena. "Oh, right...I shouldn't try and drown you if I wanted answers." 

Esther pulled Veena's face out of the water and kicked her back onto the dry land where she lay, coughing up water and bleeding from her nose. "W-What do you want..."

Esther walked over to Veena and looked down at her, smiling. "You two are going to help me with something whether you like it or not." Her lips took the shape of a ridiculous smile. 

@Hanah Solo

Veena Sanchez | Esther Khan

Esther knelt down next to Hanah and grabbed her by the ear. "You'll break like a twig. Besides, I need you both able bodied and functional for this task. Come with me." Esther walked over to Veena and lifted up the criminal, who was still bleeding and gasping for air. "H...don't...don't touch her...I'll personally..eyeball...fuck your soul..." Esther simply gave a disturbing smile and walked over to Hanah. "I don't fight little girls unless they hurt me first." She tossed Veena on the ground next to Hanah. Veena immediately threw her arms around Hanah and shook her head. "Hanah, it'll be alright. I'll make sure she doesn't hurt you-" "-again. I won't hurt her so as long she doesn't give me a reason to."

@Hanah Solo
Hanah cried and tried clean blood from Veena's face.

"Mistress, what we do? I have this."

Hanah shows her gun to Veena, so that Esther doesn't see it.

"Do you want that i use it?"

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Veena Sanchez | Esther Khan

Veena would've face palmed, though her nose was already dripping with blood. "She's literally right there-"

And sure enough, Esther was right there, standing over them. One pistol was pointed to Hanah's head, and the other was pointed to Veena's head. "You know they say humans can't dodge bullets. That's true, I'm sure I can't, but look at where my foot is, and look at where your wrist is. You can either have a bullet in your skull, or you go home with a broken wrist and a dead 'mistress.'" Esther pushed the gun harder against Hanah's head. "What do you want."

"You see, I don't like either of you, and I'm sure you don't like me disliking you either." Esther pointed to her apartment, which was rather close to Veena's shelter. "To be honest, both of you disappointments know where I live. I'm inviting you over for dinner and business."

@Hanah Solo
Hanah cried loud when Esther pressed gun against one of her scars.

"I'm sorry, Mistress. I screwed it."

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Akira watches Jake, swimming away from his splash as he cannonballs into the pool. She swims a few laps around the pool, looking quite content. She pauses to look up at the night sky. It was going to be dawn soon, so Akira's time to play around was growing smaller and smaller.



Searan couldn't tell what time it was from his dimly lit cell. He assumed he'd be able to figure that out when someone brought him food, or when they let him go to the cafeteria, if they did. He laid back on the bad within his cell, counting bricks on the ceiling for what seemed like the thousandth time, then sighs. Maybe he should go to sleep, though he found it difficult to sleep when he could hear so many noises from outside his cell. He had dozed off a few times, but it never lasted long. Oh well, maybe he should try again. Searan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and remained still, waiting for his mind to slip back into unconsciousness.... if that ever happened.
Akira kept herself upright, and nodded. "I am thankful you were here to help me. I can't say that Searan wouldn't have gotten away again if I didn't have help this time," she sounds slightly formal as she speaks.

Akira nods, and keeping her expression neutral as she looked directly at Jake, she says "We met seven years ago, and were both in the same program at college. His sister was my roommate, too. We had been dating for about two-and-a-half years before his sister died, which caused his mental state to break the way it did, and then I spent another two-and-a-half years at this point trying to stop the revolutions he was starting in different cities across the country." Akira sighs. "But, because I was still in love with him, I never could bring myself to actually turn him in like I should have."




Ryan knew that was time running out, the more he searched for what he wanted. Soon, light would peak over the horizon and the delivery men would be at the warehouse to pick up the shipments that the buyers had gotten. He knew he was getting closer to finding the armor, but he didn't know if he would still have enough time. And just then, he was stopped. Not by a security guard, but by another criminal, by the looks of him, and he was right. They were both at the warehouse to steal whatever they wanted. Except, what would this criminal want? Ryan hoped that it wasn't the same thing as what he needed, or else he would have to put an end to this threat.

