Main RP [RP happens here]

Akira nods, and stands up, setting the tea cup down on the desk before following. She doesn't say anything as she follows, just watching the back of Frank's head.

Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth

The minute the two walked out, the terrible scene of Alison shoving the cookie into Pandora's mouth was definitely a sight to behold. "Eat it, brat. Then you, too, can lift cars." Pandora mumbled something, trying to signal that the chief walked by. Alison noticed, but didn't really mind it. "Oh, right, car. Eat the cookie." Pandora and Alison both saluted Chief Westmore, as well as Akira.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX

Alison and Pandora walked out, with Pandora munching delightedly on the cookie. "Mmm." The two walked outside to the illegally parked car. The car was parked horribly, a few inches in the sidewalk. "Alison, I'll just stay here..." Pandora took a large step back and covered her ears.

Alison cracked her knuckles and walked up to the car. "Let's see...improper parking and being a complete and utter brat." She wrote down a ticket, slapped it on the windshield, and looked down at the car. Alison crouched down to the level of the bumper and dug her hands underneath the vehicle. "Radiator's still hot..." She showed no signs of pain, however, and proceeded to slowly rise, taking the car up with her. Alison raised the vehicle nearly two feet off the ground and made a few heavy steps to get it onto the street. Without warning, she dropped the car in a near-perfect parallel park position to the sidewalk with a loud crash. "Work's done."
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Police Station


Frank would nod at the officers as he led Akira to Searan's cell. "He's right over there. I'll be here once your done." He would simply stand there and let Akira do her thing.

@Crystal Cali @JPax
Akira stepped into the cell, and Searan shifted his gaze towards the door without moving the rest of his body. He snorted.

"Figured you'd come," he says in a dull tone.

"Searan," Akira took another step forward. Searan shifted his body to he could look at her more clearly, then tilted his head.

"No neko?" he asked, sounding offended. Akira looked down at the clothes she was wearing, a pair of blue jeans, and a black button-up blouse. Not her usual cat-eared hoodie. Akira looks back up at Searan and frowns.

"I didn't come to cheer you up," she says grumpily.

"Of course. Why would you? You've spent all these years trying to put me in here. So, what? Come to tell me how wrong I was?"


"Then what?" Searan looked at Akira with a searching gaze. Akira crossed her arms and leaned up against the wall.

"I came to tell the police what I know. I can't promise it will do you any good," she answered. He looked at her, puzzled, though before he could ask, Akira opened her mouth. "And then I came here to tie up loose ends. I told you what I was thinking through the computer last night. This revolution you've been trying to start wouldn't have made Heejung happy. She was kind and forgiving, and she wouldn't have wanted you to live in anger."

"It's too late now."

"No. It's not. You're still alive, aren't you? As long as you're alive, you have the chance to start over, and seek forgiveness. That won't get you out of here, but it will make the rest of your life-"

"And how long will that be?!?" Searan raised his voice, glaring at Akira as his eyes began to water. "What's the point of starting over when I have no time left?"

"To die peacefully."

"I-" Searan paused for a very long time. "I suppose that' all I have left, huh?" he said finally, with a defeated tone.

"I'm sorry."

Searan sighs, and looks down to the floor. It's quiet for another long moment before Akira turns back towards the open door.

"Kitten?" Searan calls in a quiet voice, causing Akira to stop in her tracks. She doesn't say anything, so he continues. "You... still have all the old pictures, right?"

Akira sighs with a small smile. "I'll see if I can get them to you," she says, then takes another step towards the door.

"Salanghae," Searan says as she reaches the door frame. Akira looks back with a sorrowful expression on her face, repeats the word Searan said to her, then looks to Frank and nods. "I'm done here. Thanks."


Police Station


Frank nodded. "It's unfortunate that things won't go well. There used to be a time when Maple Pines was... never mind. Let's go shall we?" He would lead Akira near the front entrance and took a deep breath.

"Thank you for cooperating with us. You had been visited by Officer Eckener last night no? Well originally she would try to not get you convicted but it seems the higher ups would let you go scot free. I suppose it was due to how you were helping. In any case, you may be called to be a witness you know. Take care of yourself." That was the last thing said before Frank went back to his office.

