Main RP [RP happens here]

He chuckled "Yeah I know. Thats why ioffered you to stay here. You needed money a place to stay and a place to hide. So i let you stay here. Im not stupid." He said as he figured she wasnt that stupid to think he didnt know that. "But your atittude towards me suddenly changing. Theres no explanation for that." He stepped closer and looked at her "I'm not stupid. I dont see everything as black and white. If i seen things that way I wouldnt have became a Surgeon." He was now about a foot away from her. Looking down at her "Now answer me this. Why are you so angry at me? What did I do?" He asked as he had legitamately done nothing but offer to help her and she was being a absolute jerk about it

@Crystal Cali ((Im so confused everything was fine and now your chsracter hates him
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Akira frowns, still very frustrated by the situation. "You're sticking your nose into a situation where you have no business. You helped when I asked you to help capture Searan, and I am grateful, but now you're trying to do too much. This isn't your fight, and I don't need help I don't ask for. I don't need, or want, you to hold my hand, and guide me through this. I want to sort out my thoughts and feelings on my own."

Jake shook his head "This situation involves me greatly. The casualties Searan has caused and the wounded and injured he has created are now taken into my care. I am a surgeon, I'm sure my colleagues are backed up with work due to this. So think before you assume it has nothing to do with me. Anytime someone is shot in this city. Anytime they are raped. Beaten. Assaulted. Or injured in any way it involves me since they end up in my care or my colleagues care at the end of the day and I HAVE TO SAVE LIVES." He put great emphasis on the ending to the statement before adding "Did you think of that? That maybe all the chaos confusing and death may affect a Surgeon? Maybe the wounded people might affect the lives of Surgeons?" He then sighed and turned away "Look I'm sorry, I was just trying to be useful. You know the key code to get in. I'll just head into work." He sighed as he walked away towards his room

@Crystal Cali
Akira felt a twinge of regret as Jake walked away, but she doesn't go after him. She heads into her own room, first stopping in the closet to find clothes to wear, then heading into the bathroom to clean up. Once she makes herself presentable, she grabs her keys and heads out to her van. She stops by a fast food place before going to the police station. She parks down the street, since the place was still such a mess, and eats in her van, using the quiet moment to calm herself. It was a while before she got out, and made her way over to the police station.


Police Station


As Akira went to the Police Station, she would be met by one of the policemen. "Hello citizen. Are you here to visit one of the prisoners or do you have anything that the police should be notified of?" It was pretty busy at the Police Station, especially due to how huge the main station was, and people were just moving and talking. 

@Crystal Cali [Hue don't worry I got ya. Yapax is in class plus I do have Police stuff as well.]
Jake had already been dressed and left by the time Akira had got to her van. He headed into the city towards the hospital in which he worked at. He drove at a reasonable pace. His lab coat over his scrubs as he pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. Parking in his usual spot which was at the end of the first row he got out locking his car as he headed inside. He walked in checking in at the main desk before heading to his office. The hospital was a mess. Injured people from all sorts of things, some burned in home fires, some injured in the anarchy of last nights events, and some had been raped or assaulted in the streets. As he entered his office he sat in his chair and looked at the clipboard on his desk, he sighed and walked out with clipboard and pen in hand and headed to his first patients room. He sanitized his hands before entering the room and he smiled as he entered  "Hello! I'm Dr. Sutherland, It says here that you were injured in a 3 car pile up? Show me where it hurts."

((Open for interaction xD))
Akira looks to the officer, and forces herself to smile.... or at least look like she was content with the situation. "My name is Akira Chino, and I have information on Searan Kim," she says in a matter-of-fact tone.


Police Station


"Oh is that so?" The officer says not really giving much of a response and would pick up a phone which was on the desk. "Hello Mr. Westmore? Yes we have here a... Akira Chino who says she has information on Searan Kim. Yes, S3RP3NT. Oh? Alright I'll let her know. Yes." As the phone was hung up, the officer would look to Akira with a very monotone face.

"Head down the hall and enter the room on the left. The Chief of Police will be expecting you shortly after." It seems that with how busy people were, even the mention of S3RP3NT didn't really have much on them. In fact they were far more busy with their current cases to even think about what had occurred last night. It was a very busy time for the Police at Maple Pines.

