Main RP [RP happens here]

Esther Khan | Estelle Yin

Estelle began to cry as Hanah yelled louder. This pissed Esther off to the max. She flipped Hanah to the ground and knelt over her with a knee on the smaller girl's stomach, and a knife to Hanah's throat. "What part of being unconscious do you not understand? Is it okay if I cut off your vocal chords?" A smile spread across Esther's face as her gaze shifted to Hanah's throat.

@Hanah Solo (I won't do that unless you give permission but Esther has no mercy, it's in her to do it)
Kai Williams

I blinked and told him, "Like I said, he's using a proxy number, like, he's using a number of a person which isn't his device, to call us. The name here is Jack Siuden. A 14-year old student, excels in Math, English, and Science. He lives in Hawaii and he likes pizza."

"I know. But you can dig up his name. Search for the Name Edward Smithwood. I dont care about the number anymore." He said looking at him "I know that you cant find it through the number but you could at least do research on the name Edward Smithwood."

The mastermind rests back in his chair as looked over two possible pawns in this game. Akira Chino was the less of an obvious choice yet she had been contacted by the dear Doctor. She was a freelance programmer and a very ordinary one it seemed, even to the point that Edward thought something must be up. All he found beside her name there was the van she used as a home, as well as her university degree. The name  L0V3BUG which seems to have something to with Miss Chino. LOV3BUG is the name of a manufacturer of weapons for vigilantes. Something to look into later. The other one was Kai Willaims, a hacker who is also good at hiding. Edward was ablet to get a bit more on Mr Willaims. Seemed he has a dislike of the police through a past incident, a past incident that turned even Edwards blood cold, well colder. He seems to act as a student, as well as having a strong liking for takoyaki. "Always good to have a few pawns on the board to sacrifice if need be". @CrossedInLyke @ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
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Esther Khan | Estelle Yin

"I just cleaned that, you insensitive brat." Esther yanked Hanah by the arm and pulled her to her feet. Estelle curled up back on the couch, as if expecting a head to explode or something. "E-Esther...not in front of me, please. I'm scared." 

Esther looked to her potential sister, then back at Hanah. "Alright. You'll do whatever I say, right? I won't ask for anything sexual since I'm in no way attracted to the likes of you, but, you know...I need some things stolen and brought back. You'll be paid a generous amount of five thousand dollars, each, should you succeed, and be given a place to live. Deal, or no deal? It's only if you succeed. Oh, and if you say no deal, I'll take out your vocal chords. Can't have you running that crybaby mouth of yours to everyone that you've been pushed around." Esther lowered the knife and tossed it on the table, embedding it on the side of the other marks. 

@Hanah Solo
(im gonna stop putting my character name now on every post lol)

Kai nodded and opened up his browser. He instantly found a short list of known info about Smithwood. "There! I found something! It says here, 'A man by the name of Edward Smithwood controls one of the most notorious crime organizations in the city. He's in his 40s, but he has every gadget a wanted criminal need, from handheld EMP devices to wristwatches with shock guns. He has exemplifying intelligence that his IQ is just 20 below from Einstein's IQ level. Rumour has it that every criminal that got caught and escaped for only one day was his mercenary. If you find him, report to the nearest police station.' That's all." Kai said to Jake.

Jake nodded listening to the information as he read it iff to him. This man was obviously powerful in the criminal world and would cause a lot of trouble for him. Jake sighed "Guess I need to go to the police..." he said sadly "Uhhhg"

"Uh, I think the police won't be any help. This guy is smart and powerful, and only a powerful gang of anti-criminals can defeat him." He told Jake. Kai interacting with the kind of people who killed his parents won't be good.

Jake sighed "Yeah I guess you're right." He didnt know what to do He only had Akira and Kai and neither if them were goid combatants. They were more useful when it came to technology 

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Esther Khan | Veena Sanchez | Estelle Yin

Esther was about to do something when Veena ended up in front of Esther with Estelle in a choke hold and a knife at her neck. "What's new pussycat?! I ended up on top again. You let Hanah go...or she gets a slow and painful death, endless torture...until her body gives up..." This actually surprised Esther quite a bit, and even pained her. Estelle shook in fear and began to wail as the knife scraped the surface of her skin. "Hhhh...Esthr..." 