@Crystal Cali [When the trial comes, I'll let you handle it if you want. It is your character after all.]

Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth Erik Młynarz

Somewhere along the door, Alison met up with Erik. "Where have you been?" Erik froze up and shifted his eyes down to his captain. How embarrassing. He shook his head.

"Lemme guess, you went to your grandma's house. You smell like it, too." Pandora chuckled and slapped him on the arm before walking into the building. Alison sighed in annoyance. "Granny Młynarz...don't remind me about that mission." She followed Pandora in. Erik contained himself and continued walking, slightly in silence.

When they made it to the prison cells, Alison walked towards the front entrance. "We're here to escort you out." It was a little odd that the elite operations squad, known as possibly the best combatants in the entire MPPD, was doing such typical tasks such as escort a visitor out of the office. As soon as Alison began to talk, Pandora and Erik assumed a position behind Akira, while Alison took the front. "If you have any questions, you can go ahead and ask us. I'm sorry we came off as cold earlier, but nobody should stay in the dark." 

@Crystal Cali

Akira was totally quiet for much of the walk, simply nodding in greeting when the other three came to escort her. It was a moment before she responded to their statements. "I was more confused than anything, and when Jake told me to leave, I assumed he must have sensed something I didn't from the other room," she said. "I'm sorry for dragging things out. I did want to pass along what I know of Searan, anyway, since it would help you guys."


Alison Eckener | Pandora Roth | Erik Młynarz

"It's not helping us, the MPPD. It's helping the law. We aren't the law, we're simply an operations squad in the Maple Pines Police Department. We do nothing but protect it." Alison earned a nod from her two squad mates as she said this.

"Captain, did you say she's found Searan through tech alone?" Pandora asked as they reached the main lobby. "Yes, that is something impressive." Alison quickly stopped walking. "Right, tech. I've been meaning to ask. I don't think Theta's very happy about all the traffic, yet he's actually impressed you found Searan before he did. Few can impress him, anyways. Should I call him out here, or do you desperately have to go?"

@Crystal Cali
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Akira smiles and lets out a small chuckle. "Well, I have been chasing Searan for two years now. Also, I taught him much of what I knows about computer programming, and hacking, so I know his style. You could say I had an advantage from the start."



Chi waked at her bed after long night. After she had get to cottage, she had hided her katanas and rifle to bike so they would be whit her when she drive. Suit needed to stay in cottage when she didn't need it, as there wouldn't be places to put it on elsewhere. 

Chi started her day with stretching and morning round, before breakfast and then shadowboxing and meditation.

After meditation she sended email with Shadowkiller's email address to L0V3BUG: So do we have deal? I need get back work soon again. 

@Crystal Cali

Esther Khan Veena Sanchez

"Nope." Esther took a few lazy steps, but they covered much more ground than anyone would think. Without warning, she cocked her hand back and delivered an open-palm strike to Veena's forehead, knocking her out almost instantly with that much force. Esther wouldn't bother using that much force on Hanah, especially since it had a chance to break her head. "So, you want to run?" Esther lifted Veena's limp body over her shoulders and began to walk towards the apartment.

@Hanah Solo

Hanah looked stunned to Esther. She had believed that they would have had time to get ready, but it seems she has been wrong. Hanah then followed Esther, silently crying.

Still reading through his book, the mastermind heard foot steps. They belonged to a tall man,  a man who keeps himslef in good physical condition, with said physical often being put to some sort of test. As said man enters the room, a quick glance from the book confirms his suspicions. "Dr. Sutherland" Edward says in a his standard upper class tone, though this time it carry a sort of acknowledgement. Said doctor was a young man, most likely in his mid twenties, with brown hair cut on a regular basis and green eyes. Green eyes that seemed of like they didn't belong but in more material terms they look completely ordinary. He had been taking of many patients today, mostly to due with the riot, with the slight patch of fresh blood on his shirt sleeve. The constant washing of his hands also gave away how many people he had seen. "Yes I assume you know whats wrong, though I must confess I am surprised you want to see me after all plenty of people still hear after the riot , surely they must be people in greater need of your aid". @ThatOneLunatic
(jeez i missed everything XD what am i gonna do now halp)
Akira felt her phone vibrate, and she pulls it out of her pocket to see the e-mail. She looks to the officers escorting her out, and smiles. "It was nice to meet you all. Thanks for showing me out," then heads out the door in front of her. She doesn't open the e-mail until she gets to her van. She reads quickly, then looks to the back. She still had a bunch of different kinds of weapons she had built to have some backstock, so the turns to her phone and replies to the e-mail. 