@Crystal Cali

Police Station


As Akira was waiting, she would be met by Frank Westmore, Chief of Police for Maple Pines. He had a reputation as an honest-to-goodness cop who wants nothing more than to help the city and serve. The man has quite the stature and certainly had presence, but it wasn't something that people would be afraid of. Those who are quite timid would most likely be intimidated but there was nothing to worry about. As he took a seat, the Chief himself would ask for a tea set. With the tea set arrived onto the table, he would pour himself a glass and looked to Akira.

"Would you like some? It's oolong tea," he says with a straight smile. 

@Crystal Cali
Akira sat up straight and smiled back. She wasn't the timid type, so she looked the police chief straight in the eye as she said "That sounds lovely, thank you."


Police Station


Frank would pour some tea into an empty cup and gently hand it over in front of Akira. "Here you are," he says with a hint of hospitality. The steam from the teapot and the teacups would fill the room with the aroma of oolong. After a small sip of tea, Frank would set it back down and looked Akira straight in the eye.

"Well before we have this discussion I feel it's best to introduce myself. I'm sure the officer told you the Chief of Police would met with you. My name is Frank Westmore, Chief of Police at Maple Pines. It is good to meet you Akira Chino. Now then... I understand it that you have information on Searan Kim."

@Crystal Cali
Akira takes the tea with a quiet, "Thank you," and takes a drink as he was talking. "Yes. I've known Searan for several years, and have been following him in an attempt to stop his revolutions for some time now. Some officers who were there when he was arrested may be able to recognize that it was my voice talking him into surrendering. I'm no professional in psychology, but I believe he may have developed a mental disorder, based on his behavior when I met him, and his behavior now, and his rage was motivated by the loss of his little sister who was killed in what appeared to be a car accident, but was uh... well, we have reason to believe there was foul play involved in that."

In the waiting room of hospital sat a elder man who's breath had the tang of smoke, specially smoke from a pipe and whose hair denoted that of several years of age. The cracked wrinkles on his face didn't help matters either, and his black eyes seemed to read right through you the moment you enter the room. Know as The Broker, the name he keeps close to him is  Edward Smithwood, yet that name is clear to see on his hospital check board which also detail what the man suffers from. Apparently a very painful chronic chest pain, which most would suspect came from his age and habits. Still the old man's mind seemed to race, despite what he suffers from.  He could already detail every inch  of this room, and of his security guarding him, after all he was an investment banker. Still he waited for his doctor with a book of old poems in hand. @ThatOneLunatic  (Guess who's back)
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Police Station


"Is that so?" Frank wasn't sure of what this accident was, but a search could easily provide him with it. But he would stay off tangent.

"So his revolutions were caused by... a stirring of hatred for what he believes was caused by a state government?" He would be firm but wouldn't push the issue if Akira wouldn't want to. Plus she does have the right to remain silent.

@Crystal Cali
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Akira nods. "Essentially. We had evidence that supported our theory on how and why Heejung died, but we could never prove it in court, because we technically did not gather our evidence... legally." Akira takes another sip of her tea, trying to think of how to word what she was thinking without making herself sound bad... but that didn't work, so she just came right out and said it. "We had reason to believe that the witness who testified that Heejung's car was not tampered with was paid off, so Searan, myself, and Heejung's boyfriend who was an automotive engineering major inspected the car ourselves, and found that the testimony was a lie. Our testimony was thrown out because we had broken into private property, and all three of us were charged with breaking and entering."


Police Station


"While we're on the subject," Frank says as he nods at what Akira has said. He takes another sip of tea and sets it down.

"Our police reports concerning the police assault on his hideout said that he had gotten in whoever killed Heejung. Who was responsible for her death? I can't imagine someone from the government after a student."

@Crystal Cali
Akira bites her lip. "Heejung was interning with a bank, helping them rewrite software for their online banking systems. A key feature of this system was that it flagged accounts receiving suspicious amounts of money through suspicious means. The software flagged an account belonging to a charity organization owned by a local government official. Heejung reported it, and an investigation took place; however, the investigation turned up no results, and the case was not even tried in court. They ruled it out as a bug in the program. Heejung persisted on the issue, because she knew there was no bug in her program, but before she could bring the problem to the attention of the public, she died."


Police Station


"I understand. It's unfortunate to see these happens but... life is a yin and a yang." After another sip of tea he would then look at Akira and took a deep breath.