"Just don't get in my way, and we'll be just fine." ,Ryan stated with confidence.

Ryan then marched past the stranger and continued his search for the armor.

Finally, he found what he was looking for. The hardened kevlar plates on a titanium-dipped fiber, plus a few other equipment that could come useful for his new suit.

Without trying to give too much notice that Ryan found what he wanted, he exclaimed, "You wouldn't happen to be the figure that was scaling up the building earlier, would you?".

After saying that, Ryan closed the crate's lid and started his way to the grate, to exit the same way he entered. He had hoped that this newly met stranger wouldn't become suspicious, but it was a shot in the dark and he took it.

Akira pauses as she thinks about the answer to that question. Her feelings were honestly a complicated mess. "I..... never really had time to let go of the past. Never had a change to really move on from Heejung's death, so.... I suppose I don't know."


Maple Pines Morning News Broadcast


"This is Linda Berlina reporting the morning news here at the Maple Pines News Station. With the latest string of incidents as well as having no candidates for this year's election for mayor, Maple Pines is in quite the turmoil. Robert how is the situation over on your end?" The scene shifts to a male reporter who is currently standing near what used to be the apartment that not only housed S3RP3NT, but turned into a small battleground with the police and some of his followers.

"Well Linda I'm live in front of the very apartment that S3RP3NT, aka Searan Kim, was staying at. Authorities are cleaning up the place due to the chaos that erupted last night with the police and some of S3RP3NT's followers. It seems that it'll be for a bit before residents are able to move back into the apartment. It seems that with S3RP3NT's arrest, other arrests have been made on those who have assaulted officers, mainly the ones from this very building. Those that attacked the station last night are charged with vandalism and due to the fact that no real casualties took place, city council has decided to give them a light sentence. Those that caused vandalism to the station all have to do 72 hours of community service under intense police watch. Linda this is certainly quite the pickle and let me just say that I'm certainly glad the police took care of it quickly. His trial will be held next week and it'll certainly be a crowded court let me tell you. The guy's infamous for starting the same thing in a multitude of cities so this trial will actually be held at one of the largest courts in the city. Authorities are also asking for anyone who has connections to S3R3P3NT not only be present at the trial but also head to the station as well." The multitude of people either watching or minding their own business certainly added plenty of background noise. In fact, much of the people there were either taking pictures or staying silent about the affair. 

"Well thank you Robert. Continuing the political news, with no candidates to represent the mayor as well as the mayor retiring it seems that there aren't many options. The mayor himself said that he was willing to come out of retirement and go for another term in order to remedy the situation. More on the situation will be updated as events progress. With updates on the recent prison break, authorities have immediately dispatched officers in order to search for the escaped criminals. Thankfully not many had escaped but unfortunately it seems that a few lives were lost because of it. It's a storm of trouble and we can only hope things get better. Now here's Sam with the weather..." The News Broadcast would continue with other bits of news and what not.

Note: It is now Morning. The sun is up and a new day starts anew. Any post made that pertains to night can be counted as near early AM or something. Up to you.


Akira hops out of the pool as she hears the news broadcast start up on the TV. She stands in front of the TV, watching with a pained expression on her face. She didn't know how badly everything had been destroyed during the fight until she saw it there. She sighs and shakes her head, though hearing that the only real casualties were the candidates for mayor, who Akira figured Searan had someone else kill, she realizes that it may be possible to get him off on a lighter sentence than she thought, though that might depend on how much she can convince the police and judge that Searan simply needed psychological help. First things first, though, she had to go speak to the police. Akira turns to Jake and calls "I'm going to go talk to the police about Searan," then turns and goes to head upstairs to change.

Jake nodded and he heard the broadcast getting out with her. She then informed him that she was going to go to the station to talk to them he smiled and followed her i side "I'll tag along. Just in case. If you dont mind?" He asked as they walked up the stairs to the second floor ((sorry in med class replies will be slow and short))

@Crystal Cali
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Akira gets to the doorway of the guest room, then turns to face Jake with her arms crossed. She didn't look incredibly thrilled with the idea. "The police most likely won't want to speak with you since you don't know much more than they do about Searan, and they may want to speak to me alone. It'd be a waste of your time, since you'd just be waiting in the car." she says bluntly.