Meet me here. It says, with coordinates to an alley beside a bar where she knows there are no security cameras. Akira sets off to drive to the spot, taking a long and winding path to avoid any other security cameras, parks in the shadows, and puts a hoodie and her flashy butterfly-shaped mask on as she hops into the back of the van.

@Hanah Solo
Jake smiled as the man replied he looked to the man and he observed him for but a moment. Holding his hand out he said "A pleasure to meet you Sir."  He said in a friendly tone before he took a peak down at his chart "Chest pains correct?" He asked as he continued the visual examination of the man who sat before him 



Chi puts her suit on, takes bundle of money and drives to meeting point, not caring about voice modifier as she believes that she hasn't meet L0V3BUG before as Chi.

"You have guns and 14.5x114 bullets?"

Shadowkiller takes her helmet off, but keeping her mask on.

@Crystal Cali
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Akira was sitting with the sliding door open, and one leg hanging out. She looks up at Shadowkiller, as the other woman speaks, and hesitates. She knew that voice, though she supposed she should have known. Akira rarely bothered with voice changers at meet ups, so she didn't have one on. "Of course I do," she says in a clear voice, pulling a case closer to her, and opening it. Inside were three different guns. "Most of these have been modified so that the reload rate is faster, and they are also significantly quieter, even without adding a silencer." Akira says nothing about noticing Chi's voice behind Shadowkiller's mask, just in case that would make her uncomfortable. Shadowkiller was her client after all.

@Hanah Solo
Sitting up in the feathery hospital bed the mastermind smiles saying "I can see why you seem to have cultivated such a positive reputation around the hospital" while giving the doctor a firm hand shake. The handshake seemed to confirm that Dr Sutherland was indeed a man of strength. As the doctor began the physical examination Edward says "Oh you won't go finding anything on me, after all the chest pains well they aren't there"  with a smile of seeming sweetness yet with hint of sadistic pleasure. "Still we both know what it is like to lie, ha, still I do find it very curious tat you use such an obvious name  I mean it confuse you when anyone says here is The Doctor"  Edward says in a malevolent tone with particular emphasis on the final two words.  @ThatOneLunatic
Jake looked to him curiously "The Doctor? What arenyou talking about?" He asked as he looked down at the chart "Why did you lost you have chest pains if you dont actually have them?" 

Standing up from his bed, the mastermind grabs his waist coat and starts getting ready to leave. Looking over to the doctor he says "Oh trust me faking an injury is never too difficult, after the amount I've... instigated it isn't hard, just the right kind of mixture and well" Edward says with a sadistic grin. "Now Doctor don't play stupid unless you want to be responsible for the death of a patient, you see one of my many, morally questionable employees is by one of your elderly patients and if I don't check every ten minutes in well she won't be elderly for much longer, so I would suggest you keep this civil"  Edward says as he places on his coat. "Now I know who you are Doctor, does that get you attention". @ThatOneLunatic  
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Esther Khan | Veena Sanchez | Estelle Yin

"Someone needs to break you and build you up again. You're like a pathetic little broken record." Esther opened the door to her apartment and threw Veena on the floor with a painful thud. Veena gasped as she felt the impact knock the wind out of her, then fell unconscious again. Then, Esther went to the couch and sat down next to a fourteen year old girl, who was shifting around in mild discomfort. "Hnn...Estherr...." 

As Estelle struggled against something, Esther swiftly pulled out a syringe. "Open your eyes." After a bit of reluctance, Estelle opened her eyes. They were faintly glowing, and it looked like she had a fever. "I-It' hurts...Estherrr..." 

Esther injected the syringe into Estelle's arm and let the medicine flow in. The girl shuddered once before falling into Esther's arms, going back to a deep sleep. "Sleep tight. Oh, by the way, you two help yourselves to food in the fridge. Eat anything and everything, I brought you both here for a reason."

@Hanah Solo

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