"Now concerning the trial... it won't be easy getting him an easier sentence. In fact those who have "victimized" will surely do whatever it takes to give him not just a harsh sentence, but maybe even silenced. Also no lawyer would take up his case and so I'm afraid that he would be issued someone fresh out of the bar. We are also going to notify any family members he may have. Though we aren't sure if they will attend." 

@Crystal Cali
Akira shakes her head. "Searan's family lives in Korea, and they had a bit of a falling out at Heejung's funeral. I doubt they would pay the price of the plane ticket and hotel to come. I'll likely be the only one in that courtroom who ever knew Searan personally," she speaks with a sad tone, sighs, then finished drinking her tea. "Do you have any other questions for me?"


Police Station


Frank could see the sadness within her tone. Seems that she was truly close to Searan Kim and while he didn't have any questions left, he felt that it would be appropriate if he did one thing for her.

"Would you like to see Searan Kim? I can take you to see him." He felt that perhaps one last talk would help with Akira and Searan. From what he gathered, he had a feeling that leaving things like this wouldn't be good. For some reason he felt that maybe a talk would help.

@Crystal Cali

Alison Eckener Pandora Roth

"Tsk. So now she shows up. If anything, Akira was slow to read the situation." Alison and Pandora were leaning against the wall across from the office of Frank Westmore, talking about their usual things.

"I'm glad she was able to at least read the situation. Most would run away."

"Still, a loaf of bread would've cooperated much better."

"You're not hungry, are you, captain?"

"Yes, I'm hungry..." Alison jammed her hands into her pockets and sighed, when a pale hand held a cookie up to her mouth. "Eat."

"Where did you get that?"


"You didn't take it from-"

Theta's voice rang out from the other room, muffled by a door. "I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD, WHOEVER TOOK MY RED BULL COFFEE COOKIE BETTER GIVE IT BACK OR MAKE ME A NEW ONE!"

Pandora gulped when she heard that Theta actually said the name of the cookie. Alison's hand landed on her head, making her wince slightly and actually whimper in mild fear. The police captain turned the younger woman by the head to face her.

"Red bull coffee?"

"I just wanted to see you lift a small car off the sidewalk!"

"Hold up, some idiot parked on the sidewalk?"

"Yes...ow...please let go of me, captain..."

Alison did just that, giving a few seconds for Pandora to recover. "I guess I'll go remove that, after I see Akira out the door."

@YoungX @Crystal Cali

Veena Sanchez | Esther Khan

Veena rubbed her head. "It's not your fault-" Esther grabbed Veena and Hanah by the arm, pulling them both to their feet at the same time. "Damnit, the sun is rising. Estelle..." As Esther said this, her expression softened. It didn't tone down from angry woman to waitress, it toned down all the way to concerned sister. She let go of Veena and Hanah and stormed towards her apartment. "Hanah, don't try to run. She has a taser in her hand." Veena pointed to what looked like nothing, but she herself could make out the slightly discolored cap of the taser, owing to her tetrachromatic vision. 

@Hanah Solo
Akira hesitated to answer, then became mildly distracted by the loud conversation about a red bull coffee cookie and a car parked on the sidewalk. She raised an eyebrow, half-grinning. "Are things always this interesting around here?" she asks in a friendly tone. After a moment, she takes a deep breath, then nods. "Yes, I would like to see Searan."

@YoungX @JPax


Unaware of anything going on, Searan had been given breakfast through the door, as he expected. Of course, they weren't going to let him try to talk prisoners into starting a revolution against the police force. That would gain momentum faster than the first revolution. He sat on his bed, nibbling a piece of dry toast and staring at the wall.
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Police Station


"Yes it's... certainly interesting," Frank says as he scratches his head. "Sometimes I wonder about them... They mean well but... anyways in any case I'll take you to see him. Please follow me," he said as he would get out the door and lead Akira to Searan's prison cell.

@Crystal Cali @JPax
Jake continued with his daily tasks at the hospital. After finishing dealing with the patient who was injured in the car crash he left the room. He had prescribed pain medicine for him until the date of the surgery on the mans back. He was not critical but if he ever wanted to walk normally again he was going to need surgery. However it could wait and the patient chose to push it off until next week. Jake decided that the day had grown rather boring and he looked down at his list, he had one more patient to deal with, by the looks on his charts he was 40 years of chest pain. He sanitized his hands before entering the waiting room. He walked in and looked around "Edward Smithwood?" He would say as he looked up from his chart 

((fixed @SirGrey))
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