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Jake frowned. He nodded and turned away "Yeah I guess you're right..." he was confused and sort of annoyed. He let her stay at his home. Sacrificed his one day off to do something for her and now even after keeping the poliice from finding her she acted like that. He added "I just thought that they may try to arrest you too. Since they did come here looking for you." He began walking down the hall to his room

@Crystal Cali
Akira frowned, seeing annoyed now. "And what would you do about it?" she called after him. "What reason would you have to keep me from being arrested? We just met yesterday, and you have no idea who I really am, or what my angle is! We're just met, we're not friends, we hardly know anything about each other, and you invite me- no, beg me, to come live at your house, assuming I have good intentions, when I may very well not! Do you have so much blind faith in humanity that you think that anyone who puts a criminal behind bars is some virtuous good-guy who wouldn't stab you in the back the moment your no longer useful to them?"

Seeing the rather capable looking and ever so slightly handsome man go over to one of the boxes, the magician made the seemingly correct assumption that this man was here for something specific.  "Well besides the mild, hmmm less intrusion and more courtesy call, I will leave to get up to whatever you are inclined to do here" Johnathan says as he looks in another box. Another on of the chemical containers, this one of a blue substance. "Oh yes it was good to know you keep your eyes sharp and with that I will bid you a fond farewell" he says in a polite manner as he jumps through up to the skylight, eventually landing outside again. Making his way over to his bike and with a quick change of clothes, Johnathan left the scene back to his apartment with the oncoming soon greeting his return.

A few hours rest seemed to suffice, after all Johnathan had sleep most of last afternoon, crimes of a night-owl it appears.  As he gets dressed for the day ahead, Johnathan makes the necessary changes to his appearance with: glasses, the use of his natural hair and eyes rather then the black wig and brown contacts and an overall less boastful posture. Going over the wonderful spoils of last night, he places them in a small airtight safe in the hidden storage area. A quick call to on of his brokers and the morning life of a master criminal was done Deciding that breakfast eaten out today would suffice  as just reward, he journeys out into the city, hoping to find a cafe or bar that would suit his tastes. @Yid (Open for Interaction) 
Jake stopped in his path. He kept his expression calm and his posture relaxed. He turned around "What would I do about it? I would save your sorry ass from being arrested. And I didnt beg you to come here? Where the hell does that come from. I offered you to stay here to lie low. I didnt beg you. If you call that begging then you are nothing but a ignorant disrespectful person. I let you into my house not doubting your intenions. I helped you take down a person who was going to do lots of harm to the city. I figured you may need to lay low. Now i dont know where this attitude is coming from but I'm damn well sure I dont deserve it. And no im not that naive! I sont have blind faith in humanity! But when i see someone who is so obviously hurt and troubled by something then I want to help. And so I did. I trusted you because I felt I could and I know I can handle myself. I thought you were more i telligent than this. Why cant you accept that something nice happened to you and be grateful for it? If you want to kill me and truly have evil intentions then DO IT NOW!" He remained calm through the entire thing. Except the end. He lifted his arms up as he screamed emotionally. It was a mix of anger annoyance and sadness as he gritted his teeth "Well come on kill me then!" 

 @Crystal Cali ((Damn Akira turned into a jerk real fast
Akira snorts, and rolls her eyes, not taking another step towards Jake. "Just because I said my intentions may not be good, doesn't mean I meant that I intend to kill you. You only see things in black and white, don't you? Good and evil. Death and life. Did it ever occur to you that maybe I only agreed to live here because I need the money? Chasing a maniac across the country isn't cheap, you know, and it doesn't give me much time to earn money, either. I'm a freelance programmer, which can earn me a decent living, but if I don't have jobs coming in, because all the time I would spend networking is spent searching for Searan, I don't get money."


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