Esther got to her feet, eyes closed. When they opened, there was a bright red bar horizontally glowing through her purple irises. Her muscles twitched rather violently, as if every movement was triggered by an electric pulse. "You don't have it in you to do that..." 

@Hanah Solo
"But, we can sabotage him, if you want. We don't have a good offensive strategy to take him down but, we can at least get some information. We have an advantage in tech stuff. We can disable the alarms, disable the cameras, etc." He said to Jake quietly.

The mastermind sat back comfortably in his chair with his posture revealing an almost luxurious euphoria. With operations such as this, Edward often found it impossible to keep from giggling like a child on Christmas morning. The pawns were in their place, with the king ready for the taking and with knights and bishops ready to strike everything was set. The game could finally commence. Edward had been on the phone to a number of his morally questionable contacts.  They were informed to place objects on the heating systems of a number of key locations around the city. They had all been given the uniform of an engineer, obviously to get closer to said heating systems. These key locations include the hospital which Dr Sutherland works at. The objects the agents were told to place are little black boxes, dark like the end and small like the time we have left. An adapt outer exterior for the damage that lies within and is soon to be released upon the unsuspecting populace. "What a glorious game this shall be," Edward says in an almost prayer like tone inflexion in his voice. @ThatOneLunatic @CrossedInLyke @Crystal Cali
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Esther Khan | Veena Sanchez | Estelle Yin

Esther glared at Veena as she watched Estelle scream in pain. Time seemed to slow down in her eyes, and the pounding of blood in her head began to override the shouting. All Esther could hear was Estelle. Her sister...her life...Esther's life, about to be lost at the hands of... "the dirty bitch..." 

Veena's eyes widened in fear as Esther sprinted forwards at breakneck speeds. Estelle ducked the best she could as Esther punched Veena in the face, knocking her down. Estelle took cover behind the couch, coughing and crying while trying not to vomit.

"You get a slow painful death..."

Veena screamed in vain as Esther dragged the knife across her stomach, down as many pain receptors as possible...


Blood trickled from Veena's mouth as the knife wounds got deeper and deeper. Her screaming was now muffled by a mix of saliva and blood ands Esther's glare intensified...

"Until your body gives up..."

Veena struggled until she couldn't take it. Her body ceased to fight and she turned her head, eyes widened. She lay in a pool of red. Esther's tears fell on Veena's face as began to laugh a hollow, empty laugh.

@Hanah Solo
Hanah runned to Veena's body and hugged her head.


Hanah's mind started to break down, she had only yesterday find new love, after her mother's dead and now she had taken away for her like her mother was before.


(Well that was most successful way break Hanah)

Esther Khan | Estelle Yin

Esther took the bottom of Hanah's chin in her own hand. She tilted Hanah's head to face her own eyes, which were now a deeper shade of purple, with the red bar through the middle. "Cheer up, if you can. It was quite easy to break you, but it'll take more to make you, at least with what I'm working with. Come to my basement..." She knew exactly that it was the same basement which she tortured Hanah in, but now it was to take what was broken, and remake it into something wonderful.

@Hanah Solo
Hanah didn't seem to listen, only cried. Esther needed to drag her down to basement. When going down she didn't do anything to resist or showed any pain.

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Esther Khan

Esther didn't drag Hanah, she just carried her down quite easily. She tossed Hanah against the wall. To the left and the right, there were multiple human corpses with distended body parts; bulging eyes, enlarged arms, even two humans tied together by the intestines, lay all around Hanah. "You're frankly, quite useless. You respond to pain like a rabbit on cocaine, and trust me, I've seen that before in my life time." She turned back to Hanah. The only light in the basement now was the dim glow of the red bars in Esther's eyes. There was a syringe in Esther's hand, one filled with white liquid. "I don't even know why I'm keeping you. Maybe you can be like the rest of them-" 

A muffled scream was heard from the other side of the dark basement, and Esther flung a knife into the distance. The slicing of flesh was heard and the screaming died down. "Though I have seen something quite impressive. You can probably bend in ways nobody ever conceived, just the way you bowed down to your deceased mistress without thought. Should we try this?"

@Hanah Solo

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